Nation of Islam

Approval Rate: 16%

16%Approval ratio

Reviews 19

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    Sun May 01 2011

    Take your Klan sheets off and those birthers who are racially motivated to hate Obama, stop it, then you can trash this group without being a hypocrite!

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    Fri May 15 2009

    An Islamic Cult. all it does is help confuse people to what true Islam is all about, in the process it does the Islamic community far more harm than good. As an organization, they do some really good stuff, so it is a pity that they throw it all away with their racism, fundamentalism and bat-shit insanity. Among their most unforgivable crimes: conspiracy to kill Malcolm X, a truly great leader. Especially after he dropped the racism after dropping NOI. Granted, I don't know if they succeeded in killing him or not, it was a matter of timing. If the CIA got there first or the NOI, either way, they are guilty of the conspiracy. Farrakhan himself was head at the time and almost all guilty parties walked away.

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    Negros that have found a voice in the cult of hate. Phew! Can anybody think of a lower life form.

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    Wed Dec 28 2005

    Constitutionally, they do have a 1st Amendment right to exist. Of course, their ethos is a crackpot fusion of race hate,Anti-Semitism, garbled science fiction and utter nonsense. That they help rehabilitate ex-cons, people with substance abuse problems, etc., is commendable, but it's more than counterbalanced by the harm they do, which is fairly minimal in the long run, as we're talking about a quite small segment of a group that only comprises about 12% of the population. The eschatology ( account of the final days) and its view of the origins of the Earth, etc. of N.O.I. is some of the wackiest, most unintentionally hilarious stuff you'll ever read. Louie F., if nothing else, is good for the occasional laugh now and then. Now, IMO, every person on this planet is right about some things, even this buffoon. Racism and oppression, both here and abroad, were and are very real. Unfortunately, this whackjob Farrakhan not only plays on the fears and hatred of his followers, but he also ser... Read more

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    Wed Dec 28 2005

    Social work is one thing, political garbage is another. Stick to one and lose the other, and you know which I refer to.

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    Tue Dec 27 2005

    Actually, I'm surprised they're on a conservative list. NOI has much to identify with conservatives, as Bob Novak has chronicled, including the vaunted "individual responsibility" alternative to welfare. That being said, I think they have put a dent in street gangs. I'd much rather have a young person in NOI than the crips.

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    Sun Dec 05 2004

    What is the purpose of this organization

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    Wed Aug 11 2004

    Nothing more than a Islamic version of the KKK

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    Tue Aug 10 2004

    I would love to see an end to them. Wouldn't it be poetic to see them go out on the same day as the KKK? At their lowest common denominator, both groups are simply organized hate crimes.

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    Tue Aug 03 2004

    Unlike the NAACP whom I still strongly feel don't need to be on this list I can honestly say hands on heart that The Nation of Islam is one of the organisations that DOES deserve to be on this list. I don't know how they run in the US, but in the UK these guys hate anything and anyone thats not black and muslim. Now thats a very tiny sect in society to be both black and muslim and a very difficult way to survive in this world. They not only give young black males a bad name, but muslims who also wish to co-exist peacefully in a multi-cultural society and get on with their lives. One of my friends went to their meetings here in England and they showed sheer disdain and oppression to a lot of religions and races very openly. They see jews as evil just because their jewish!!?? That was insane to me because for one religion to belittle another is barely what I would call a religion at all. It bothers me that they recruit young black males off the street trying to entice them to join ... Read more

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    Tue Aug 03 2004

    Unless I am mistaken the Million Man March came up a few hundred thousand short. Oops.

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    Mon Jun 28 2004

    The people who follow The Nation have good intentions. These people are trying to fill an empty void that lies inside anyone who has not found Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, they are greatly misled. The leaders of The Nation of Islam profit from the ignorance of its followers.

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    Sat Jun 26 2004

    the only ones who really benefit from their vitriol are blacks who need a scapegoat on which to blame their problems, and the bow tie industry.

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    Tue Jun 15 2004

    Farrakhan is the biggest ant-white man in the world! These people hate whites! To me they are the Black version of the old KKK! Update for Soulfunkstein: First of all: God fearing men don't hate everyone! Second: I don't speak ebonics so I wrote so you could understand. Third: Here is a good example of how biased this country is. E.G. Funkenstupid called me cracker and whitey. In society it would be no big deal, but if I called him a negative term for blacks, I might be sued and go to jail!

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    Tue Jun 08 2004

    They have the right to freedom of speech just like other race organizations. But I still don't have to like them. Why do they think it's okay for them to be racist but no other races? Farrakhan is hypocritical.

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    Fri Jun 04 2004

    The list is about useless organizations, not who should be banned. Farrakhan preaches in black churches about the prophet Jesus, then he prophesies about the coming mother ship UFO, and then he rages on about Allah's hatred for the Jewish race (as long as no reporters are around who might put the quotes down for publication). Translation: worthless.

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    Sat May 29 2004

    If an organization has a crazy ideology, don't ban it: expose it. Some of the people in NOI seem to be full of hate, and others do not. I have rather mixed feelings about this group since they DO help kids in the inner city get off of drugs and away from gangs: I'm a little skeptical about what they replace them with, but it could be worse.

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    Sun May 23 2004

    I do not agree with their ideology, but they have done some good things for blacks. The million man march was their shinning achievement.

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    Thu May 20 2004

    Will not happenm that's for sure. Sure, there sre some true haters in this group. If you ban them, however, where do you stop? It will snowball to other religious -based groups and have a terrible ripple-effect on society.