
Approval Rate: 74%

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    Mon Oct 26 2009

    Good,campy fun.Grandpa Munster was my favorite character.

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    Mon Sep 14 2009

    One of my All-Time Favorites, This show came out during the " Monster" craze of the early 60s, and I was right there amonge it, Dated now I suppose, young people today wouldn't like it( no blood,no guts,no gore .) But it was Great back then.

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    Mon Sep 14 2009

    God, I think The Munsters deserves 4 Stars alone for that episode where Herman tries out for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

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    Mon Sep 14 2009

    You had to have a sense of humour to enjoy this absurd show. RIP "Grandpa": So long, Fred: Goodbye, Yvonne: Words to live by:

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    Mon Nov 24 2008

    This was good fun.  Campy and stupid, it made me laugh.  Fred Gwynne was a wonderful actor, and this seems too tongue in cheek for his abilities, yet he made the show.  Yvonne De Carlo was, yet again, a hot mother/wife figure.  This wasn't much to different that Mel Brooks take on Frankenstein in 'Young Frankenstein'.  It was meant to be silly...

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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    a kids show mostly, gandpa was the only good character (jackie coogan). it just didn't have an aura about it like the Addams family did. watched this alot, but never really care for it, others in the house liked it.

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    Mon Apr 07 2008

    The Munsters was great fun for the younger crowd as it was a one-joke program. Normal people see Herman, scream and run. Over and over. The Addams Family had more diverse stories and more characters to feature which held your interest more. Although I always enjoyed Grampa Munsters' shennanigans quite a lot.

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    Mon Mar 10 2008

    Very funny show, some better than others.  Enjoyed the ones centering around Herman or Grampa the most. Many of the comments say this is a rip-off of the Addams Family.  Would be hard to do, since they both aired the same month and year.  Addams Family, I just couldnt get into.

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    Wed Nov 28 2007

    It was a rip-off of the much funnier Addams Family, but as a kid I thought it was hilarious.

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    Tue Aug 21 2007

    another formula rip-off: the poor man's addams family.

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    Sat Jan 20 2007

    For some reason this show and Addams Family burst on the scene about the same time. It was a big hit with Frankenstein Monster, Hermann Munster, his Vampire Wife, Lily, Grandpa and the rest were really funny. They became America's family for a while!

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    Mon Jan 08 2007

    I was always a wee bit "slow" as a kid. While my peers watched "Star Trek", I was an enthusiastic fan of "Lost In Space". While they watched "The Addams Family" with its quirky adult humor, I was engrossed in the far-FAR-less-sophisticated antics of Herman Munster. Why? Cause I loved monsters as a kid (still do...I own the entire Universal Collection on DVD), and it appealed to my child's sense of humor and fun. Too, it had some good actors in it (Fred Gwynne, Yvonne De Carlo, Al Lewis), although I assuredly didn't appreciate that at the time. I recently re-watched an episode of it after having not seen it in decades. Not at all funny, or interesting, or anything less than banal and trite. Maybe I just happened upon a particularly bad episode, but I'm inclined to think that some things are better off as a memory. Sometimes the things we revere as children don't translate very well into adulthood. This show is definitely one of those things.

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    Mon Sep 18 2006

    Nothing at all special here. I might have laughed twice during the 10 or so episodes I've seen.

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    Wed Sep 06 2006

    For some reason I always preferred "The Munsters" over "The Addams Family" (though that's probably because the slapstick appealed to me in my youth). The Munster family seemed more animated than the Addams clan, and Herman and company also seemed to have more interaction with the "real world". Herman's facial expressions and Grandpa's schemes were usually good for a quick laugh, and I always wanted to see more of Spot (the dragon living under the stairway). The theme song was also fun with its 60's surf sound. The bottom line is that this show gets a subjective bonus star in my book.

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    Fri May 26 2006

    I really got bored with this silliness.

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    Tue May 16 2006

    My kids liked this program. I wasn't into this type of show.

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    Thu Nov 24 2005

    ok show..recently saw a special about the actors..they were all very talented people. Herman (fred G.) was a stage actor who did serious drama and was highly regarded, so was grandpa. These two are really funny together...they were always fighting howerver in real life they liked and respected one another. I guess even when I was young I could tell these guys were just fooling around and liked each other for real. However the show did get pretty corny at times.

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    Fri Oct 07 2005

    Like it better than the Addams family.

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    Wed Jun 01 2005

    Fred Gwynne is a comic genius. He created one of the most enduring characters ever. The episode with the drag racing, when Herman is trying to hold back the car and Grandpa is driving is one of the funniest moments in sitcom history.

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    Sat Apr 02 2005

    it was cool. it brought fun to horror. grandpa was great

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    Sat Mar 26 2005

    Addams Family for dummies.

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    Mon Sep 27 2004

    A big conceited sissy who looked like could anyone not like this? How can anyone not like Fred Gwynne, whose personality managed to show through 40 pounds of makeup?

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    Sun Jul 18 2004

    This show is very clever. The Munsters are lovable and sweet. I wish there were more episodes.

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    Sat Jul 10 2004

    the Munsters was one of the biggest hits the only bad thing is they wolny had 64 epsodes.

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    Wed Jul 07 2004

    I love Marylyn!

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    Sat Apr 03 2004

    This series is SOOO funny! Herman's looks and his laugh were so comical and I loved the way they show the weird steam coming out of the things they eat at the table. LOL. This is a real delight for all ages. I give it 5 Stars.

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    Sun Mar 28 2004

    A fun and clever show. Fred Gwynne and Al Lewis are great together. Marilyn and Lily are both gorgeous. It's a classic show.

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    Wed Feb 25 2004

    TV HORROR CLASSIC FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! The Munsters out rated their rivals 'The Addams Family' in the US TV ratings throughout 1964 - 1966; the years both shows ran for.

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    Fri Jan 23 2004

    The Munsters is an original top-notch sitcom of brilliance and creativity. Good storylines, great characters, and fabulous chemistry among the actors make this such a fine 60's sitcom for everyone to enjoy. Not to mention, it's the best of two similiar spooky shows of the 60's sitcom era.

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    Thu Jan 22 2004


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    Thu Jan 22 2004

    Absolutely THE WORST 60s SITCOM! Strictly Kiddie fare!

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    Fri Jan 09 2004

    I really like this show; all in all, it's a family sitcom with a lot of heart. It's too bad that this show didn't stay on television longer.

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    Tue Dec 02 2003

    This was a great was a close family all of them seem real to me. Even Grandpa is real life he's just as crazy.

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    Sun Nov 02 2003

    This show is soooo funny. Yes, a wee bit stupid and contrived but sweet and funny all the same.

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    Wed Jul 23 2003

    A cheap and retarded knock-off of The Addams Family that was totally unfunny. A waste of the talents of Fred Gwynne and Al Lewis. Too heavy-handed and cliche ridden. A vampiress and a Frankenstein Monster have a werewolf son and a perfectly normal niece. Too retarded in its basic bones set up to past muster, munsters...

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    Sun Jul 06 2003

    The munsters might have been a decent show if it had decent scripts. But the plots were dull, routine, and unimaginative. The show was all too typical sitcom plots played by monsters instead of humans. If they were going to do a show about a monster family adjusting to life in a human world, why couldn't they have done it with imagination instead of giving us tired, boring sitcom plots taken right off the assembly line? The plots were too simple not to mention repetitious (every second show seemed to be about herman becoming some sort of celebrity or getting entangled with bad guys). The humor was rather obvious and unfunny. We can only laugh so many times at people's horrific reactions to the family. The munsters is a prime example of a tv show with a good concept that is poorly executed.

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    Wed Jun 25 2003

    "The Munsters" is definitely one of the BEST situation comedies of the 1960's. Great plots, hilarious situations, outstanding acting, and a fine cast of colorful characters ... makes this show a 5-Star CLASSIC!

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    Mon Jun 23 2003

    I love this show! Nothing other than slapstick and simple, repeated gags, but they never fail to crack me up! Every time Herman jumps up and down and makes the camera shake, I can't help laughing. Every time someone runs away in quick time, or their glasses crack, it gets me right in the gut. Lewis and Gwynne were fantastic! The Addams family sucked compared to this show!

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    Thu May 08 2003

    silly and fun a great twist to the typical family

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    Thu Apr 10 2003

    One of the best comedies of the 60's

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    Mon Feb 24 2003

    I would have given this show an "OK" rating, but I can't help comparing it to the much more interesting and sophisticated Addams Family. By comparison, the Munsters was rather boring ... just an average Disney family in Halloween costumes.

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    Thu Aug 15 2002

    What made this show so much fun was watching Fred Gwynne and Al Lewis together, they were great in car 54 and even better in the munsters. This is a fun show.

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    Fri Jun 28 2002

    The creators of Leave It to Beaver were apparently in the mood to do something REALLY different--but under the surface how different was it? There's no shortage of loveable-but-bumbling fathers on TV; this one just happened to be Frankenstein's monster as well. Al Lewis and Fred Gwynne were both outstanding, but as far as the inevitable comparison with The Addams Family, this one just has to finish second. Lots of the more juvenile sight gags used on this show just don't work at all, and I even thought that when I was 10.

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    Sun Jun 02 2002

    Not a bad show...I think all it could stand was two the end the stories became really many times can you have Marilyn's dates run out of the mansion screaming in horror. I think the acting was really good...Fred Gwynn, Yvonne DeCarlo and Al Lewis were veteran actors and you could tell, even in all the makeup.

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    Mon May 20 2002

    This show is not that funny but the plot of the series is good, I think this is a great family show I don't find it hilarious but I do find it entertaining.

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    Fri Apr 19 2002

    It's hard to believe that a show of this type would have been approved for airing by any network. It guess some people do have great insight. The show was a huge success. Fred Gwynne was fantastic as the big, dopey, somewhat child-like Herman Munster. Lilly was actually pretty sexy, in a spooky kind of way. Granpa was a real character who seemed to help Herman get into trouble when he really needed no help. For a low budget type show, the scripts and acting made this show very entertaining. Definitely above average for a show from this period in television.

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    Sat Dec 15 2001

    The creators of the classic Leave it to Beaver (Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher) work their magic with this zany sitcom about a family that thinks they are normal, but everyone else thinks to be monsters. The slapstick, puns, and visual effects gags were played up whenever possible and to great effect. Sadly only lasted three years.

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    Fri Oct 19 2001

    When it was on Nick at Night, I use to watch it all the time & laugh when I watched it. It was a good show, to just sit down & watch.:)

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    Wed Sep 26 2001

    This show needs no introduction.....