Morning View (Incubus)
Approval Rate: 84%
Reviews 0
by nickthequick
Fri Jan 08 2010One of my favorite albums of all time by my favorite band of all time (coming up just short of "Make Yourself"). Incubus is in my opinion the most reliable band around: each album is slightly different but is always of the highest quality, and I have never been disappointed. I love how each Incubus album is great for listening straight through, whereas many other bands have me picking and choosing the best tracks and forgetting the rest. As usual, this album is unique from each of the others that Incubus has put out. This album is devoted more to surging rock ballads (as opposed to the harder rock on "Make Yourself"), and Incubus transitions wonderfully from "Make Yourself" to the point where "A Crow Left of the Murder", their next album, can pick up seamlessly. Great, great album. But with Incubus, when is that not the case?
by kailyn3710
Thu Sep 03 2009Ask any Incubus fan what their favorite album is and, chances are, you won't get a unanimous answer. Some people prefer the more electronic and harsher sounds of "S.C.I.E.N.C.E.". Some people prefer their newer sound on "Light Grenades". However, you will most likely hear a lot of answers to the tune of "Morning View". Arguably Incubus' best CD to date, 2001's "Morning View", (named after the location of the house they recorded in), was not as loved as it is now when it first arrived on the scene. Even though the band garnered positive reviews and declarations of them "growing up" material-wise, Incubus was still running on the fumes of "Drive" and ended up taking some unfounded and undeserved heat for "selling out". Anyone can agree that they changed their sound dramatically but a sell-out they are not. Guitarist Mike Einziger said it best with this quote: "[It] would've been really easy for us to try to replicate certain songs that did well on our last record, which we didn'... Read more
by onelove6550
Sun Jun 21 20093 1/2 Another solid release riding off the success of MY found the band attempting to consciously grow, sometimes to mixed and slightly strained results. Although it cannot sustain the album experience that was their one previous masterwork, MV offers some of the group's most polished songwriting to date.
by lisatibbitts
Thu Oct 02 2008Incubus is new to me. I am exploring their sound and continue to find reasons to continue. This cd is intelligent, as well as inspiring. Very very talented band.
by zinha52a
Thu Sep 11 2008This CD is excellent! My favorite records are "Circles", "Just a phase" and "Aqueous Transmission". Incubus is the best band ever, I love these guys, they are amazingly talented musicians! Brandon's voice is strong and sweet at the same time. He's the best singer ever! I could listen to him every single second of my day and never get tired. Love him!
by mypoproks
Fri Dec 14 2007An excellent alternative album, and one of the defining rock records of the past 10 years.
by coltseries70
Mon Mar 05 2007You see I am a huge incubus fan for a long time. This is not who they are. They are the albums Fungus Amongus and Science and Make Yourself. They watered this down for the mainstream , and it is sad-they sold out. Now they are realizing the errors of their ways and are reverting to their original style-they way they supposed to be(2007 right now).Listen to their real stuff. "Nice to Know You" just does not cut the mustard.
by traderboy
Tue Feb 07 2006A pleasant diversion for those looking to veer away from the bash-thrash grinders, treacly-sweet pop princesses, and unintelligible slip-slop for awhile. Hard to describe the "feel" of this disc, as it blends so much in one sitting: blues-laced power chords, down-tempo pop metal, and stream-of-consciousness trip-rock (like Frankenstein sewing together The Yardbirds, Def Leppard, and the Grateful Dead, then handing the amalgam ProTools). Every song keeps an understated continuity about it (no "black sheep" wandering in to slow the parade), but "Warning", "Wish You Were Here", and "Nice To Know You" are the best of the sing-alongs. On MORNING VIEW, Brandon and the lads deliver a steady stream of sonic magma that sears and strips to the bone without the pains of art-house antics and overt politicking. Well-packaged, with placid cover pics, full song lyrics, and disc illustration by the band's own Jose Pasillas II. They've since replaced a member and gone in a more-muscular direction, but ... Read more
by gb4life
Sat Apr 30 2005Greatest band since Led Zeppelin
by fubufighters
Thu Jan 20 2005Incubus' sell-out record. I had thought that they were posers when they put out Make Yourself but then I saw them in concert with the Deftones, and they proved me wrong. Well, i'm going back on that decision now, they're going the way of Sugar Ray.
by numbah16tdhaha
Sat Aug 14 2004Pretty good but not their best.
by ashela
Wed Apr 28 2004Ick! their music totally sucks!
by logicdrykill
Sun Apr 04 2004OMG did I just puke up a pile or regurgitated pop called morning view? Incubus is a good band and this cd doesn't justify them.
by incupearl
Mon Mar 15 2004greatest band ever!!
by lost_prophet
Thu Sep 25 2003Best cd. They experiment so much and sound so good. Lyrics are really good and the music is awsome as hell.
by morning_view
Mon Jul 21 2003It is my favorite CD of all time! The lyrics are beautiful, and they go perfectly with the music. It gives me chills I love it so much!
by punkster1210
Fri Apr 11 2003its my fav CD EVER!
by slavezero
Wed Jan 22 2003I recently bought all the tabs and learnt every song on this album, want some good practise in a wide variety of guitar playing, then learn incubus!