
Traditional Cuban punch Website

Approval Rate: 84%

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    Fri May 15 2009

    For some reason, Mojitoes always make me sick. I think it's Bacardi Rum, it doesn't agree with me.

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    Mon Dec 22 2008

    not a big rum fan

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    Sun Nov 30 2008

    Ah, yes! Mojito ~ sunsets at Mallory choice drink

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    at least it sounds good

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    Fri Sep 19 2008

    MMM, Mojitos. A great choice.

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    Sun Jul 13 2008

    never had it but it sounds good.

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    Tue Jun 17 2008

    sounds good yum

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    Tue Jun 03 2008

    Brings back memories..Mezcalito's in Cozumel...oh how I miss that beachside hammock.

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    Wed May 07 2008

    not so into mint

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    Sat Mar 29 2008

    In Florida, I have met this creature. I like rum so it hit the spot.

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    Thu Mar 27 2008

    this is another one of those hot-day drinks that can really hit the spot. You need to watch your step, though, because they will catch up with you quickly.

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    Wed Mar 28 2007

    mo-hee-toewill knock you flat on your backside if you treat it like lemonade at a picnic.  Christmas & my birthday in a glass. One of the best drinks ever

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    Thu Aug 25 2005

    Wonderful drink if done right, I've had a few that were over-sugared. It should not taste likey syrup was poured into it. Refreshing and herbal, touch of sweet and a bit of fizz from the club soda. Stay with the traditional, no juices or fancy stuff, just mint, sugar, lime and soda- maybe a dash of bitters and a float of dark rum too. Yum!

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    Wed Mar 17 2004

    Fashionable now but just wait a few months and they won't be so cool anymore.

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    Wed Feb 25 2004

    Sweet and refreshing, deceptively intoxicating on a hot summer night. If you're not carefull, you'll be piecing together the events of the evening from the eyewitness accounts in tomorrow's newspaper.

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    Tue Feb 03 2004

    This is one of those sneak up and paralyze you drinks. Too much sugar for my taste. One is good on a hot day though.

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    Mon Jan 13 2003

    This has got to be the best drink for anyone. Far from some frozen fruity cocktail, the mojito packs a punch. And as anyone who suddenly found themselves out on the dancefloor SALSAing the night away knows, its one of those perfectly balanced drinks that packs the rather unsuspecting punch! A great drink to introduce some of that afro-cubano passion to the night. I had my first (and many more) mojito in La Habana, Cuba. Since returning to the states, Nostalgia has forced me to search for a worthy replica. i've had some BAD mojitos here. The worse was at the "cafe Loca Luna" in Atlanta, GA. I don't know what made this seemingly authentic cuban restaraunt put PINEAPPLE JUICE in theirs but it tasted like puke! While in Cuba i got the real recipe from a bartender. Most recipes you'll find on the interenet skip the bitters, but you really should leave a dash in there. also I can't remember ifthey added the lime or not, but it couldn't hurt. My quantities aren't exact, but you'd... Read more

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    Wed Dec 18 2002

    This is one of the great classics. Ernst Hemningway drinked a lot of this drink when he resided in Cuba. This is the receipt I use 4 cl Rom (White or Brown - ex: Havana Club 3 anos) 1 Lime 2 ts brown sugar 10 leaves of (pepper) mint Soda (Carbonated Water) (If you don't understand cl then you should read some more about the metric system... ) Use a morter to crush 1/2 lime(include all!), the sugar and the leaves of mint. Add this in a glas. Press the other half of lime in the glas. Add Rom. Add Soda. Stir. Serve. The Lime can vary very much in strength and sournes. Add/remove sugar/melis too get it as sweet as you appreciate.

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    Thu Jan 03 2002

    Good lord is this a delicious drink. I have fond memories of sitting in a bar in Havana, listening to Cuban jazz, and sipping one of these drinks. If you can get it with Havana Club rum...even better. An outstanding drink for a hot day.