Obama Declares an End to Combat Mission in Iraq

Approval Rate: 39%

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    Wed Oct 20 2010

    One thing that Barack Hussein had going for him in 2008 was the "exiting from the Iraq mess" promise. He now has made a cosmetic "exit" but we are still "there" for all intents and purposes. We are still pouring billions down that rat hole.I assume that we still have a mercenary army in Iraq "advising" the new "government."

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    Wed Sep 15 2010

    ...Otherwise, the overture pre-ludes, and interludes of the trombones would incept the mighty echoes of odyssies for decades to come. But still the criminal tag is not leaving Bush, and his administrators in a loop. This crime is abrink, and aghast.

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    It's significant to those who get to go home.For the ones who have to stay there or go to Afganistan,it's business as usual.I would neither praise Obama nor criticize him for this.He inherited that mess,and it's far from over.

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    Mostly political posturing. Not terribly different from, "Mission accomplished!".

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    It's slightly significant that the combat mission in Iraq is 'over.' But this is somewhat negated because the US still has significant non-combat operations in Iraq.....enough to seriously increase our death/injury toll. In my lifetime, I think there will always be a US military presence in Iraq. When people voted for Obama, the majority thought there would be a mass exodus from Iraq, and it's not even close to that. A lot of soldiers are now being deployed and redeployed to Afghanistan. I think Obama forgot to mention that before he got elected. Anyway, I'm not against war, but I was against the Iraq war from the start, but will always support the troops, regardless.

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    Wed Sep 01 2010

    Not only significant but about time!!!!!! At last the US can put behind them the lies of a proclaimed war by a previous administration! (we can move on is my point.) Now America and England can move things closer to home and deal with the real problem that WAS the threat 7 years ago! As Obama has completed another promise, he makes a declaration that this economy needs his full attention! I have no problem with his move and praise him for coming through with his promise! With 4,400 men and women that have died on the basis of weapons of mass destruction and close to 40,000 men and women injured. It's time to be grateful and show some respect to the armed forces , that have gone through hell for a lie!!! I pray that those released from their duties, get a well deserved break!

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    Wed Sep 01 2010

    I may be a Canadian, but on this issue, I'm from Missouri. Before I believe it, you've gotta "show me."

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    Wed Sep 01 2010

    So... there are no troops there now, right? RIGHT? UPDATE: I still find this declaration a little off as we have a multitude of armed personnel in Iraq and are still the primary means of air support. In short, we will still be killing people in Iraq tomorrow.

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    Wed Sep 01 2010

    The US is hardly "exiting" Iraq as the listing posits. President Obama's announcement was strictly done for electioneering, timed out right before the Labor Day weekend, the traditional start of the general campaign season. He spent about half the time talking about Iraq and the other half about the domestic economy. The Oval Office speech served several purposes. First, it is designed to provide the impression that he's fighting the recession. The history shows that many of his reforms of Wall Street, free trade, or health care are barely cursory, or don't speak to the heart of the problem in those policy areas. Secondly, it was designed to give Americans the impression that troops will be withdraw. Of course, the troop presence won't depart Iraq until their local government forces us to leave, just as we did in Vietnam. Our bases in Iraq will continue to remain operational, and contrary to the President's claim, there will still be American combatants going on patrol thro... Read more