New Mexico
Approval Rate: 64%
Reviews 0
by skunkdog
Wed Nov 30 2011Pros - The Champagne apples that are unique only (allegedly) to this state and one farm are the best apples you will ever have. - The Enchanted Circle in the northeast corner of the state admittedly looks nice and is filled with quaint small towns. - The talented Neil Patrick Harris comes from here Cons - Everything else. This is the worst place in the country. Those apples I just mentioned? Theyre gone. Forever. Several floods, fires and more completely wiped out the entire farm. Most of this could have been prevented but most state officials refused to help out despite the property being on state land. They essentially condoned ruining an entire family's life. The roads are in a constant state of disrepair. Construction crews apparently "work" on them almost year round yet the conditions never get better while construction cones litter the highways. Its impossible to drive 3 feet without hitting a pothole, crack, or otherwise bump in the road that will off center your c... Read more
by delina
Thu May 19 2011Agreed! 25 reasons NOT to live in Las Cruces, New Mexico: 1) Dusty and windy most of the year. 2) Ignorant people. 3) Poorly stocked stores. Shopping is mostly done in El Paso. 4) Welfare State & Welfare City. Lots of social programs everywhere! Tons of homeless. 5) Nasty apartments. (EOH) 6) Drugs (smell that smell? It's not a burn pile by the pecan orchards.) 7) Crime (if it's not bolted down, it'll be gone by morning.) 8) Narco gangs (it's only 75 miles from the Am-Mex border, at I-10 & I-25. Think about it.) 9) Insanely expensive newer housing. Lackluster architecture. Poor quality house building. 10) Poor barrios and trashed out mobile home parks are common. 11) High Californian influx, which drives up housing prices. 12) Trash and rubbish situation has gotten somewhat better. ("Toss no mas") 13) Jails are full. FULL. State, county and local police are overworked with all the nonsense. 14) DUIs too commonplace 15) Gang fights commonplace 16) Drop-out rate extremely high 17) Teen... Read more
by legacy24
Sat Apr 02 2011I love this state. My mom lives here and I constantly go out to visit her. People all have their preconceived notions about New Mexico, but they are hardly ever right. Firstly, everyone assumes that it's all Mexican and Hispanic people all the time, but while they do make up a substantial portion of the population, there are many other races there as well. The International Balloon Fiesta is held here each year and it is a great sight. If you've never been, you should certainly go. The climate can be all over the map at times, but there's nothing like waking up in the morning to clear blue skies or watching the sun set on the mountain.
by moony2000
Thu Mar 24 2011" SANTA FE is a city of creative " UNESCO Conference 2004 . It has a unique culture, and it is one of UNESCO network cities . It is culture make this city has a unique activities especially for tourism.
by b4thebeatles
Fri Dec 31 2010This is one "sunbelt" state that you need to think twice about before moving to or retiring at. If you're the working middle-class type, like most of us are, be prepared for a cut in pay and an overall lower standard of living and quality of life. New Mexico ranks anywhere between 47th and 50th in most surveys. It is NOT a state that you want to raise your kids in. The schools are the worst in the country. Lots of uneducated and ignorant people in N.M. Getting a job in New Mexico depends on WHO you know, not WHAT you know. Nepotism is commonplace, right up to the state government in Santa Fe. Jobs, period, are so hard to come by and so competitive, even for the low-paying ones. Then there's the WEEDS. Seriously folks, the weeds in this state are something out of the twilight zone. They grow to the size of trees and they're noxious: they will cause serious itching and allergies that are life-threatening. The weeds must be constantly controlled between late February and Octob... Read more
by superultraharr_y
Thu Aug 19 2010I lived in Santa Fe from 2004 to 2006 as a college student. The weather was nice, the food was delicious, the cost of living was super reasonable, and the people were cordial for the most part. But there were no jobs. That's why I left. I ran out of money and there were no jobs. It's a poor place: there are tons of panhandlers and the Indian market is just sad (although I know acting that way sells more turquoise jewelry). Some other things I noticed were that in Santa Fe, many people were dependent on some sort of substance, prescribed or not. I drove up Cerrillos Road one day and the lady driving next to me was shooting up as she was driving. No lie. Also, there is a huge artsy elite out there that will make your life miserable if a select few people decide that they don't like you. Some very disingenuous and backstabbing behavior from a very select few people, and everyone else seems to just quietly stew and take it. I watched more than a few young creatives lose their minds aft... Read more
by mbcooksey
Fri Apr 04 2008great state. has a special niche that most states dont have.
by smallchief
Sun Oct 07 2007Perhaps my favorite state. I love the Gila and Pecos Wilderness areas, the Bandelier Indian ruins, the atomic museum in Los Alamos, walking in Santa Fe, the undiscovered northeast around Capulin Volcano and Folsom; the canyons along the Canadian River, the Valle Vidal, the Valles Caldera, Bosque Apache, the Kit Carson museum in Taos, and Carlsbad Caverns. I like the long roads where it's 50 or 100 miles between gas stations.
by kaysarluvr
Fri Jul 20 2007Rarely do you hear English, though this is America.
by amerigovespucc_i
Fri Jul 20 2007Like Illegal immigrants who think you should THANK them for breaking into your country?! Visit NM!
by ugtr3094
Sat Jun 30 2007I lived in NM for about 1.5 years and found it to be an interesting place. There are 2 impressions I got from family and friends when I told them of my decision to move to NM. Most people wanted to know why I chose to move to a place that is 20 years behind the times. The rest wanted to know why I was moving to Mexico. I bought the latter group a geography book and smacked them upside the head with it. After living in Albuquerque for a few months, the true nature of the state began to reveal itself. First of all, NM is not the desert people make it out to be. There is desert to be sure but there is also high plains, mountains, rolling hills, and a huge variety of different plant species. You can see cacti and evergreen trees within a half hour drive. The scenery is consistently interesting and varied. The people in NM are friendlier than most other states I've lived in. There is a pretty diverse mix of nationalities. I met quite a few people who can trace their lineage b... Read more
by yogurt
Mon Jun 18 2007A nice place to visit but, I would hate to live there. Albuquerque is weird and Santa Fe blows. The rest of the the towns are po' dunk .
by irishturtle
Sun Feb 12 2006New Mexico = Mexico with McDonalds. Las Cruces= Manure farms. Hopefully you won't be passing through anytime soon, if you do bring nose plugs.
by lion_in_winter
Wed Jul 13 2005New Mexico has some beautiful views and vista's with wonderful skies. However it lacks a good educational system, poor services locally, and it has a crime problem. Quality of life issues rank in the lower quarter of all states. Rated way too high here.
by kingguiness
Wed Jun 15 2005A beautiful state and a great place to just withdraw from society. The comments about Albuquurque are true but I always enjoyed my time hanging out there. I hope they are able to curb the crime problems.
by genghisthehun
Mon Jun 13 2005It's nice but too much desert.
by njcoastergrl
Sat May 14 2005boring state
by entra084
Thu Mar 17 2005The poorest state in the union, the small towns and communties along I-25 and I-40 are broken down hovels, they resemble many inner city communties. Albuquerque, a city including metro of 700,000 has a crime rate to that of a city with millions, in fact Albuquerque is has grown in popularity with it numerous appearences on the show cops. Santa Fe is over priced and filled with aging hippies that sell mediorce art. New Mexico has some decent scenery, but highly inferior in comparasion to Colorado.
by madvillainy
Wed Jan 12 2005New Mexico is a state of timeless beauty and distinct cultural flavors marred by the modern problems of poverty, crime, urban sprawl, poor schools, and lesser talked-about issues(high incidence of highway deaths, alcoholism, and suicide, especially among the native Indians). Albuquerque is your typically sprawling Sunbelt city with a serious crime problem. Sante Fe is the town I would most prefer to live in, but it has its warts, mainly the yuppies turned new age kooks who sell overpriced wares that try to invoke the spirit of the Old Southwest, but only deplete the wallets of the fruity Californians and Coloradans who gush over the stuff. I must admit, Santa Fe has some interesting art galleries and antique shops, even if the cost of most stuff entails the shirt off your back. At the end of a long, mind-numbing interstate drive, the boomtown bedroom community of Las Cruces is the last real destination before you reach Texas or the real Mexico. Not to say that there's much of anyt... Read more
by subaru7
Tue Dec 28 2004Some exotic scenary- and some nice towns, especially at Santa Fe and Taos. However the state has a crime problem, and other quality of life issues including poor schools. It also has an inadequate infrastructure in many towns and cities.
by celticprince
Sat Nov 27 2004A state with many natural wonders and beauty- if you like multi colored stones. Stark vistas are mind engaging. Santa Fe is elegant. Taos is very nice. Better then AZ.But still voted for Bush- a downer.............
by opinion585
Sun Oct 31 2004No thanks, you would expect the opposite, but the Ancient native american tribes are the most normal people in New Mexico, everyone else is sort of loopy.
by spistermooner
Sat Oct 16 2004My home state. First glances are not enough to understand necessarily the moniker of Land of Enchantment. If you come to NM looking for it to be something it's not, you'll be disappointed. It's not cosmopolitan, super-high-speed-exciting, cutting-edge-cultural-chic whatever. It is what it is and it takes hold on you slowly and steadily. It grows on you; it's a heart thing, a more spiritual thing if you would. The people, native New Mexicans in particular, do not pretend to be anything but who they are--very friendly, laid back, generous, and good-natured, and my experience is that they almost could care less if that makes everyone else out there look upon them almost as museum pieces. Of course, therein is the basic problem with opinions and opinionated people in general--the tendency is to approach something different with one's own biased perspective. If so, you may not likely appreciate New Mexico. You can stop at the Caverns, or Santa Fe(admittedly overrated), or wherever,... Read more
by randyman
Thu Jul 08 2004Although I was born in East Los Angeles, my family roots are in New Mexico. My father was born in Albuquerque and raised mostly in Las Cruces. The family goes back a few centuries in New Mexico and I still have a lot of family there. When I was a kid we would vacation there and we had the best time. I have good memories of The Land of Enchantment, especialy the food. Chile reigns supreme in this great state, both green and red chile. My father would buy gunny sacks filled with green chile and he would make his famous Chile Verde. Everything taste better in New Mexico, enchiladas, carne adobada, chile colorado, pozole and menudo. Even the rice and beans seem better. Something in the soil just brings out the heat and flavor in the foods. I have been back a few times as a adult and it has changed a bit. But it still seems like a great place to live. The white, Hispanic and Native American culture seem to have merged into one great culture, while retaining their individuality. Also for bo... Read more
by indio70
Tue Apr 13 2004The Land of Enchantment: Beautiful desert scenery, even on the interstate. I think the most beautiful stretch of intsrstate I know of is I-40 (?) going from NM into AZ (towards Flagstaff). Watch out for cops on both sides of Albuquerque, especially coming in from the east. The best TACO BELL in the world is in one of the towns about 50 miles or so east of ALB. (Moriarity, NM)clean, generous, delicious (authentic Mexicans making American Mexican fast food -- the best).
by rebelyell1861
Wed May 07 2003Hot and dry boring desert area. Even the water in the water fountains was scorching. Insane.
by geeimsexy83
Thu Dec 27 2001Albuquerque has some great malls and beautiful homes, the Carlsbad Caverns were awesome, Red River is a beatuiful little town...Santa Fe is WAY overrated, and driving through the state is at about the top of my list for "worst drives."
by gypsiwomen
Mon Jan 01 2001New Mexico is really a beautiful state, the only problem is the people who are moving here are wanting to change it....turning in into what they just left. Unfortunately they are also bringing there rude, aggressive, and egotistacal behavior to. They are looking for enlightenment???You...hoo...maybe you should look at yourselfs in the mirror.... I guess it looks a certain way and they forget that there is beauty in all and comapassion it a key ingredient. So if you want to explore a New, but avoid the usual tourist spots or you will NOT see true New Mexico.