Nabisco Oreo Cookies
Approval Rate: 80%
Reviews 0
by ralphdwonderll_ama
Wed Apr 10 2013Absolutely disgusting cheap processed "food". The "cookies" are little more than flour, sugar and chemicals. The "frosting" is—read the ingredients if you don't believe me—artificially flavored and sweetened CRISCO (processed soybean oil). Ugh yuk.
by kittyxbabe800
Tue Oct 04 2011Haha I love taking the tops off but instead of licking the cream I pry it off with my fingers and eat it <3 Great with milk
by ralphthewonder_llama
Mon Sep 12 2011Cheap, disgusting flour and sugar cookies with what amounts to a thick slab of artificially flavored Crisco sandwiched between them. Enjoy these nasty things with some Vienna sausages and a bottle of Red Lady 21. Blech.
by ratenitup
Mon Sep 12 2011I'm addicted to Oreos man! Ever since I was a kid! I especially love to twist the top off and eat the cream in the middle. Ever tried White Fudge Oreos? Those are REALLY good and they come out around winter time I think. Oreo milkshakes are the best too! You can get 'em at Jack in the Box, and McDonald's in a McFlurry, and maybe other places. Or you can just make your own with vanilla ice cream and the cookie bits. Just so good :)
by herblady
Tue Dec 21 2010I absolutely love these dipped in coffee! It takes me back to being a little kid at my grandpa's house. He would let me dip my Oreos in his drink instead of mine so that mine wouldn't get "crumby". :-)
by eking98
Fri Dec 10 2010Oreos are good..unless they get stale then they get digusting
by altoonaman1985
Sun Jul 04 2010I don't get some of the scathing reviews about Oreo cookies here. I know they're not five star gourmet food, but I actually like them myself. Like another, I preferred Hydrox, but Oreos are still pretty good. The reason I'm giving it a three star rating is because I truncate my score, I don't round unless it's REALLY close to the next one up. However, I'm going to review each type of Oreo individually. Standard Oreo: The old classic standby, not exactly something I'd go out and buy all the time, but every now and then I get a hankering for some good old Oreo cookies. The creme in the middle is kind of generic in flavor, but the chocolate cookies are decent. Every now and then I like to buy a pack and eat them while watching something or playing video games, but not something I have a constant craving for. Star Rating: 3.2 Stars Chocolate Oreo: A chocolate variation of the old standard, something I have to be in the mood for, but when I am, it really tastes good to me. Star Rating: ... Read more
by badgerfan1
Thu Jun 24 2010My favorite store brought cookies by fat. Only Teddy Grahams comes in second.
by irishgit
Thu Jun 24 2010If you really want to eat a teaspoon of sugared lard per cookie, don't let me stop you. But don't expect me to join you either.
by fforfoodie
Mon Jul 27 2009think it's great without the cream. i also like 2 of its variants - peanut butter and chocolate center, and golden oreos (with vanilla center)
by lena7358
Wed May 06 2009When I was little I preferred Hydrox to Oreos, which I don't believe they make anymore. Now I just don't eat cookies unless they're homemade :)
by gris2575
Fri May 01 2009Classic Oreo. Always a favorite.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Fri May 01 2009Whenever I eat Oreo cookies, I always scrape the middle out. It's just too sweet. I love the cookie part, though.
by twansalem
Tue Apr 28 2009For being nothing but a bunch of sugar, preservatives and some cocoa powder, they're significantly overpriced, but as far as commercially available cookies go, Oreos are about the best out there. The generic brand imitations of other cookies are often just as good as the name brand, but the same just can't be said about Oreos. If you want Oreos, you have to buy the real thing.
by biscuithead
Fri Apr 24 2009Yay Oreo!!
by sue321
Tue Oct 21 2008you put out a banana pudding cookie then it went away?
by angie135
Sun Oct 05 2008mmm Love these with milk ! I don't purchase them to often because they don't last to long .. lol
by isaiah_barker
Wed Aug 13 2008My mother swears by the things, but to be honest, I don't really like them all that much. The cookies are grainy, dry, and kind of like cardboard. The cream filling doesn't even things out too well, either. They're good with a glass of milk, though. For some reason I liked their Uh-Oh Oreos A LOT more. I really wish they still made them. The cookies were dreamy in consistency, texture, and flavor, and the chocolate filling was surprisingly rich for little more than a child's folly.
by rubylips
Fri Jul 25 2008Do I love Oreo cookies . I could become Addicted--no joke, No other Chocolate tastes as good as the dark sweetness of an Oreo! Forget bout it cuz the best is the best is OREO
by shaunam86
Fri Jan 25 2008I am not here to rate the Oreo cookie, but I did want to say that when I was eating them tonight I left my cookie in my milk for 9 minutes and it was still hard. That has never happened to me before, it was crazy! I am just wondering if Oreo is putting something different in their ingredients or if I should be concerned. And I was wondering where I could write nabisco a letter of concern. On their website it didnt have contact information.
by zoompad
Wed Oct 17 2007Nearly as boring as Marie biscuits. Might as well eat the cardboard box instead, it would have more taste.
by jonbtw
Fri Oct 05 2007What have you done to the orea cookie??? Usually a package of oreos lasts less than a day in my household. The last one lasted over a week. They wont even soak up milk! I really think kraft needs to rethink this new oreo cookie recipe that they now have. If I wanted to eat plastic I would chew on my pen. BRING BACK THE OLD OREO!!
by rocketsurgeory
Sun Jul 08 2007Really Great. Twist open. Lick Cream. Eat Cracker Parts. Then go brush your teeth cuz if u spit or take a sip theres gonna be the fnky brown stuf in it.
by littlecloud
Sun May 27 2007I love Oreo cookies. They go with milk, just like the commercials say they do. But you need to be careful, or you will eat them all, and then you may get sick. Use sparingly, and enjoy. My other favorite other than the regular kind are the minty flavored ones. Yum in the tum.
by sandiegofunkda_ddy
Sat Jul 08 2006As far as taste, they are still #1. Thats why they are still #1 best-selling. Great balance of chocolate and sugar. But they are really really sweet and addictive. They have more sugar than flour in them. You have to be careful or you will eat a whole package by yourself.
by rcrawford
Thu Feb 23 2006I recently purchased the double stuff - previously one of my favorites. It was bland. I then discovered that Nabisco changed the recipe for the Oreo cookie. I am afraid they have lost a customer - it just does not tase as rich. If I am going to eat something bad for me, I want it to taste very very good.
by frick35cr
Tue Dec 20 2005Oreos are a staple, they're just awesome. Regular or double stuffed rocks. I tried the uh-ohs and they're pretty good as well but I was majorly dissapointed with the peanut butter oreo. I love pb but these just didnt taste right. Last christmas they sold mini peppermint oreos that tasted heavenly but unfortunately I can't seem to find them anywhere anymore, maybe the mint oreo tastes similar though.
by dave_in_delawa_re
Fri Nov 18 2005The Oreo cookie (especially the Double-Stuf) simply rocks! They're delicious. And simple. A stone-cold glass of milk, and about 8 Oreos (at least), and I'm happy. They're also good for making a "blizzard" at home. you know, milkshake w/ broken up Oreos in it. Awesome.
by randyman
Tue Jun 14 2005I've never had any other Oreo, but the original, and that's my favorite cookie. The five is for that.
by texasyankee
Tue Jun 14 2005Man the double stuff is like crack..... why oh why do they have to take a good classic like oreos or reese's peanut butter and start messing around like inside out and other unappetizing combinations? EDIT: I just bought a package of double stuff for the first time since they reduced the size of the package, and I find there isn't the same amount of stuff in the middle as before, and when I try to twist them apart, the cookie part broke every time. It wasn't stale or anything, it just was not the same as it used to be. I have reduced the score from 5 to 1 because of this. Very highly disappointed.
by wid71649
Thu May 05 2005I'm dissapointed. These should be number one on the list. Sorry Pepperidge Farm. The double stuffs and the new peanut butter Oreos are AWESOME.
by kattwoman
Fri Apr 08 2005i love oreos but i also buy them once in a while but its because id eat all if i bought them all the time. i even liked the coffee ones but not enough my 1st choice is the originals
by alexg681
Mon Jan 24 2005Oreos are very good cookies, but I like chocolate chips more.
by cartman117
Sun Dec 12 2004perfect cookies only its bad teth problems
by dragonman
Sun Nov 28 2004They're pretty good but my teeth ache afterwards, they're loaded with sugar but damn they are tasty!
by wargamefan93
Sun Oct 03 2004The best of the best. It's my favorite cokkie. I love the cream. These are lovable. Do u think so?
by crazybeautiful
Mon Aug 02 2004I reccomend buying small portions unless you have serious self control. LOL... These are HIGHLY addicting. Did you know that HOW you eat an Oreo determines your personality type? Check it out:
by cinnabuntawnee
Tue Jun 08 2004I never really liked Oreo cookies. The creme filling always tasted so artificial and sickeningly sweet (this form a girl who eats marbits dry!), and the chocolate cookies that sandwich it crumble pretty easily and leave an aftertaste in your mouth for ages afterward - not to mention the crumbs stay stuck between your teeth. Don't smile right after biting an Oreo, you'll turn off the people around you. I prefer Oreos crumbled in chocolate pudding and served with gummy worms in a cup. You know, the dirt that everyone ate in elementary school. And they contain a lot more fat than you would think. There's just a great many things I'd rather eat than a dirty, ashy Oreo.
by majibb
Wed Mar 10 2004Good on ice cream
by cocopaloma
Wed Feb 25 2004The creme center is really what its all about. I could take or leave the overly chocolatey cookie part. Plus - what's with the trans fats!
by tvtator
Tue Feb 17 2004A cookie that's been around for many years. Not my favorite, but one I don't dislike either. Great thing about an Oreo is that there is more than one way to eat it, and it's even good for recipes. How do you eat your Oreo Cookie? I open it up and eat the sweet, sugary white stuff first, and if I'm having ice cream I'll break the chocolate part of the cookie up into the ice-cream. When I was a kid, I really didn't care for the chocolate part so I'd eat the cream part, and put the chocolate part back in the package, hoping no one would notice, um they did ;)
by forgotten_hero
Thu Feb 12 2004I've always wanted to eat a handful of these before visiting the dentist.
by spazc7bc
Wed Aug 20 2003The Original Oreos have got to be the best cookies in the world, and are great with milk!
by nagaflas
Mon Jun 02 2003You know what would be great? If they sold Oreos in the US that had no cream, giving people a choice. And the Uh-Oh Oreos rock, too! They should stay on the market for sure!!!
by drfeelgood03
Thu May 29 2003Taste great but leave your mouth black....
by molfan
Tue May 27 2003One of my favorite factory made cookies. I have tried others cookies like Oreos and they are just not as good. Our whole family likes Oreos.I think they have a good taste.The cookie part is good and the cream center is as well.
by redoedo
Tue May 27 2003I've always enjoyed Oreo cookies, but for some reason, I only buy them every once and a while. They are usually my choice when I get tired of something else that I have been buying for a while. They're always my "fill-in" cookie, no pun intended. Of course I love dipping the Oreos in the milk as much as the next guy, but I just don't buy these too often because to me, they are only good every once in a while.
by andrewscott
Fri May 09 2003An American institution that gives us all warm fuzzies. Not because the cookies taste special, but due to a triumph in American marketing of the years that creates a certain nostalgia value.