New Age Religions
Approval Rate: 54%
Reviews 47
by fitman
Wed Jun 23 2010Here comes the New Age..... Just like the Old Age...
by frankswildyear_s
Tue Jun 22 2010Mixing new and old ideas as well as looking to both the spiritual and humanistic urges of the common person they have struck upon a winning business model for the modern world. I'd recommend buying shares early because I think there's a stock split on the horizon.
by jennifer_cannon
Wed Jul 08 2009The umbrella of New Age Religions allows for those of us who do not completely agree with the other major religions out there to have an opportunity to express ourselves and our personal beliefs without using the term "agnostic" which most people assume these days is just another branch of Judeo-Christianity. I personally write on this topic on as the Memphis New Age Examiner. Do a google search for New Age Memphis, and I'm in the top 10 results. Paganism, Wicca, and other New Age beliefs merge older paths with newer to allow for spiritual growth without ignoring other possibilities. Perhaps those of you who think us "worthless" should spend some time truly researching your own and other beliefs before handing out meaningless labels.
by ayn9b559
Sun Apr 05 2009Needs to be more specific, however, Most of what is classified as "New Age" is really just old occultism, modernized by bored people, forgotten and then ressurected in the sixties. If you feel the need to practice this, more power to ya. But if you ask me (and I realize that you have not) there are 6 major religions to choose from, why feel the need to pony back to something recreated by bored aristocrats?
by pac1494e
Mon Mar 16 2009It's a very diverse umbrella of religion that have no connections with one of the most alienating religions EVER (Christianity). I'm into some New Age myself, but not all of the things under this umbrella. Very spiritually lifting to one's soul. Better to connect with the universe than to spend precious amounts of time praising a deity doesn't even EXIST (GOD).
by opie_onion
Sat Jan 24 2009One of those things that I don't know very well but respect enormously due to how honorable a group of people Native Americans tend to be.
by dragonhawk
Sun Dec 21 2008I'm not sure what definition of "New Age" everyone is using. But then, it is a catch all phrase used by those who have no idea what religion certain groups are participating in. My personal opinion is: If your religion, no matter which one, helps people to become more kind, more considerate of others, and encourages personal responsibility for one's decisions and actions, then what's the harm if they use a different name for God?
by lmorovan
Sat Aug 16 2008The perfect answer to all religions. Man made, man manipulated, man adjusted to fit any and all agendas and promiscuous and perverse life styles. Deities always willing to adjust their attributes to please the lowest desires and caprices of men. Straight, one way path to eternal damnation.
by ryan24
Sat Jul 12 2008Seem fun and interested and can be empowering.. though a little on the flakey side and can be kind of silly. Some of it is helpful. Some stupid.. Better than Fundiementalism
by irishgit
Thu May 01 2008Somewhat more obvious with their horsedroppings than most religions. Actually has the appearance of being a large, semi-organized marketing ploy to keep alternative bookstores and incense sales going.
by skye27
Wed May 09 2007No, Irishgit - it's about the broadening of our minds in the age of open-mindedness and looking beyond the norm to learn more about other beliefs. We are priveledged today that in most parts of the world we can read what we want and worship how we want. Be thankful that the knowledge is available that was one kept so secret.
by pugwash01
Wed May 09 2007To simply explain the New Age Religion is to say it is a mix of east and west Religions that cater for western society!!!! Most of the practices that are in the New Age are a mixture of Hinduism and Buddhism with a few other strands. Yoga, mind, body and spirit, meditation/trances, Chines healing (medicine, practices.) e.c.t are all intermingled, given new names but derive from Eastern beliefs. Basically it is packaged differently for western society!!!! Sorry folks: but when you have studied in depth about Eastern philosohies and beliefs, you will see what the New Age is; nothing more than rehashed eastern beliefs.
by genghisthehun
Thu Mar 29 2007I just love this mishmash of several strains of old paganism mixed into a modern stew by semi-educated imbeciles. There was a reason that paganism died out!
by donovan
Wed Jan 24 2007The New Age movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions from both East and West, many of which have been melded with ideas from modern science, particularly psychology and ecology. The New Age has borrowed from all the world's major religions with influences from Spiritualism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Sufism, Taoism, and Neo-Paganism being especially strong.
by moby11
Wed Jan 24 2007New Age Religions are really Age Old Cults, repackaged. The only function they have is to decieve the vulnerable young.
by mattshizzle
Mon May 22 2006A bunch of mumbo jumbo. Not that other religions aren't.
by lil_rocka
Mon Nov 28 2005all religion is a load of sh***
by mr_evangel
Mon Oct 24 2005I'm not a religious person. See religion is all about following traditions and spiritual rules that man made up. I only follow the rules that God set forth in his word. A religion is a good place to hide from God. What I seek is a true relationship with God, and there is nothing religious about that. What I seek is righteouness!
by jmj3702e
Thu Oct 20 2005New age religion?A system of belief that is seemingly on the rise and popular with the youth whether they are consciously or sub-consciously aware of this revolutionary calamity that is to uproot all moral foundation of an authorative God to be replaced by the god in one's self..?It's prime gospel to indulge rather than abstain.A vision that was contemplated by Aldous Huxley,later capitalized by Aleister Crowley and filtered through the Crowley disciple/enthusiast Timothy Leary who wanted people to be/live free of God which A.Crowley established the law of Themela a greek work meaning'intention' his"religious system"was Do as thou wilt.This religious system was given a stroke of genius by T.Leary by way of main stream music than to television so it was/is adopted,admired,and practiced by many of the famous;which has now evolved into anything goes especialy in the form of sex be it music,film,books,conversation,etc...Aleister Crowley a very learnt man also a known satanist is pictured b... Read more
by numbah16tdhaha
Thu Sep 15 2005Its the religious equivilant of the trash can punch we used to make in the Marines. Everybody brings something, you mix it all together, and everyones brain gets destroyed.
by canadasucks
Mon May 16 2005I think New-Age stuff is worthless. (Who could forget the crystals in the late 80's and early 90's) But remember, Chistianity was once regarded as lowly as any contemporary crystal-weilding new age religion. . .
by unity_in_diversity
Mon May 16 2005It's not really clear what you mean by New Age Religions. In your list of religions, I see that you have forgotten to name the fourth Abrahamic religion, which is recognized by scholars as the second most geographically-widespread religion in the world after Christianity, and which might be rated by people who don't know much about it as New Age. So I'm not sure what you put in this category. But guess what Jews and Romans used to say about Christianity for the first few hundred years?
by birdegal202
Tue May 03 2005Doesnt make sense, crazy cults that brainwash their fallowers (halle-bop cult)
by caligula
Fri Apr 15 2005Two stars because Shirley McClaine was good in The Apartment. Otherwise, a bunch of silliness, albeit far more logical than Xianity, the silliest religon of all time.
by djahuti
Wed Apr 13 2005There are too many different groups being lumped into this category.Some are total B.S.,while others are just as valid as any other belief system.
by solenoid_dh
Wed Apr 14 2004Like so many deceptions, this philosophy is wrongly-named. There is nothing new about New Age. It's just another time-worn, man-centered, occultic false religion (or proliferation of religions). The simple truth is found in Acts 4:12, i.e., salvation in Christ alone. Dead religion is a bore - seek a personal relationship with Jesus Christ instead.
by silver_maiar
Sun Nov 23 2003I cannot beleive what I am reading!!! 'Occult?' 'Worthless'. Well excuse me, oh high and mighty Christains! Forgive me for being so bold as to beleive something different. I'm sorry I'm so evil- wait, no, that's not right. Because last time I checked in a history book it was the Christians burning people at the stake. It was Christians killing anyone who was different. It was Christians proesecuting those with different views. Did I say was? I meant are, because you're still doing it, you neo-nazi religouse fanatics!!!
by eagle_scout
Thu Nov 20 2003Don't wast your time on this $#!+, it is not worth your trouble.
by scarletfeather
Thu Oct 23 2003New Agers are just kidding themselves.
by stanuzbeck
Tue Sep 23 2003Yeah, they can rightly be lumped together into one category "New Age Religions" because they seem to all be based on some sort of pseudoscientific principle mixed with old druidic or pagan beliefs. Like any other religion, it is filled with sad, frightened people who need some kind of supernatural justification for whatever. If it makes people happy, then who am I to piss on their parade?
by tencat
Sun Aug 24 2003Suicidal, disturbed, and fanatical, these groups have been linked to murders, countless suicides, and deranged crime.
by rebelyell1861
Wed May 14 2003Hogwash.
by mcspongeicus
Tue Apr 22 2003Each religion is just as relevant or irrelevant as the next one. Christianity Islam or new age. Just because something is thousands of years old doesent make it right. They are only beliefs afterall not truths. Show some tolerance and open mindedness.
by philc01b
Thu Mar 13 2003From what I can tell, those who are New Age, seem to believe in almost everything. They say they are gods, some say they are Christians, yet they believe in other "prophets" - so I feel very sorry for them because they are sadly misled. Why take a chance on your eternity when the Bible says Jesus Christ is the Savior?
by trishbn5
Thu Mar 06 2003OCCULT!
by sim_queen10857
Sun Jan 19 2003Don't personaly believe in most of it, but interesting to learn about.
by gopman79
Sat Jan 04 2003Stupid, just stupid.
by cosmo_renfro
Tue Oct 08 2002New age religions are just pointless.
by mbocc48f
Sun Apr 14 2002It depeds on the religion, the belief system and the way people act. More people have "used religion" to cause more harm than good; too bad they don't practice what they preach[ or may be they do?)
by oodie030
Mon Apr 08 2002i don't like New Age religion or New Agers. to me they are people who have done all sorts of immoral things and now tired and old, settle into some false spiritual realm and judge others.
by benfergy
Mon Apr 08 2002What ever floats your boat, I guess (previous comment deleted)
by errol4e1
Sun Apr 07 2002I don't mean to offend anyone that may be involved in New Age but I personally believe it to be a deceptive path to follow with end results that are not good. I believe there is a spirit behind it but not a good spirit as it may seem to be.
by rustyfe0
Wed Jan 23 2002Not too keen on New Age stuff, though for others I'm sure New Age beliefs have their merits. I prefer my God the traditional way. I realize that that is not for everyone. Not much for crystals and Ram and all that sort of stuff. And I really think someone like Shirley MacLaine is a bit of an eccentric.
by castlebee
Sat Jan 05 2002New Age religion is just the same old pagan farce that every generation has generated in one form or another since the begining of time. It’s like taking an old can of poison out from under the sink and painting a bright label on it with the words “Drink Me” in bold italic across the front. Take a sip and you end up just like the last person who did. Spiritual suicide with a simpy, smiling face. Why do I keep seeing the face of John Edward so clearly?
by gicaua91
Tue Nov 27 2001Gnostism under a new name.
by the_waffler
Sat Nov 03 2001What classifies a New Age Religion? Are we talking about cults here?? If so, they are bogus and wrong to manipulate people in this way. Other "New Age Religions" tend to be very phony.
by hpearse
Wed May 30 2001More of a fasion statement than a religion. If the ancient Celts could see the wheat-grass drinking yuppies who claim to be carrying out their traditions, they would eat their hearts out- perhaps literally!