Mozilla Firefox

Approval Rate: 86%

86%Approval ratio

Reviews 49

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    Mon May 18 2009

    A great Browser with alot of features and plugins

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    Sun Jan 04 2009

    Mozilla Firefox is BEST right now... but GOOGLE CHROME will be BEST Next Year ;p Grabs your FREE eBOOK here

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    Fri Jan 02 2009

    best browser !!!

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    Wed Dec 17 2008

    Recently switched from Internet Explorer to FireFox because of news that Internet Explorer has security issues... I don't plan on switching back. I'm impressed.

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    Wed Oct 01 2008

    I've been a long time Firefox user and I like all the plugins and it works with everything! However, sometimes it can be slow. But it's still faster then IE

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    Sun Sep 14 2008

    it has it all download speed, browsing speed,freindly user interface, free downloads of plugins and so on. It is the best browser of all other browsers. The best browser rated higher than any other browser rated on Also Opera users should use Mozila Firefox cos it's the best browser. And it aint rated that much like Mozila Firefox. So y wait download Mozila Firefox now and enjoy. Opera user dont wait,to download it, dont deny, it is the best so best browser DOWNLOAD NOW.

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    Tue Sep 09 2008

    Just keeps getting better & better!  :-)

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    Sat Sep 06 2008

    This is my main browser. I have used it for some time now and it appears to be rather trouble free. When it does hang up, it will restore the session when it starts up again. The support keeps the updates coming and that is a good sign.It is sluggish on my Mac, so I am going to take Magellan's advice and try Camino.

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    Tue Sep 02 2008

    I like it for Linux, but I still prefer IE7 for windows. I know it has all kinds of extensions and so on, but I don't really need any of them.  And while they are decreasing, there are still a few sites out there that just work better with some version of Internet Explorer. I also think that the tabs work better in IE7. Part of me also dislikes Firefox more for the Firefox fanboys than for anything else. Some people are overly in love with Firefox, and its annoying and kind of creeps me out.

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    Wed Jul 02 2008

    Best browser I've come across

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    Fri Jun 20 2008

    Noting can better than it.

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    Wed Apr 02 2008

    Very versatile and fast. Way above average.

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    Tue Feb 26 2008

    While its popularity is exceeding it's advertised benefits, still a great browser. Noticably slower in recent versions, but still a far-cry from IE 6. Extensions and widespread community support are what rise this badboy from the rest. There is an extension for any feature you can possibly think of, and a very helpful support community.

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    Sat Feb 09 2008

    Performs far better than internet explorer.

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    Sat Feb 09 2008

    I've been using it for about two years, haven't had many problems with it at all.

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    Mon Jan 07 2008

    I did love Firefox but lately it is not performing well. Firefox does not use DAT files which is another plus. I hope they fix their loading problems soon or I will be forced to try another browser.

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    Sun Nov 25 2007

    ran well for a while before failing to open all pages first time causing me to have to repetitively tap refresh

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    Wed Sep 12 2007

    I downloaded this program a while ago but I recently started using it and its much better than internet explorer. Firefox looks cooler and is less of a hassle. It even has a built in google toolbar. I think its also more compatible with this website. I also heard internet explorer leaves ya more prone to viruses. Bye Bye internet explorer.

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    Mon Jun 11 2007

    With the modernization of other browsers, the flaws  of Firefox which used to be tolerable are now it's  bane. It's like a sinking ship only people use it because it's the popular Titanic only imagine you can make the Titanic bigger and bigger even though it's already hurting users in other areas. Probably the only browser that can do it all currently because websites play favorites for this over other alternative browsers and the community has many extensions for it. Only a handful are pure exclusives nowadays: 1. Ad block - only because Opera's ad blocking hasn't caught up 2. Scrapbook - only because Obook is still a separate plug-in and has less features At most the others are merely variations which you can find elsewhere and integrated. Flock supports delicious bookmarks by default Seamonkey from what I read is less of a memory hog when you install it as browser only K-meleon feels faster Opera has more features integrated IE7pro/Maxthon/Avant make IE safer or as safe as F... Read more

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    Mon Jun 11 2007

    PRO's: -It's the heirloom of Netscape, so internet was already open to it (because of detection sniffing scripts), making then a false feeling that Firefox is natively working and that webpages are already being programmed for firefox. CON's: -SLOOOOOOOOOW unless you have a brand new computer. -Dull interface -Low number of features out of the box -No mouse gestures (natively) -No tab/session manager (natively) -Need for extra plugins to add features (Yuck!) -Insecure or perfomance-degrading plugins exist -It's a PAIN having to migrate the very same (finely tuned) installation of mozilla firefox across MANY computers, especially if you need migrating the installation of the plugins also. -Resource hog (memory and CPU) -The unexperienced user (90% of the market) won't dare install and fine tune it (it's REAL difficult).

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    Mon Jun 11 2007

    The rating system used here says "Ok" for three stars. So, three stars for Firefox. It's Ok. But if you want a truly great web experience, use Opera. It's faster, lighter, more secure and the user interface can be fine-tuned down to the smallest detail to suit your needs. Give it a try, you'll love it!

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    Mon Jun 11 2007

    Yeah not too bad a browser (Opera's better). Pretty slow most of the time. I do like some of the things you can do with extensions.

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    Mon Jun 11 2007

    cant use it without extension.

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    Wed Jun 06 2007

    I have been using firefox for several years and have found it to be a very reliable and stable browser. Fun too I might add. I am always looking for something better but have not found it yet.

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    Tue May 08 2007

    I love Firefox alot. This is the best internet browser! :) I believe IE are far worse than others. Because I has been experiencing using with IE such as: crashes, freeze and unsafe. I hasn't receive a virus yet for about almost a year.

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    Tue Apr 10 2007

    I'm using it right now.

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    Tue Apr 10 2007

    Nice that there are alternatives to Microsofts own spyware called I.E. In fact, it crushes I.E. in every aspect.

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    Mon Feb 05 2007

    Mozilla Firefox must be one of the best browsers around. With its many (downloadable) add-ons, this browser has many features. I think Firefox is great because it's got tabbed browsing, many add-ons to choose from, a great interface and last of all it's easy to use. The reason I gave this programme four stars is because it takes quite some time to load. However, once your browser window is open, there's no need to re-open it because of tabbed browsing.

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    Tue Jan 30 2007

    Security, tabbed browsing, plug-ins. What's not to love. It also seems to connect faster than IE to websites. I think it just does a better job of processing the data.

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    Sun Jan 14 2007

    Firefox rules!

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    Thu Sep 14 2006

    its fast, its quick, its custemable, and its all out awesome

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    Thu Jul 20 2006

    I love it - faster and safer than IE!! My favorite, hands down!!

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    Mon May 15 2006

    My default browser, and the best I've ever used. Unfortunately, they spelled Firefox: FireFox instead of Firefox.

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    Sat Apr 22 2006

    pros: fast, simple (no frills) browser that is much more secure than internet explorer or any ie based browser. cons: still need to use ie for some webpages.

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    Mon Apr 17 2006

    Very easy to customise, many useful extensions to be had, searches & loads web pages way faster than IE. I have seen PC`s that have had IE hyjacked & locked, where as Firefox still worked as normal on those PC`s.....i`ve yet to see Firefox hyjacked

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    Fri Mar 24 2006

    Firefox was my favorite browser for a long time but now I'm having issues with it. It has become one of the most unstable browsers I've used but I love the features so much that it still gets 4 stars.

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    Fri Mar 10 2006

    I like it too. It blocks pop-ups pretty well. The only complaint I have is that on two occassions I logged on to find that all of my bookmarks had vanished.

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    Fri Mar 10 2006

    Best browser ever, period. Microsoft: take a lesson from Mozilla. To Rebecca: Firefox (and most other OS X software) downloads in the form of a .dmg file, which is a Disk Image. Yes, it will remove itself from the desktop, because you haven't actually "installed" it yet. The only thing you've done is extracted the archive and mounted it. To "install" Firefox, drag it's icon into your Applications folder.

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    Wed Mar 01 2006

    I really like Firefox for the most part, though I use Safari more. I like the browser tabs because it keeps my desktop neater. I like that it blocks pop ups and I've yet to find a web site that doesn't support it. That said, I don't use it as my primary browser because of the way it installs on my computer (Imac g5 with OS X). For whatever reason, it comes up as it's own disk and twice it's disappeared from my desktop for no particular reason. I don't get why. I've had to download it twice. It's free, but it's a pain to have to keep downloading it.

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    Fri Feb 03 2006

    It's awesome. Automatic popup blocker.

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    Thu Jan 12 2006

    Firefox is the best internet browser you can get. It's completly customizible with it's extensions like Fasterfox for speed or Adblocker, which lets you remove ads from sites. It's only 5mb, so it's easy to download. It's free, too, but you probably already knew that. You probably know this too, but just go to to download it.

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    Fri Jan 06 2006

    Final Update. Firefox is back up to a five star rating. Why? two reasons: 1) tabbed browsing; and 2) there are all kinds of cool extensions for Firefox. Tabbed browsing allows you to tab through different browser windows without opening up a new browser. For those times that you need more than one browser window open, tabbed browsing is MUCH better than having different browswers open because it's faster to toggle back and forth AND it's a more efficient use of your monitor's display (you don't have to keep a corner of the othe browser displaying). Extensions are neat little software programs that you can add onto your firefox browser. The ones I use are 1) accuweather, which displays little weather icons (sun, rain, snow, etc.) for the next three days at the bottom of your browser; 2) link converter, which converts everything that starts with http:// to a clickable link; 3) site search for Google / Wikipedia / Yahoo / Gracenote which allows you to search those sites (and others... Read more

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    Wed Dec 07 2005

    Good web browser. Despite the hype one must understand the differences between Mozilla and Firefox. Firefox has no e-mail capability (that componenet is called Thunderbird), Mozilla has it integrated in. Thus, Firefox is not your best pick for a home web broswer, use it in business environments where an enterprise e-mail software provides e-mail capailities, thus the e-mail is not necessary. In this environment Firefox is a better choice given its smaller foot print then Mozilla.

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    Sat Nov 12 2005

    Mozilla Firefox is Excellent Browser. Quize Fast It 1000 times Better than IE 6.0. I hope The popularity of Firefox Has Give IE 7.0 Its Base. IE base engine is going to be Mozilla.

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    A great broswer, it is highly customizable and quite can make it even more secure by downloading the no script extension. The only problem is after upgrades some extensions dont work and you have to re download ones for the new version (some auto upgrade) but thats a small price to pay for the security over IE, maybe the next IE will fix it's security flaws..

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    Sun Sep 11 2005

    Much better then MSFT IE for security reasons- spyware/adware virtually zero- because of the security problems with MSFT- I had to replace a hard drive- costly and time consuming. A viable alternative to MSFT- that causes much less stress, and less money in the short and long term.

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    Sun Jul 31 2005

    I switched to Firefox when 1.0 was released, having upgraded to the latest release I have noticed that each update made Firefox slower and slower, it may be a safe browser and for the most part it works good, but if you have a broadband connection you won't be enjoying the full benefit of it and it will feel like you have dial-up. Takes forever to load, dumps web pages and overall is slow. Tried changing the about:config settings but had no improvement in speed. Mozilla support forums are a joke and they don't like when you post a comment on the speed of Firefox, they will delete your post thinking your out to bash the software without helping you or improving the software. Better then IE but not the best or fastest.

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    Wed Jul 27 2005

    Firefox has increaced funtionality as opposed to IE, with features like tabbed browsing and it's many extensions such as mouse gestures. After using them, these are two functions I would not want to do without. Conversion (ie: learning curve) from IE is also relitively seamless. All of your bookmarks are imported automaticly and the layout is very similar. You'll be used to it within a day of use. In terms of security, it is much better than IE, but certtainly not air tight. As it was predicted, with it's rising popularity, popups are beginning to affect Firefox as well. - I get them every day now (and yes, blocking is on) In the next few months and years, we'll see if Firefox is truly more secure, or if it's original immunity to intrusuions was simply due to it's lack of widespread use. For the most part though, It's excellent. My computer has been relitivle spyware free and although I do get daily popups, it's still 95% less than I get with IE. 4 stars.

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    Sun May 22 2005

    Best features are a good set of useful plug-ins, ease of updating, and security (because it is not a targe tof hackers like Explorer is.) The interface is slight more simple than competitors. Disadvantage is that it lacks and integrated HTML editor like Netscape composer. There are a few bugs, mainly related to sound and video, but they are rare enough so as not to bother me. there may be speed differences, but Explorer, Netscape, and Firefox, don't seem dramatically different to me. It may depend upon one's computer and network setup.