No kidding!

Approval Rate: 91%

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    Sun Jul 01 2007

    sounds like a nice group. not everyone wants to have kids. and being part of a group that organizes activities that are child free would be nice for them.

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    Sun Jul 01 2007

    I really don't see anything odd about, rabid soccer moms and dads...that's weird!

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    Sun Jan 08 2006

    Terrific organization for those of us who are CBC (Childless by Choice). Lots of fun activities and events.

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    Sat Jan 07 2006

    Parenting and kids aren't for everyone. This sounds like a great organization to help child-free people make new friends.

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    Mon Sep 26 2005

    This is a great group for those who have no children. Regular activities and get-togethers, and really cool people!

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    Mon Sep 26 2005

    No Kidding is a great social club for singles and for couples who do not have or do not want children to get out and make new friends. It is a way to go out and try new things that you may not have thought of to do yourself until someone else suggested it. Give it a try, you might like it!

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    Sun Sep 25 2005

    I love this group! We have met so many wonderful people! All the events have been fun and we are so happy we joined!

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    Sat Sep 24 2005

    Finally, a group that comes together to talk about something other than their brats. How refreshing!

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    Sat Sep 24 2005

    There are chapters all over the world and once a year they have a convention/festival which is simply a venue for anyone to come to visit the host city for a vacation with like minded people. When you arrive at the first meet & greet in the host city you're a stranger but you have instant friend to go touring the next day. One year we went to New Orleans (so glad I had the oppportunity through No Kidding!) Next year we're going to Toronto. To join No Kidding! there is only one rule: you presently don't have and have never had children.

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    Sat Sep 24 2005

    This group is really not that "oddball" and it has been an incredible lifesaver and amazing social opportunity for my husband and myself! It has given us new friendships to treasure for a lifetime, and it's wonderful knowing that there are so many other people out there who don't feel that a human being's value is based on reproducing.

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    Sat Sep 24 2005

    This is an AWESOME organization!! I used to feel like an outcast becasuse I didn't want kids. Then I found out about No Kidding and discovered that there are soooooooo many others out there who feel the same way. Plus, I have made an abundance of friends now thanks to this group. We do different, fun activities twice a month.

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    Sat Sep 24 2005

    I am so glad this group exists. It makes me feel almost normal that I and my husband have the same beliefs of others that just because you are married does not mean you should be parents!!!

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    Sat Sep 24 2005

    Not so oddball!

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    It's a great place to meet like-minded souls - those who have made the choice to remain child-free!

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    No Kidding! rocks!

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    A great, fun, lively, open-minded bunch!

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    Great club for child-free people! Love it!

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    This is a GREAT group for people who don't have kids!!!

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    I am child-free and staying that way. My personal are more a burden than a delight. Child-free is right for me.

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    NO KIDDING ROCKS!! We can go out w/ other people and not have to worry about school nights or what fluids are leaking out of someones kid. You know what I'm talking about!

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    No Kidding SO rules! Its REALLY nice to be able to find people who also don't have kids so that going out on a "School Night" is not even something you have to give a 2nd thought to!

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    I was so pleased to learn about this group. It is a great way to meet people in a social setting. There is no pressure to "conform" to the "norm" of having a spouse and 2.4 kids. I have been a member for about 6 months and while I don't go to every event, I love having a choice and have lots of fun with all different kinds of people. The events are often things I wouldn't do on my own or even think of, and they provide a great social outlet. It is wonderful to be able to say that you have chosen to be child free and not be looked at like you are nuts or have someone try to "convert" you. I especially like being able to express my views on how those who have chosen to be child free are forced to support the children of those who have chosen to have them; and it is a choice; (such as through higher taxes, extra work while parents get time to go to the kids school plays, sports events, etc.) and not be looked at as if I am a horrible person for not only thinking that way, but not be... Read more

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    This is a great "social club" to join. I was tired of calling relatives 3000 miles away and asking them how they were and hearing "oh, it was so cute, Johnie just farted in the tub for the first time and Susie......." well enough about my kids, I have got to go. Sometimes, I throw in "yeah, we just came back from our week cruise and my husband is taking me to France next month for our anniversary" Now when we call our new "no kidding" friends, they can do dinner, cause their not broke and dont have to find a babysitter (oh and their not stressed out). Laura

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    It's been fun meeting other people who have chosen to be child-free. I like kids, just don't want any of my own. This is a place to feel comfortable without having to hear "but why?" or "oh, why can't you have kids?" It is OK to be child-free. Living in a town where having many, many, many children per household is not only normal, but required by certain people, it is nice to have friends who understand why you don't want any of your own.

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    I love getting together with our No Kidding! group. There are always lots of friendly people to have fun with. I only wish we had a local chapter (the nearest is about 60 miles away) and that we could get together for the mixers more often. I go to massage school in the evenings and my hubby works a lot of weekends, so that makes attendance a bit difficult. We always have a lot of fun when our schedules work out, though!

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    This is a great group. The parties are great and I've made some real friends. The past two years have been full of fun activities. Everthing from long camping weekends to simple gatherings for drinks. And, No, this is not a group that gets together to complain about loud, snotty-nosed, whining children. Actually, the subject comes up rarely.

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    I love getting together with like-minded adults and have conversations that do not revolve around children. Our chapter is quite large, which makes it a little difficult to socialize at get-togethers (it can get kinda chaotic at times!), but it's always fun. I'm glad I found this group!

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    AWESOME fun group - the place to be for adults without children. No one asks "why haven't you had kids yet?" No pressure!!! No daycare discussions!!! We always have a great time at our social events.

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    a fun social group with people who don't ask "when are you having kids?". I haven't been able to go to alot of events but for those I've been too, it's been fun!!

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    I belong to 2 No Kidding! groups because I am close to both. My only regret is that I don't have more time to go to more events!!

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    No Kidding is great! The people are great, the activities are great and the concept is great.

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    Excellent organization and a great way to meet other childfree people in your area.

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    This is a great group of people with many fun activities!

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    Outstanding group. I wish more people got the message.

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    Great for solving many problems here on earth!

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    Wed Sep 21 2005

    Great opportunity to meet with "like" folks with the common denominator of no parenting. How refreshing!

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    Wed Sep 21 2005

    Great way to meet childfree people with similiar interests.

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    Wed Sep 21 2005

    It's a great idea! All our friends have kids. It's hard to meet other childfree folks, and No Kidding! gives us the opportunity to make new childfree friends.

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    Fri Jul 15 2005

    Oh, I thought it was and advocacy group to promote birth control. This is better. Around here we call them D.I.N.K.S. (Dual Income, No Kids)

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    Wed Jun 29 2005

    I bet they have a better sex life than the puritans who complain about sexual innuendo on Desperate Housewives.