Movie Channel
Approval Rate: n/a%
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Reviews 5
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by genghisthehun
Mon Oct 17 2005Anything that shows movies wall to wall is great.
by redoedo
Tue Jun 10 2003I think of TMC as Showtime's garbage can- all of the movies that they don't want to air on the main network are aired on TMC. There are no original series and most of the movies are one-star films. Not much of a selection.
by ratemaster1984
Sun Feb 09 2003A good movie, on this channel, is a VERY rare thing!
by jason1972
Thu Jan 23 2003Most of their movie inventory are forgettable movies.
by katswt
Wed Nov 22 2000When I don't have time to go out and rent a movie, I can just watch one on the movie channel, no commercials. The only problem is that they are not that updated. Not all of the movies are that recent.