Approval Rate: 55%

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    Tue Jul 12 2011

    teen mom is the worst show ever, it basicly says to teen girls "hey girls ! its cool to get prego :D" and they play the trashiest shows on tv. i have memories from when i was young when they ONLY played music videos. i also remember them playing my fave song 4 times in one day but that wont save them.

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    Fri Jun 03 2011

    I haven't really watched it since the late 80s and I don't think I'm missing much.

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    Wed Apr 20 2011

    I have a love / hate relationship with MTV. First of all, they are "M" TV. That M was supposed to stand for music. They really do not play any music now. I grew up at a time when MTV was the hottest channel out there and everyone watched it for music videos, concerts, and interviews. Now MTV shows mostly reality shows. I do have to admit, I do find some of their programming entertaining. I do enjoy watching Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, and even Rob's Fantasy Factory now that Big Black is back. I don't watch the Real World anymore because I think I outgrew it about 15 years ago. They seriously need to let that series go away. It isn't very good anymore. Even though I am disappointed with some of the decisions the channel has made, I have to be honest by admitting I still watch it often. Some of it is actually pretty good. They do create documentaries that can be thought provoking, or disturbing, or just sometimes funny. I have to appreciate them for that. I just wish they'... Read more

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    Tue Dec 21 2010

    I watch MTV every day!!!!!!! It is a GREAT TV channel=)

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    Fri Dec 17 2010

    UPDATE 2010: MTV is getting a 4 star rating based on 2very important shows they have twice a year. The Video Music Award (VMAs) and the MTV Movie Awards and finally I will always like the Real World...about the only reality show I still tune into if it has an interesting season. It probably isn't realistic, but love the fights.....other than that I can barely tolerate all the other garbage spewed on this cable network. I do kinda resent the fact that I have to go to youtube to watch music videos. ORIGINAL: I do like MTV, and I especially love alot of their shows...but there is no doubt that the channel rarely shows music anymore. But they will probably never take the M out of the MTV because then know one probably would care about the channel at all at that point. And besides, if you want to watch videos all the time ....go to MTV2...

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    Tue Jun 08 2010 was so better in the 90s and early 00s.

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    Mon May 24 2010

    I'm not 13-18 anymore either so I really wouldn't be able to say... Oh it's not the same as it use to be, Because NEITHER ARE YOU. And if you miss the videos there is always the internet you can find any video you want on here....So whats the big deal anyway....Rate it GREAT give it a 5 out of 5 and stop hating on a network that has no idea you even exist or that you have a herpes outbreak and that's why your hiding in your room blogging about MTV....They had some good ass shows back in the day too and yeah their name is MUSIC TELEVISION so that's a little misleading if they aren't playing a lot of music but shit isn't always 99 cents at the 99 cent store either maybe we should blog about that shit....and what is MTV supposed to do, change it's name because it doesn't play what you expect it to play, who gives a shit anyway we are all going to die sometime and does it really matter how we feel about an actor or a show or eachother?

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    Sun May 16 2010

    This is propaganda TV society.

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    Tue Mar 30 2010

    MTV used to be something special. Now it's something crappy with very little actual music. I miss creative music videos.

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    Fri Mar 26 2010

    They should change their name to CRTV - crappy reality television. Even MTV2 hardly plays music anymore. Someone needs to re-invent the music video cable station in a major way (all good videos playing 24/7). It's an age-old story, the new radical kid on the block becomes the tired and redundant conglomerate.

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    Fri Mar 26 2010

    The 80's and 90's were indeed all about MUSIC television. And they had some pretty good productions as well. But in the last years they got worse and worse, up to the point that they now became *cheap* and you're lucky if you catch a music video now and then. They lost the edginess they used to have in the 90's. And, sadly, their current policy will get worse (according to the latest news from the network's heads).

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    Sun Feb 21 2010

    music television?!only from 1981-2002 the last time i heard a song was 8 yrs ago

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    Sun Jan 17 2010

    I gave up on watching MTV several years ago...along with rolling doobers, hittin the bong, and munchin Doritos in my mom's basement man!

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    Wed Dec 16 2009

    What's TV?

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    Wed Dec 16 2009

    Wait! M-TV doesn't show music videos any more? They show their own programs? Thanks for the important news update -- from 1992. Seriously, its been that way for almost twenty years. MTV's programming continues to appeal to their target market -- people younger than you. Luckily, there are a bunch of basic cable channels that MTV operates, some of which show music exclusively. If you are getting MTV and you live in North America, you probably get at least some of these channels as well. Worldwide, there is a much more extensive list. MTV MTV2 MTV Tres MTV Hits MTV Jams mtvU Palladia (high-definition channel) (formerly Music: High Definition) VH1 (Standard-definition/high-definition channel) VH1 Classic VH1 Soul CMT (Standard-definition/high-definition channel) CMT Pure Country (formerly VH1 Country)

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    Wed Oct 14 2009

    I have no idea when I last watched this channel. The majority of the music I want to listen isn't played on here and the non-music shows that they put on here just seem a waste of time watching. I find it's much better to just listen to my own music collection, or to find new artists via Spotify instead. MTV has had it's day, and that day is now long gone.

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    Wed Jul 01 2009

    Has MTV ever been good. Even back in the 1990's it kind of sucked. I liked Jane's addiction and that era of music but the channel killed everything it touched. Well at least it's destroying television programming now instead of music. Question, if MTV isn't responsible for the shitty music of today who is?

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    Fri Jun 26 2009

    mtv sucks now and so does the reality shows and the little music you do show.

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    Sun Jun 07 2009

    I wish I could give this network 0 stars but I can't. This network has totally went against it's name "Music Television". Hello, where in the hell is the music? All you see on it now are awful reality shows featuring a bunch of spoiled brat teenagers. What a bunch of sellouts. And MTV2 isn't any better. They need to bring back MTV-X (the short lived all rock/metal music network MTV created in the early 2000s) and Beavis and Butthead. Those were the best things MTV did.

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    Wed Jun 03 2009

    If only they'd play music.......

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    Tue Jun 02 2009

    here is no music on MTV anymore-just mostly reality show garbage.

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    Fri May 29 2009

    I think society has been harmful to MTV.

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    Fri May 29 2009

    It may have been Hurtful/Harmful 20 years ago. But I stopped watching in the 90's when they stopped playing Music.

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    Fri May 29 2009

    what the fuck? how is this a hot topic of debate?

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    Sun May 03 2009

    Crazy music is one gateway for demons to enter into people

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    Wed Apr 29 2009

    I liked it better when they aired music videos.

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    Mon Apr 13 2009


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    Tue Apr 07 2009

    Where's the. . .(ya know). . . music? If I want to watch porn, I'll watch it. This has become blue-balls for the late-teen types.

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    Wed Mar 18 2009

    Its been around for years, i remember watching early MTV........ but we need to remember the ages of the children watching these videos ..... and quit promoting sex

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    Sat Feb 28 2009

    Well, back when they still played music I liked it sometimes, as long as I could mute it when the rap videos came on. But since they really don't play music anymore, I don't watch it. Occasionally I am known to watch episodes of "Next" or "Date My Mom", if nothing else is on, but that is very rare.

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    Tue Feb 24 2009

    would have been a help back when it was all music videos

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    Sat Feb 21 2009

    mtv lol it stands for "Music Television" but it has no music lolz how dumb.

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    Sun Feb 01 2009

    Where did all the Music go? I can't stand watching The Hills and My Sweet Sixteen. There’s nothing but lame reality show. I miss the good old MTV days.

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    Sun Jan 18 2009

    People can say what they want. MTV is still gonna...SUCK!!! They should start their own line of vacuum cleaners. I found MTV to be a really good thing to test your reflexes. Your gag reflexes.

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    MTV is pretty stupid in my opinion.  The only semi-decent person on there is Kurt Loder but god, someone needs to pull the plug on MTV...they haven't played music in 20yrs.

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    Bring back more BEAVIS and BUTTHEAD!!!!!!!

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    Wed Dec 31 2008


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    Fri Dec 26 2008

    A few good shows but a lot are becoming cliches and some are really corny...I want TRL!

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    Sat Dec 13 2008

    It used to be a great station back when they actually played music videos. I'm talking about MTV back in the 80s and early 90s. Now it's nothing but stupid reality tv shows and rap music.

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    Thu Dec 11 2008

    Personally I think it's full of junky reality tv shows, But the industry raises money in economic hard times, and is an advertisement guru. It's hurtful to people who are absorbed into the moronic reality tv... but thats not for me to decide.

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    Thu Dec 04 2008

    Anything that shows popular culture can be a learing tool for someone. MTV can let people know what other people, who may be different, are up to. For example, I wouldn't know what dumb-ass, rich, bitches do with their day, unless I watched an episode of the hills.

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    Thu Nov 27 2008

    oh god they haven,t played good music since the first 20 minutes they got on air

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    God, how awful is the music on the Channel, on second thought do they even play music anymore?

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    Sat Oct 11 2008

    I don't believe that MTV is the same as it used to be...Its very immoral and it exposes children and teens to things that they shouldn't even know about so soon...I remember how MTV used to be and its easy for me to say that its going down the wrong path...I do watch maybe one or two shows on the channel but I can't tolerate everything on its channel...I honestly think that it should be removed from tv altogether

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    unintelligent tv

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    Snuffed-out the imagination of an entire generation...

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    Just more crap on TV.

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    Thu Oct 09 2008

    Music sucks.

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    Parents should know what there kids are up too it's not MTV's fault there kids watched jack ass and tried jumping off a bridge from 40 ft.!

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    you get dumber just by watching has fostered a culture of stupidity ...