Nat Sherman Classic

Approval Rate: 85%

85%Approval ratio

Reviews 18

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    They were so-so when I started out. But then I got a few centimeters above the filter  and I almost puked. I swear to god I literally gagged. It was one of the worst experiences with a cigarette in my life. I gave away the rest to my friends and they liked them just fine.

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    Tue Nov 18 2008

    First off I'd like to start by saying the filters are much too thick. You have to work to get the smoke out, and its very frustrating. The taste is earthy however, a quality that some smokers may find satisfying, while others will be disgusted. I personally enjoyed the taste however the thick filter was too much for me. A 2 out of 5.

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    Mon Jun 02 2008

    I first tried Nat Sherman's over 40 years ago.  They were expensive then, compared to regular brands, and I saved them for special occasions.  About 5 years ago, I decided to cut back on my 2-3 pack-a-day habit, and switched from Pall Malls or Dunhills to Sherman's MCD.  A pack now lasts me 3-4 days!  I only smoke out-of-doors, and I get a minimum of 2 smoking breaks per cigarette, because they burn so much longer without the chemical additives.  I buy two 5-packs per month, am smoking less but enjoying it a lot more!

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    Wed May 07 2008

    Ignoring the anti-tobacco idiots, this is a fine smoke. Not the best, in my opinion, but classic and easy to enjoy. Despite one poster's note, the Nat Sherman site makes special note that no additives not only does not make a safer cigarette, but it can actually be more dangerous because the tobacco must be packed tighter to keep it from spilling. Second hand differences are negligible if at all reasonably ascertainable. Classics are a great brand, though, but I tend to go through them faster than Black and Golds.

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    Sat Feb 16 2008

    Boo! Smoking is bad for the environment & even worse for your lungs & the lungs of everyone around you.

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    Thu May 31 2007

    I don't care for the way the Classics/Classics Mint taste, but I sure do love to be seen smoking cigarettes made by this classy, luxurious, potent brand. the boxes they come in are really nice, too.

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    Sun Jun 04 2006

    Much too strong!! The quality of the tobacco is top notch, not to mention the paper and the filter. Lacks flavor, however. Not to mention, I refuse to pay $7.50 a pack. Marboro Blend No. 27 has much more flavor than these...not to mention cheaper.

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    Wed May 24 2006

    Nat Shermans are the best cig in my opinion. If your gonna smoke something that may kill you this is the brand. I prefer the mint shermans but since this one is in the top ten I will give it the nod.

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    Wed Feb 22 2006

    The Nat Sherman MCD's are a great smoke because the smoke is smooth yet the buzz is very strong. My friedns found it hard to beleive that nothign was added to these beauties.

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    Sat Sep 24 2005

    Nice rich full bodied and slowburning. Go for 7.50 a pack here unless you can find a rare deal.

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    Mon Dec 20 2004

    Nat Sherman cigarettes aren't regulary smokes. I guess you can call them luxurious cigarettes. They're 100% natural tobacco, with no chemical additives. They're smooth, rick and mellow, and are extremely strong. Smoking one Nat Sherman is like smoking two Marlboro Reds at the same time. The cigarette smoke gives off a strong odor, but is well worth the taste.

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    Tue Oct 26 2004

    PURE tobacco, PURE is the best word to describe it, no flavour added and taste just as natural as it can possibly get, although sometimes you have to relight it, somehow that makes you happy also because pure tobacco is not suppose to keep burning unless you've added certain chemical element like most mass produce cigarettes.

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    Mon Aug 30 2004

    I've tried a lot of different cigarettes, and Nat Sherman Mints are by far my favorites. Smoking a marlboro or camel is mundane in comparison. The mint crystals allow the smoke to be extremely flavorful, and this is nothing like menthol. Each Sherman Mint cig is a treat, and I like to space them out and enjoy them as such.

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    Sat Jun 12 2004

    The frist one is great, but by the end of the second one I knew there was a problem. The rich flavor is good but after a while makes me sick. It stays in my mouth for 5 to 6 hours.

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    Thu Apr 01 2004

    Once you open a pack of Nat Sherman Classic Mints, you know you are in for a treat. Just one smell of a freshly open box, and you know this isn't any ordinary cigarette you buy at your local gas station. The smooth taste last til the very end. As one of my good friends say, these are the only ones I smoke to the filter!. However, its very important that you purchase them where other consumers also buy them. It must be fresh. A lot of places just keep them on the counter throughout the months or years, causing it to lose the taste. But once you get your hands on a new pack, sit back and enjoy the almost orgasmic experience.

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    Sun Dec 14 2003


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    Mon Oct 06 2003

    The absolute finest.

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    Sun Jun 22 2003

    I have searched for years, trying different cigarette blends, for the perfect cigarette. While Nat Sherman has not yet received perfection, they are the BEST domestic brand. The packs come in rectangular boxes - Shrink Wrapped on the outside. Inside, a plastic sheet is folded over the contents for an extra level of freshness. Ten cigarettes rest on top of a parchment that either has ordering information (for cheap cartons) or describes the blend. Ten more cigarettes rest underneath the paper. The blend is strong, smooth, and aromatic. The taste completely fills one's mouth. Being King-size cigarettes, one finds it easy to inhale. Whenever I smoke Nat Shermans conversation is easy. People approach me when they see the odd packaging and are curious about the product within. Since I am a generous person, I'll invariably offer one of my cigarettes and I love to see people's reactions. Again, these are very strong cigarettes. Marlboro Reds, Kamel Reds, Gauloise, Krong Thip,... Read more