Murphy Brown

Approval Rate: 65%

65%Approval ratio

Reviews 24

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    Fri Mar 17 2006

    I love you Faith Ford!!! (PS, bring back Hope & Faith). Murphy was a good show but not really as good as the critics, (as always), led you to believe, but Murphy was a atually a really likable, funny B*TCH!!! The person I hated was Pastorelli, he was just as big a pr*ck on this show as this probable (now fotunately deceased) murderer was in real life.

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    Sun Mar 27 2005

    While there were a few exceptions, most of the episodes consisted of nothing more than trite nonsense masquerading as comic writing. The jokes were clumsy and tedious while the acting was sophomoric at best. Furthermore, the story lines were so unbelievable and far-fetched that watching this made me bored more often then it made me laugh.

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    Thu Dec 30 2004

    Terrible show. A sophisticated version of mamas family, which was the worst show ever. At least the Murph doesn't have to claim that distinction.

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    Thu Feb 19 2004

    I watched this show a few times and I never could get into it. Murphy Brown and her cohorts were not funny and were not likable either.

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    Thu Jun 05 2003

    Stupid and ridiculous show fronted by a remarkably untalented and totally unfunny third-rate actress. The only reason CB got a shot in show biz is because her old man, another untalented and unfunny square, used to bore the crap of oldtimey audiences with his truly lame ventriloquism act. This allowed her to get her foot in the door, much to the detriment of anyone unlucky enough to have their TV on when this show was playing.

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    Sat Mar 01 2003

    Hated that stupid show!

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    Fri Feb 21 2003

    A poor show with bad comedic timing. All I can remember about it was that the characters didn't have lines; they made speeches. I don't mean in a political sense either. Every time a character speaks they make one joke (pause for audience reaction), then same character says something else (pause for audience reaction), then same character says one more thing (and another pause for audience reaction), ad nauseum. This show is and was very overrated, which is why this former #1 show can't be found in syndication.

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    Sun Feb 18 2001

    Dan Quale speaking out about this stupid, liberal show was great. The bad side was all of the idiots that condoned the show.

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    Thu Mar 16 2000

    more unfunny crap

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    Tue Sep 19 2006


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    Mon Jul 12 2004

    Always a little too political for my tastes, but I enjoyed the episodes with Scott Bakula as Peter Hunt. He and Murphy made a nice couple.

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    Sun Nov 19 2000


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    Sun Dec 21 2008

    I watched this show like in the early 90's I don't remember it past 94. But at the time I loved it,I catch the reruns sometimes at night now and it is not nearly as good as I remembered it being.

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    Sat Apr 12 2008

    I'm going with five stars only because so many have slammed this show. Funny, well cast, good production values, decent budget. I must admit the show went slowly downhill after a couple of really good seasons. I think the formula got too predictable and the producers didn't know how to salvage it. I too vote thumbs up for Faith Ford!

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    Thu Apr 10 2008

    This show lasted until 1998? The last person to tune in regularly probably stopped watching in 1995, and no one at CBS realized it for three years. The first few seasons were relatively entertaining, but it started to get pretty boring around the time she had a baby. Looking back, I'm pretty sure I only watched this because we didn't have cable.

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    Tue Apr 18 2006

    good show.Candice Bergen was terrific as the tough as nails Murphy the newscaster, reporter for FYI. she was not one to mess with. good cast of character, from Corky the new ex beauty contest winner, Miles the young yuppie head of the office always anxious worry wart especially about Murphy being outspoken. Jim the serious seasoned reporter,and Frank a close friend and reporter who knows Murphy the best, and her always there construction workerEldin who offers her advice{he is always there redecorating her house} could be very funny Murphy could be so difficult that the ongoing gag was she had a new secretary every week.there were some changes to the show over the years some good some not so great. for the most part a well done comedy.

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    Tue Oct 04 2005

    I thought Murphy Brown was a very funny and well written show

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    Wed Jun 19 2002

    I really enjoyed this show. The main characters were well-developed and distinct enough to maintain my interest and there was still enough comedic shtick to make me laugh. Giving this show only 1 star solely because the main character had a child without being married is incredibly narrow-minded. At least recognize the fact that this was a well-made, interesting show.

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    Wed Jan 30 2002

    Murphy Brown was a fantastic character, and most of the supporting cast members were strong. It was almost always really funny, and every once in a while a poignant storyline slipped in. The episodes with Colleen Dewhurst as Murphy's mother were great.

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    Tue Dec 25 2001

    The absolute best!

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    Tue Nov 20 2001

    A damn funny show. Candice deserved all those Emmies and more. I love that they kept good gags like the secretaries and Eldon's "work" for so many years and kept it funny - that takes some effort folks!! The scene of Murphy belting out "Respect" is absolutely classic.

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    Sun Oct 07 2001

    even if the last 3 seasons of the show were ok at best, it was a great show and it sure deserved more recognition. the writing was great the first 5 seasons. great acting too, specially from candice.

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    Thu Apr 05 2001

    Murphy Brown was one struggling show, running for a full 10 years, beating out the number of episodes to shows like All In The Family or The Facts Of Life. Murphy Brown was a cute show during it's first years; around 1988-1995. The show usually had some pretty goofy humor in it, and it would always have some famous cameos, or something like that.

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    Wed Feb 14 2001

    As a guy who usually hates "shows about and for women," this is one of the few that was actually entertaining. I must say that I loved this show!