Napoleon Dynamite
2004 American comedy film produced by Jeremy Coon, Chris Wyatt and Sean Covel, written by Jared and Jerusha Hess and directed by Jared Hess Website
Approval Rate: 67%
Reviews 0
by baccerchewer57
Sun Feb 27 2011good movie, doesnt make sense sober, makes perfect sense after you smoke a fat doobie
by jcgrisham1084
Thu Jul 29 2010this is a simple, and funny movie. in this day of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, we have a movie that is, calm, and yet still funny. Jon Heder plays the title charter, and embodies the spirit of all those down trodden kids that suffered in high school. if you love a good psychological comedy, buy this movie, and watch it over and over again.
by ashlynstrobel
Sun May 24 2009Ok...I don't understand all the positive reviews on this movie. This was so godawful, so unbelieveably SLOW AND so UNFUNNY, I had to turn it off after 10 minutes of viewing. Just because we don't find something slapstick hilarious doesn't mean we don't have a sense of humor. We all have different tastes and styles. And this movie wasn't it for me. STAY AWAY from this piece of crap movie.
by nancykircher
Sat May 23 2009Do you ever feel like our world needs a well-written comedy that isn't driven by mindless sex or profanity? Well if you are, you've found the perfect movie! Here we have an independent comedy written/directed by rookie director Jared Hess who captures the true reality of a nerd who's life can't get any worse at this point in time. The movie starts with a cheesy (even though I'm OK with it being cheesy), opening credits sequence where there is a different background every 5-10 seconds, and you either see a plate of food with names written out of condiments, or names on pencils or sticks of Chapstick. After this you see Napoleon Dynamite (Jon Heder), an afro-nerd who groans while waiting for the bus in Preston, Idaho. At school he draws medieval warriors/beasts, eats lunch with his friend Pedro (Efren Ramirez), and is pushed around by the school bully. He then returns home to his older brother Kip (Aaron Ruell) who loves to chat online, and his grandma. Napoleon also feeds the family ... Read more
by gris2575
Tue May 12 2009Funny, quotable movie.
by ayn9b559
Tue May 12 2009This movie is the namesake of two of my reptiles, I enjoy the stupidity of this movie when I am in the right mindset--i.e. drunk.
by lking8608
Thu May 07 2009THis is a really funny movie and very affordable.I got it for my son for an Easter present.He loved it!!!!
by thetaoofnetfli_x
Wed May 06 2009This is a great movie, and very family friendly. It involves one of the most socially awkward people ever to grace the screens (Napoleon); the best part is that he's so awkward, but he has absolutely no idea that he is, and readily assumes that's he's a dude, particularly as exemplified by his prom outfit choice. Sadly, he completely reminds me of practically every classmate I had at college, gasp.
by brianmacleod
Fri Apr 10 2009To say this movie is pretty much the worst one ever made it would be an insult to excrement the world over, and please spare yourself the pain, because I agree that I did enjoy the movie, but, however, it's pretty much the worst movie ever made, and NEVER BUY THIS MOVIE, BECAUSE THAT'S A BAD ONE, AND IT'S THE WORST ONE EVER MADE. This is not a movie that you probably can't handle, so, I would throw that movie in the garbage and say "I've had enough of this movie, take it away", because Liar Liar with Jim Carrey, Me, Myself and Irene with Jim Carrey and Step Brothers with John C. Reilly are just the worst movies and videos ever made, plus they are not making any friends of me and, they're just not the best, so never watch them and don't buy them, because I'd call those four movies a 'phony', and I agree that those movies are pretty fakey looking, as I say those four movies of "Liar Liar" starring Jim Carrey, "Step Brothers" starring Will Farrell, "Me, Myself and Irene" starring Jim Carr... Read more
by cyclee
Sun Feb 01 2009This was a comedy? I thought it was a psychological thriller. I was so thrilled by its dumbness.
by solenoid_dh
Sun Feb 01 2009I enjoyed this movie - it has no real plot, no moral that it's trying to teach, no swear words....just a fun study of geekdom. I hope to see it again. One of the best lines in movie history: "I WISH YOU'D GET OUT OF MY LIFE AND SHUT UP!" har har
by caroline112
Mon Dec 29 2008i'm i the only one that wants to kick that guys ass
by jennifer8300
Wed Nov 19 2008sorry but ..........
by sagigurl
Sat Oct 04 2008I could actually feel my brain cells dying due to the stupidity of that movie
by jamie_finn
Thu Sep 11 2008one of my very favorite movies
by hondarider91
Tue Aug 19 2008Best quotes:"Last week, Japanese scientists placed explosive detonators at the bottom of lake Loch Ness to blow Nessie out of the water. Sir Cort Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance summoned the help of Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its residents and to those who wish to keep peace with our underwater ally.""Yeah, there are a lot of gangs at this school but none that will recruit me because i'm not skilled with a bow staff.""Hey Napoleon what did you do this summer"?"I told you already, I spent the summer with my uncle in Alaska hunting Wolverines.""Did you kill any"?"Yes like 50 of em', they were attacking my cousins, what the heck would you do in that situation"?"What kind of gun did you use"?"A freakin' 12-gauge, what do you think"?Lol.
by the_masked_cracka
Tue Aug 19 20082 hours I want back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by jake_armitage
Mon Aug 18 2008A funny high quality comedy. Napoleon Dynamite is set in a kind of surreal suburban desert setting with a set of eccentric characters, and what is scary is that we all have seen people like this in real life am I wrong? I have a tendency to shy away from things that get too mainstream popular, but in the case of this movie I can't help but still like it despite it's huge success. The scene near the end with Napoleon dancing is classic, I watched it like 10 times when I first saw it on DVD.
by shockit
Thu Aug 14 2008Dumbest funny movie i've seen
by dirty_little_mary
Wed Aug 13 2008I know...I know
by blonde_hair_purple_converse_and_scrubs884
Tue Aug 12 2008hmm...
by tarren56
Tue Aug 12 2008can i have your tots lol
by myspace_194981856
Fri Aug 01 2008Future classic!
by steve663
Tue Jul 22 2008loved this film!!
by spike65
Sat Jul 19 2008Over-rated but it has it's moments. Give it credit for being very different than most of the dreck coming out of Hollywood.
by monkey11611
Fri Jul 11 2008haha, people didn't give it enough credit
by nero432
Fri Jul 11 2008I fell asleep through it
by jmshockey021
Fri Jul 04 2008Fuckin Shitty.
by snoopdaddi
Wed Jul 02 2008THIS IS FUNNY STUFF!!
by courtney181
Mon Jun 30 2008It's a Liger -- a lion and a tiger
by caleb983
Wed Jun 25 2008One of a kind. There have been imitators since, but this movie was the start.
by ashleyhearts
Wed Jun 25 2008It's good once or twice in a lifetime, but that's it.
by diams_khloe_diams_reg
Mon Jun 23 2008didnt see it
by ain_gil
Mon Jun 23 2008Okay... but weird
by taylor_223
by brett_bessie_bess
Fri Jun 20 2008awsome goooosh
by darcy_lynn
Fri Jun 20 2008odd humor but still made me laugh
by taylorr
Thu Jun 19 2008This movie was so random and different that it made the 5 star list. I saw it twice and loved it both times. =)
by scarletfeather
Thu Jun 19 2008I hated it at first, but I admit parts of it are funny. What turned me off was whoever directed the movie, seemed to be laughing at the characters for being oddballs, and expected us to laugh, too.
by private_punx
Wed Jun 18 2008not memorable
by jack_azz
Tue Jun 17 2008Some gangs are looking at recruiting my for my sweet bowstaff skillz!!!
by myspace_59067276
Mon Jun 16 2008Classic, wasn't a huge fan at first...the more I watch it the more I like it
by georges11
Sat Jun 14 2008i only watched this movie because my kids encouraged me. i was doubtful but it is a clever and funny movie. i would vote for Pedro.
by loc_dog
Sat Jun 14 2008Tina it some dinner you fat lard
by myspace_162525219
Fri Jun 13 2008Gooshh!!!!!! LOL
by sk8ter_boi
Wed Jun 11 2008gosh....can i hav some chap-stic
by michaelsgirlfo_rever
Wed Jun 11 2008I hated this movie!!!!
by win108
Wed Jun 11 2008I got mad skills
by lisa45
Mon Jun 09 2008This had to have been the stupidist and cheesiest movie ever made; But it was so stupid and true to life that it worked and you just kept laughing.