National City Bank

Approval Rate: 32%

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    Wed Apr 28 2010

    I have had several banks and several states (I used to move around a lot) and for customer service and ease of banking, this bank ranks right up there. I have had dubious charges show up on my statments, I disputed them and they took care of them immediatly (it was never the banks fault but people fraudulently using my card for online banking etc). Often when I hear people complain about this bank its because they had a false charged (not the banks fault), didn't get a loan (not everyone can get a loan) etc. I am sure this bank like others makes mistakes but I have never seen one on my end (and no, I don't work for the bank or own stock in it..I am just a fan)

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    The Suspicious Charge - I played a game online final fantasy 11 costs about 10 dollars a month to play if you buy a 6th month block. I played for about 3 months and decided to quit so I used their online service to cancel my account with the game and their online browsers said subscription canceled. What they really meant is that they deleted all my game stuff and no longer allowed me to play but they kept my account open so I would continue paying them money for nothing. The Bank Account - I don't get paid much so I am barely scraping by I have avoided credit card debt thank god but my checking was running low on money. I knew I had not much money left but I was keeping track of my purchases so I would not run out of money. I had 100 dollars in my account and I went to purchase some food and my debit card would not run. The Resolution - First of all I don't know about the charge on my account yet so I travel to my local national city and say hey I have money in my account but m... Read more

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    Tue Feb 02 2010

    Terrible! We applied for a home loan two years ago. The loan officer that we dealt with seemed nice enough when we met him. He then proceeded to drag his feet with the loan processing and refuse to return our calls until it caused us to go over the contract on our house. Since our house we were buying was a forclosure, it made it almost impossible to get the extension filed. We kept being told it would close by the date, but it never did. We had to fight and fight to get things done and just barely were able to buy our house. (This house was our first home that we were buying to flip in two years time.) We just recently decided to buy a piece of property to build on. So when we started shopping for a home equity line of credit on our house we hesitated about using National City. We figured the first time was a fluke and knew we would be dealing with a different person for this loan so we went ahead. It has been two weeks of jumping through hoops and we were just told today that we wer... Read more

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    Fri Jan 22 2010

    Have any of you tried reporting them to the banking comptroller of currency? I just had to because after a month of trying to get my $ back from 3 overdrafts on ONE $59 charge which they sent back anyway, it was pointless. I think these are the only people that can help us. You can file a complaint right online. Nothing else works. Oh, and I never did get my $200 bonus they promised me. Maybe they meant they'd TAKE $200? Wish I would have read this site before being enticed by an offer that never was to be. I have since returned to my local bank and opened a new account. They are forgiving there!

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    Wed Jan 13 2010

    I have been a customer of National City for 12 years and have neer really had any problems until they were sold to PNC. The customer service is terrible. The people are mean. I paid my credit card bill through their automated telephone service last night because their website was not working. I paid it and did NOT get a confirmation number. I learned from this mistake a few months ago. Always get a confirmation number or they will rip you off. So anyways, I called customer support and talked to a rep named Elliott who told me to call back tomorrow. I refused. I was not going to let them tack on a late fee. I became furious and told him I wasn't hanging up without one. He just told me "have a good day" and hung up on me. I called back and got another Rep. I asked to speak to a manager. He told me I wasn't allowed to talk to a supervisor and I had to go through him. By the way, I never did get a confirmation number. And I think that I will just take my business to another bank. One who... Read more

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    Wed Dec 30 2009

    Got overdraft fees even thought I had been paying for overdraft protection. After talking to the manager, I was told that it was clearly a bank error and to DRIVE two hours to a neighbouring branch. The manager also mentioned that she would call ahead for me to schedule an appointment there. So, I drove and drove and walked into the nearly empty branch. I asked to see the manager and was told, "The manager cannot see you right now". I told the teller they were expecting me, they disagreed. I said I'd wait for the manager, but they insisted that they could help me. Fifteen minutes later, I was being told OVER AND OVER AGAIN that it was NOT a bank error, despite what the other manager had told me. In fact, there was "NOTHING THEY COULD DO TO HELP ME" and "THE MANAGER WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HELP YOU". I closed my account right there. National Shitty is not a bank, it's a hideout.

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    Mon Dec 28 2009

    National City is a true p.o.s. not only did they screw me over on overdraft but they take extremely long to clear check deposits, it's been 4 days and a $50.00 check still has not cleared. They also charged me over 500 bucks in overdraft fees because when I deposited money into my account I was told that it was available by a teller in person and my online banking account said it was under AVAILABLE Balance, I go and spend and they retracted the deposit and held it for another 2 days, thus sending me into overdraft, I not catching this until some time later (two weeks or so) had built up 500 bucks in fees. A second instance, I got charged 72 bucks for over drafting by 9 cents, 9 CENTS, holy mother of god! They charged me the first 36 bucks for being 9 cents over, then they charged me a second over draft fee for being charged with an over draft fee!?!?!?!?!?! As soon as this last check clears and I am finished with the current business I am wanting to do, I will be closing my accou... Read more

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    Tue Dec 15 2009

    We opened a national city bank account when out job place had let them come in to promote there "deals". We have experienced the same problems as everyone else. You never really know what your account balance is going to be using that online banking, it takes them forever to post anything. It is like they are waiting to post all of them at once. This bank wants you to fail, and they try very hard to make sure you pay those fees.

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    Fri Dec 11 2009

    I USED to like National City.. That is until the last year... Pretty much since PNC took over, it seems. Like someone else said, their only focus is to rob you of your money. It's complete and utter nonsense. I know someone who works there, and working for them isn't much better either. Their expections are uuber high and they treat you like garbage. I am closing my account with them as soon as the last drama clears up. (in a matter of days) I've already opened an account elsewhere that has WAYY better policies. Let me tell you my story, which I've reported to every agency I know because I think it's criminal. Just 2 days ago, I checked my balance online with their "lovely" online banking and it indicated that I was 67 cents overdrawn. Why?? Because no.1, they decided to wait a week to gather a ton of charges and then just spew them on my account no2. I had an unauthorized charge from the place I buy coffee from, Gevalia. So I first called Gevalia and dealt with them, who said they wou... Read more

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    Wed Oct 21 2009

    I used to work for National City as a Manager. YOU WANT TO GET FEES REFUNDED HERE'S HOW: 1. Make up some crazy lie about why your overdrafts happened. Ex: Your mom just had a stroke (some uncontrollable illness/family problem) and you weren't thinking straight and you meant to use your credit card and you used your debit card all day (CRY). These people are just like you. Unfortunately, they are kind of like cops, but really they are everyday people outside of that building. 2. If they're still unwilling to refund anything, that's when you don't mess around. If your talking to the Asst Mgr, ask to talk to the Branch Mgr, if you're talking to the Branch Mgr, ask to talk to the Regional Mgr, if they wont give you the phone number, call the call center and be SUPER nice to the representative. I knew of a branch where the customer was able to get our MARKET MANAGER's phone number AND her assistant. This is VERY scary to bank employees because 9 times out of 10, they will be force... Read more

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    Fri Oct 16 2009

    TERRIBLE! Especially since it got acquired by PNC, this bank specializes in ripping people off. One way is if you use another bank's ATM, they don't recognize that immediately but let the fee build up so that it's a large amount that will most likely cause an overdraft. They never used to do this. Another trick they like to use is letting the credits(-) go first before recognizing any debits(+). That way you're likely to overdraw then get charged their high $36 overdraft fee per overdraft transaction. I got charged $36 for being 20 cents on the overdraft side. I can tell easily that they recognized the money going out first just to charge me the overdrafts. I'm sick of this bank and I'm in the process of closing it. Anyone with recommendations for a bank with better policies?

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    Tue Oct 13 2009

    This bank is terrible. Evryone I talk to hates It. I cannot wait until I finish closing my acoont. If you have problems they always say it was your fault and that is our policy. I was charged an overdraft fee for taking cash out of an atm when the my balance was good. then it reported an overdraft. I went to complain and they did not do anything for me. I was new to them and young, so i had my dad go tear them a new A-hole. they eventually dropped the fee. There customer service is horrible and they try to rob you of your money. Definitely dont get a credit card with them. thats even worse than the banking. I hope they go under

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    Tue Sep 29 2009

    Background:- Applied for refinancing back in April (looking for 30 yr rate <= 4.875%) and paid application fee of $350. Was advised by the agent that rates are high and that if I want specific rates then I'd have to wait until rates fall until then application will remain active. Rates dropped recently to whereabouts of my target so I contacted the NC agent for updates, only to be informed that my application was canceled for INACTIVITY. I asked about the application fee. "Ohh, that has been refunded back to the account from where it was received" replied the agent. I checked my back and no deposits were ever made. I requested that my application be made active and processed for refinance asap and schedule closing within 2-3 weeks before I go overseas for business travel, only to be told that its not possible. ------- With excellent credit rating, I can go shopping wherever I want, but I felt cheated and disgusted by this un-professionalism. I am looking for venues where i can report ... Read more

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    Tue Sep 29 2009

    I just changed my account to National City and am sorry I did. It was never explained, and I have requested that they send me their policy, regarding overdraft fees for 'pending' items. Pending items may not actually post to an account, so they are charging for something that may or may not come through on the account. I placed an order then went and deposited money. However the 'pending' charge put my account at a negative balance, so I was charged $35.00. When I asked them to explain to me why my account was overdrawn, they only indicated it was because it was negative. I asked them to point out exactly what transaction brought it to a negative status. They gave a round about answer but specifically said they do not charge overdraft fees on pending items. So I again asked them, if it wasn't the pending transaction, what item caused my account to be overdrawn. I am still waiting for an answer. Because they indicated it WASN'T the pending transaction, I'm not sure they kno... Read more

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    Thu Sep 24 2009

    I am a self-employed small business owner doing wedding photography while I am a stay-at-home mother for my 21 month-old. I deposited 4 checks by way of three trips through the atm machine in one week totaling $1400. Three of the checks where National City checks and fourth was a seven dollar Staples refund check. So they should have posted right away (or at least in 24 hours) all but the little Staples check anyways. But instead the bank withheld all of the checks for days and which caused me to overdraft 13 times totaling $468. I had only used the debit card for very small transactions like soda pop at the gas station while I was working so my actual charges were not very much at all and the money should have been in there. In no way was I thinking that I was "cutting it close" to overdrawing my account. They never called to inform me of any of the overdrafts and when I called the bank and they told me it was my fault to keep track of my account (which I did) and refused to talk ... Read more

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    Tue Sep 15 2009

    I have had my accounts at national city for a very long time. There have been instances over the years where they have allowed checks to clear before they were supposed to and in one instance when I was out of work caused a major problem for me because they continued to post daily nsf charges when my account was not overdrawn in the first place. It was their error. Even though I pointed in out to them and showed them my statement, I ended up paying over $300 to correct it. In other instances they would make changes to my online account without authorization from me. I have had it with them and will be closing my accounts. Fed up in Columbus, Ohio.

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    Sun Sep 13 2009

    I have a checking account and a savings account with Nat'l City. I withdrew too many times from my savings (6 is the limit) and I was expecting a $15 fee (my second time doing this, I know. sucks...). I just got a letter in the mail yesterday (my cycle ended on the 6th) saying that my savings account is on hold. I go online to checking my available balances and my savings account currently says $-999,999.99. I'm sure this is a filler for my account being on hold, but I practically died! I transfered money from checking into savings via online transfer, and the negative number went up! As if I transfered money! I hope I can get the $95 out of there before I shut down the account. I don't know what to do. I need an explanation! What is this!?

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    Tue Sep 08 2009

    My debit card stopped working all of a sudden because they sold me out to another bank. They claim they sent me letters of some action I have to take but I didn't get any of them. All I know is that they didn't send me an email, or message on or give me a phone call whatsoever. I have been with no cash for the whole weekend and it's the worst thing a bank can do to its clients. I will go there today to get all my cash and close my account as I have no tolerance for such a big mistake.

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    Tue Sep 01 2009

    ***WORST BANK EVER!*HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!!*QUESTIONABLE BANKING PRACTICES* I have had nothing but headaches and numerous inconvenient conflicts with this bank in the short 3 months since I opened my account. I opened an account with NationalCity because they were offering a $100 promotion for new accounts if you make 10+ debit purchases within 60 days. Imagine my surprise when my debit card didn't work because NationalCity CLOSED MY ACCOUNT WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE before 60 days had passed!! I also had direct deposit from work setup with this account so I was *HORRIFIED* that NationalCity closed my acct. I called and was told that my acct was closed because 60 days had passed without activity. I was upset because this was ENTIRELY NOT TRUE!! The rep checked and, indeed, discovered that they had made an "error". However, I was told it would take a couple weeks for them to reactivate my acct, send me a new debit card, blah, blah, blah... Of course, in this time, I was unable t... Read more

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    Tue Aug 25 2009

    The only good thing about this bank is the "points" you earn for the money you spend. This bank is a theif! For a total of $70 in overdrafted items (stupid 2 and $5 items) I was charged $205.00 in fees, and I had checked my account the night before and there were no pending items showing!!!! I even had two checks for $10 ea come through and they always show in the pending section! This place is a bunch of crooks and I hope wallstreet shuts them down. I hate to be them in later life, you know what goes around comes around. Rediculous!

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    Tue Aug 25 2009

    Simply terrible, their joint credit and debit card does not works, employees are not well trained and managers are very rude. Took money from my account without consent and never gave it back. Is a foreign bank that does not deals well other foreign (like latin American banks).

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    Tue Aug 18 2009

    The Worst Bank.......of united states. I think this bank should be closed and should not work anymore. The customer care services reallyy sucks. No manners of communication. I have worst experience with national city. I made a complaint at national city for unauthorized transaction for $248.46 in the month of june. And the fraud detection department mada a decsion in the month of August that I made that transaction. They billed my account for $248.46, which made my account to in negetive. They started charging me for overdraft fees of $8 per day. When I complained about all these to customer care, they started shouting at me, and they are trying me responsible for that amount, which really shocked me. They were trying to force me that we send you so many letter for the communication, but it shocked me that I didnt recieved any letter for their decision........suckers. The only letter i received from that was over draft charges, which they really want from every bank customer. They are... Read more

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    Fri Aug 14 2009

    Worst bank I have ever dealt with! If you have an account with them, I would suggest closing it now. Even under management of PNC Bank, they still boast horrible customer service. They charge inactivity fees and rediculous overdraft charges that increase 8 dollars a day after 3 days, while the letter they send you won't even reach you until 4-5 days after the account is overdrawn. Your business is of no concern to them. You are simply a way to collect high fees.

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    Tue Aug 11 2009

    Avoid this bank at all costs! This bank has some shady practices such as holding deposits for at least one day even if the check you deposit is from their bank. This means that you cannot use the money for as much as two days. They also fail to post charges to your account for up to five days. This includes anything you use your debit card for. Also, their onlline banking is false. Where they show a "running balance" is not actually a running balance of your activity as received by the bank. The customer service is a joke. The person who opens your account for you will lie and tell you whatever you want to hear and later you will find out the truth. The customer service with give you the runaround worthy of an Oscar Award! As a management and accounting student, I understand most banking procedures but I am completely amazed that this bank does not follow basic, standard accounting practices.

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    Wed Aug 05 2009

    i told them i would be in the hospital for a few days and i wouldn't be = able to check on my acct, i told them to put it on hold. they said it = would be ok, over $150 later in $8 day late fees nothing was done, even = after informing them of the hospital stay, poor

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    Thu Jul 09 2009

    NATIONAL CITY MORTGAGE IS HORRIBLE!! I recently got my Mortgage Refinanced through National city mortgage in Louisville KY....... I locked on jan 19th 2009 with a agent i had done business with at several other companies. a few weeks after he left national city (i wonder why?) and that is when it all started. I had to call them after a week and a half to even find out who was handling my file....the former agent called me and told me he was leaving and that's the only way i knew. i got a name from him of a VP to call...Nancy Oyler....she is super nice, IF you can ever get her to call you back. I called 2-3 times a week monday, wed, Fri and could never get her on the phone or even get her to call me back.. I even left my email attempting to get her to send me communication that way....this went on and on and on....... needless to say their follow-up on returning calls absolutely sucks. all i wanted was someone to give me a status update update on a weekly basis and I tried to ex... Read more

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    Wed Jun 24 2009

    After years of being faithful to National Shitty Bank, I have finally had enough. They have robbed me for the last time. This time it cost me $136.00 in overdraft fees and the money was there the whole time. Their reasoning for these fees are so rediculous I wonder how they can call themselves a bank. Funny, how they can hold a deposit when they want and rush certain checks and charges right thru your account that would normally take a couple of days. This time they hold my payroll check which was deposited on Friday, then on Monday they grab two checks that I had written to my work place that were deposited into the same account that my payroll check comes out of, the worst part is these checks were deposited after cut off time, around 3:30 p.m. National Shitty grabs them deducts them from my account and gee my paycheck isn't in there so what, I get two $34.00 overdraft fees. Then I have two charges that normally take a couple of days to clear, one for $1.65 and one for $17.15,... Read more

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    Wed Jun 24 2009

    It's a simple story.... overdraft.. my fault... overcharge $36 as expected... but for some reason the mail runs slower in the National City universe than the rest of the world. I received my overdrawn notice in the mail on the 24th of the month. The letter was dated the 19th... and just so you dont have to get a calculator out...that's 5 days. The post date on the envelope was dated the 22nd... yep..3 whole days later. for some reason... it took National City a day to type up the letter... wait a day.. stuff it in an envelope... wait another day.. THEN manage to get it in the mail to me. While all that was taking place.. National City got to charge me another $8/day because I "didn't pay the overdraft in 3 days" from the date on the letter....... go figure..... National City is a thief.....

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    Sun Jun 21 2009

    National City = overdraft fees PNC = overdraft fees got overdraft fees = national city u have been warned

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    Wed Jun 17 2009

    This bank is the worse!!! I've never been treated with little respect when I'm the one who is giving them money!!! I paid over $400 in over draft fees, and they keep adding on to it. They give me the run around saying I need to deposit cash instead of check. So I did. And I still got charge!! They don't care about their customer service. They will give you fee after fee after fee!! Do NOT go to them!!!! There are other banks better!!!!! They are not even worth one star!

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    Tue Jun 09 2009

    This bank is horrible. NEVER open an account here. We actually opened an account at this bank after checking several out because we were fed up (or so we thought) with our current bank. You could never be sure what your account balance was, we got charged with hundreds of dollars in fees, and their customer service was usually completely rude and useless. We finally tried to close the account and the bank kept taking out account maintenance and automatic savings fees, reopening the account. Apparently you can never close an account there. Every time I just do a random check of the account, it is negative from an NC-initiated withdrawal. We have found exactly one teller in one branch who is helpful and has tried to get our situation straightened out, but the bank is doing all it can to undermine him and reinforce our opinion that opening an account at this bank was, by far, the absolute worst decision we ever made.

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    Thu Jun 04 2009

    Horrible customer service! I don't care how much or how little a customer has in their account, you should never stand up for being treated like garbage by your bank! I made a purchase online and the retailer had an honest to goodness issue on their site resulting in me being double-charged. I contacted the retailer immediately, they apologized and assured me I would be issued a credit instantly. I saw the item cancel but didn't see any credit back to National City online within a couple hours. I called NC's support and the CSR was very helpful and advised me to simply get the authorization number from the retailer and they'd be able to instantly credit me. I got the authorization number and called back with roughly 10 minutes before they closed -- this time, the CSR was very hostile. He kept stalling and finally pulled up the appropriate information. After asking me to hold for a couple minutes and telling me he couldn't find any charges (although the previous rep did so in un... Read more

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    Sun May 17 2009

    I have been a member of National City for about 5 years. It is the best bank I have ever been in. For starters They offer overdraft protection, which has come in handy a couple of times. They offer great rates on savings accounts, better than a lot of other banks. But for me the best part is when I call their customer service line. The quality is always great and they always are able to give you cd and equity rates over the phone and I don't even have to go to the branch to open up accounts right away! I love National City!!!

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    Wed May 06 2009

    If I could give this bank negative stars, I definitely would. They charge you overdraft fees on things that have not even been posted to your account! I made a charge on my account and received overdraft fees for it when it wasn't even posted to my account yet! It was a charge, not a debit, and I talked to customer support, who was very rude to me like usual, and they said that charges now get sent to them right away and it's not their fault. I explained to him that I lost my job, I'm on limited income, and really needed help and he said "it's not our fault" and refused to help me. This bank can shove it. This is one of SEVERAL occurances I've had with them. They mess up accounts like crazy, they charge you tons of fees for nothing [like when my brother got below like 10.00 and hadn't used it in a while and they charged him 7.00 every single day until they over drafted him and charged him hundreds because he just hadn't used his account in a couple months], and they charge you overdraf... Read more

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    Wed Apr 22 2009

    Hi all you really need to read this we went to atm to withdrawl money from it and it made a grinding noise spit out the paper which said it gave us $420 and gave us no money at all when my man went inside and seen alady which was the branch manager putting money in the atm then she came over and said since we dont bank with them we had to call the number on the back and dispute this which after all said and done it will take 30 days to dispute this even though on the back of this card it says national city on it ,,, nothing like the banks trying to get over on people... i have spent hours talking to the people i needed to try to speed the process which doesn't look like it will,,, but we got the police and bbb and attorney generals office and was told to take them to small claims ya know this is just sad how people are this day and age we all have enough we are going through to even having to be dealing with such i will say this lesson learned never bank with national cit... Read more

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    Fri Apr 03 2009

    Bank of Thieves is more like it!! I had a positive balance in my account on 3/31/09 and was charged eight overdraft fees at $34.00 apiece. After all of this I still had a positive balance and a day later was charged an additional five overdraft charges for a total of $442.00 of overdraft charges on my account despite never falling below a zero balance. They couldn't explain it over the phone or in person but offered to have a specialist call me back in 1-2 business days. How nice of them. They steal $442.00 of my money that I trusted them with and refuse to talk to me about it!! If anyone has had similar dealings with this institution, please e-mail me and tell me about it or post it here. I am considering a lawsuit and would like some other instances to show its not just a one-time error on their part.

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    Fri Feb 13 2009

    This is the most kniving, thieving bank I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. They will do whatever they can to get you to overdraw. They will keep a fee pending until your account is low enough that it will cause you to overdraw, and then pull the money! Then they will charge a $36 overdraft fee and another $8 A DAY! They will sent you a notice in a letter, and who knows how long it will take to arrive! Do NOT OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THIS BANK AND ALWAYS READ REVIEWS!

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    Wed Dec 17 2008

    RUN while you can! I asked someone there about my fees and was told I would not be charged untill the item causing me to be overdrawn posted to my account..Well the day before it posted I was charged over $200 in fees, When I called to ask why, I was told becasue there was an item pending. How can they charge me a fee on something that is not even posted yet?? Now I have to pay back hundreds of dollars. As soon as I get that taken care of I am done with this bank!!

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    Fri Dec 12 2008

    By far the worst bank I've ever dealt with. They promised me overdraft protection countless times and STILL charged me $36.00 for every time I overdrafted. Also those reward points are absolutely pointless because they never give you anything as promised.

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    Tue Dec 09 2008

    If I could give zero stars, I would. I finally got my priorities in order and joined a credit union with not nearly the hassle of a bank. National City NEVER ceased to amaze me, as far as what they were able to get away with and how bad they took advantage of everyt opportunity to trick me into every charge they possible could. They are definately crooks, as many banks, but National city is one of the worst! Not to mention lack of availability of customer service and poor store hours, very unfriendly and they have a policy of doing as little as possible to make a customer feel appreciated. STay away!!

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    Wed Nov 26 2008

    Terrible bank!! Customer service rude and abusive! No corporate headquaters to resolve issues! Issues being constant taking in and out of your account. When presented with documentation, start the stare-down, sarcasm and prevarication.

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    Tue Nov 11 2008

    This bank sux! I banked with them for over 10 years, never overdrawing my account. Suddenly, I made ONE mistake with my account and they started holding my debits and overdrawing the account right before every payday. It would take them 2-3 days to post any credits and would send through all debits first. I dealt with this for 2 months before leaving and going to Commerce. I never been happier (or richer)!

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    Sat Nov 01 2008

    I have been with National City for over a year and a half now. I left Citizens Bank part of the RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland Group) cause Citizens screwed me with over draft fees when someone stole my account info from a paypal transaction that i did for ebay. In the time i have been with National City anytime i would get and over draft fee the tellers would refund me for the fee cause anything under a $1.00 to get a 36.00 over draft fee is just crazy. They will work with you. I will say there rates on there Loans are so high it could kill ya with the payments in the end. But they have dont nothing wrong in my book. Branch wise. As for the customer service department when you call there 800 number there a bunch of dipsh*ts. They can be the rudest people. I called to report my Visa check card stolen and cause i have two on my joint account i needed the number they said. I told them i didnt have the number just to cancel both for safty. they said they didnt have to cancel both that i was ... Read more

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    Fri Oct 17 2008

    NEVER EVER bank with National City. For about 3 months I had never had a problem with the bank. Until I get a call that someone had received my first and last name AND my SOCIAL SECURITY number on a piece of paper handwritten that came in their mail with their checks and bank info. That bank could have ruined my entire life if it had gone in someone else's hands. There was NO EXCUSE, that my PERSONAL information went into someone else's mailbox. PLEASE for your own sake DO NOT BANK WITH THEM. If it can happen to me, it can happen to you. They don't keep your information private and aren't a responsible bank.

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    Thu Oct 09 2008

    Ntional city does have an account you can add to your checking acct. It works like a credit card and deposits money in $50 increments whenever you go over, then it just charges you interest until you pay it. It even automatically makes the minimum pmt if you forget to pay it yourself. I have been with Nat city for over 10 years with this acct. Anyone who has ever had an overdraft fee should have one of these accts, no more worries. Banks do make money on fees, they are in business to make money. Get one of these overdraft protection accts, best thing I ever did. PS Sorry,you do have to pay the money back!!! and the interest is high, but not as high as overdraft fees, just pay it ASAP.

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    They have fees for everything if you bank with them make sure you keep track of your account. They make there money by charging extra fees. If you overdraft by 1 dollar you could end up paying 300 for it if you don't check your account. They like you to overdraft I think they may make more money on that then their credit cards. National Shitty is what we always called them and I think everyone else does too I changed banks recently and am very happy

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    National City is horrible. I made a purchase from Home Depot, returned it an hour later, and had to purchase another item like it. I was told at the Home Depot desk that they give credits and take debts all at the same time each night, because I told them I could not have both out of my account at the same time as it was an emergency purchase of a waater heater that had burst. National City has put a hold on my account for over $900 because they said that Home Depot hasn't sent the money back yet, and it could take up to 6 business days for them to do so. So, I called Home Depot about the error. I was promptly told that they don't have the capacity to do anything like that, and that they process all of their accounts on the night of transaction whether they are debts or credits. They asked me specifically if I banked with National City or 5th 3rd bank. I told them National City and they told me this is about the 20th episode like this they have seen in the last 6 months. National City ... Read more

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    I have to agree National City needs major improvement in customer service. I worked at a local branch in the late 90's and still bank there but only until I can open a new account elsewhere. Never had any problems with overdraft until last week. I made an ATM dep on 09/12, paid my house payment in the night dep box at another bank on 09/13, check went through 09/15 and cash deposit was still not clear, this resulted in two charges of $36 each, called to question and was told dep was made on 09/15 same day as checks came through, told them no it was 09/12 and was then told each branch can hold a deposit one business day or more...No refunds of overdraft charges. Funny when I worked there the ATM was done at 2pm every business day and all deposits were posted to the acc at 2 pm when ATM work was complete. Another thing that upset me was two years ago my daughter saved her change and had about $90 in change, brought to local branch to deposit in her savings acc and was told there change m... Read more

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    Wed Sep 17 2008

    this bank blows ive been there for amost 3 years now and the past 6 months they have been holding direct deposits, posting bills 3 and 4 days early, holding my wifes payroll check, 6 months ago i posted checks on a friday and they where in by monday and now my wife puts in a check last week and it takes tell monday to post they have robbed me for 600$ don't bank with them, fyi they will hold up 10 transactions and if you have 32$ in your account afterwords they will bounce all of them by charging you for them 10 times before they take out the money for the transactions

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    Wed Sep 10 2008

    Wow, I wish I wouldve read all these complaints before opening my account at National Shitty. I've been drowning in overdraft charges for "pendit debits" that are supposed to be instant. I made a debit paypal charge on september 3 which took .64 cents out of my bank account and IT DIDNT CLEAR UNTIL SEPTEMBER 10TH. WTF?! BAM $34.00 nsf fee for .64. Wonderful!! I would make deposits at their own branches ATMS and they would take 48hrs or more to even post on my account?!!! This is instant at otherbanks... what are they holding the money for? I would get charged a nsf but the charge that caused it would not show on my online statement. I'm very responsible when it comes to money and I'm very dissapointed in their practices. Debits would clear, and then dissapear. SOMETHING IS Very shady here.... Every day you're late on that overdraft charge they slap you with a $8 fee EACH and EVERYDAY. THEY DIDNT MENTION THAT WHEN I OPENED MY ACCOUNT A MONTH AGO NOW DID THEY?!! nope. They gave me a litt... Read more