Oasis Baptist Church School
Approval Rate: n/a%
Reviews 0
by yluciano
Fri Apr 16 2010Please understand that that there is not a perfect church out there because they are led by imperfect men. There are some good ones and some bad ones. But even the good ones are not perfectly good. I consider Oasis Baptist Church as one of the good one’s. Here is the good and the bad. Oasis Baptist Church is part of the fundamental Baptist movement. You will not know this since it seems the marketing strategy on their part not to wear the label as proudly as many other fundamental Baptist churches. I personally do not find anything wrong with this since I understand how the fundamental Baptist churches as a sect are tainted with sectarianism and extremism and such a label will be a stumbling block to many from coming to the church and thus, possibly, hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, for the more serious church seeker, whether he thinks it’s a good thing or a bad thing, this must be known. Oasis is not a hard-liner fundamental Baptist church, it is one of the n... Read more
by nekeda_h
Fri Aug 07 2009I love my church ,my pastor and everything that it stands for Oasis has changed my life in a way that I would have never thought, Oasis is amazing the members make you feel so welcome you never feel out of place . I believe that it is no mistake that I am here along with my children learning the word of god and encouraging others as I am being encouraged.I would like to this time just to say thank you to Oasis Baptist Church for changing my life. Thanks again, Nekeda H.