Obama expands offshore drilling

Approval Rate: 50%

50%Approval ratio

Reviews 11

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    Fri Jul 16 2010

    Obama who is for new technologies, expands drilling for oil (a ray of sunshine for oil development in this country) Then the well platform explodes and devestates the coast line. Seams suspicious to me. Something is not right here and we will find out years from now what it is.

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    Fri May 21 2010

    Yeah, and I bet you're gonna let BP get most of the contracts? This was an issue until April 20th.

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    Tue May 18 2010

    The following quotation is from Politico.com on May 5, 2010. Draw your own conclusions."BP and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Donations come from a mix of employees and the company's political action committees - $2.89 million flowed to campaigns from BP-related PACs and about $638,000 came from individuals."

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    Tue May 18 2010

    Huh? I thought you had to vote for John McCain to continue to the failed policies of George W. Bush... *scratches head* UPDATE: This couldn't have gone more poorly for Barry. He pissed off his environmentalist supporters with the move and then this disaster happened. To top it all off, he's ass deep in donations from BP. Before I was making a playful jab, but I must say that I was rather on target in my jackassery...

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    Tue May 18 2010

    I'm giving this two stars because I'm certain the Gulf oil spill is going to change all the political calculations in a major way. No longer are people willing to accept the environmental tradeoff's necessary for aggressive oil exploration off our coastlines. Corruption in many of the regulatory bodies that provide oversight to the industry is starting to come out, and my guess is some of the practices will be cleaned up. Graft, bribery, pay to play schemes, you name it. The stuff coming out of here will make the Teapot Dome scandal seem small by comparison. Stay tuned on this front. I'll update this as events develop.

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    Mon May 17 2010

    I'm trying to figure out why offshore drilling is only a good/bad thing when a Democrat/Republican sponsors it. Anybody have a clue?

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    Sun May 16 2010

    Ah, more brilliance from the eight-year-old-in-chief. Oil, of course, is bad, but we need more of it. If you're an environmentalist wacko, you probably feel betrayed. Fear not, self-righteous one, he is as insincere as any Clinton and has every intention of destroying the American economy from within, he just has to put on a little act from time to time, to placate those who might be paying attention. The business-friendly president, under whose watch we've spent billions and billions to stimulate job generation (generating zero jobs, of course, jeopardizing our entire economy with unsustainable debt) knows that his policies will destroy American wealth, and with it, American exceptionalism, will keep the boot of government squarely and securely on the throat of BP, and all other businesses in America. Then, he'll call them out, "why aren't you generating jobs? Trying to make me look bad? Ah, you're all partisans. " Sure, deep water offshore drilling is bad. But, wasn't i... Read more

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    Thu Apr 08 2010

    Not a big fan of offshore drilling, and I don't support it whatsoever. I'm not in favor of destroying unspoiled habitats. It will probably be insignificant in that I doubt they will find anything. Obama is just pandering, after that faux-health care bill.

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    Mon Apr 05 2010

    This is another issue I don't support Obama on.The Ocean is the very lifeblood of the earth.People fail to realize that life on this planet is very interconnected.We need to develop other sources of power,such as solar,wind and geo-thermal.Fossil fuel comes from Dinosaurs,and that's where it is leading us.Literally.

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    Fri Apr 02 2010

    While I appreciate that the plan puts protections in place for California's coast, the pacific northwest and restores protections in Alaska's Bristol Bay that were previously overturned by GWB, I don't think offloading environmental risk to the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico is the right choice here. That said, it's likely that's the only way to pass the increased fuel efficiency standards also announced by Obama today, and it may help to seal the deal on future legislation involving carbon regulation. If the end justifies the means, I will begrudgingly support this, but I'm still waiting for the next move in environmental policy from the Obama administration.

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    Fri Apr 02 2010

    Wow, the shell games continue. There will be no new drilling. Opening up areas to "exploration" is a ruse to trick the people once again into believing he has a moderate approach to policy changes, when he actually has more diabolical intentions in store for you and me. Pay close attention to this one folks, more governmental control over your liberty is on the way.