Not Being Able To Walk

Approval Rate: 49%

49%Approval ratio

Reviews 42

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    Sun Sep 27 2009

    Another no brainer.If you can't walk,you can't run or flee a burning building without assistance,for starters.

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    Wed Sep 16 2009

    I certainly don't want it to happen but there could be worse things. My uncle has lost both his legs and I'm constantly amazed at the stength of his spirit. His perseverance through not only not being able to walk but losing his vision as well is a source of inspiration to me.

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    Sat Sep 12 2009

    I can barely walk as it is, I am always hurting my foot, leg, ankle or something so just loosing that ability wouldn't be that bad.

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    Tue Aug 11 2009

    I'm embarrassed to say that as a kid, I was so lazy that I'd pass someone in a wheel-chair and think, "Gee, that isn't such a bad way to live-- having someone to push you around all day." Now, of course, the thought of not being able to walk feeds into my fear of becoming dependent on others for the most basic necessities of life. Not as scary as going blind, but scary enough.

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    Turns out I am afraid of this. When I was 18 I went car-surfing with Some buddies. This was something that I did a lot, very Stupid in retrospect and shows how Lucky I was back then. 99.9% of the time I was Able to do this without incident, but one time I fell. My friend, who was Driving, went over a Speed bump. I remember thinking; "Oh, f#ck, I'm going to Get bumped off the car and Run over." Luckily, that didn't happen and we made it Past with no incident. Just when I was Thinking about what a Great driver Mel was, he rounded a Corner. The car turned a sharp Left, I kept going straight. I flew off the car, and rolled about 15 feet or so. My friends said it looked Like something out of a Movie. When I stopped rolling, I could not move Anything below my neck. My friends thought I was dead. I heard them talking, panicked about What had happened While Mel was trying to come Up with a Cover. I'm am not sure why I could not signal my legs or arms To move. I think it was the shock of the I... Read more

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    I apply the same reasoning here that I did for blindness.

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    An automobile accident at 18 took away my abilty to walk. Life as a farmer, carpenter, and man who lived by the strength in my back gave way to spinal cord injury. I am a quadriplegic. Being smart, charming, competitive, and bold became gifts--unknown before disability struck native "strengths." Necessity is the "mother fucker" of invention. I've been everywhere. Loved women, nature, dogs, kids and life. Been blessed to try dozens of careers, live in 10 states, grow gardens, make friends, build businesses, and take immense risks. There have been wins and losses; I can't say which taught more. Would I choose life in a chair? No. Did I choose to live? No! My body kept going, I'm making the best of it. And honestly, I was scaired shitless as a teenager/instant "grown up." Then I started learning, dating, drinking, playing, and college opened the door to freedom.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    I wouldnt say I would be affraid of it. Their are other ways of getting around.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    I guess, that would be scary, to one day not be able to walk

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    Fri Jan 09 2009

    It would suck but you might get a nice nurse or something;D

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    Wed Dec 03 2008

    Hell yeah, I could roll my FAT ASS wherever!

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    Wed Oct 22 2008

    I am grateful for use of my legs.

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    not really sure

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    Sat Oct 11 2008

    I have to walk...

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    i wuld hate dat

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    Sun Sep 21 2008

    Been there,... done it before,.... I am walking today!

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    Mon Sep 08 2008

    i dont think i'd like that at all

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    Thu Aug 14 2008

    thats real scary too I don't know what I'd do without my legs

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    Thu Aug 14 2008

    It's something I think about sometimes. I was in a wheelchair when I was in my early 20s, and thanks to prayer, the wheelchair has been long out of the picture. It is something that I am very grateful for, and looking at the here and now, I think I am pretty healthy. God's been very good to me.

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    Tue Aug 12 2008

    The thought of not being able to walk is a little scary, simply because your independence would be gone, unless you had a really good strong support group, and that's not always easy to find. It would be very hard to depend on someone else when a person had been self-sufficient for so long.

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    Mon Aug 11 2008


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    Thu Aug 07 2008

    Not being able to walk would suck but it's not really scary. What happened to make you not be able to walk is probably scary as hell to the person that can't walk. On the bright side you could get all kinds of sympathy sex from hot chicks. Unless your dick don't work. Then just go kill yourself!! (Twice)

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    Thu Aug 07 2008

    not scary but it would suck

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    Sat Aug 02 2008

    no just would blow

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    Sun Jul 20 2008

    Yeah that would suck bad!

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    Sat Jul 12 2008

    i like my legs

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    Sat Jul 12 2008

    I wouldn't want to be wheelchair bound. I think that that would be most unfortuneate.

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    Thu Jul 10 2008

    not scary, it would just suck.

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    Wed Jul 09 2008

    its more like I don't want it to happen

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    Mon Jul 07 2008

    that would ruin my life

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    Sun Jul 06 2008

    I never thought about it.

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    Sun Jul 06 2008

    woah thats a scary thought

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    Sun Jul 06 2008

    it could happen

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    Wed Jul 02 2008

    I'm hard headed I'll get where I want to be either way

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    Wed Jul 02 2008

    not being able to walk scares the shit out of me!!!!!

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    Wed Jul 02 2008

    shit happens idk

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    Wed Jul 02 2008

    atleast u got a wheelchair invented

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    Tue Jul 01 2008

    yes i am for real

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    Sun Jun 29 2008

    yes, i am afraid of this, but with todays tech, or even wheelchairs by themselves, you can get around much easier than you could before!

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    Sun Jun 29 2008

    It's happened to me b4 & I know what it's like. It's horrible & I hope it never happens again.

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    Sun Jun 29 2008

    i have messed up knees

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    Fri Jun 27 2008

    Eh? Oh well...