
Approval Rate: 83%

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    Sun Nov 01 2009

    LOVE this show!  I own season 2 on dvd and that's a great season (does anyone else out there love "Kevin"?).  I guess I preferred Sharona to Natalie, but I hate to say that because Natalie is great.  Sharona was just so edgy.  I also love Randy and, well, Monk!  The stories are amazing - let's face it, I could never think of these clever plots.  Fun, unique, wonderful.

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    Fri Oct 30 2009

    a 4.5 thanks to the writer's strike and sick of repeats and reality shows. we decided to rent dvds. one of them being MONK the obsessive compulsive detective. we had seen a few scenes of this show and found it interesting but never could remember to watch it. we just finished watching three seasons and we are now hooked on this show. It is funny, well acted, great scripts. Tony Shaloub is terrific as Adrian Monk the brilliant   consultant { he used to be on the police force} with this eye for detail who can solve crimes no one else can. He plays the O-C man with humor, and empathy one can relate to without being cruel. Glad we had the chance to get to know this wonderful show. and we are looking forward to the next seasons.UPDATE: we have been tuning into MONK for the last couple of seasons after renting the first five. Sad to know this is the last.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    Something pathetically enduring about this show.

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    Sat Jan 10 2009

    Monk. My favourite tv comedy.

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    Wed Jul 30 2008

    Tony Shalub perfects the brilliant detective who happens to have OCD

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    Tue Jul 15 2008

    Terrific show. Randy the lieutenant is way too stupid though. And the one terrible episode was with the monkee. Anytime a monkee is trotted out, the writers are desperate.

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    Thu May 15 2008

    it ok. my grandparents like dis show. lol

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    Thu Apr 10 2008

    I recently just started watching this show and I really like it.  Tony Shalhoub is great as the obsessive compulsive detective Adrian Monk.

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    Sun May 13 2007

    I love how he's obsessive compulsive, he reminds me of my step-father.

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    Fri Apr 21 2006

    Combines my love for crime shows with a great sense of humor. This show cracks me up.

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    Mon Feb 13 2006

    Comedy? It certainly has humorous elements. Not quite Columbo, but close.

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    Sun Feb 12 2006

    This is the best detective show to come out in decades (take that CSI). Monk is one of the most complex characters in TV right now. Unlike most shows where they never seem to take the time to develop characters, Monk is a walking phobia with a genius mind. He is able to notice the smallest details and gets himself in sometimes rather wild situations. I love this show. More shows should be like this.

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    Sat Feb 04 2006

    One of the best shows on television, i have all four seasons. Adrian Monk is a detective with an obsessive compulsive disorder that apparently enhances his perception skills. Most of his friends at the station think he's just weird. His afraid of everything, germs, needles, milk, death, snakes, mushrooms, heights, crowds, elevators, messes. This show is very family-friendly, 5 stars!!

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    Fri Dec 09 2005

    I have not been able to watch it since Bitty Schram has left the show. I don't know what happened but this lady has no personality and she brings the show down. Nothing against her but the show is boring now with her and there is no chemistry between her and Monk and I love Monk.

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    I grudgingly give it a four as it is starting to grow on me. Monk is a messed up person with all kinds of phobias and obsessions who used to be a cop but lost his job. Now he is a consultant and solves crimes etc. in spite of or even because of all the things that are wrong with him.

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    Fri Sep 09 2005

    MONK? They should have named it JUNK!

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    Fri Aug 19 2005

    My husband is a Monk-fanatic. I love it too. Amazing to find USA come up with a family friendly yet not PAX-y show. Sharona was a bit annoying and the tacky adolescent clothes did not help - I dont see why her disappearance should reduce the show. Plot-lines need to be worked on somewhat. Tony SHalhoub is perfect! It's his time--it's about time!

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    Sun Aug 14 2005

    I would give it 5 stars, but the loss of Sharona takes off two stars. Traylor Howard can never be Sharona, plus she's definately not a looker like Sharona was, either.

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    Fri May 06 2005

    love this show it is to funny for words

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    Mon Mar 28 2005

    This is such a GREAT show! Monk is a detective that solves murders. He has all sorts of phobias & so-on. Often his phobias, quirks & perfectionism lead him to solve the murder cases. It's just the right ammount of drama & comedy. (Monk was formerly in the TV show Wings. He's a great actor!)

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    Fri Mar 25 2005

    Monk is the coolest show. If it was on earlier in the evening I would watch it every time.

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    Mon Feb 21 2005

    A really great show. I just wish it wasn't on so late.

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    Mon Feb 21 2005

    One of the few shows worth watching.

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    Fri Aug 06 2004

    A great show that consistently entertains. Tony is wonderful and the mysteries are interesting. The supporting actors are great too.

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    Sun Jul 11 2004

    Into its third season, Monk is still the most entertaining show on TV! Tony Shalhoub is brilliant and portrays Adrian Monk with pure comic genius and true sensitivity. Co-stars Bitty Schram, Ted Levine and Jason Gray-Stanford combine for the finest supporting cast ever assembled. A true Must-Watch series!

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    Sat Jun 12 2004

    One word describes this show ...AWESOME! Tony Shalhoub is wonderful as always and is so smooth and loveable in his portrayal as Monk. Wonderful writing, cast, and show. A pure delight!

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    Sun Feb 01 2004

    Fabulous! Will Tony garner another Golden Globe? The introduction of Adrian's agoraphobic brother to the storyline was a stroke of pure genius.

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    Sun Feb 01 2004

    Tony Shalhoub has done it again! Great show.

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    Thu Jan 22 2004

    The stories are interesting and the characters are funny. Keep up the good work.

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    Wed Nov 12 2003

    Hilarious! Tony is an amazing actor.

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    Thu Nov 06 2003

    It would be so easy to make Monk's OCD the center of the show, which would cheapen it. Instead, they make the character the center of the show and they make OCD simply a thread that runs through the whole thing. Could easily be done poorly, which is why they deserve such credit for doing it so well!!

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    Thu Sep 25 2003

    At first, you would think that anyone with a grem phobia would automatically isolate himself from the rest of the world, and that would be the end of the show. That logic in itself though is also unrealistic considering that people must live their lives out. Bottom the show is quite intelligent with a healty dose of comedic relief. Tony Shalhoub does a magnificant job playing his character. It's easy to see why he has been recently racking up emmy and golden globe awards.

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    Thu Sep 25 2003

    Very entertaining new show that I hope has a nice run. The show doesn't take itself too seriously which is a plus for me. The acting is very good and Monk has all the makings of a classic detective show like Columbo or The Rockford Files. The OCD disorder Monk has is played out well and it's very funny to watch him go about his business in his quirky way. I don't think the OCD is treated as a joke; the show portrays someone who OVERCOMES his handicap and outperforms those who "look down" upon him. Monk is an excellent TV hero and you can't help but cheer for him.

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    Wed Sep 24 2003

    Tony Shalhoub deserved his Emmy for portraying Adrian Monk. He makes the character both amusing and sympathetic - not an easy task. Bitty Schramm deserves recognition as Sharona. My only suggestion is to give Monk some more challenging cases to solve.

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    Tue Sep 23 2003

    the show that makes obseesive compulsive disorder cute. love this show.

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    Sun Sep 07 2003

    Never fails to entertain, interest, and delight.

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    Tue Aug 26 2003

    Hilarious and intriguing. Has a character who is flawed and charismatic and deals with his problems well. Tony Shalhoub brings true depth to this character.

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    Thu Jul 17 2003

    I'm sorry I missed the first season of "Monk." It's the best show on TV right now. I agree with President-X-D that "Monk" has the makings of a classic detective show like "Columbo" or "The Rockford Files." The plots are complex enough to keep your attention, the characters are highly likable and entertaining, and there is a lot of humor in every episode. I'd love to know how the idea for this original show was developed.

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    Sun Jun 22 2003

    Very clever opening show. I enjoy his quirky way of solving mysteries. And his long-suffering assistant. Well done, I'm glad its back.

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    Fri Apr 18 2003

    Great show. Love the mixture of a little mystery and humor. Monk is a pleasure to look forward to watch. Hope it continues for the next season. ABC lost out-----USA came out the winner!!!

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    Thu Jan 23 2003

    This show is outstanding. Each episode is a genuine mystery that you can try to unravel as you watch, but is also a dry, cleverly-written comedy. Tony Shaloub is spot-on as Monk and has created a completely original character. I think that 90% of TV stinks, but I can't wait for Monk to come on each week. P.S. Did you know that ABC developed this show, then dumped it. USA Network picked it up and now THEY license the reruns back to ABC! You can watch it on either channel, but episodes premiere on USA.

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    Tue Jan 14 2003

    Mannered and silly. Might have prospered in the sixties, when the demands on TV detective show writers for realism and believability were less stringent than today's. (My complaint is not in regard to Monk's disability, but about the stories themselves.) Full disclosure: Tony Shalhoub is an actor who gets on my last nerve -- has done ever since his cringeworthy faux-Italian turn in WINGS.

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    Sat Jan 11 2003

    Best detective show since the old Basil Rathbone/Sherlock Holmes movies.

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    Sun Jan 05 2003

    I love this show! Part mystery, part drama, with alot of humour, this is just a great show.Can't wait for the next season.

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    Wed Nov 27 2002

    I think this show is funny, yet goofy at times. I think Mr. Shaloub is believable as an OCD, although I have had only had exposure to 1 person with this disorder. Mr. Shaloub is a fine actor.

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    Mon Nov 25 2002

    I will never accept the taxi driver from "Wings" as a homicide detective. Enough said.

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    Thu Nov 14 2002


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    Sat Nov 09 2002

    Although it probably doesn't belong on ABC, Monk is a fun little show for everyone. Nothing too serious or too hilarious, but in the middle somewhere. Great performance by Mr. Shalhoub.