Southern Italian cheese traditionally made from Italian buffalo's milk by the pasta filata method Website
Approval Rate: 73%
Reviews 0
by imogen
Tue Jan 13 2009especially from claudio's on 9th street in philly!
by sierracore
Fri Aug 08 2008Mozzarella is good because it kind of goes great with almost anything. Mozzarella grilled cheeses - mmm!
by kristyn718
Tue Jul 22 2008mmmm........yummyyy!!!!!
by laydeezee92
Sat Jul 05 2008Mozzerella on toast is the best!!! :)
by teresag
Sat Jul 05 2008I use Mozzarella with everything! o packaged thourgh, only fresh grated! The best!!
by myspace_280979673
by ilikepie
Fri Apr 25 2008Put to brilliant use in pizza and lasagne. I don't have it often, so it's always a nice novelty when I do, and I always enjoy it very much. It also works great sliced with tomatoes and olive oil. There's not really a cheese quite like it...
by twansalem
Fri Apr 25 2008While it may be somewhat limited to use in things like pizza or lasagna, it is absolutely essential for those items. There may be some cheeses that work as a substitiute for mozzarella, but for the most part, pizzas that don't use mozzarella just don't taste right (with the exception of taco pizzas, but that's another topic altogether).
by excelsior30
Sat Jan 19 2008Totally delicious and easy to digest for me. Kraft has the best cheese like this- they use pure milk which makes it melt faster. One of the best!
by essexxx
Tue Nov 06 2007Fresh Mozzarella is where it's at. The flavor is delicate, and the texture is amazing. My favorite for sandwiches.
by jglscd35
Sat Sep 29 2007my favorite type of cheese, i put it on my salads.
by genghisthehun
Fri Sep 28 2007This is kind of a bland cheese, but on pizza, it really hits the spot.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Fri Sep 28 2007I agree with Genghis. It's only good on pizza; it's just not good alone.
by misspackrat4je_sus
Sat Jan 21 2006Always works on pizza and other Italian foods.
by zuchinibut
Fri Jan 20 2006Mozzarella is a great tasting cheese...especially when done by Polly-O.
by robtiff
Fri Jan 13 2006What would pizza be without mozzarella? A good mozzarella (one that still has a lot of moisture) is great just by itself. It has to be one of the more expensive brands, though. It's great on a piece of toast with tomatoe, some basil and oregano, and some salt and pepper.
by graymalkin
Tue May 10 2005I love the balls of fresh buffalo mozzarella, so good in salads or marinated in olive oil with fresh basil and garlic. Topped over crostini, yum!
by the_decockster
Thu May 05 2005I love it to death on pizza, in lasagna, etc., but plain and non-melted, it's kind of gross.
by mad_hatter
Tue Apr 05 2005Pizza, spaggetti, lasagna, and chesse sticks. Magnefico!
by pookypoo
by irishgit
Fri Apr 01 2005Something to put on pizza. As far as I'm concerned this is pretty average.
by mariusqeldroma
Sat Dec 11 2004Someone hasn't enjoyed fried cheese before. Battered, fried, and paired with that's good eating!
by specialboothvi_cjr
Sat Dec 11 2004i agree with DickWeener. It's only good on pizza
by dragonman
Sun Nov 28 2004Not too great on it's own but it's a staple for pizza and tasty when melted.
by da_minx
Sat Oct 30 2004Pizza's wouldn't be if Mozzarella wasn't part of them. However I find this cheese quite bland for any other use.
by randyman
Wed Jul 14 2004I'm a fairly decent cook. One my specialties is Lasagna, and it wouldn't be Lasagna without Mozzarella. Also great in antipasta, and melted in hot sandwiches. definitely a five.
by dickweener
Sun Feb 01 2004Great on Pizza
by cherrysoda99
Fri Jan 16 2004GO CHEESE! -Jessica's Friend. Ya, I know she's a tad bit weird. She has a thing for cheese.
by jhenrie
Thu Oct 30 2003Except for pizzas, what is Mozzarella good for? When you buy the shredded bags, the cheese is all moist & sticky; it doesn't smell very good; and the taste is only slight.
by spazc7bc
Wed Aug 20 2003Mozzarella is good on anything and just great to slice up and eat on its own!
by hilldeba
Sun Aug 17 2003I LOVE THIS CHEESE''
by sum41freak
Sat Jun 21 2003yummmyyyyy!!!!! but not the best
by redoedo
Tue May 27 2003A great cheese! I probably wouldn't be able to live without this cheese. Pizza just wouldn't be the same. Not to mention, my favorite appetizers at any restaurant are usually Mozzarella cheese sticks.
by yankee_doodle
Mon May 12 2003Buffala only please
by kamylienne
Fri Mar 21 2003Nice, mild cheese; excellent both warm and cold, it doesn't overpower the foods when you add this cheese. This is very creamy. Solid mozzarella makes a great snack, very very mild. If you want something sharper, this isn't for you.
by jason1972
Tue Nov 05 2002What would pizza be without the great, smooth-tasting feel of this type of cheese?
by callmetootie
Tue Apr 09 2002An average cheese. Pretty bland flavor, but it's at least something to snack on without giving you any kind of stomach problems...
by snoopy
Mon Apr 08 2002A must for pizza or calzone. I can't stand eating it by itself though.
by samiam
Mon Apr 08 2002Come on, who doesn't like Mozzarella? Such a common, satisfying cheese..Wet mozzarella is even better..on a sandwich, with roasted red peppers..and who could live without mozzarella? A cheeseless pizza is no fun, ziti would be bland..what would french onion soup be without a dash of mozarella goo? Mozarella cheese is a necessity.