Approval Rate: 81%
Reviews 22
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Jan 04 2010Every night before bed I brush my teeth and gargle with mouthwash, then slip into something comfortable yet sexy. She says she finds my optimism amusing.
by nirose
Tue May 26 2009Its always nice to be with optimistic people.
by erinlove
Fri Jan 09 2009It is important if you are taking on a new task to have a partner that doesn't discourage you. But pessimists can be funny. I think I'd prefer a realist. Both optimists and pessimists are wrong half the time.
by abichara
Tue Dec 02 2008Who would want to be with someone who's constantly down on themselves and the world? There's nothing more attractive in a woman who's confident about herself and knows what she wants.
by crisscross900
Wed Oct 08 2008When I think about the world, I like to think that it will get better in the end. I don't want someone who is going to tell me otherwhys.
by aleashac
Wed Sep 17 2008He has to be optimistic.
by cnvaldez
Wed Sep 10 2008Must be Positive, I have problems with negative people.
by ibmadathim
Sat Jul 19 2008To be able to believe that everything will turn out for the best is very important. Who wants the opposite all the time. I have a store here: Http://www.plunderhere.com/auction/cgi-bin/shop/Sumthing4u
by uncnc08
Mon Jun 09 2008Well as long as they are not in denial about things being an optimist is great.certainly better than being a debbie the downer type personality.
by mu6cl1
Sun Jun 08 2008Studies show you live longer if you are optimistic so I guess it's pretty important
by numbah16tdhaha
Thu Aug 16 2007Eh, I'm a positive pessimist myself. Said the wise sergeant to numbah: If you expect everything to be f***ed up you can only be pleasently suprised when its not...
by ilovescy102605
Mon May 01 2006It helps.
by kingguiness
Thu Jan 19 2006Negativity brings me down. I would love a happy positive woman who would tell me to shut up when I start whining.
by cindyo
Wed Dec 15 2004Nothing brightens my day more when I've been struggling with something and someone that I care about makes it feel all better because he's optimistic even if I'm not.
by getback
Thu May 08 2003always look for the good ,the bad a miserable is too easty to find in matters
by redoedo
Thu May 01 2003If there is balance, then yes, I can see how this would be important. You don't want somebody who is so optimistic that it becomes annoying, but you also don't want someone who is entirely negative about every little thing. I want someone who is on the optimistic side, who considers the glass to be half full and not half empty...
by snoopy
Tue Dec 11 2001I can't stnad being with someone who is so pessimistic all the time. They can be real downers.
by janey_lane
Mon Oct 15 2001This is not important to me. I'd rather have someone who can see all the downsides to a subject, to the world, even to themselves. I want someone who is a realist. And when they are realistic they're often pessimistic. An optimist would only bring me even more down.
by sunny184
Tue Oct 02 2001Optimistic people get ahead easier. The glass is half full all the time for me.
by thorne
Thu Aug 23 2001I have had my share of pessimistic girlfriends and let me tell you they can wear you out my friend. I have based my breaking up with someone souly on how much they complain and never ever look on the bright side of anything. Always looking for the flaws and little imperfections to complain about is so tidious and pointless and irritating. Someone who can look on the brightside is so much more pleasent to be around and especially keep a good relationship.
by pedrogouveia
Tue Jul 24 2001I agree that too optimistic can get annoying fast. It's all about balance. One must be realistic, and yet be confident about him/herself, and be confident in you and your endeavours as well.
by wiggum
Fri Jul 20 2001Pessimists are generally more entertaining than optimists. Although, given a choice, I guess I'd rather date someone optimistic. It's just that when someone is described as optimistic, I tend to think of them as Pollyanna-ish, always positive and bubbly, which gets annoying fast. At the same time, though, someone who is always negative and complaining is no treat, either. It's a toss-up.