
Approval Rate: 59%

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    Fri Apr 27 2012

    Oh yea! Pay me for my looks! LOL!

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    Mon Aug 23 2010

    Like acting,lots of hopefuls get ripped off by "agencies".Even the ones at the top usually have a very short career.It may sound glamorous,but the actual photo shoots can be gruelling and boring at the same time.(think hours in swimwear in a cold place,trying not to shiver or get frostbite).It also apparently makes some people neurotic & self-obsessed.I've dated a few.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    I tried to make a run for this like 10 yrs ago. I got turned down. It was worth a shot right? lol

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    Sun Jan 11 2009

    Necessary but bad for many people ... trying to attain abnormally low weights or muscles.

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    Fri Oct 24 2008

    I used to be a hand model until I cut myself by accident while slicing mango. Now, I just review things, and while typing, I just can't help but notice my 'mango scar of 1997.'

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    Sun Jul 06 2008

    awesomee. if i could.

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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    Again, only if I met the requirements.

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    Fri Jul 04 2008

    I wonder if I'm pretty to be a model?

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    Mon Jun 23 2008

    have that job already so...

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    Sun Jun 22 2008

    I use to be cute enough for this

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    Tue Jun 17 2008

    hmmm. i love it.

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    Tue Jun 17 2008

    Not for me, but it wouldn't be the worst job! Depends what I was modelling I guess!

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    Sun Jun 15 2008

    make lots of money

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    Sat Jun 14 2008

    This would be an awesome job.

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    i guess it could be fun, if you wanted to travel

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    Wed Jun 11 2008

    It would probably really test a person's will power though... Especially if they had trouble with their weight.

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    Wed Jun 11 2008

    except nude modeling!!!!

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    Mon Jun 09 2008

    beauty can only get you so far.....

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    Fri Jun 06 2008

    I don't like in when other people sell themselves, and I don't want to either.

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    Thu Jun 05 2008 I come...NOT

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    Sun Mar 04 2007

    When I was younger, i wanted to become an actor, but everytime I would go for an audition they would say " Actor - no, model -yes" I guess my accent, my long hair, and slim figure was giving them wrong idea!

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    Sun Mar 04 2007


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    Sun Feb 18 2007

    modeling is a hard job, im currently doing a modeling course and just learning how to walk like a model is a challenge in itself and then you have to do different styles of walking to different beats much like dancing. Its also a tough business there are alot of rejections, you don't have to have the walk as well you have to have the looks and have great make-up and hair which isn't always done for you. I myself want to get into the buisiness and im not a size 6 im totally against diets and really skinny people make me sick.

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    Thu Dec 07 2006

    When it comes down to it models are simply whores for one of the most greedy, pointless and immoral businesses on the planet..the fashion industry. just in case you're nonplussed, the fashion industry only exists by coercing impressionable people into thinking that they can only be accepted in society if they have a certain image and that if they dont then they're uncool,geeky.. whatever.

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    Thu Dec 07 2006

    People who get paid FAR too much to sit around looking pretty? I don't see the point... (and no, I'm not saying models have nothing else to offer...but as far as their career choices go: they get paid solely because they ARE pretty, nothing else matters)

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    Mon Feb 07 2005

    I work part-time as a model for a fashion store. It's a very much fun and uplifting job, plus you have lots of admirers and positive attention. It's hard work, but it feels so good to just walk confidently and having people love you. The only downside is the way the majority of women hate models unfairly and think that we are snobbish, egocentric, and always cheerful. That's far from who I am. Models are people too. Please realize that we have flaws and we're not perfect. Most people think models are all the stereotype of being size three bulimics with blond hair. Nothing could be further from the truth. I've been in fashion shows. I do not consider myself thin. I'm not a size two or even a size six for that matter. I am a mixture of ethnicities and even if my hair is dirty blond, I'm not an aryan Kate Moss. Every model is different. I'm not a size 0 at all. To reveal the truth, I'm larger than a six. It pisses me off how people assume that because I've done fashion shows that I'm a Ka... Read more

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    Sat Dec 11 2004

    Go ahead and be one, if you want to stand in thirty-degree weather in a little bikini for about three hours while the photographer barks out orders at you. Not worth it, in my opinion.

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    Wed Jul 07 2004

    I have no problem with models as people, I do however have a problem with the occupation and the messages it promotes to young people and I still think its an absolutely boring profession. I love clothes, but seeing it on someone who's an unhealthy size 0 is not going to encourage me to wear it and plus size models are extremely rare. Models get paid ridiculous amounts of money to parade about in clothes someone else has designed, starving themselves, not saying a word when people like teachers contribute in educating future leaders of tomorrow or nurses, doctors and even firemen save people's lives and their jobs as well as pay packets compared to that of a model just beggars belief. Models are not challenged mentally at all in their catwalk or photography work. It's all about the exterior in this job and having lots of admirers and positive attention and people loving me solely based on an individuals looks only re-ignites my opinion about how shallow this industry gets. Looks ... Read more

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    Tue Jan 06 2004

    Ugh. I would never lose weight because someone else said so or stress over my skin being flawlessly perfect because that's what's expected of me. And to be pushed out of the way when a younger, hipper, hotter model comes along? Where does an ex-model with no skills to speak of -- unless turning in a circle and flipping her hair can be considered skills -- get employed? One of my friends tried to model for Seventeen magazine a few years back -- they told the already 100 pound girl to lose 10 pounds, grow to be 5'10 (she was 5'6 at the time) and then come back. That's awful for a girl's self-esteem.

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    Tue Sep 23 2003

    Why do people get upset when they are treated like a piece of meat but it is acceptable to have starving young women prance around in tiny clothes while looking bored?

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    Sun Sep 21 2003

    Thats what I want to be.

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    Mon Jun 30 2003

    I would never suggest anyone I care about to go into this profession. It sends a very cynical message to the world that judging by appearance is ok. Plus it's obvious that individuality is not an issue - how well you fit a type is. Who wants a career like that? Nice to look at but I wouldn't be able to stand a model more than 1 minute.

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    Tue Mar 04 2003

    Modeling is a useless profession. Paying some stuck-up pre-madonna big bucks to model clothes that are to small for most average people is a waste of money.

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    Mon Oct 21 2002

    Modeling is a great career but just like anything else it has its pitfalls. I currently am a model, and you get rejected constantly. Sometimes you may not get any work for weeks. It is a job that requires a lot of self-confidence and perserverance. It is not for everyone. I gave it a four beacause it is so much work and others can be so mean to you. More critism than any other job you can possibly think of! Your career may not always last very long and you never know when your agency might just decide they no longer need you because your look is out. Very fickle and strange business as well as EXTEMELY rewarding. It deserves a four.

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    Mon Oct 29 2001

    My initial thought to this occupation was "Man, wouldn't it be cool to be a model? To just sit there and look beautiful and get paid for it?" Now I realize that it involves long hours, extreme boredom plus it would recuire not to be very selfconsious. Seriously everyone says vanity is so wrong, for most models it's required. To sit there and inspect every aspect of yourself trying to find something wrong. Or waiting for your employeers to find something wrong would be a very tiresome and degrading task indeed. So modelling sounds fun in theory but I'm certainly not ready to make the sacrifieses it'd require.

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    Wed Apr 25 2001

    I think it's important to value beauty in the society, including human beauty, as much corporal as intellectual! But not al models are pretty or at least some fashion makers & others make them look less attractive.