Mystery Science Theater 3000

Approval Rate: 81%

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    Wed Oct 06 2010

    It was a lot like sitting in the back row of my high school US Government class with a bunch of art majors. In other words one liner, smart-ass central. The MST3K gang didn't always hit the mark but I can recall laughing to the point of tears more than once. Often lapsed into pure silliness but still original and fun now and then.

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    Mon Sep 14 2009

    Snarky before the word even existed, mst3k got plenty of laughs from me...I recall the older episodes of the tv series and the movie being the most entertaining. I'm not sure it would stand up to the test of time, but within the confines of awful 80's TV, rife with full house and 90210 and urkle, mystery science theater 3000 show was practically high art.

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    Fri Sep 11 2009

    LMAO funny at times. Very original concept...

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    Fri Sep 11 2009

    Back in the '80s, I actually watched about 15 minutes of this abomination in order to try to figure out what the attraction was.

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    Thu Apr 10 2008

    Scripts that would have been rejected by a fourth rate '40's pulp fiction magazine weren't helped by acting worse than a high school play.

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    Wed Apr 09 2008

    I enjoyed the humor on the show but too many long commercial breaks ruined it for me. My teen-age son loved it though. Wouldn't mind watching it again without commercials and re-evaluate it. Maybe I'll rent a DVD and see.

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    Tue Sep 18 2007

    Definitely a nerd show. You have to know a lot of trivia to get many of the punchlines, but plenty of easy-to-understand humor too. There will never be another. I love it. Still working on dl'ing all the episodes =).

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    Sun Aug 12 2007

    One of the best and funniest shows in the history of television.

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    Sun Aug 12 2007

    A really great show, I loved the films they watch, and how bad they are. One of my favorites is Hobgoblins. Soultaker and Laserblast are great too.It's too bad, it's not on the air anymore, because there are still lots of bad films, to make fun of.

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    Sat Aug 04 2007

    Every show started off funny, but then as the show went on it got a bit tiresome.

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    Fri Apr 06 2007

    Original and often very funny...

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    Sun Dec 10 2006


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    Mon Sep 18 2006

    One of the funniest shows I've ever seen.

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    Sat Jun 03 2006

    Creative and quite funny at times!

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    Fri Mar 17 2006

    They actually ruined the bad old Sci Fi movies with even worse, needless chatter, reaslly stupid.

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    Mon Feb 06 2006

    That show gets on my nerves at times although I do enjoy their comments about the movie.

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    Fri Nov 04 2005

    Highly underrated comedy series that got canceled off of the Sci-Fi channel. However, the series is now on DVD ;) The 'MANOS' episode is freaky, though.

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    This show had its moments, but it's more fun to watch a stupid movie with friends and rip on it together.

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    Sat Sep 10 2005

    The funniest show ever. Crow was by far my favorite. i liked Joel, and Mike about the same. Mike is hilarious, and so is Joel. This show is by far funnier that alot of the crap there tryign to show you.

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    When this fist came on, I'd tought it was about the old sci-fi movie coming back on tv. Not a bunch of idiots who can't keep their mouth such when the movie is on.

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    Sun Jun 26 2005

    For my money, there's never been a better television show produced than MST3K. An homage to all those little weekday-afternoon kids' shows that dotted local TV stations back in the 60s and 70s (SHOCK THEATER and CLUBHOUSE 22 where I lived), Mystery Science Theater 3000 was written with the sly sensibilities of an adult, but wrapped in the earnest vestments of a child. An acquired taste, to be sure, but once inundated, you were hooked for life. As riotous as the B-movie commentary was, the host segments were occasionally brilliant, combining so many different elements (low-brow props, ad libs, obscure pop-culture references, etc.) that you HAD to have a fair reserve of sophistication to appreciate everything being thrown at you. Treated unkindly by the networks that ran it (what a surprise), I'm still amazed (and thankful) that it went for as long as it did. The DVD collections by Rhino are an archival dream-come-true. A shining diamond in a mountain of mud.

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    Tue Mar 29 2005

    Wow I loved this show I wish I could still find it on today.About a guy a gumball machine and some other critter analyzing old stupid movies and putting in little voices, it is probably rated number 1 above all shows, ever made to me.

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    Fri Jan 28 2005

    High quality entertainment. As if watching a horrible movie wasn't fun enough, now you get to watch a guy and two robots make fun of it as well! It's amazing all the creative remarks and pointers/glitches that the writers made up. Crow and Tom Servo are the funniest of course. Servo's making up lyrics to the corny soundtracks always made me laugh. MST3K was a FANTASTIC show. What retard decided to take it off the air? I'd shoot him if I ever found out!

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    Sun Jan 23 2005

    This show is so funny. It gives a reason for bad movies to exist.

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    Fri Dec 31 2004

    Not only are they funny, but enviromentaly friendly. Look at how they reuse crappy movies.

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    Thu Dec 30 2004

    The only way this show could have been worse was if Vickie Lawrence was on it.

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    Wed Nov 10 2004

    Those who don't understand, don't need to. Those who do, savor a wonderful portion of TV history. Not just a show, but a way of life.

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    Sun Oct 24 2004

    what the heck is this

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    Sat Oct 09 2004

    Fantastic. I could watch this all day every day.

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    Fri Sep 03 2004

    Was this in the 80's? I loved it until Joel left.. then it was just ok.. I mean think about the brilliance.. movie reviews with a guy and two robots.. but the genius was that the robots didn't speak or act with whirrs, clicks and beeps.. but just regular guy talk and behaviour. This was mind blowing to me at the time, very pythonesque. Ren and Stimpy was similarly groundbreaking in animation.

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    Sat Jul 17 2004

    Brilliant, unique, and consistently funny. The first seasons with Joel are a treasure.

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    Sat Jun 19 2004


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    Tue May 18 2004

    simplay amazing. up there with the simpsons, family guy & monty python

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    Sat Apr 24 2004

    The funniest TV show of all time...period.

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    Fri Mar 26 2004

    Truly one of the awesomest programs ever to air on television. Yes, I know 'awesomest' isn't a word.

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    Mon Mar 15 2004

    could be humorous, but got old very fast.

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    Fri Jan 16 2004

    Ok a great show and I forgive them for making fun of my favorite sci-fi movie This Island Earth. (I liked the part where they build the inter-rossitor machine.)

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    Thu Nov 20 2003

    It was a show about a guy in outer space that watches bad movies with his robot friends. The concept seems unworthy of a tv show but there were some great episodes with some funny moments and loveable characters.

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    Sat Nov 08 2003

    Good show..but why are they making fun of films like This Island Earth? I guess it is a little corny in some parts but I still like it.

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    Mon Nov 03 2003

    The only interesting part about this show was when the group would sit down and watch the old lousy b-movies (at least that's what they looked like). Any other aspect of the show was just not interesting. The gang could come up with some funny comments. Be reminded though that the movies they were watching were bad. A human being will not sit down and watch a bad movie (Even if others are making fun of it). Your attention span will drift, and you'll reach for your remote.

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    Sun Nov 02 2003

    This show is pure fun!

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    Fri Oct 10 2003

    Very underrated show. . .hysterical viewing for a saturday morning before college football and before I had to study or work. . .is there anything funnier than watching and making fun of terrible, old movies? The skits between the movies were pretty lame. . .probably meant for the kids. . .

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    Tue Sep 02 2003

    I know there are people out there who just love this show and find it hilarious, sorry, i am not one of them. Every now and then i guess I will laugh but for the most part it is just annoying. these characters watch some old sci-fi movie and make comments about it. I am one of few who cannot find this very funny.

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    Sat Aug 30 2003

    Non-stop laughs. These people certainly know a thing or two when it comes to tearing up these awful (and possibly low-budget) B-movies! Never ceases to amaze!

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    Tue Aug 12 2003

    Mr. Wizard was better.

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    Sun Jul 13 2003

    I loved this show whenever I had a chance to watch it. Some of the movies these people watched were unbelievably funny once they finished with their sometimes cheesy antics. I would not mind seeing this show hit the line ups again.

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    Fri Jun 27 2003

    I am a huge movie fan and MST gets me through the really, really bad films. Excellent show!!

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    Tue Jun 17 2003

    One of the funniest shows of all time!

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    Thu May 29 2003

    Comedic genius at it's best. I wake up every Saturday morning to see this. I can only imagine the writers having to scan through the same crappy movie 50 times to come up with jokes.