
Approval Rate: 74%

74%Approval ratio

Reviews 26

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    Sat Apr 24 2010

    Riding in a boat with a bunch of Animals seems like a good idea at first, but I imagine it would get real old real quick. I think I would prefer a short trip with maybe a dog or a Monkey. Not too much else though, at least not all at once. No wonder Noah got Drunk.

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    Sat Apr 17 2010

    Noah is ok. I always wondered about that. The animals all going on the ark. Someone said on the late night radio it was really just DNA. That wouldn't make any sense since the dove would have to go out to get the branch. A Jewish girl at work told me they were myths. Christians tend to take it all very seriously. I think some Jewish people do also. I have no one to ask on that now. There was a story about a fight with a Rabbi from a student on them being myths. I don't know how real that is. The ark evidence hasn't exactly been found but there are rumors on it. The idea of Noah being chosen and the others being killed always seemed like not a good idea to me.

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    Fri Apr 16 2010

    I always had this vision of Noah going "You want me to build a WHAT?" Seriously though, the guy is a great character. Here's this hard working, hard drinking shmuck that manages to build this unlikely tub while getting loaded with regularity. Sounds like my kind of guy.

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    Fri Apr 16 2010

    I hope Mel Gibson makes a film about Noah now that dinosaurs have been transposed onto the story. Jurassic Ark. Sweet.

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    Fri Apr 16 2010

    Noah was a righteous man in his generation. When angels came down to procreate with women to create giants "Men of Renown" God said enough. Satan was trying to stave off the blood line for the coming redeemer. When God spoke to Noah he believed God and got right to work on the ark.(Believing God in this respect made him a saint, the same way we are to believe God about Jesus Christ and his cross work) The ark was a boat that did not have a rudder and many boats use its dimensions (ratio) today because it is very stable in water. As stated in other reviews many different cultures have an ark story which tends to lead me to think that the story was historical, not made up. The story was passed down from generation to generation with some veriation and embellishment. I think as I recall Noah was 600 when God spoke to him. He had 120 years to build the ark. He did not have kids at the time, he probably did not want kids to grow up in that environment. He got himself a wife and had thre... Read more

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    Fri Apr 16 2010

    Original 1/11/10 I'm going to try to keep this brief, but it will be hard. Point one: Noah was not a Jew or even a Christian. Read the Old Testament/ Hebrew Bible, I'll wait. You back? Yeah, Jews and Christians didn't exist back then. Point two: Creation myths from all over the world feature a flood story. [Greek, Arcadian, Samothrace, Roman, Scandinavian, German, Celtic, Welsh, Lithuanian, Transylvanian Gypsy, Turkey, Sumerian, Egypt, Babylonian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Hebrew, Islamic, Persian, Zoroastrian, Cameroon, Masai (East Africa), Komililo Nandi, Kwaya (Lake Victoria), Southwest Tanzania (Rukwa Region), Pygmy, Ababua (northern Congo), Kikuyu (Kenya), Bakongo (west Zaire), Bachokwe? (southern Zaire), Lower Congo, Basonge, Bena-Lulua (Congo River, southeast Zaire), Yoruba (southwest Nigeria), Efik-Ibibio (Nigeria), Ekoi (Nigeria), Mandingo (Ivory Coast), Vogul, Samoyed (north Siberia), Yenisey-Ostyak (north central Siberia), Kamchadale (northeast Siberia), Altaic (central Asia),... Read more

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    love rainbows :)

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    Sat Sep 06 2008

    Kudos for keeping the animals from killing each other on the ark. That's remarkable.

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    Sat Jul 12 2008

    What a boat!

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    Thu Jul 03 2008

    He followed God's plan very well... Thank you Noah!

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    Wed May 07 2008

    The story creeps me out, so, we're all supposed to be related? Ewww

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    Fri Apr 11 2008

    When thinking of the story of Noah, I recall a classic moment while entertaining a Japanese guest at a museum upon her first visit to the US. We came upon paintings depicting the story of Noah, and I described the story. The astonished expression on her face was priceless as she tried to conceive of this outlandish story (no pun intended).It surprises me that the evidence that has been pursued that these events took place are largely restricted to verification of the existence of the ark and floods. What of evidence that living creatures were wiped out and redispersed planet-wide from one location? Perhaps we have misjudged how long ago Noah lived, and dinosaurs could not fit on the ark?The most poignant commentary that applies to understanding of the story of Noah comes from Ernest Renan in "The Life of Jesus", an account connecting historical facts to the Bible written in the 1880's. Renan transports readers two thousand years into the past, reminding us that it was not known that th... Read more

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    Fri Apr 11 2008

    One of my favorite stories that I really do believe in.

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    Wed Apr 09 2008

    This story appears to be an accretion to the Genesis story. Science is still looking for the events behind the deluge although more recent research nominates some areas.

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    Wed Apr 09 2008

    Chosen by God to save mankind and the animals God created, Noah was the only righteous person on earth immediately prior to the Flood. Update: Can someone please help me understand what is funny about this statement?

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    Tue Apr 08 2008

    One of the least believable characters who took part in perhaps the most ridiculous and impossible parable in the Old Testament.  Always wondered why his wife isn't named. . .

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    Tue Mar 20 2007

    The main character in the most ridiculous and implausible story in that most ridiculous and implausible book he appears in.  Rates two stars out of sympathy.  Just think of all the animal shit he had to clean up for 40 days and more.

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    Tue Oct 17 2006

    he saved a lot on people

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    Mon Nov 28 2005

    The best lesson that I get from the story of Noah is to remember that it wasn't raining when he built the ark.

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    Mon Nov 28 2005

    I like Flick's comment. The only thing to add would be that an amateur built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

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    Mon Nov 28 2005

    He saved the animals, which was pretty cool.

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    Mon Nov 14 2005

    A fabled farmer (Genesis 9:18) in his prime (about 550 years of age), with no shipwright credentials to speak of, hears a voice telling him to build something larger than a modern-day aircraft carrier. Using a few family members equipped with bronze adzes, they proceed to clear hundreds of acres of gopherwood forest, cobble it together with dowel pins and sap spackle, then magically shove ALL wildlife examples (at a rate of thousands per hour over a seven-day period, as per Genesis 7:4-10) into its holds. An aquatic explosion (measured conservatively at 10(28) joules, where the subduction rates would've poached everything in the "ark" and boiled off the oceans) lifts this vessel off its moorings (without the "sag" and "haw" experience that usually scuttles ALL wooden ships) and into a cataclysmic maelstrom that engulfs EVERYTHING (but refuses to capsize one rudderless dinghy). While aboard the SS MINNOW, an overwhelmed crew of eight contends with the special diets, fresh foods, preserv... Read more

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    Fri Feb 11 2005

    Surviving a flood, living 950 years, and then being discovered as plagiarized from Epic of Gilgamesh? Now that's an amazing Biblical story!

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    Thu Jan 06 2005

    Sure its a cute story but please say you dont beleive in it. How would Noah fit all those animals in a tiny ark? There are over 6,000,000 species of beatles alone.UPDATE: Ok gone away explain this. How could Noah have sustained at least two elephants, both eeting well over a ton of food a day. How would he have gotten south American animals on the ark. There are over 3,000,000,000 species of animals on this planet, how could Noah have done that. you might as well try to fit the entire world population on the boat. They may not have been fully grown but baby animals need constant parental care or else they will starve or freeze to death so it would only be logical that he brings them two. In case you didnt know, dealing with over three billion baby animals, all needing constant car, is no easy feet, especially when you only have three other helpers. thats one person to a billion baby animals. What of their poop? What of their nutritional needs?Did noah have to bring one of evey fresh wa... Read more

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    Mon Dec 27 2004

    Would have liked to get the full story, like what kind of scaffolding did he use, where did the lumber come from, who cut the planks, did he use creosote, and of course, the creatures?????

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    Fri Dec 17 2004

    The man is a saint, being cooped up on a little boat with his wife for 40 days and 40 nights.