Newt Gingrich
Approval Rate: 71%
Reviews 0
by frankswildyear_s
Thu Dec 08 2011He was yesterday's man two elections ago. But on the other hand, if the Republicans put up a 69 year old candidate in 2012 they'll seem a lot more youthfull than they did with the 72 year old candidate that they ran in 2008. UPDATE: Much is being made of his impressive rise to the head of the Republican pack in recent weeks. Little attention ia paid to the fact that he took the mantle from Herman Cain.
by littlefuzz4
Thu Dec 08 2011As of May 2011, he is now officially in the running for President. I will have to listen to his views. Being a popular name and well known with experience, the former Speaker of the House (1995-99), he might be the best chance the GOP has of beating Obama. As of December 6, 2011, My mother is trying to convince me to vote for Newt Gingrich and so I am listening. I am also listening to Mitt Romney. If Newt Gingrich is elected the 45th President of the United States, he will be the 2nd oldest man to become President on his first inauguration at 69 years + 217 days. The record is held by President Ronald Reagan at 69 years + 348 days in 1981 and at his 2nd Inauguration 73 years + 348 days in 1985.
by ayn9b559
Mon Dec 05 2011Any time I see a politician I am reminded of the wisdom of my great grandmother: "Fools names and fools faces are often found in public places."
by skyler_101
Sun Sep 25 2011Too much baggage. Otherwise, he would be a fine candidate.
by guy_dc1b
Thu May 19 2011I’ve never seen a presidential hopeful blow up his campaign (Calling the Ryan budget plan Right Wing Social Engineering on Meet the Press) so soon after declaring his candidacy. The mainstream media is already labeling him a racist, among other things. Stick a fork in em.
by genghisthehun
Tue May 17 2011Newt has a new idea every minute. Some are good and some are bad. He has spouted too many bad ideas in the past and his personal life would be a drawback.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Tue May 17 2011If a person wants to elect a fig into office, then Newton Leroy Gingrich is your man.
by hyperrreal
Tue May 17 2011Newt has too much baggage due in part to him being a shitstain of a human being. Cheating on two different wives (one while you're leading the impeachment of the President for perjuring himself over a similar offense) is one thing, but browbeating your wife to sign divorce papers while she's in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery is the kind of offense more likely to send you to Hell to get gangbanged by Nazi's than the White House.
by canadasucks
Mon May 16 2011The generation-gap candidate. The old guy in the club who shouldn't be there. Gingrich's message was old hat in the 90's. . .he still (strangely) thinks the GOP 'won' the government shutdown with Clinton. . . he still thinks he's above personal questions about his life whilst questioning the lives of his opponents. He still talks to the camera as if he imagines himself as intimidating, intellectual, or relevant. The dems want him to hang around as long as possible. . .he's simply not an electable GOP candidate.
by chalky
Mon May 16 2011Gingrich reminds me a lot of Bill Clinton in that both are sociopaths and extremely sleazy.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon May 16 2011I just don't see him swaying undecided voters, nor do I see him energizing anything but the opposition. Is he really being considered by people as a serious option? UPDATE: Did I really get multiple D votes from the Island of Misfit Candidates?
by genxbetnick
Wed Jan 05 2011While I am not a Fan of Newt Gingrich,he served as the Majority Leader and Speaker Of The House Of Representatives. Un-like Tea Party crazies like Palin,Newt actully has read the constitution and has an understanding of the issues that face the country. Gingrich is articulate and experianced in running on a national stage. The greatest lesson of Presidents such as Nixon & Regan is that to win elections,you have to lock-down your base while appealing to Independant voters,Gingrich has the experiance that Independant Voters want and has a record that most republican challengers can not match.
by anonuser
Wed Jan 05 2011Total progressive. Not a chance. Tea Party will unite against this snake oil salesman!
by mrmicster
Fri Nov 19 2010Same old, same old. Have we not seen this story before. What does he bring to the table........
by retovami
Sat Sep 04 2010No, next...
by jester002
Sun Aug 29 2010Gingrich is just another right wing talking point regurgitation machine. Republicans are like parrots’...if you've heard one squawk you've heard them all. The same can be said about the Fox News.
by ekrist
Mon Aug 23 2010Newt is certainly the most knowledgeable of all viable candidates. His command on such a diverse range of issues is exceptional. His fellow GOP candidates just do not compare. In addition to being well versed on the critical issues of our time, Newt is one of the most eloquent speakers of our time. I believe that Newt is one of the very few GOP candidates that can slam dunk Obama in the debates!! Also, Newt's speeches are always inspiring and thought provoking. As someone mentioned elsewhere on this forum, Newt is most likely to energize the left if he is nominated. This is a point in his favor!! Vote for the one who best reflects your personal politics. But don't forget that Republicans win elections whenever they espouse a conservative agenda. McCain was at best, a moderate.
by djahuti
Wed Feb 24 2010Go ahead and run this human skidmark.I dare ya.
by mjdogaci
Wed Feb 24 2010He is the reason Clinton's economy soared.. a Gingrich/Romney ticket is what this country needs to get back on its feet!!!!!!
by jake_armitage
Sat Feb 06 2010Newt, again is another republican candidate I would consider voting for but is too moderate in the eyes of the far right GOP.
by gmsc1abb
Mon Dec 28 2009Probably the smartest and most knowledgeable politicion the national scene today. Hopefully his few long ago blunders will not allow the drive by media to villify him
by jonnyt711
Sun Dec 27 2009Why wouldn't you vote for him? Go and listen to his speech from Nov. of '09. He nails everything! He has the experience and the the knowledge to beat the liberals. Conservatives need to stop wavering and find their values again. Sarah Palin needs some experience, maybe in someone like Newt's administration. If he doesn't run he can certainly endorse the right type of candidate. As for his misstep earlier this year, at least he owned up to the fact that he endorsed the wrong candidate. He went on record with it and how many times can you say a politician did that?
by mike_rollins
Fri Nov 06 2009Gingrich has way too much personal and political baggage! His recent endorsement and support of Dede Scozzafava is only his latest political blunder. I have serious questions about Gingrich's wisdom and judgement.
by fitman
Thu Oct 29 2009If the oligarchs decide to give Obama a second term, Newt could play a similar role to that of Sarah Palin in the last (s)election.
by louiethe20th
Wed Oct 28 2009Great choice if he can overcome some skeletons in his personal life, but hey, Clinton overcame Monica and committing purgery and Obama overcame Rev. Wright and William Ayers. Newt is extremely intelligent and has some pretty great ideas. He also doesn't need a teleprompter and would slay Obama in debate!
by victor83
Sun Oct 25 2009For me, the light bulb is out with ol Newt. I will give him credit though...he has millions fooled into believing that he is a true conservative. He should consider a career in Hollywood. Gingrich is cut from the same cloth as Bush, Graham, McCain, etc. He is a neocon through and through. For my money, we don't need any more of what got us where we are today.
by irishgit
Sun Oct 25 2009President Gingrich? Let me check the forecast for blizzards in Hell. If the GOP goes for this guy, or someone like him, it will be a sure sign they haven't got the message they've been sent.
by dtnc2167
Sun Oct 25 2009Extremely intelligent and a high IQ. But has skeletons which would not go over well with the socially conservative crowd.
by wellstone2
Thu Nov 13 2008I would never vote for him, but I think he will run.
by zuchinibut
Wed Nov 05 2008Presidential candidates are trending younger, and Newt hasn't appeared young in a long time.