Mother Teresa
Approval Rate: 77%
Reviews 0
by osagepony
Wed Sep 09 2009Odd as any religion. We believe of her as taught and told. To have power and refuse it for your cause is foolish. Taking a vow of poverty is not the same as vowing to stay average when a good story blows immense popularity into your sails. She might of made real change with guidance. The Catholic church made her and failed her.
by irishgit
Tue Aug 28 2007Maybe I missed something, but what did she lead? One of those folks who gets trotted out by a number of sides of the ideological spectrum as a hero. Got progressively more erratic as she aged (as do we all)
by alanlovesdevon
Sat Mar 24 2007Read Christopher Hitchen's book first AND THEN rate this old prune when you have some facts about her life, not vatican beatificational spin.
by tocwelsh
Tue Feb 15 2005Mother T...fantastic, should be up on the top of the scale!!!!!!!
by gunshipx
Wed Mar 17 2004Certainly a superb individual, but not a world leader
by eagle_scout
Thu Feb 19 2004I don't know quite what to say. If I was judging her as a person I would try to find a way of giving her more stars than a person could count in a lifetime. In the area of leadership she is not as noticable, but lead others in a way that is rare, through example. As I stated, this is not noticable, but she was followed by many, and she led them on the path to goodness, so I would say that she was a great leader. The day that we lost Mother Teresa, we lost a saint.
by manietyreel
Mon Oct 06 2003Crazy old nun. Against Abortion but also against contraceptives. Hypocritical wrinkly old lady.
by ladyshark4534
Fri Oct 03 2003Please visit this website. It reveals some very disturbing things about Mother Teresa. Just visit it. You will be creeped out. I never thought I'd be angry with Mother Teresa, but after visiting this site and seeing some of these chilling facts, I am more than angry. I am outraged. I assure you all that after you view this site and read up on a few books on Mother Teresa, You'll see a side of her that was blase, inhumane, ignorant, and intolerant. Don't be fooled by what the media tells you. Get some books, Go to the website I suggested. You will see that Mother Teresa was no saint.
by enkidu
Fri Oct 03 2003She chose to devote her life to helping those in need, a fine and courageous decision. Mother Teresa was world-famous and inspired countless others to follow her example: this defines her as a world leader. One does not to be king or president of a huge country, or leader of a conquering army, to be a "world leader." Perhaps the day will come when most of our leaders are ethical rather than military ones.
by solenoid_dh
Thu Sep 11 2003Here's one of the reasons I liked Mother Teresa: A reporter (from Washington) was visiting her and tried to urge her to use her popular reputation to petition her government to start more programs to help the poor. She stated, with characteristic clarity, that the Lord had called her to help people, not to start programs. I LOVE IT! Charles Colson wrote about this incident, and said that this was mind-boggling to the reporter, because Washington exists only to create programs, administer programs (from afar, of course), and use the newspapers to report on those programs. Money is wasted and bureaucrats are enriched, and needy people are lost in the shuffle. But Mother Teresa looked needy people in the eyes, took them in her arms, fed & washed them, and gave of herself to actually help them.
by underspin
Wed Aug 13 2003Too many have unfortunately bought into the PR spectacle, image and hype of who she was and not the reality of what she actually did and didn't do in her life. Her goal was not about saving people's lives, but instead about saving people's souls. For anyone with a genuinely open mind, check out the book The Missionary Position by Christopher Hitchens. Needless to say, there's more to this story than what most have been duped to believe...
by canadasucks
Sat May 17 2003World Leader? Umm. . .err. . .no. Inspiratinal, even admirable. She has my respect but I find her antiquated. Going around the world and hanging out with dictators while telling women to squeeze out more babies to starve and reproductive freedom is 'bad' was simply medieval and out of touch. She meant well and did more good than bad, but she has been given a free ride.
by vudija
Tue Apr 29 2003I read an autobiography on her in 9th grade and was absolutely astounded by all of the things that she accomplished in her life. She is truely a Saint.
by redoedo
Sun Apr 20 2003A true saint of Christ who was the greatest humanitarian of all time. She proved that you don't have to be a bigwig politician to help people- all you have to do is have hope, love and faith. I only wish that more people today would be more like this Saint who proved that God's work on this earth must truly be our own. "You can do no great things, only small things with great love"- Mother Teresa.
by gicaua91
Wed Feb 26 2003Full of Courage.
by anmalone
Wed Feb 12 2003A very holy and noble woman, who is without a doubt a Saint. She aided the poor with medical attention, hospice care, prayer and compassion everywhere she went and loved every human being no matter their age, vulnerability or station. She lived and died with more integrity and sanctity than any of her detractors and I am sure she continues to pray for them none the less. It hard to appreciate the rightness of people who think that Mothers killing their children is noble or morally correct position. It is simply the iron rule of the strong for the weak and could never be the law of Christ.
by lepern
Mon Feb 10 2003She gets the second star for her troubles with Christianity.
by utvolusn
Thu Apr 18 2002Inspirational? Yes. Nice Lady? Yes. World Leader? No.
by lord_of_the_waves
Sat Oct 20 2001Agnes(her first name) did lots for little kids but nothing for herslef. trained in scotland sent to india. no doubt that she was a zealous believer in her god. a great contribution to human life.
by ellajedlicka21
Fri Oct 19 2001Pushed for peace.
by abichara
Fri Aug 17 2001Mother Teresa was a wonderful human being whose life reflected the morals which Christ would want all of us to have. Humility, caring for the poor, and selflessness were hallmarks of this womans life. She could have had a comfortable retirement in India, but instead, she chose to live among the poor in the slums that she had dedicated her life to doing. Although Mother Teresa was not a "world leader" in the worldly sense, she did inspire many people to perform that helped the community as a whole, and in the greater scheme of things, that is all what matters.
by raincat
Sun Feb 18 2001Possibly the world's greatest Humanitarian, Mother Teresa had no prejudice; she saw only human beings in need. She was a woman of unfathomable compassion and caring.
by kooleybear
Sat Dec 23 2000One of God's best.
by strong
Wed Dec 20 2000God loves Catholics. She will be cannonized soon. To those idiots above- you really think God loves "doctors" ripping the unborn from the womb of their mothers? Somehow, I don't think so.
by mdpj5296au
Wed Mar 15 2000A rock-head catholic who prayed over the sick and dieing without ecver doing anything good for them!
by altr4748et
Fri Mar 10 2000Because she did not believe in Darwin's theories, she encourages unfit people to bring more people into the world, even though they know they cannot be fed. You consider her saintly?!
by sdix2667om
Fri Dec 10 1999A true saint!! She truly cared for the poor and underprivileged of the world, while being not afraid to publicly state the hard truths of the Gospel.
by busy1741om
Sun Dec 05 1999Absolutely one of the most selfless people who ever lived. She didn't run her yapper, she got busy, and prayed for those who didn't have a prayer.
by swan1763et
Fri Dec 03 1999A true saint.
by keb_at_2171om
Thu Dec 02 1999A woman who fought to deny other women the right to control their reproductive lives, who consorted with murderous dictators, and made everyone else's conscience a little easier by letting us believe that the poor are not our fault. An appalling and horrible individual.
by slcs2405om
Thu Dec 02 1999What a wonderful woman of Christ. It was a shame that she died at the same time as Princess Diana. Her death was pushed aside for the glamour of a beauty queen. Mother Teresa is the person we should all model our lives to be. Selfless giving to those in need.
by lelo1659jp
Thu Dec 02 1999She gets 5 stars for devotion to the sick and poor, but no stars at all as far as medical treatment (rather primitive), and family planning policies (God hates condoms and the pill, you see).
by jane2114uk
Thu Dec 02 1999Even with her fame throughout the world, she remained a humble, generous woman and did not revel in her fame whatsoever.
by pjes2151om
Thu Dec 02 1999The sacrifices made and the humility shown by this woman over her entire life shine like a beacon of the century.
by cree2345om
Thu Dec 02 1999She is one of those people who take care , who is alturistic what more is better in love:)
by elai2083om
Thu Dec 02 1999Most generous, humble person in the world.