Approval Rate: 66%
Reviews 0
by poolguy3511
Thu Jul 28 2011Courtney Love should have done it sooner.
by poolguys
Fri Jul 22 2011overall a really great band
by magneticd
Thu Oct 21 2010These guys got mega popular seconds after I lost the ability to listen to anything that didn't have drums or guitars, so I missed out on whatever it was that people liked about them..
by seashelby
Sun Jan 24 2010Most influential band of my time.
by julienbenney
Sat Nov 21 2009It is hard to see why a band who simply tried to re-invent the awful, noisy rock sound of the 1980s by making it harder and less tuneful should be credited with doing anything of significance. In a sense, Kurt Cobain was simply updating what AC/DC did with Back in Black on "Lithium" (though I misheard the chorus), and their music really i hard even to listen to.
by louiethe20th
Wed Nov 18 2009I like a couple of their songs including 'Come As you Are,' but I feel music took a turn for the worse in the post Nirvana era. Thumbs down to grunge!
by basukidutta
Fri Oct 09 2009hi nirvana just the name of the band itself speaks louder than words.i think nirvana was the path breaking band that started the whole grunge revolution.Nirvana was solely responsible for ending of metal.In fact kurt used to hate most of the metal and glam rock bands of that time. So nirvana with other great rock bands like pearl jam,alice in chains,soudgarden led to the grunge era But sadly nirvana was also responsible for ending of grunge era with kurt suicide They have so many hits but my fav ones are serve the servants,lounge act,on.a plain,penny royal tea,heart shaped box, and from unplugged jesus dont want me for sunbeam,man who sold the world,polly,oh me and plateau.Nirvana was definetly one of the most influential rock bands of this generation.
by oasisbasuki
Wed Oct 07 2009hi i think nirvana was one of the most influential bands of them 90s.They started a new trend in rock of grunge/alternative rock.One of the fav songs of nirvana is from their unplugged album jesus don't want me for sunbeam,oh me,dumb,penny royal tea .......
by mollydollyxox
Sat Aug 30 2008I Love Curt Cobain (L) And Nirvana Rules. !xox! #
by marcelina
Fri Aug 29 2008very good band; we owe them a debt for steering rock back to rock
by logfan0820
Fri Aug 22 2008whoo nirvana rules kurt will live on forever
by fitman
Thu Aug 21 2008SMELLS LIKE TEEN VOMITThis third rate lot lucked out because they came along at a time when the airwaves were clogged with boring pop crap. They were fresh and infuential, but not particularly talented. Maybe if they'd known who Howlin' Wolf is?
by binnietheblood_ybooh
Wed Aug 20 2008The first popular "grunge" band but not a good band.
by tu3sday
Sun Jan 06 2008Awesome is all that can be said. x]
by ilikepie
Fri Mar 09 2007Nirvana are one of the most overrated bands of all time. They are called 'pioneers' and 'geniuses', yet Cobain and Novoselic can hardly play, and Grohl fared far better (at least music-wise) with his band Foo Fighters. Since Kobain's demise, Nirvana have received far too much media attention, and they will unfortunately be remembered as rock legends over far more talented and deserving bands. A terrible shame that a talentless and repetitive band should become so well known.
by runwithmydevil_128
Fri Jan 05 2007i like the song 'Where did you sleep last night?' but the song ' Rape Me'? ... Rape me,my friend rape me again im not the only one, do it and do it again,....Waste me , Taste me, my friend ....My fav. inside source i'll kiss your open sores...appreciate your concern....You'll always stink and burn...rape me, my friend, rape me again
by irishgit
Wed Jan 03 2007I'd say so. Its not that they're a bad band, but Cobain's death has always brought out the hagiographers and their over-abundant praise.
by extra25
Mon Jul 10 2006Greatest band of the 90s, and one of the best ever
by emerillagassef_an
Sat Jun 24 2006Nirvana is the most overrated, overexposed band in music history, I Believed this band kicked off this revolution of pathetic genres today (Nu Metal, Emo, Pop Punk, etc) and other disasters (St. Anger), I'm a liberal and I Despise this band and I'm personally glad kurt is gone, because he didn't care about nobody but himself.
by planetarygear
Thu May 11 2006Nirvana was one of the last of the truly talented rock groups/w real artisic merit to come from a major record label. One of those rare instances were the suits who run the recording industry actually offered the music fan something that didn't deplete precious IQ points while listening to. They were a groundbreaking group that single-handedly gave creedence to the rock sub-genre known as "grunge" which signaled the death-knell of that dreadful Hair Metal craze that festered for the better part of the 80's, and inspired a short-lived proliferation of thoughtful, singer-songwriter material from a few other groups at the time. Nirvana's minimalist, un-pretentious approach to music, combined/w Cobain's poetic prose and vocal delivery is what seperated them from the rest of those latte swiggin' pretty-boys who attempted to fraud their way onto the charts in the early-mid 90's by riding their coat-tails....Alas, Cobain made other plans for himself, so aside from a few compilation recordings... Read more
by robzombie56
Sat Jan 21 2006one of the best bands out there no i take it back the in peace kurt cobain he still lives in my eyes at least he did as he thought was best for the world if you look up his suicide note on any search site my favortie is HEART SHAPED BOX! God bless Cobain
by soadnirvana
Mon Jul 18 2005Not since the Beatles (dare I say the cliche) or BB King has one musician/band influenced so many. 80% of todays bands will be the first to tell you that Kurt Cobain and Nirvana influenced their music. With the release of the innappropriately titled box set With the Lights Out, named for a lyric of my second least favorite Nirvana song, comes the craving for more Nirvana. Courtney Love, Cobain's lesser talented widow prefers to cling on the memory of her late husband's band. Nirvana is THE teenage band, no exceptions, no imitations. Period.
by kingguiness
Mon May 16 2005Just like the Beatles should'nt be held responsible for Gilbert O Sullivan, nor should Nirvana be blamed for the flood of copycats who have polluted FM airwaves for the better part of 12 years. Along with fellow peers the Pixies/Breeders no other bands can effectively make grunge rock. They had a fresh, exciting sound that took the world by storm. If the unfortunate and suspicious death of Kurt Cobain had not occurred Cobain by himself or with Nirvana members would have gone on to greater artistic heights. If you question my comment about Kurt's death being suspicious, do your own research. If you share my intelligence You will reach the same conclusion.
by darick
Sat May 14 2005Excellent band. Too bad Kurt Cobain killed himself (bloody idiot). 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' and 'Come As You Are' are both one of my most favourite songs. I still feel myself dancing to a beat whenever I hear their music playing.
by buryface_inh_ands
Mon Mar 21 2005classic. simple as that.
by skizero
Thu Feb 10 2005so my opinions are biased on this one, I dont care. but if you were a 17 year old in 1991 and all the radio was giving you was Lita Ford/Ozzy Osbourne duets on classic rock stations, i think you'd understand the impact this band had. influenced by everyone from the vaselines to the meat puppet to grunge forebares, the Pixies, all the way back to the Beatles, Nirvana exploded w/Smells Like Teen Spirit thus setting off a three year ride of sonic calamity and obtuse tortured lyrics befitting the early part of the decade it came from. Cobain and co weren't the most proficient of Seattles national exports(although the argument could be made for Dave Grohl on drums) nor were they the most popular(that distinction goes to Pearl Jam). but Nirvana had that magic, the tragic lust and the emotion which beget legends. it's just too bad Cobain decided to take himself out before Nirvana could be legend fulfilled.
by reaverto
Sun Jan 16 2005Go beyond the hype and listen to the lesser known songs. Truly haunting and brilliant stuff. He was a better guitar player than he let on in most of his recordings. His more obscure stuff on acoustic guitar is quite good. The way Cobain could sing and play perfect rhythym guitar was great. The drums were amazing and Kurt's voice was THE primal scream in rock. Such a sad ending.
by peter_ogstrup
Fri Jan 14 2005Kurt Cobain create a new kind of music. He died too young - he lives the life and felt the pain. I hope he is in Nirvana - he deserves it!
by brandon313
Fri Dec 17 2004Great band. Defined a genre
by lula_arg
Mon Oct 25 2004Nirvana is an icon. A classic. They created a totally new style that they can call their own. Look out for 'Smells like teen spirit', 'About a girl', 'Come as you are', and all they're other classic grunge sounds.
by animelover1
Wed Oct 20 2004All that i have to say is that they ROCK!!!!!
by chalky
Fri Oct 08 2004overrated garage band but unplugged is one of my fave albums....and they deserve credit for the grunge movement.
by catswhiskers
Tue Aug 31 2004Nirvana was the band that awoke an entire generation. At that time the world was searching for something a little more sincere and with Cobain's angst ridden vocals the music struck a chord with every teenager. Although their reign was cut short by tragedy of their time they were the most influential band.
by mbmoses
Sat Aug 21 2004Seems like a lot of people give this band a lower rating just because they are so popular. While other bands (AIC) deserve just (or almost) as much credit, it doesn't mean that this band isn't one of the best there is to offer. I love how Kurt can make simple yet brilliant riffs on the guitar. He really does deserve the title of one of the greatest guitarist of all time. There's no band on earth that has better lyrics then Nirvana. And almost no band that has such frequently great songs. Seems like I can listen to them when I'm in almost any mood. For all those reasons Nirvana is one of my favorite bands of all time. P.S. I fail to see how the Pixies were the first to create this kind of sound... I don't hear many resemblences between the two bands.
by turtlepower
Tue Jul 20 2004Nirvana is my favorite band ...............Serve the Servants is their best song
by music_fan
Mon Jul 19 2004They are way too overrated, their music sucked, as well as songwriting. FYI, I have listened to their albums. A mentally unstable man who escapes from institutions shouldn't be respected.
by sfalconer
Thu Jul 08 2004These guys made there money easy. I can't see what the big deal is. There music is mostly depressing and simplistic. Then the idiot, Kurt, blow his brains out or was it Courtney. Any way in a way he did us all a favor as we no longer have to suffer the droning vocals any more. Terrible for his family though and what a terrible let down for his mis-guided fans.
by guava_monkey
Tue Jun 29 2004the greatest 3 piece group from the early 90s to wear plaid and do the quiet bit-shouty bit thing. pity that the Pixies and Husker Du did it first
by rollinglover
Mon Jun 28 2004the greatest group of the nineties!
by harris
Sat Jun 12 2004Great band ever! We will always miss Kurt Cobain! rest in peace dude!
by north_starr
Wed May 12 2004Do you think that international fame and glory was what Kurt cobain was after? Not even close!! All he wanted was to expess himself and he did that through his music...and so did millions of others. I for one will never forget the day i heard he was dead. I still cry on april 5. Nirvana paved the way for all these pissy little bands like sum 41 and limp bizkit. we all should have a little more appreciation for this band.
by ledzep44
Sun May 02 2004Nirvana is awesome! Currently learning 'About A Girl' On Guitar
by nada22ef
Fri Apr 02 2004by fedex
by pennyroyalty
Wed Mar 31 2004i can' believe that it's almost been ten years. Nirvana was the first real band i listened to, and their music helped me through that teenaged agnst period, filled the gap that crap like Avril Lavigne is filling for girls these days. I know that the music wasn't complicated, but the songs had emotion and honest meaning. and it was something different. although i've moved on from that stage, they are still my favourite band of all time.
by erlking
Tue Mar 30 2004Kurt Cobain was a good lyricist, and a technically poor singer (although he did emote well.) Nirvana's music was so simplistic, a band of trained chimps could have played it - extremely boring, in my opinion. They were a breath of fresh air coming on the end of the tragic 'hair metal' era. For this, they get 3/5.
by kinkykinks
Fri Mar 12 2004the band who started the 90's and grunge rock
by althea
Sun Feb 01 2004This band validates the shadow side through raw energy mixed with pure genius. I love their Meat Puppets, Firehose influence. Too bad that success killed Cobain. It's hard to protest the sellout of the music industry when you're a top 40 band.
by fwmorris
Tue Dec 30 2003Kurt was a poet first and foremost, and carried all the cliched garbage that goes along with that title. In the end it seems that what he wanted most was his down fall. This was a band that had a lot of room for growth that could have taken it to an even higher level. Fortunatly we're left with an excellent body of work that dumped the industry on its noggin. Nirvana was the slap in the face that brought us all back to something real, although fleeting.
by 1johndoefan
Thu Dec 11 2003I was pretty saddened by Curt's death in 1994. They were my favorite band hands down. But they live on in radio and by heart. The best alternative band of all time...obviously.
by kolby1973
Thu Nov 27 2003Even though Nirvana's music was not something I listened to all the time, or even thrived on like other types of music, I feel this band deserves every ounce of praise and respect they receive.....a band that is now already classic, and they will never be forgotten. Kurt Cobain is missed by millions...