Approval Rate: 78%
Reviews 0
by irishgit
Sun Jan 30 2011The chances of me visiting this site are about the same as me calling up Christophino and asking him to share butt waxing tips.
by djahuti
Sun Jan 30 2011Sounds like fun for the feeble minded.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Sun Jan 30 2011The influence on music and culture that this channel has always had has been baleful. These buffoons deserve Scienceengineer to come and crash one of their "Daytona Beach Spring Break Parties with Gwen Stefani and Tia Tequila."
by ozziraterbillb_ob
Wed Jul 04 2007A lot of fun! very informative. great site. highly recommended. --- home of great coffee all organic, fair trade and shade grown
by mrbearkillse
Mon Feb 05 is too flash intensive now you can't go there without your internet browser crashing. It's a perfect interface for kids with ADD...but most of us take ritalin for that. And it's very frustrating to have to hear "sweet 16" every time the main page loads.
by skater1
Fri Oct 20's *NEW* site is the best for popular music and youth-oriented entertainment. You can watch videos play while you read an article about your favorite artist. These reviews here are dated and some are anti-MTV, thus That's highly biased. Please look at NOW and re-review the site.
by green_day
Mon Sep 26 2005Green day rock's i would like to see them up close and presonal!!!! Kaela Lubbers
by thefreak
Mon Aug 18 2003The boards are entertaining, the people cover a wide spectrum, the talk about music never ends, the talk is interesting, the talk is funny, and the talk continues every two minutes. It's all you can ask for in a great music website. Look for me at geeksandgeeks.
by remixedcat
Tue Nov 20 2001I used to be a really good MTV fan. I used to like having the email address at, but they discontined it. I hated that,they discontnued thier e-mail services 2 days before the actula closing date so I could not download my messages and reforward the e-mails, to make matters worse, they closed my whole account, not just the e-mail portion like they said they would.That has really ruined my appreciation for, I know this happened more than a month and a half ago, but it still isn't right,and I can't get a new account because they seem to ban all my e-mail addresses that is really bad, I can't register a new e-mail address to a new account because they ban that address too. that sucks,they should not ban me if I did not misuse the TOS or anything like that, all I did was use the site like anyone else did, and they just ban me from it for no reason.
by shroomwoman
Thu Jun 21 2001MTV Online is a pretty good Web site. There is a lot of information available, and it has an attractive layout. I especially like the Featured Bands section, where you can access news, biographies, videos, photos, and links. My only complaint is that whoever updates the Top 20 Videos must be smoking something. First of all, it's updated anywhere from Wednesday to the weekend every week, which seems a bit sporadic. I find mistakes in the list all the time, ranging from misspellings to listing the same song twice credited to different artists. Anyway, it's a pretty good resource overall, but watch the Top 20 Videos list carefully!
by ericthefederal_ist
Thu Mar 29 2001Their internet site is much better than the TV-station, except for some beautiful & intelligent VJs... :o)
by tony2683
Tue Jan 09 2001Updates you on the newest music as well as TRL and all the other musical needs you need to know.
by cookies2
Mon Jan 08 2001A good website for the music lover. They update the website frequently and you don't miss a thing. Especially good if you don't have a TV. Keeps you updated.
by nerdstar
Thu Dec 14 2000It's cool, they have good samples of new albums. It contains a lot of music news and updates fast. You can find artist information. They have good links to a lot of music websites. It has an okay webpage design.
by dailo640
Tue Dec 12 2000This site is very informative. At least it is in the genre of the music I listen to. I visit their site often to just see what's going on in the music world.
by tuat_gurl
Tue Dec 12 2000This website is very informative with the daily news in music and information on hot new artists. You could down load music and also see videos at anytime.
by nakalee
Fri Dec 08 2000A good site to see the most current songs, the top ten picks of pop songs and stuff. The site is interactive and fun. There are comment pages and it's really cool.
by egirl90d
Mon Nov 27 rules...they are the most popular sites that teens, peers, or fans would go on to vote. I did and it makes me happy seeing Carson live at Time Square pronouncing the number one song of the's very exciting.
by jon123456
Fri Nov 24 2000This site is updated often. The site has style. The news is recent and informative. It presents what it should.
by jon712
Fri Nov 24 2000Provides many links to my favorite artists. Great sites with artist's profiles and pictures.
by peterock
Fri Nov 24 2000This is a real average web site. It has a lot of high tech features, but it is very hard to navigate around the site. Sometimes it's impossible to get back to previous pages. Also, the looks of the subsites need a lot of work.
by iamshawnieb
Fri Nov 24 2000Not a bad web site to find info on your favorite bands and singers. The only problem is that there are always bad articles about the boy bands or the teeny boppers. Very interactive site. Lets you be involved.
by imagemjc
Fri Nov 24 2000Keeps you up to date on the latest in the music community. It also gives you a good link in order to register to vote. Not only is it good for the music community, but it also gives good insight on the community as a whole.
by mainymange
Tue Nov 21 2000MTV is a bunch of crap. I have always felt that MTV is for trendy fat boys that need less food in their diets. Carson Daly is horrible. I think they need more rap and violent references. More skate related material. I hope that MTV will wise up.
by shawna
Tue Nov 21 is a high end site with a super high quality flash interface. It has a strong image with many clever uses of design. Their site also has a good database of video clips and articles. is a well rounded, cutting edge site. The only thing they could improve is their humor element since they display a sense of humor on TV.
by psychokilla
Tue Nov 21 2000I hate MTV! All they show is boy bands and lame rappers. I hate rap and they should put tons of punk rock on their website! Bring back Jesse Camp and take out the trendy stuff.
by rh82534f
Tue Nov 21 has one of the best sites on the web. It has the best organization and you can find any artist.
by laprincesall
Mon Nov 20 2000I like this website because I always watch MTV. I think it analyzes music and artists.
by ryanrp
Mon Nov 20 2000Such a vast website covering basically all aspects and genres of music and entertainment. It is virtually impossible to view the various sites MTV has to offer.
by al3164e1
Mon Nov 20 2000This website is loaded with crap. I thought it had nothing useful or informative on it. A waste of time for me.
by romy27e9
Mon Nov 20 2000Hold up. Make me write more because it's the coolest.
by pitbull
Fri Nov 17 has all the late breaking news. Anything you want to know about any artist or group you can find it all. All the dirty work.
by knotty
Fri Nov 17 2000Perfect site. I thought it was cool that they updated the site as soon as the VMA 2000 were over.
by califormula
Wed Nov 15 2000Simply speaking I am not too much of a fan when it comes to MTV. I'm too much into the underground scene, but in terms of website design, I hve to commend it on good web design as well as graphical content.
by roboz3f7
Tue Nov 14 is alright. I check the showlist and stuff like that. I also check for concerts around the bay area. But all around the site is cool.
by missluvahgirl
Tue Nov 14 has the latest news on the famous artists like BSB, N'Sync, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Eminem.
by rkoenig
Mon Nov 13 2000The website is an exciting page with active X menus, sound effects and video clips. Also, there are plenty of chances for feedback such as; e-mail links and the option to vote for the Video Music Awards. The site is also updated frequently, which is a plus.
by dubc2a5e
Fri Nov 10 2000This website's graphic designs are some of the best on the web. The ability to mix today's movie with up to date technology is a skill that keeps above the rest. Also, this site keeps you up to date with what is going on in MTV television programming.
by crackles
Fri Nov 10 2000MTV is MTV. If you want to know about TV shows and tours, I recommend this site. But you can also just go to band's websites and check out anything about them. I just HATE Carson Daly, because my ex-girlfriend made out with him.
by nicole1
Thu Nov 09 2000It has tons and tons of links. I liked the chat and interactive stuff. It was always updated and new. Great icons, too. Overall, it's a good site.
by rcr12170
Thu Nov 02 utilizes a lot of flash web developing software. Flash makes websites come to life and catches anyone's attention when they are on the web.
by bmcinco
Mon Oct 30 2000Gives good insight to events and music.
by driftracer
Wed Oct 11 2000I can get a lot of info from this site; concert dates, mtv showtimes. The site has a unique design and uses different styles of flash and graphics. There is more information on the web site than on T.V. People who don't have cable can get access to MTV through the web.
by amou9184du
Mon Jul 31 2000Too much hype! This web site is packed with tons of useless information on the music and too little on music that is original and not plastic. Enough on Eminem and the stupid group NSYNC. Lets hear from the innovative groups and rappers who are teaching and expanding modern music.
by ptkh9094om
Fri Jul 28 2000I like going to this website because it has a lot of information that I am looking for. For example: About the veejays and the stars.
by drab8955om
Sun Jul 23 2000I love this site. Lots of great music and video clips, shows, etc. It takes forever to load though, but it's a fun community.
by cher8922du
Fri Jul 21 2000Cool site for MTV viewers. Has great and latest information on music events. You can check out your favorite musicians and the site has clips of videos and interviews.
by krnm8870du
Thu Jul 20 2000I love this site. I'm on it constantly just reading about artists.
by temi4325ph
Sun Feb 20 2000its very easy to find what you're looking for. navigation is TOPS!
by cind467om
Tue Feb 15 2000I cannot get enough of it -- despite their stupid talk shows and game shows. I love the news, Real World, Road Rules, and much else of what they offer.