NCAA Championship (College Basketball)

Approval Rate: 73%

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    Wed Apr 21 2010

    Best sports tournament in America. Has upsets, big wins, big teams, and personalities. It's just long enough to sustain energy but not so long where it becomes boring or irritating. One loss and done- no BS, no whining, no room for a lousy game. Great tournament. UPDATE - Count on the NCAA to ruin perfection - they want 96 teams. . . Only the NCAA can put graffiti on the Mona Lisa. You are killing the greatest tournament in sports, sonafabitches - if there really was a hell you would rot in it for besmirching le Sux favorite sports championship. A plague on your houses!

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    Big for gamblers!

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    Sun Mar 18 2007

    not as good as the Stanley Cup... but a good warm-up act. especially if USC is still in

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    Sat Jul 15 2006

    I can't stand the NBA but I love the NCAA tourny. What makes it even better is it comes shortly after football is done so I am geared up!

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    Tue May 10 2005

    its the best cause unlike the national championship for football, there is no arguement. head to head competetion till there is no one but one team left

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    Fri Apr 15 2005

    WHAT IS BETTER THAN MARCH MADNESS???? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! The upsets, the disappointments, the emotion! This is such a big deal!!! Brackets are printed off every two secs. when it's the season! I love seing the outcome of these games!! Especially upsets like this year....Bucknell over Kansas, W. Virginia over Wake....Michigan St. over Duke (well that wasn't too pleasant for me......). I can't get enough...that's the month I gain so much weight from watching games instead of playing myself.

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    Fri Apr 15 2005

    The madness of it is the key to its success. UPDATE: Baller, nothing is better than March Madness. Not even the Super Bowl.

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    Tue Mar 15 2005

    there's nothing better. College basketball is one of the most interesting sports to watch all season, and march madness just takes over. My grades have already begun to plummet as i devote all time to watching games, reading articles about teams/games/players, and filling out my bracket predicitions.

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    Thu Feb 24 2005

    If you are a huge basketball fan like me and you can watch most of the good game that are on, you will understand why this tourney is coveted for many universities, even those who don't have a football program. 40 minutes of 64 games (or 63 in women's as theirs are as ecstatic as the men's) should not be missed as potential for upsets and close game can happen at any time. Cinderellas and buzzer beaters galore make this tourney so dramatic and much better than the NBA because of the pros wanting to play better for more money. The students play for the pride of their school and the Final 4 is always the team's goal.

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    Sat Jan 08 2005

    There is nothing better than the madness that March brings... The only thing that could top it would be a college football version of March Madness

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    Tue Nov 30 2004

    I love this. It's dramatic, it's long enough to be interesting and short enough not to be boring. The only problem is that it's basketball, which I don't much care for, but other than that its great.

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    Fri Nov 05 2004

    Compared to the WNBA Finals and the Olympic Basketball tournaments, this one is hardly anything.

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    Tue Mar 09 2004

    The best event in sports. Beats letting the computers decide who should play in the championship. How anti-climatic.

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    Tue Jan 27 2004

    I like how everyone demands that you should have to win a conference title to play for the title in football, but those same folks find it so wonderful when Cinderella dances for the title in hoops. Kansas lost to Big 8 Champs OU 3 times in 87-88, but since they got hot, a low seed beat a team that was better than they were 3/4 times over the course of the season. Not to mention KU got to play in Kansas City. Did I forget to mention lousy Villanova winning the title. Oh that's great, play 25 games and then start all over with Pick-6 tourney.

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    Tue Dec 23 2003

    best, bar none

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    Fri Nov 14 2003

    Clearly the best and most exciting sport event (at least in the United States). Sixty-five teams playing in a single elimination tournament for bragging rights for an entire year. Moreover, fans tend to be more attached to their college teams than their chosen pro teams which leads to better rivalries. Finally, the NCAA Basketball Championship always has some close games, major upsets (especially the 12th seeds over the 5th seeds), and the annual office pool to enjoy as well... something for everyone.

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    Sun Jun 08 2003

    The Final Four run is one of the best showing of sportsmanship on the line. There are Cinderellas and upsets unlike in other sports. Also, for alot of the kids you wont come back to your team next year and retry. If you're a senior this is your last chance. Also, there are alot more teams competing for the title. And for another thing, you dont know who the winner will be. In the NBA, the Lakers will usually win. Its pretty much a done deal, obvoiusly this year was an exception. In baseball, the Yankees are almost always going to be in the finals and they will probably win. In hockey, oh woops I forgot, no one watches hockey. At least the NFL is pretty much a surprise until the last four. The only thing that sucks is when your team gets all hyped on and then loses, which is usually what happens.

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    Sun May 25 2003

    Final Four sucks.

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    Mon Dec 09 2002

    At least you're not playing four to seven games.

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    Thu Oct 24 2002

    I hate it when you turn on the t.v. and all you see is this stuff. I couldn't care less if some ivy league school wins this tournament or not. Everyone is just waiting for the NBA finals to start anyway when this is on.

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    Fri Jun 28 2002

    I don't like basketball.

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    Fri Dec 28 2001

    People say the NCAA is way better than pro sports because the kids aren't playing for money. Right! They're still (in the big schools) pampered whiners and they all are hot dogs on the court trying to impress and get their million in the draft. It may be college, but it is still all about money when you get to the 64 college playoff.

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    Wed Nov 21 2001

    March Madness is the greatest playoff in sports. It adds the nothing-to-lose mentality of the NFL postseason, throws in a bit of the pagentry of NCAA football's bowls, and combines the drama of close games like the Stanley Cup finals. Anything can, and usually does, happen in March, and it is the most entertaining month-long spectacle in sports.

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    Tue Oct 23 2001

    It is SO overhyped.

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    Sun Jul 15 2001

    College sports are awesome

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    Mon Jun 25 2001

    March Madness is the best time of year. It's a shame, however, that CBS has the TV contract and the only way to see all of the games is with a dish or at a sports bar. Nevertheless, the first two days with 32 games are the best two days of sports around. The yearly buzzer beaters, Cinderella teams, and the "One Shining Moment" montage after the Championship Game are what makes it so special.

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    Fri Mar 23 2001

    I am not a huge sports fan, that being said, I really enjoy March Madness. I don't necessarily tune into every game, however I do enjoy hearing the results, cheering on the underdogs and hearing about the Cinderalla teams. It seems to me, this (2001) is one of the best championships that I can remember, many upsets, and all the games that I have watched have been very close and exciting. Maybe it is the fact that these talented athletes are not professional that makes college basketball even more fun to watch..whatever it is, it is the one Sports Championship that even I (a 27 year old, non athletic mother of two ) can enjoy!

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    Sat Feb 17 2001

    This one can be pretty exciting even if you don't keep up with the sport, and I don't.

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    Mon Jan 31 2000

    Nothing compares.

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    Wed Jan 26 2000

    The best two weeks of the year. No other sporting event runs the emotional gauntlet like the NCAA'S. This is the year the Bonnies of Saint Bonaventure take it all. Long live Bob Lanier!

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    Wed Jan 26 2000

    I was priviledged enough to see the final three games in San Antonio in 1998 and it was FUN FUN FUN!

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    Tue Jan 25 2000

    Keep the World Series, give me March Madness. Simply the best sporting event of the year. I wonder how much office productivity drops on those early Thursdays and Fridays, when everyone calls in sick so they can stay home and watch the games.

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    Tue Jan 25 2000

    NCAA football should be taking notes. This series is always exciting no matter who ends up on top.

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    Tue Jan 25 2000

    It doesn't get any better than March Madness. Every year I do the best I can to play hooky from school / work so that I can watch 14 hours of basketball on the the Thursday and Friday of the first round. My favorite kind of game is the Kentucky's of the world playing against the Ragin Cajuns of Southwest Louisiana State (or a comparable team). The high seeded team ALWAYS comes out flat, and the low seeded team usually comes out wild, athletic, and hyped up to shock the world. This is basketball. This is competition.