National Organization for Women (NOW)

Approval Rate: 45%

45%Approval ratio

Reviews 35

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    Thu Aug 16 2007

    Reading all the bullsh*t rants, I can see NOW has its work cut out for it. Keep up the good work, you bunch of Neanderthals. One day it might occur to you where you got that set of balls from. Was it a Feminazi? Or did you buy them in a bag from the same dealer Rush uses to get his Oxycontin?

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    Thu Aug 16 2007

    I don't take quite as extreme a take as mike on this, but they do suck and represent an extreme fringe that most women don't even agree with. UPDATE: *numbah drags his knuckles and grunts in response to the Feminazis* Sorry, we neanderthals can't come up with anything better at the moment...

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    Tue Nov 22 2005

    Generally do good work when not acting the part of sepratist zealots. . .

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    Tue Nov 22 2005

    Sexist group that believes all women are second class citizens.

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    Tue Nov 22 2005

    If what Mikeholly says is true, maybe NOW should change its name to POW. UPDATE: Mikeholly makes it sound like he has been personally persecuted by NOW. If that is the case, well, I am sorry to hear it.

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    Mon Nov 21 2005

    A rowdy bunch of femi-terrorists whose propaganda is to promote hatred of men. They are also a wild bunch of wal-mart haters who berate the great retail chain with false charges of gender discrimination. NOW is an all-female Al-Qaeda. NOW is an evil women's group whose members encourage women to murder men for their life insurance savings than cry rape or domestic violence when those women are on trial for the murders. They also post anti-man propaganda everywhere, even on the internet. Think of them as a female KKK, a group who hates men. N.O.W. anti-male propoganda turns women into violent thugs and terrorists who kill innocent men and children! I believe that men are smarter than women, that women are inferior to men, and that women were put on earth for 2 reasons-procreation and to serve men as their slaves.

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    Tue Apr 05 2005

    Funny thing I don't recall hearing a word from these empty headed morons when a judge in Florida ordered an innocent woman to be starved to death!

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    Sat Mar 05 2005

    Biggest group of man hating, ultra radical left wing feminazis out there. They say they stand up for women but god forbid a woman claim to be pro choice or republican. Then they are all over that women like Bill Clinton on a whopper at BK. They are only for women speaking thier mind when the far left line is being towed. If NOW wants to be more accurate thier mission statement should read We are a group of man hating bull dikes deeply devoted to destroying all that is good and traditional about America any means necessary. We seek to browbeat young women and convince tham that without help from us or other far left groups all they can ever become is victims of the vast republican right wing patriarchal conspiracy. We idolize Hillary Clinton who stayed with a husband who repeatedly cheated on her and basically had no respect for her just so she could ride his political coattails. We ecourage all young women to follow her example and stay in relationships with disrespectul cheati... Read more

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    Tue Dec 14 2004

    They will never see a dime in donations from my family. They do not represent most women as a result of their domestic terrorist tactics and for good reason. (Pro choice- whose choice?)

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    Sat Jul 24 2004

    Wacko, Feminazis!Many hidden agendas!Typical liberal partisan political group!

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    Wed Jul 21 2004

    Hypocritically silent when Bill Clinton exploited a woman under his authority and power. This was completely shameful and totally intexcusable behavior on the part of an organization that supposedly defends the interests of women. NOW exposed itself as a fraud.

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    Wed Apr 14 2004

    This is one of those groups whose very name is a lie. They are NOT for improving things for women. They are for the promotion of abortion, lesbianism, and political liberalism. The press gives them an inordinate amount of coverage, while at the same time ignoring Concerned Women For America, a good organization with a much larger membership. If there was a group that called itself the National Organization for Men, I wonder what kind of things it would be involved in. Personally, I don't trust anything that claims to be for just one gender, one race, etc. I'd like to see things made better for everyone, instead of pitting people against one another.

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    Wed Sep 24 2003

    I have always questioned their silence during the Clinton purjury / sex scandal. These women should have been outraged over Clinton's actions, but were nowhere to be found. A complete fraud of an organization, and their members should be ashamed of themselves.

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    Sat May 31 2003

    Nothing more than an ultra-liberal political action group who is again trying to stir up trouble that has been buried for years. As X-D said, where was this group's outrage during the Clinton Administration. I support a woman's right to choose, but not even that can make me support this ABORTION of an organization. There are dozens and dozens of female congressmen, senators, governors, CEOS.... I don't understand what more this group wants? This group is a divider not a uniter.

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    Sun May 25 2003

    This group is more nasty than a fart traveling out of Janet Reno's poop shoot.

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    Tue May 20 2003

    Should change there name to the National Organization for Wo-people. You can be a male chauvinist rapist, but if your a democrat your ok with them. A bunch of conservative hating hypocrites.

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    Mon May 12 2003

    A joke.

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    Sat Feb 22 2003

    Get back in the kitchen and make me a pot pie!

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    Fri Jan 31 2003

    How telling that with the greatest number of responses, this organization finds itself at the very bottom of the heap in a public forum. Incredible that the media still pay attention to this band of fanatics when the overwhelming majority of Americans, both men and women (who have an opinion), hold it and its members in such well-deserved contempt. Intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt, this outfit has truly outlived its uselessness.

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    Fri Jan 03 2003

    Their double standard when it came to Bill Clinton and his sexual harrasment/abuse of women was the final nail in the coffin. I am a pro-choice, liberal, gay rights supporting female but this sell-out organization definitely does not represent me.

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    Sun Dec 29 2002

    In Hootie Johnson, they picked the wrong guy to mess with. He has bitch-slapped Martha Burk like the two-bit, wallet-stealing whore she is and left her on the curb. He has overcome her bullying and the political and media bullying initiated by NOW to intimidate him into forsaking his civil rights and the civil rights of others to gather privately to play golf on whatever terms they desire. NOW has been show to an organization that favors "unequal" rights and the violation of the civil rights of anyone with a penis. They have lost. We have also overcome Ms. Burk's opinion that all men who reach puberty should be given a reversible sterilization procedure to prevent them from impregnating women until a woman prsents a signed, legal document to a court allowing the operation to be reversed. She espoused this view in a 1997 article supported and promoted by the NOW. This lunatic fringe is where the NOW will die its just death - they have dug their own grave.

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    Wed Dec 11 2002

    Equal rights is a great cause but i dont think that NOW goes about it in a smart way. Instead of supporting women, they support the Democratic platform. They assume that all women are pro choice and desire the same responsibilities as men, and many women do not share these beliefs. Overall i believe they have become too much a part of partisan politics in the United States.

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    Tue Nov 19 2002

    Women are better and more intelligent than this organizations represent them to be. Women are not as shallow and mindless as this organization would like them to be. They act as if women are mindless catttle ready to be led from one movement to another. Didn't you just love the DEAFENING silence from NOW during the Clinton sexual abuse or at the very least improper use of influence over a female employee? Talk about being proved by your actions or in this case inactions.

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    Wed Oct 30 2002

    why did feminists support CLINTON of all people?.. hypocrites.

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    Mon Oct 28 2002

    i think it's ok for this organization to exist, to inform less educated women of their rights and encourage them to take advantage of those rights. i really don't feel that oppression is a major problem for women of today. this would be a good place for a woman to go, however, if she was experiencing discrimination or something, and needed some support and advise on what action she should take and how to do so. i think women (ladies) should be very careful with all this women's rights activism.One of these days, you may get what you asked for, and find that you didn't quite mean to go that far. we don't want to push our men away and discourage them from being gallant. when a guy opens the door for a lady, it's out of politeness and respect - not because they think we're feeble. i'd hate to see the way gentlemen treat ladies go down the tubes because of a bunch of EXTREME and seemingly very bitter women.

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    Sat Aug 31 2002

    Where were they when Clinton was doing his thing? They went after Bob Packwood for much less. This proves they are just a partisan political organization, not an advocate for women in general. The fact they had a hands-off policy on Clinton (who even had women accuse him of rape) shows they are just a tool of the left. They lost any credibility they had.

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    Tue Jun 25 2002

    Any non-profit group that is willing to dash the stereotype of women (my being female) as being physically and mentally weak, not very bright, and submissive to their husbands has my support. I'll admit that osme of their members could tone down on the man-hating some, but most of them are just sick of being looked down on and stereotype. NOW has done some great things in their time, and I support their pro-choice stance 100%. Take care, everyone!

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    Wed Apr 03 2002

    A group that touts itself as the National Organization of Women should try to represent ALL women, not just a select group of ultra-liberal women set out on expanding their agenda. It has nothing to do with equal opportunity or anything of the such, it has to do with expanding abortion rights etc...Really, being against abortion is the pro-woman position. Men most often support abortion rights because they can force or influence a woman to have an abortion without them having a say about it. Is that really a pro-choice argument?? I think not. It really hurts a woman to have an abortion because her child will be killed and her reproductive organs could be severely damaged. The man didn't do anything but empregnate her, so he presumbly has no responsibility over the child and the well-being of the woman. He will force her to do it because it's the easy way out. Most of the time in an abortion, the women is not influencing the situation, the man is. Organizations like NOW are setting back... Read more

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    Tue Apr 02 2002

    Angry, one-sided, hateful, hypocritical, ungrateful, extreme liberalism. That's what NOW is made of. I think women are wonderful. That's why I despise NOW for misrepresenting them. NOW talks about people living in the past? Has it occured to them how outdated their own ideas have gotten?

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    Thu Mar 14 2002

    Come on women! If you want to get ahead just be yourself - be your best self and don't get involved in idiot groups like this one. I've seen what these people promote. Men hater group extreme. The members I've seen don't have a life and are really, really scary looking. They don't just hate men, they hate decent women too. Eric the Federalist, I wouldn't mind having a female president - as long as it's not HILLARY CLINTON!! Are you nuts?

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    Tue Jul 17 2001

    I'm a female, and I don't want the male-bashing, baby-killing members of NOW representing me.

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    Mon Jul 09 2001

    To be completely honest, I have never liked this group's way of approaching the issue of women's rights. As far as I can tell, this organization seems to be mostly populated with women who for some odd reason - lack of touch with reality perhaps due to a prolonged and surreal existence in academia, too much money/time on their hands, or some deep seeded vendetta against males, have declared themselves saviors of the female population. Before it begins to sound as though I just arrived from the dark ages, let me preface my remaining remarks with this; I come from a very long line of women who - in spite of what society deemed a limitation never once doubted their innate equality and lived their lives accordingly. This strong and confident sense of self was born out of hard work and a very genuine dedication to their faith and their families and had nothing at all to do with the guidance of self-appointed "liberators". Even so, I still believe that inequality, unfair labor practices... Read more

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    Mon Jul 02 2001

    I don't like this group at all. They're not about equality - they're about INequality! They believe that women should recieve "special rights" which is absurd. And, by the way, I AM a female!

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    Sat Jun 16 2001

    NOW discredited itself in such an incredible way during the Clinton administration that it's impossible to think of this as anything put an arm of the Democratic Party. They lead a witch-hunt on Clarence Thomas for an alleged racy remark in the workplace, and then they sit silently as woman after woman -- each more credible then the next -- reveals at great personal cost the sexual abuse they endured at the hands of Bill Clinton. If NOW were intellectually honest, they'd admit that all they care about is keeping abortion unrestricted and then merge with NARAL. If you want wise "feminist" thinking, I'd recommend Camille Paglia's columns (she's a clear-thinking Democrat that is linked on Drudge's page) and Cathy Young who writes for Reason magazine.

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    Thu Jun 07 2001

    If this organization can help getting a female president of the United States, like Hillary Clinton in 2004, NOW has produced a lot!! However a great start would be to increase the income in typical female-based jobs & to give women more power in the leading of companies & The Congress! :-))