Once and Again
Approval Rate: 84%
Reviews 0
by szar101
Sat Feb 21 2009Growing up my mother and I would watch this program. Most of the time I thought it was okay, but my mother loved it.
by acurleegirlee
Mon Jun 02 2008I absolutely loved this show! I thought it was one of the few shows on ABC that truly addressed real-life family issues. As a teenager, it was a show I could watch with my mom, and we both enjoyed it. We also could discuss the issues addressed together. The cast was full of really talented people, most either past stars (Sela Ward) or ones who have gone on to do much more (Shane West, Evan Rachel Wood). This show was definitely prematurely cancelled, but I guess not enough people tuned in. For anyone who never saw Once and Again, I highly recommend renting or buying the DVDs - if you like real-life, issue-filled, enjoyable tv dramas, you won't be disappointed.
by rukawa_07
Fri Oct 07 2005i love katie & jessie's love story. too bad they cancelled it......... :(
by titansgurl
Fri Sep 02 2005I loved it i loved the whole jessie/katie thing in season 3:(
by superhrogurl
Thu Jun 16 2005I thought this was a great show that really dealt with the whole divorce thing quite nicely. I like that everything was a grey area that even after divorce, you're still family. I think this was a great cast from flawed supermom Lily (Sela Ward) to troubled teenager Jessie (Evan Rachel Wood.)
by libbotomy
Tue Oct 26 2004Terrible show... maybe? I watched it once, and all I caught were the names. Rick, Lily - and Lily's name is really Elizabeth. That has meaning for me. It's what dreams are made of.
by kristenx81
Fri Aug 13 2004My college roommate was obsessed with this show and tried getting everyone on our floor to watch it, and criticized those of us who didn't like the show.. I don't know why people love this drivel so much. I found Once & Again boring, sappy, depressing, and melodramatic. I like watching shows that are a little more uplifting.
by mike_skinner
Wed May 26 2004Good show with good stories, but it could get extremely convoluted. It was worth watching, but could get depressing more than it should have.
by stephschiff
Thu May 22 2003I really miss this show - I think it dealt with what so many people are going through. Anyone can relate to this show in one way or another. It also gave different perspectives to problems that could finally help couples understand how the other half thinks.
by poohpoohl
Fri Jan 24 2003this is an ok show but it had shane west!!
by jakey333
Tue Jan 07 2003One of the best shows ABC ever had. They are really stupid for canceling it. and they have been paying for it because all there shows suck this season and there ratings are so low that pretty soon the WB will be doing better than them
by drdirt
Thu Jan 02 2003A Damn depressing show!
by lcarlborg
Tue Dec 10 2002Too confusing...
by theskylitup
Tue Dec 03 2002This is one of the best shows in recent years. The depth of the characters, always interesting storylines, and realism of their lives was unparalleled by any other. Too bad most people would rather watch Married with Children.
by missp233
Sun Nov 17 2002This show should never have been cancelled! Reality TV has nothing on this heartfull drama and brilliant cast.
by moonlightsonat_a
Sun Aug 25 2002An exquisite show that unfortunately had horrible ratings. Sela Ward and Billy Campbell were dazzling as Lily and Rick. The best performance of the talented ensemble of the kids was Julia Whelan, who played the angst-ridden Grace Manning. "O&A" was an addictive show with enthralling plotlines. I was saddened to hear of its demise. It was the ONLY reason why I watched ABC. At least now I don't even have any reasons to watch anything on ABC now.
by shudcf86
Fri Jun 14 2002Why would silly ABC cancel one of tv's best shows!!! No wonder ABC bombed this past season in the ratings!!! "Once & Again" was nominated for a bunch of TAMPA Awards!! Will it win!? I'll let u al know if they do!
by buzzc1a9
Fri May 24 2002Say it isn't so. Is my Ms. Sela Ward really gone? God! How am I suppose to go on now? Her looks, her hot sexy voice, her total essence. I first became "hooked" on her as Teddy from Sisters and haven't looked back since. Sela, do some more Sprint commercials soon, please...
by b1nphk66
Fri Apr 26 2002Shane West off of a T.v show (cries) I loved it. It was so great. And I'm sure everyone wants Shane back right everyone!!!!
by rainbow_brite
Sun Mar 24 2002congratulations to tptb at once and again for jessie's new storyline. it's exciting and important to see a teen lesbian relationship. the two actresses are doing a wonderful job with their characters. jessie and katie's new relationship is sweet and pure. i hope it will show a lot of teens out there that being gay is perfectly allright. what i would've given to have a show like this when i was younger....
by snoopy
Sat Dec 08 2001I watched it Once and I never want to see it Again. Too sappy and melodramatic for my taste. It belongs on the Lifetime network.
by callmetootie
Mon Nov 05 2001Well done, but terribly depressing and disturbing series that is hard to watch.
by island_girl
Wed Jul 11 2001Great characters with interesting stories. Love Billy and Sela!
by rolodo
Mon Jul 02 2001sela ward was once a cheerleader for a college in mississippi. this was obviously some time ago. i can't picture it. doesn't seem the type. very nice voice & as attractive as a mid-40-year old woman can be.
by larydion
Sun May 13 2001Interesting, but a little underrated show. Besides, Sela Ward it´s gorgeus.
by gymgurl03
Thu May 03 2001This show is awesome! I love it! It could have ended up so cheesy with the black and white clips and all that, but it ended up REALLY good! On the last episode, with the wedding and Jessie sang that song..that was sooo cute:) lol its a really great show
by juliefox63
Wed May 02 2001The most excellent, well written show on TV! Tonights season finale was both charming and heart warming. I could feel Rick's ex-wife's pain. Dont take this show off the air!!!!!!
by ksmihein
Wed May 02 2001This is the most realist show on television today!! I love it and I hope that the network is smart enough to keep it on! Wednesday nights really needed a great show like this!! PLEASE keep it in the line up for next season!
by joan_marie
Wed May 02 2001I an NOT a TV watcher but Once and Again has me completely captivated. I just sobbed my way through the May 2nd episode. It touches me to the very core - PLEASE don't cancel this show!!!! It's one of the few shows on TV that depicts life in its most realistic form. Each one of us can relate in our very own way to each and every character. PLEASE continue to bring to myself and many others entertainment at its very best.
by fortysomething
Fri Apr 27 2001This is my 'must see' weekly series. I love, Love, LOVE this show! The black-white reflectives add quality, depth, and reality to each character. That's what makes it so real for me. I even have my sister living in Brazil hooked on the show! She's several episodes behind, but looks forward to it like I do. I call it my '40-something' show because I was so hooked on the writers and characters from '30-something.' The actors/characters, issues, dialogue, and even music make it my #1 show. I especially appreciate the father-son struggle that is presented because I think its so realistic. Whoever the TV Gods are, they MUST not cancel this show!
by sparkleannshin_e
by valeria
Thu Apr 19 2001I would like to know which one of the script writers were spying on my husband and I about six years ago. I have been watching this show from the beginning and it is the best show on TV! The story lines are real to life and are very accurate on what couples go through. I watched Thirtysomething and My So Called Life and they both ended too soon. I hope this show stays!
by fancy1923
Thu Apr 19 2001Once and Again is the best Drama Since Thirty Something. Everytime a Wonderful Adult Drama makes a Hit , It seems to leave the Airways. I hear scuttlebuck this will happen to Once and Again. I surely hope I am not going to be disappointed "Once and Again.....Facny1923
by maria808
Fri Apr 06 2001This Wednesday, I was watching the show at home, everything was fine; but, then they showed the girl's locker room scene. Why on earth did they show that teenage girl in her bra and panties?!!! This really upset me! This was a girl's high school locker room; and, in my opinion child pornagraphy. I don't understand how someone on the show could say - yeah we need a girl who looks under 18 to be in lace underwear for the locker room scene; and, we'll make sure to focus in on her, too! What audience are you people trying to target now...pedophiles?!! I sure didn't need to see that. I think the country as a whole could have done w/ just seeing the girls in their gym uniforms!
by luv2garden
Tue Apr 03 2001Intellegent,thought provoking,honest.We Love it.
by kellytaybla
Tue Apr 03 2001Too much "beautiful-sadness" and nobody doing anything but following their "fate" which all seems to be showing how families can get together and act like a bunch of chickens jumping into a barrel, one after another. Yes, Sela Ward and Bill Campbell are cute, but HE just barely tolerates her and "her baggage"; SHE knows she's about to jump back into the same barrel she has barely gotten out of with her EX. CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK. No wonder she looks like someone on the verge of crying all of the time. And Sela's brother should never have been turned over to psychiatrists. Anyone considering going to one should realize that the drugs they will give you will create more problems for you than the ones they will make you think you already have. Psychiatry kills! Sela has that to be "beautifully sad" about too. This is not entertainment. Once & Again is showing the trap that so many are blindly in and what's ruining America!!!!! Watch "7th Heaven" if you are in need of cha... Read more
by jaclyn
Fri Mar 30 2001I recently got to watch a taping of once and again live. It was an excellent show. Especially that Billy Campbell! He is not only excellent but good looking too! This show should stay on the air for at least another 3 years, if we are lucky many more! I would definatly give this show 5 stars. If I could I would give it 100! I hope to see this show countinue to run on the air!
by jennifer_robertson
Thu Mar 29 2001Like many other's, this is my favorite T.V.show right now. When I started watching Once and Again over a year ago; I really started getting into the show. Now, into another season of the Once and Again; I can hardley wait for Wednesday nights...and Friday's reruns on Lifetime. Sela Ward has grown to be my personal favorite actress and I just appreciate the show so much. I am a 24 year old woman who has been in a relationship for over two and a half years with an older man. Who, himself has children from a previous marriage. Relationships are very challenging in many ways & for me having a show like this one, with the actors & actresses Once and Again has, is so uplifting to absorb my-self in as I watch it. Reading some of the other positive comments does help when only hoping for more seasons of this show to come. Everyone has their own opinion but, for the not so positive ones......come on people.....have any of you even experienced any of these episodes through your own life.... Read more
by pgm6050
Thu Mar 29 2001Once And Again is the "Best" show that ABC has on these days. It's true to life and most things on it can be related to real everyday things that happen to ordinary people. I watch it and usually cry and sometimes laugh at the down to earth situations that they are going through. I can't wait to see it each week. Sela Ward and Billy Campbell are great with their parts and they make you feel what they are feeling with every episode that shows on air. Keep up the good work and I hope this is one show that ABC keeps on for a long, long time. Every member of the cast is worth watching. If the ratings was 100- I would rate it that!
by dluvc210
Wed Mar 21 2001I LOVE Once and Again! Stela Ward and cast are absolutely WONDERFUL! Reality TV is an awesome idea. ALL the episodes are thought provoking. I truly love to watch the kids and how they deal with the different issues. Keep up the excellent work. Please do not cancel this SUPERB show.
by phildons
Wed Mar 21 2001Regarding tonight's episode (March 21st) was tasteless! I thought that the topic (Erin's schizophrenia) was portrayed in an improper way. How pompous of your writers to assume that you know the mind of a schizphenic, and that there is only one case scenario. I have always liked your show, until this episode. I will never be watch "Once and Again."
by syrena
Mon Mar 19 2001I have been watching this show since it first came on and I really enjoy it and I want it to continue, but the Suicidal Waiter episode was just awful and inappropriate. I started watching this show precisely because it was not full of guns and violence and I hope it stays that way.
by ejturtle
Mon Mar 19 2001This was a Five Star show... it's getting old, quickly... Great acting... really great... But, I just want to point out after last week's episode that perhaps it would be fairer for Lily and Rick to WAIT two years, and then move in together and get married... than cause such upheavel right now... the kids are better.
by anigurl
Fri Mar 16 2001I wait all week to watch Once and Again (and often view it a second time on Lifetime Television). I think the characters are beautiful and seem to blend so well together as a family. I ecspecially like the character Grace and expect that we will see great things from her in years to come (as far as her acting career). So what if they wear the best clothes and live in a lovely house and have unrealistic notions of divorce, etc. Don't we all wish life was really like that. i love the show and hope it never goes away.
by lexus3
Wed Mar 14 2001Not that my opinion really matters to any one but to me this show and Gilmore Girls are the only programs worth watching. I know some time O&A do over dramatize but it is a show i will keep watching till the last episode.
by dutchydevil
Sat Mar 10 2001i think that it is the greatest show ever and shane west is so hot!!! i think that he should do a public apperance.
by shellw30
Sat Mar 10 2001Absolutly the best show on T.V. Finally a show that does not take place in a hospital, or attorneys office. The characters are wonderful. I feel myself drawn to each of them. O&A is a wonderful adult show that really touches the heart. I even have my Husband watching and liking it. It's nice to find a show we both look forward to watching together.
by irish3864
Wed Mar 07 2001You know I was fan, but never again... I live in Denver Colorado, I lived thru Columbine, now San Diego, and now some make believe bull.... You should be ashamed of yourself promoting more violence...that is all your are doing...Sela I thought you were better than that...I won't watch your show and I will encourage others not too as well....You should return your emmy.