Old Spice High Endurance (Deodorant)

Approval Rate: 62%

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    Sun Dec 26 2010

    "Smooth blast"? More like blistery inferno in my pits! A few years ago, I stopped using Old Spice because it gave me a painful rash. Last week, I temporarily forgot about this painful experience, and purchased a stick of High Endurance Smooth Blast. After a single day of use, my pits broke out in hives...again. It is incredibly uncomfortable. My advice to any potential customer: DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PRODUCT -- IT IS NOT SAFE! My advice to Old Spice: recall all of your defective products. Test each of your products on your CEO before distributing them to unsuspecting customers. If you plan to sell this product, at least sell the antidotal ointment to reduce the excruciating pit pain -- OUCH! Read more: http://www.rateitall.com/i-10889-old-spice-red-zone-anti-perspirant-deodorant.aspx#ixzz19HeNyAUu

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    Tue Sep 14 2010

    I have been using Old Spice High Endurance for about 6 months now with no problems until yesterday when a huge sore formed under my left arm. This is the first time that anything like this has happened to me. I cannot lift my arm because the sore is so painful and it looks as if it is getting bigger. I looked up the product to see if anybody else was having the same experience and I found this site. I wish I would have found this site earlier because the sore is so painful that I had to call in a sick day at work. I was reading the ingredients of several Old Spice products and noticed that the Old Spice High Endurance Game Day has an ingredient (PP3 Myristyl Ether). I tried to find any information that I could on this ingredient with very little luck. The sites i found only warned of using on an open wound. Also there is an ingredient (Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex) that could possibly cause cancer. There is no way that im using this product again and I strongly suggest that anyo... Read more

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    Fri Aug 13 2010

    I started using this deodorant and to my surprise the rash it causes was worse than not wearing it. After using this deodorant my armpits have red rashes that hurt to move on both sides, and they seem to be on fire. Something in the formula makes it feel like my skin is singed off. I won't be using this again.

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    Tue Jul 27 2010

    i have used it for a least 5 yrs. it's the one from walmart that turn my armpits red.

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    Thu Jul 08 2010

    I got the Blue Stick (High Endurance) from Walmart, When I couldnt find my usual Brut stick. With in a few times of use, I noticed I had a big red marks on both my armpits.. I googled and when I found that other people had same issues, I immediately threw away the stick.. Even though I havent used it for a few days, I am feeling the burn.. Never gonna use it again.. I just got the Brut stick from another store but wonder if I have to wait for my armpits to heal before I can use it...

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    Sat May 29 2010

    I bought this product because I loved the smell of it. Very clean and smelled really great. HOWEVER, I was left with 3rd degree burns in both armpits. I couldn't wear deodorant for 3 days and had to apply a high level moisturizer. Old Spice needs to do something quickly. I now wish I had taken photo's and gone to see my attorney. If there isn't an announcement soon about this product being removed or changed, I plan to see what action can be done.

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    Thu Apr 29 2010

    my wife bought me this crap. it was a 3 pak for $4. and i definately ended up spending more than it was worth on doctor bills. old spice high endurance stick sucks. it burnt me and my skin is peeling. hurts to move my arms. and the pain wont go away. been 4 days now and nothing takes the crap away.

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    Wed Dec 09 2009

    I have used Old Spice High Endurance for over 16 years. On Saturday December 5 2009 it burned the crap out of me. The next day all of my armpit was dark and I had deep sores on both arms. today 4 days later I was able to raise one arm over my head but the skin on my other arm is clinging together and hurts like hell when I try to raise it. Every day the skin is peeling off my arm when I wash. some of it is just hanging on. I complained on the Procter & Gamble web site and sent them pictures. They offered to send me a coupon for more of this product. NO WAY am I using this product again! I rate it a zero. This stuff is Dangerous. If any of you take up legal action please let me know. Email me at [email protected] Also, the warning on the back of the case says stop using if you get irritated. What I am dealing with is not irritation it is pure pain. They need to list burned skin as a possible side affect. The warning also says don’t us it on broken skin but the case has a sharp edge on i... Read more

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    Fri Oct 02 2009

    I was using the old spice high endurance original deodorant (blue stick) and after 2 days of using it i have MASSIVE rashes on my armpits. it hurts to move my arms up and down. I know of others on my rugby team that had the same kind of problem. Not sure if its sensitive skin but this is the first time it has EVER happened. Hurts like hell and hopin I can get rid of the rash before my Rugby game haha. It did smell good though, sadly thats the only good thing i can say about it.

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    Mon Aug 31 2009

    I woke up in the morning with severe burns to my arm pits I am in great pain, can barley move my arms cause it hurts so bad. Doctor has me on antibiotics trying to help the situation. It's already been 4 days and nothing is getting better.

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    I don't use anti-perspirants due their harsh chemicals. The high-endurance deoderant works fine for me unless it is really hot out and I'm doing hard physical labor. In that case I will re-apply when I detect odor. Deoderants aren't designed to stop sweating just make it less offensive odor-wise. It is also fairly inexpensive and one unit will last about a month.

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    Mon Sep 22 2008

    High endurance is one of the best deodorant/antiperspirants I have ever used. The pure sport scent smells great. I would highly recommend this any day. I would not recommend wearing any other scented products like body spray, cologne or aftershave because the scents will mix and you will not smell good. It controls odor and wetness very well and it lasts. Most deodorants do a good job. But only a few do a great job!

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    Mon Sep 22 2008

    The secret to Victoria Beckham's career longevity.

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    Thu Aug 07 2008

    i've been using it for a long time and it has been fine... but then one day it burned my skin! it really hurts and there are red burn marks it may be going fine for you... but then all of a sudden you may be placed in the same case i was in i will never use this product again

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    Wed Aug 06 2008

    This Stuff is Great I put some on then went outside and played a bit of basketball, and iwas sweating really bad from my head but my armpits were as dry as the desert

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    Tue Mar 25 2008

    Great Product. Doesn't smear when pulling a shirt over your head to put on. It is clean and fresh. Seems to laast more than 24 hours. Made for the long days and nights. Works well in the southern climates as well.

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    Sat Mar 08 2008

    This stuff is the best! Love the stuff. Smells great all day long- but I am not all that active of a person. I go to work come home and get online!

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    Mon Oct 15 2007

    I have the Pacific Surge - even made a review at men skin care tips.  It's great, only thing I hate about it is that it leaves my black shirts whitey on the armpits.  But the fragrance is great and stays active throughout the day - even in the hottest days of summer.

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    Thu Aug 30 2007

    Old Spice works ok but, when so many people are becoming alergic to scents, why don't more companies make men's unscented deodorant? Women s unscented is easy to find.

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    Tue Jun 19 2007

    This stuff gave me a rash in my armpits. Its the only time that has happened and it was pretty uncomfortable.

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    Thu Apr 19 2007

    It held up well and the girls seemed to like it.

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    Wed Apr 18 2007

    I like this deodorant. I have stopped wearing anti-perspirants because of aluminum salts that are used as the main ingredient. Old Spice high endurance deodorant smells great and lasts all day, even on hot days. I wear, Smooth Blast which is also available in an aftershave, or Original -classic.

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    Thu Feb 08 2007

    It's not the best (haven't found that yet) but it's effective. I've tried degree sticks/aerosol, mitchum (SUPPOSED to be the best), speed stick, etc etc...and this seems to work the best. Again, not the best ever, but I think it does a damn good job. I just use the stick.

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    Wed Jan 31 2007

    I found that this deodrant could not conquer the powerful stench from my stale rotten, filthy and abused armpitts. My father was not best pleased when I wore his vegiterian t-shrt! this high powered deoderanbt made my pits sting with delight i never shave so i woulnot know the real effects, so i secretely put it on my kids when they were sleeping they felt the effecst alritght! all the other guys cxouldnt keep their hands off them! my son got done up the arse a fewq timers so he got the full benefit

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    Fri May 05 2006

    I use the stick version. The scents smell great and it keeps you dry,although it does not go on clear as it says it does.

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    Mon Mar 27 2006

    Our family will not be buying this product because of the obscene commercial they are using on tv. The ad disappeared for a while after there was a lot of criticism of it as bordering on obscene. But it was back on Sunday afternoon on CBS during the NCAA basketball tournament. Our mixed-age group (4 - 85 year olds) was horrified at the ad and changed the channel. The only way to stop the slide toward highly offensive material on tv is to stop buying the product until the corporate heads listen to us. I hope you will join in the effort to stop the airing of the High Endurance "she glistens" ad.

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    Thu Mar 16 2006

    Stuff works as advertised, and gotta love the Classic scent. Some things never go out of style. I'm a "sweater", and have found nothing that works better as an actual anti-perspirant. It's effectiveness seems to build-up after several days' use, even with daily showering. It's a staple in my house.

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    Wed Mar 15 2006

    Gotta love Old Spice! Smells great and does its job.

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    Tue Feb 28 2006

    I've tried just about every deodorant known to man, and nothing has served me better than this. I'm sticking with it now. Smells great, keeps my sweaty self dry.

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    Thu Jan 19 2006

    A classic scent and High Endurance works better than the old Old Spice stick. They have many scents but I like the original one the best. Highly Recommended!

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    Mon Aug 01 2005

    I'm amazed at how good this stuff works as an anti-perspirant, even though it says it's just a deodorant. I have hyperhidrosis and nothing seemed to keep me dry, but this in conjuction with Certain Dri has drastically reduced sweating.

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    Wed Jul 27 2005

    A good product, but the ingredient Triclosan scares me.

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    Thu Mar 31 2005

    Best stuff out there, and I especially like to get my husband that shower gel stuff. He works hard and whenever we have that stuff he never comes home stinkin'.

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    Wed Dec 15 2004

    The best deodorant ever. It smells good, lasts a long time and keeps you dry. It also has Triclosan in it which kills germs, not many deodorants have that.

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    Wed Dec 01 2004

    Don't know about the deodorant version but have used the anti-perspirant version for a while. It works well but does not go on clear as advertised. It turns the underarms white and then gets on your clothes when getting dressed. Fortunately the white marks come off fabric easily with water. The protection lasts a long time though.

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    Mon Nov 29 2004

    All of the Old Spice Hi Endurance Anti-Perspirants and deodorants work extremely well for me. I just wish they would make it in unscented. Most scented deodorants bother my sinuses. Ohterwise, the fresh scent has the mildest scent. It really does last.

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    Fri Nov 19 2004

    It smells good. How does this keep you people dry, it is a deodorant, not an anti-perspirant.

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    Sat Oct 30 2004

    Oldspice is the bomb-dizzle, it keeps me dry and odor free, wow I sound like a commercial........

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    Thu Aug 12 2004

    If you like me and really don't want to use antiperspirant because it ruins your clothing, use this, it's awsome.

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    Wed Jul 28 2004

    Nothing works better than this product.

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    Tue Jul 06 2004

    never had a complaint about this deodorant has a pleasent smell and works through everything.

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    Sun Jun 06 2004

    just about the only thing that keeps me reasonably dry (I sweat terribly even if I'm not working that hard). My lady friends like the smell too.

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    Wed Mar 31 2004

    in with the old out with the new

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    Fri Sep 19 2003

    I tried the pure sport clear gel and if you like polo sport, than you'll love this. It smells exactly like it, so you can purchase this instead of buying the expensive polo sport cologne.

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    Wed May 21 2003

    Dude, my girlfriend slapped me cause i smelled so bad. This stuff does not work!

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    Sat Feb 15 2003

    This product has never failed me and smells great, plus it is very economical to purchase. Highly recommended.

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    Mon Jan 27 2003

    The only non-aluminum deodorant on the market that really works! i love it and i love the smell! I'm a woman and even though original old spice does remind me of my dad, this one is just fresh and not flowery -- perfect all around.

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    Fri Dec 06 2002

    old spice original stick is good also.. i buy for natural ness non/alchohol/ non aluminum love the original old spice fragrance

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    Wed Oct 30 2002

    It has a classic smell and it feels good when you roll it on, but I've been spoiled by Degree. Plus Old Spice doesn't have the longevity throughout the day that Degree has.