Nine Inch Nails
Approval Rate: 66%
Reviews 0
by marcelina
Fri Aug 29 2008scary and twisted
by jen928
Sun Jun 08 2008Only the GREATEST ever!!!!
by asheis
Tue May 06 2008Far too many people go in to listening to NIN with apprehention, doubt, and many times unfounded disgust. They were never what I thought they were when I first started hearing their stuff. Trent (regardless of the opinion of many on here) is a very smart man. He's trounced the record companies, and released a CD worthy of commercial release. Don't rate based on what you THINK NIN is. Come into them with an open mind. You might find yourself suprised at the depth here.
by thereviewer
Fri Apr 25 2008My favorite band hands down. I have almost all of their songs (including remixes and rare songs) and the band is amazingly dynamic. I got into them when I was uber-depressed, but I still like them today. Yes, they have a negative energy but at least it's more insightful than the mindless rap and pop that floods the radio filled with lyrics about greed, crime, and pride. And they sound like no other popular band today. Even if you aren't very into them, listen to Ghosts and it will likely change your mind at least a little. My favorite album by them besides The Downward Spiral is Still, which was a limited production CD but is still available online. Check it out if you get a chance - it's beautiful in a dark sort of way.
by xagent
Wed Aug 08 2007Some of their stuff throws me for a loop but what can you say about the band that brought us "Closer."
by iboga251
Sun Jun 24 2007Amazing - NIN has never failed to give me chills. Only love for this band, my all time favorite! If you havent seen them in concert and you are hating on them then you really cant rate them properly. I took my friend who didnt listen to them at all and didnt like that kind of music (my best friend so i didnt want to bring anyone else)....He was blown away and agreed that they provided a mind bending experience!
by lazyfreak101
Sat Apr 29 2006Every five years this guy creates a masterpeice.
by kingguiness
Mon May 16 2005Not really my cup of tea but they're not bad. Of cousrse Head like a Hole is a catchy song. Other stuff I can take or leave.
by the_satanic_sp_az
Sat May 07 2005Nine Inch Nails: With_Teeth is another example of why Trent will always be relevant in almost any situation...just listen to the lyrics.
by sfalconer
Wed Apr 27 2005Another waste of perfectly good cds.
by louiethe20th
Thu Apr 07 2005How can they play the guitar with such long nails.I suppose they would not need a guitar pick?
by texasyankee
Mon Apr 04 2005excellent,the lyrics alone and then trent's depressing darkness,if you don't get it, then leave it alone. Stop criticizing something you can't ever understand.
by brandon313
Fri Dec 17 2004NIN has always been a very good band, not great, but good.
by kierchehof
Wed Sep 01 2004I gave NIN a chance because I liked 'Star*uckers'. Most of their songs sound very same to me. They have good song highlights, but I don't see them as a band I could dedicate myself to. Trent Reznor is cool.
by ninfan
Fri Jun 04 2004Best studio band ever, and fun to see live. Pretty Hate Machine, starting with Head Like a Hole, is still my favorite album after discovering it late.
by maersk
Tue May 18 2004contrived, silly, crap reznor really is a bad lyricist
by heartburntblac_k_ow
Fri May 07 2004Truly, the worlds most substantial being, is Trent Reznor. The man is so intensely ahead of his time. Trent and his band mates know exactly what it takes to make someone trip out and go on this rightious journey...all without any halucinagens. Trent is an idol to me and thousands of others, nationaly and internationaly. The man who made Marilyn Manson, the man who is this generations David Bowie, the man who puts out albums that are compared to those of pink ****ing floyd. If Ozzy Osbourne is the father of darkness, then Trent is truly the mesiah. Trent, with his musical genious, is able to incorperate these sensual, technological, lustfully transcending rhythm's. If you're someone who likes to just sit in a comfy space and contemplate what's going on in your life to the soundtrack of your psyche, then i sujest you buy one of their mind warping albums. Definately worth the dinero.
by inertiakiss
Sat Apr 17 2004I LOVE NINE INCH NAILS.........sorry couldnt think of much else.
by pennyroyalty
Wed Mar 31 2004Trent Reznor is probably one of the most talented people in the world. Anything He touches turns to gold. Nine Inch Nails music ranges from angry to sad to tragic to just breathtaking....there's something for everyone. a must-own!
by poisonfire
Wed Mar 24 2004I have to say, I love their sound and rhythm. Noone compares to their music. I think that's what I like best about this band. And yes, I say 'band' because although Trent Reznor does most of the work they are still supposed to be a team. Suck it up, Reznor, and stop trying to take ALL the credit. But even though I love their sound, I have to agree with the reviewer who said that their negative lyrics turn some of his fans away. You don't have to be cussing in every sentence to be a good band. Some of that is going way overboard.
by scarletfeather
Thu Oct 30 2003I don't know anything about this band. I do know that they were supposed to have authored Johnny Cash's last single, "Hurt". I love that song!
by stanuzbeck
Wed Sep 17 2003Yeah, the first two albums (and one EP) were really quite good, but then Reznor decided that he was some unsung genius artiste and became a little too self-indulgent for my liking. He's also not that great of a singer, and lacks charisma. I like how he threw together these albums single-handedly based on his vision, but I don't like him anymore for the same reasons I don't like those whiny absinthe-sipping appallingly-bad-poetry-writing clove-smoking goth people.
by moosekarloff
Thu Apr 03 2003Noisy, static, self-indulgent and self-impressed crap. TR thinks he's a genius, which is pathetic, because the only other people who think that are retarded, tonedeaf junior highschoolers.
by mrkpza14
Sun Mar 16 2003Musics good but the negative lyrics put me off.
by hector_gilbert
Wed Feb 12 2003Well, well, well! By the time I'm reviewing this it's 2.61 and I dunno whether to be surprised or not. I can see why not everyone would like Nine Inch Nails because their music has always been very dark, yet the sound has changed substantially and differs between the four Big Releases (Pretty Hate Machine, the Broken EP, The Downward Spiral, The Fragile) and the bizarre industrial albums (Fixed, Further Down The Spiral, The Perfect Drug Remixes, and Things Falling Apart. Also remember that many of the singles have remixes). However, its cult appeal among people who are not "just goths" should not be ignored. This is genuinely good music, which hasn't really hit a decline over the years as Trent Reznor still dares to be creative after all this time (usually it just takes one or two albums for a good band to sink into the depths of commercialism). The four Big Releases do indeed sound quite different from one another. Pretty Hate Machine (1989) uses the electronic stuff often so i... Read more
by bigtyke
Wed Jan 29 2003Incredibly layered music, there's a lot more to it than people realize. Trent Reznor is a musical genius, he should do more production work and collaborate with other artists.
by couchpotato
Fri Aug 23 2002Trent is brilliant. Just brilliant. I've heard every song he has recorded and they're all excellent in their own right. The Fragile was simply a masterpiece and all his other albums are flawless.
by jn_rock
Wed Jul 17 2002Man, now this is a great band! I've only been a fan of thier music for about maybe 4 years now but Trent is absolutely a genius. His band is the Pink Floyd of our generation. He creates dark and scary type music to create moods. Every song is a masterpiece, it can be an instrumental or a lyrical song and it's still great. Pretty Hate Machine was thier first album and it was fantastic, I STILL LISTEN TO IT!. Downward Sprial was a work of art, DARK MUSIC FOR DARK TIMES!. Finally the Fragile, TODAY'S DARK SIDE OF THE MOON. Trent has also made many EPS, Singles and a live album. I currently do not own these but I'm well on my way to getting them. nine inch nails proves they are an artsy band even with thier videos. The music videos are very dark, disturbing and make you think. His video for Closer is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. It's been going since 1989 and it doesn't seem to be over anytime soon. Most people that like this band are freaks or "goths" but that is not true. I am actu... Read more
by miasue
Wed Jul 17 2002Ha. Who?
by loki13
Wed Mar 20 2002Whiney goth piece of sh*te
by brena6b0
Fri Mar 15 2002nin is one of the best live band i have ever seen their music is great!
by talena
Mon Sep 17 2001I don't like the fact that Trent is so jealous of Fred Durst that he has to break pictures of him...if Trent was really cool, he would go break Fred's face in person.
by mystikal
Sat Aug 04 2001Trent Reznor is a sexy b*tch. Anyways, I think their best work was The Fragile but everything they do is a work of art.
by alooseda
Wed Jul 04 2001They did a great job. Although they should have stayed indie.
by delilah
Mon Jun 25 2001Nine inches ? Four inches is more like it..
by alice666cooper
Sun May 27 2001NIN is a great band. Trent Reznor is one of the most infulentul artists out there. His lyrics go great with his dark evil music. He has made some of the most memorable songs of the 90s. His albums are masterpieces. I love Pretty Hate Machine & The Downward Spiral. Yet, some people do not like NIN. Example, Whiny boy Fred Durst. I hate Limp Bizkit. Yet, even with the feud with Durst Trent seems to be stronger. Long Live Nine Inch Nails!!!!!
by thorne
Sat Apr 21 2001I had always been a Nine Inch Nails fan. I had heard songs like Head Like a Hole, Closer,Hurt andPerfect Drug growing up. It wasn't until they put out the album "The Fragile" did I realize how powerful and beautiful Their music really is. Around that time I was going through an extremlly hard time in my life. I was stuck in a horrible relationship and I was too scared to break away from it. Listining to the Fragile opened me up. I could relate to every song and every melody. I then bought the albums Closer,Broken and Pretty Hate Machine. Pretty Hate Machine helped me out the most. It helped me get out the agrivation and Rage that burned inside me. The distaste that was rising in me for the evil girl in my life. After being with her I would pop on NIN and be comforted knowing someone else has felt this before. Someone else has suffered and hurt. Someone else has felt sorry for themselves and wished they could escape from the ties that bind them. It wasn't until I saw NIN on their Fragil... Read more
by crazy_byrd
Sat Feb 24 2001I give them five stars for being unique and for being a serious influence on music in the 90s. I give them TWO THUMBS DOWN for the graphic nature of those banned videos that I had the displeasure of viewing. Does SOMEONE NEED THERAPY or what???
by xiala_proserpine
Thu Feb 22 2001Trent needs to stop taking credit for Marilyn Manson's work. No one likes you anymore, Trent. Your old albums will stay in my CD collection, though.
by ozzyfreak4life
Tue Feb 20 2001I love NIN! Trent is an alsome writer!
by kwillowk
by maranda
Thu Oct 19 2000im listening to them right now i just want to know why there 124
by spiralingmarce
Fri Jun 02 2000For some reason, I am compelled to write poetry after hearing NIN.
by hved6055et
Mon Apr 17 2000Very heavy. Both musicly & lyricly.
by jnss5475om
Wed Mar 22 2000NIN slapped me in the face and woke me up. Always loved heavy metal and those screaming skinny longhaired guys like Skid Row and NIN gave me new insight into something I needed!
by booz2917om
Fri Dec 10 1999best industrial band, ever
by ponu2862et
Fri Dec 10 1999Angry social issue music, Renzor is a perv. (I like that in a man)
by halo478et
Tue Dec 07 1999Nine Inch Nails is one of the greatest bands to ever enter the "scene." I'm glad they got a low rating because that means that the proletariat (the uneducated masses) have no sense. Woohoo!
by wtbyan
Mon Nov 29 1999Trent is a cool guy. An individual with talent, even if he sometimes chooses to ignore it. Pretty Hate Machine is a classic, and they have other stuff worth checking out.