Reviews 0
by kat15lee
Fri May 15 2009For some reason, Mojitoes always make me sick. I think it's Bacardi Rum, it doesn't agree with me.
by mike_d2236
Mon Dec 22 2008not a big rum fan
by beachnut1956
Sun Nov 30 2008Ah, yes! Mojito ~ sunsets at Mallory choice drink
by angel_behaving_badly
Mon Oct 06 2008at least it sounds good
by skeletina
Fri Sep 19 2008MMM, Mojitos. A great choice.
by blinker_fluid
Sun Jul 13 2008never had it but it sounds good.
by keep_holding_on
Tue Jun 17 2008sounds good yum
by no_one_in_particular
Tue Jun 03 2008Brings back memories..Mezcalito's in Cozumel...oh how I miss that beachside hammock.
by myspace_30849171
Wed May 07 2008not so into mint
by genghisthehun
Sat Mar 29 2008In Florida, I have met this creature. I like rum so it hit the spot.
by sperryc
Thu Mar 27 2008this is another one of those hot-day drinks that can really hit the spot. You need to watch your step, though, because they will catch up with you quickly.
by bootdeepinthes_outh
Wed Mar 28 2007mo-hee-toewill knock you flat on your backside if you treat it like lemonade at a picnic. Christmas & my birthday in a glass. One of the best drinks ever
by hedonist
Thu Aug 25 2005Wonderful drink if done right, I've had a few that were over-sugared. It should not taste likey syrup was poured into it. Refreshing and herbal, touch of sweet and a bit of fizz from the club soda. Stay with the traditional, no juices or fancy stuff, just mint, sugar, lime and soda- maybe a dash of bitters and a float of dark rum too. Yum!
by chrisk1177
Wed Mar 17 2004Fashionable now but just wait a few months and they won't be so cool anymore.
by frankswildyear_s
Wed Feb 25 2004Sweet and refreshing, deceptively intoxicating on a hot summer night. If you're not carefull, you'll be piecing together the events of the evening from the eyewitness accounts in tomorrow's newspaper.
by irishgit
Tue Feb 03 2004This is one of those sneak up and paralyze you drinks. Too much sugar for my taste. One is good on a hot day though.
by jewels_star
Mon Jan 13 2003This has got to be the best drink for anyone. Far from some frozen fruity cocktail, the mojito packs a punch. And as anyone who suddenly found themselves out on the dancefloor SALSAing the night away knows, its one of those perfectly balanced drinks that packs the rather unsuspecting punch! A great drink to introduce some of that afro-cubano passion to the night. I had my first (and many more) mojito in La Habana, Cuba. Since returning to the states, Nostalgia has forced me to search for a worthy replica. i've had some BAD mojitos here. The worse was at the "cafe Loca Luna" in Atlanta, GA. I don't know what made this seemingly authentic cuban restaraunt put PINEAPPLE JUICE in theirs but it tasted like puke! While in Cuba i got the real recipe from a bartender. Most recipes you'll find on the interenet skip the bitters, but you really should leave a dash in there. also I can't remember ifthey added the lime or not, but it couldn't hurt. My quantities aren't exact, but you'd... Read more
by nsaa9c77
Wed Dec 18 2002This is one of the great classics. Ernst Hemningway drinked a lot of this drink when he resided in Cuba. This is the receipt I use 4 cl Rom (White or Brown - ex: Havana Club 3 anos) 1 Lime 2 ts brown sugar 10 leaves of (pepper) mint Soda (Carbonated Water) (If you don't understand cl then you should read some more about the metric system... ) Use a morter to crush 1/2 lime(include all!), the sugar and the leaves of mint. Add this in a glas. Press the other half of lime in the glas. Add Rom. Add Soda. Stir. Serve. The Lime can vary very much in strength and sournes. Add/remove sugar/melis too get it as sweet as you appreciate.
by magellan
Thu Jan 03 2002Good lord is this a delicious drink. I have fond memories of sitting in a bar in Havana, listening to Cuban jazz, and sipping one of these drinks. If you can get it with Havana Club rum...even better. An outstanding drink for a hot day.