Obama Signs $787 Billion Economic Stimulus Bill
Approval Rate: 76%
Reviews 21
by alekjakob
Sun Apr 19 2009All you have helped is rich people that want for nothing. How about some of us that can't even buy food every month and have to go to food banks like beggars. Any help for us planned???
by edie1bae
Thu Apr 16 2009Thank you for signing the Stimulus Bill. We need the money. I don't understand the package, and how to get my share. I just greatful to be get some of the money.
by cdodgela
Thu Apr 16 2009Sucks Sucks Sucks... Tax us to death. Penalize those that produce and reward those that don't....... We don't need a bigger, huge government full of bureaucracy and waste.
by ronaldtheriot
Thu Apr 16 2009The economy might recover, but it will be in spite of the Bush/Obama bailouts (corporate welfare). You better believe that the government of the USA is run by the International New York bankers, and that's a fact. Obama is worse than Bush, and that's a difficult feat to accomplish. Well, if you like foreign wars, big-government taxation and welfare programs, US government control over our lives here in our home states, then you should like Obama. He's similar to the other big government globalist/welfare/imperialist presidents of the last eighty years (Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II). I rather favor the old USA (non-imperialist) of the pre-1861 years.
by lilylulady
Wed Apr 15 2009PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: If you follow the lead of those who say DON'T SPEND...then it may be your job that gets tanked next...it's all a domino effect. If I don't buy flowers at my florist than my florist lays off people, those people that got laid off now can't buy the product that your boss sells and you get laid off. Now we have more people who can't purchase insurance for their cars or home so you get into a car accident with someone without auto insurance and you have to pay for it....insurance companies start to lay off it's employees because people can't afford to buy insurance....it's a vicious circle that will eventually effect all of us. This problem has long fingers and even if you have a top executive job and you think your job is safe, think again! I thought my job was safe too. : ( We need to give this stimulus bill a chance to work.
by davelester1940
Wed Apr 15 2009Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! One can't spend his way out of poverty. It was stupid when George Bush did it and it is still stupid! We need less government, not more. Every time we send a dollar to Washington, they spend over half of it just handling it. The closer to home that we spend our tax money, the more effectively it is spent. My county does a pretty good job. My town does even better because it it unincorporated and doesn't tax me.
by fadeout
Wed Apr 15 2009Anyone who thinks this plan will work is a moron and or a heavy drug user. That is, unless bankrupting the United States is your idea of success.
by miamicarpetcle_aning
Wed Apr 15 2009Take the $787 Billion and break it up...... Give it to small business owners. $100,000 grants to all small business owners in the United States. In turn - We hire more employees, we build our companies stronger. even $50,009 per business. will create more then 3.5 million jobs!!!! When all the money is top heavy...... it never makes it's way down to the bottom. AND Give a Billion Dollars to the Department of Veterans Affairs. I've been fighting for over 7 years now after serving my country for 10 years and getting injured. (A MAJOR RUN AROUND with appeals and BS paper work) The least you can do is take care of your own! OUR SOLDIERS. AND Give a Billion Dollars to Social Security...... Lets take care of our old people they made us. They created us. We will soon be them. Simple bail out plan...... All Banks are directed by the Federal Government to charge 5% across the board on all mortgages. (Take a few MINUTES and think how this would affect the economy) All the BS programs once... Read more
by castlebee
Mon Apr 13 2009I've never known or heard of anything quite like this stimulus thing in my life so, like most people - I really have no frame of reference to make any judgments or predictions. It does seem like a pretty desperate move so - maybe the thought was simply desperate measures for desperate times. From a peasant’s point of view; I have never been opposed to having more cash on hand so I’m not complaining much. Still in all, the whole business seems as though it will be about as effective overall as someone standing in the middle of Jackson Square back in August 2005 flipping off Katrina.
by astromike
Sun Apr 05 2009He's been GREAT at spending money, thats about it.
by wiseguy
Sun Apr 05 2009787 billion dollars?... chump change.
by genghisthehun
Sun Apr 05 2009Here we have another piece of legislation hammered together by that great consulting firm, Boon and Doggle.
by numbah16tdhaha
Wed Feb 18 2009I guess my question is that if this legislation was so crucial, so emergency, why did he wait a few days to sign it? Hmm... then again, if its not so crucial, perhaps he should have waited the extra couple days per his policy that he doesn't follow to wait five days. Damnit, now I'm confusing myself. Either way I don't see how alot of the pork in this thing is going to help the economy and fail to see how people who don't pay income tax can get tax credits... UPDATE: Any bets on whether my agree and disagree are split down party lines?
by sukingsandknig_hts300
Wed Feb 18 2009If this collosal bill would help the Americans...that would be fine. Going too fast...slow down.
by frankswildyear_s
Tue Feb 17 2009Fortunatley there was some money in the war chest that won't get used in Iran. The very fact that some sort of solution was required and that some sort of solution was cobbled together is a significant event. There are no guarantees, but inaction wasn't an option.
by zuchinibut
Tue Feb 17 2009Whether you like it or not, the passage of this Bill should be one of the biggest stories of the year. This is a massive amount of spending that will have a large impact on our national debt. Hopefully it has a positive effect on our economy as well, but who knows at what point, if ever, we will truly be able to judge that. What we have learned from this Bill so far is that Obama's hopes for a more united, bipartisan Congress seem to have no chance. Republicans and Democrats seem to disagree just like always, and there is no room for compromise in a two pary system.
by victor83
Tue Feb 17 2009Significant? You bet. This is the largest boondoggle pork spending bill in US history. As I have pointed out before, the most optimistic estimates say that 12 cents of every dollar may go toward something worthwhile here. At that even, some of the 12 cents on the dollar magic won't kick in for three to four years. Nevermind the fact that we do not have this money...that we are already 12+ trillion in debt and borrowing money daily just to pay part of the interest on that debt...this will "stimulate" nothing, other than Obama's worshippers.
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Tue Feb 17 2009Yep, this is a big one, "5" all the way. Just for giggles, we're going to "save" 3.5 million jobs? An outrageously optimistic claim but, even if we did, and they paid on average $50,000/year, at a 30% tax rate, both very optimistic fiscally, all tax relief notwithstanding, it would take over 15 years to recoup the investment on that justification. Nobody, even Obama, believes those projections. It's so urgent, they had to vote on it before anyone could even read it, it's so dire and important, it might be a catastrophe if they don't! And now we're hearing, "don't get your hopes up, it won't take effect right away. " I thought it was an economic stimulus! For right now! What won't you sheep believe, how much of his water do you have to carry before you realize that nobody is driving the intellectual engine, careening toward socialism at 150 MPH? How dare anyone dissent!?
by canadasucks
Tue Feb 17 2009I don't know if it will work. Neither do you. But I'm giving it a four because there could be more news-worthy events later this year. . .it's too early to grant this a five. It does count as an early score for the new administration after a few hiccups concerning appointees who think that paying taxes are optional.
by chalky_studebaker
Tue Feb 17 2009Definitely big news by Obama signing this bill but the bill itself is completely worthless, and loaded w/useless stuff.....but politicians are useless so what the hell. Why not put all this money towards a good cause like universal healthcare or dividing the money up (it would be $2700 apiece, I think I read)...but instead they put it towards home weatherization? Truth is if McCain were president and behind this same exact bill, you would see all the republicans voting for it and none of the democrats....partisan politics as usual but this bill sucks. I'd like to see this bill w/a clause in there to free Blago too (seriously).
by magellan
Tue Feb 17 2009It's big news, as it's a massive commitment in government spending. But most economists will tell you that the economics of stimulus spending make sense. When private demand is soft, a government can do much to lighten a recession through short term spending. Our current downturn is expected to drain $2 trillion out of the economy over the next two years. This bill, at approximately a third of that amount, should soften the blow a bit, and keep more people working until the cycle runs its course. There is certainly pork in this bill. But that doesn't change the fact that a stimulus was needed sooner rather than later. I agree with the economists that this bill will do more good than harm. More concerning to me is the Obama administration's foggy details on shoring up the crisis in the financial / banking sectors. Without a sound financial foundation, any recovery plan will struggle to succeed.