Nuclear Power

Approval Rate: 50%

50%Approval ratio

Reviews 8

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    Thu Jun 16 2011

    Disturbing article on Nuclear Power: Looks like the disaster in Japan is going to deep-six the nuclear power industry. Too bad, since that was what so many people (including M. King Hubbert) were banking on to pull us through the Peak Oil crisis. I hope everyone enjoyed the Industrial Revolution, because it's not going to last too much longer. Oh, and enjoy the internet while it lasts. The grid will be coming down as well. Or, you dumbasses can sit there and talk about totally inconsequential things such as hockey or what songs fifty years ago sucked.

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    Thu Oct 09 2008

    This alternative has suffered from more bad press, albeit some of its own making, than anything else on here. The fact remains, however, that it is currently the only cost effective, large scale source of power that is relatively environmentally friendly. Granted, there are serious risks, as Three Mile Island and Chernobyl taught us, and they are a potential target for terrorists (like what isn't) but the potential rewards are very high.

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    Thu Apr 26 2007

    Limited in its application and very difficult if not some what dangerous to operate. It is also very expensive to setup and has many health and ecological concerns. One Chernobel is one to many.

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    Fri Mar 17 2006

    Nuclear fission is the most controversial alternative power source because it has both huge potential and huge risks: it produces enormous amounts of energy without polluting the atmosphere, but it also creates enormous security risks both for accidents and terrorism. The most important political division in the next decade is likely to be between scientists/environmentalists/politicans who support nuclear power, and those who oppose it. Barring a breakthrough in alternate energy research within the next 5-10 years, the only choice will be between nuclear energy and coal; for all its drawbacks, nuclear power looks like the lesser of two evils.

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    Sun Sep 18 2005

    This has to be the future. What else is there--anti-matter like on Star Trek? We must get moving on some alternative, and this is the most available.

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    Sun Apr 10 2005

    Maybe at one time nuclear energy was considered a dangerous threat, but I think we need to drop the aversion towards this. Nuclear power creates no greenhouse gases, which due to global warming is a major environmental problem. In the US there have no new nuclear power plants opened since the early 1970's, but luckily there are new ones on the drawing boards. Europe is far ahead of us on nuclear energy and they are correct to invest in this source of energy, especially considering that energy demand is estimated to increase over the next 25 years in excess of 60%! Considering that we've already passed peak world oil production, it is a safe bet that nuclear is the cheapest, safest, and most environmentally friendly source of energy available. There's a good chance that your home is powered by this source of energy, being that 20% of American households get their energy from nuclear sources. In Europe, 75% of households are nuclear powered. Of course there are risks, Chernobyl and Three... Read more

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    Fri Jan 28 2005

    Stay away from this one- produces deadly and dangerous waste and is a prime target for terrorists.

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    Mon Oct 04 2004

    er..PBeavr, tell that to people living in the several thousand sq miles around Chernobyl. Nuke power stations also make good targets for al Qaeda etc