Approval Rate: 73%
Reviews 0
by twansalem
Fri Aug 29 2008The highway system definitely needs some work, but other than that Missouri is a pretty good place. St. Louis has a lot of great things to do, and if you're looking for something a little different, and quite relaxing, check out Hermann, MO. They have several wineries, bed and breakfasts, and some of the best German food you'll find outside of Germany.
by hondarider91
Wed Nov 28 2007Stretch of highway 44 between Gray Summitt and Rolla is pretty cool. There are alot of Antique shops as well as caverns.
by muscleman268
Sat Jun 30 2007Missouri is pretty nice from my experiences. St. Louis and Kansas City are nice, so are the people for the most part. The ozarks are scenic.
by kolby1973
Sat Nov 04 2006This state really is below average. The highways are terrible, and in total need of construction. The people are very stand offish, and it is humid as hell. Don't even think about driving here in a snowstorm, as your life could depend on it. Everytime they have a snowstorm, it makes national news with all the horrid wrecks. I am not saying everyone is bad here, as I do know a few that are awesome, but the state in whole is just gross. And stay away from the metropolitan areas...UPDATE: The state has always been backwards; they have an idiotic ban on same sex marriage. (not the only state of course.)~~~I haven't been to every nook and cranny of the state, as I am sure there are some really cool places, but overall I still think it is below average...especially that atrocious city they like to call Kansas City--dirty, dirty, DIRTY!
by getmeoutofmo
Tue Nov 22 2005This has GOT to be the most hillbilly, backwoods state I have ever been in. Uneducated, rednecks from one end to the other, and I have noted that most don't have teeth either. I rate this state below a one in all honesty.
by jennystenson
Wed Nov 09 2005beautiful mountains, st. louis is gorgeous (just don't go on the east side). hooks right up to the great state of kansas. has the lake of the ozarks (one of the most beautiful lakes in the world). has some of the nicest people. i love it.
by outbacksun
Wed Sep 14 2005Stuck right in the middle- rated 25th out of 50 states. Deserved? Yes- not much ere really- an OK life, but hardly exciting.
by 37102002
Sat Jul 23 2005missouri is sort of ok i guess. st louis area has history and some nice scenery on its western fringes. have not been to kc, so cant comment there. branson missouri should be wiped off the map. bad air quality state wide. extremes in climate.
by beachcomer
Wed Jul 13 2005Missouri is medicore -nothing really great here, too humid in the summer. Outside of St. Louis rather right wing.
by caphillsea77
Mon Jul 11 2005Driving through Missouri was pretty scenic with rolling green pastures and after coming through Kansas the scenery definately improved here. I like the rivers and the bluffs and enough trees to go around. St. Charles, just outside of St. Louis is a really neat town with a very 19th century atmosphere and nice archetecture, very much a westward bound pioneer spirit on the banks of the Missouri river. I liked it. The highways here are in bad shape and it seemed half of I-70 was under construction so there were a number of delays. That could be because it seemed every other vehicle was an 18 wheeler, so many trucks!!! Not a bad state though.
by lhazel24
Sat Jul 09 2005I am from the Ozarks and I have to say I love MIssouri. I was born and raised here with plenty of great memories. This is all I know since I rarely been to any of the big cities, Springfield is as big as I go and it is even too big,I will admit weather changes every 5 miutes but if you love beautiful rolling hills, peice and quiet of country living, and lots of creeks and rivers like I do come on over. I don't know anywhere else and don't want to, This is home!!!
by genghisthehun
Tue Jun 14 2005Great state. It has a little bit for everyone.
by lion_in_winter
Thu May 26 2005Missouri rated at 15? I do not think so- 25 or 30 perhaps- the state is mediocrity at its best.
by subaru7
Thu May 26 2005A lower midwestern state- outside of St. Louis (which is avery average city) The state is largely rural. Ok, but nothing really exciting.
by charlie_boyd
Mon Apr 18 2005Boy you guys are tough on us hillbillys! I moved here from the great state of TEXAS, and I love it! There might be a few rude people,,,but I haven't met an yet. We are kinda backwards here,,we don't lock our cars, or our houses. We let our kids walk to school, and they can trick or treat anywhere they want. We still pray before our football games, and the American flag flys all over this state. You can still sign a little book for your groceries at the store and come in a pay for it on payday. I'll take the backwards any day! I guess we're not all backwards....we do use computers! Ya'll come see us!
by kc2dcb9f
Thu Apr 14 2005Ahhh, The Show-Me-State...the place of my birth and my home. I'm proud to say I'm from Missouri (I know that sounds dumb)... Missouri is an odd state tho. Lots of people have the misconception that it's all flat like Kansas and Iowa, however the state offers a variety of terrain. Up north (above the Missouri River) it is flat and mostly farm land like KS and IA. Central MO starts to get a bit hilly, and southern MO has the Ozark Mtns. Basically, the best places to visit for touristy stuff is St. Louis, Kansas City, and Branson. The Lake of the Ozarks in central MO is worth a visit, and if you like to party then check out Party Cove there. I would compare it to Mardi Gras in New Orleans, only on a boat in a lake. The people of Missouri are generally friendly and nice to outsiders, but in the big cities, you'll find less outgoing/helpful individuals. The highways are rated (last time I heard) 2nd worst in the nation...and it's obvious. I-70 from Kansas City-St. Louis can be tr... Read more
by tauceti
Wed Jan 26 2005I have been to this lower mid western states several times- and despite a few interesting areas-like Branson, Jerfferson City and to a lesser degree St. Louis, I find the state boring. Also too many rednecks and dumb people.
by midnitewalkers
Sat Jan 22 2005Lived in South Central Missouri for 10 years. Loved the people also location had so much history. If your a history buff you will never want to leave!
by spacewolf
Fri Jan 07 2005This state represents the worst aspects of midwestern blandness tinged with hillbilly. St. Louis scores a few points for some culture- but the remainder of the state is hayseed heaven.
by celticprince
Sat Nov 27 2004St. Louis is not a bad city- however it is sort of non descript. Mid America at its worse or best- depending upon your viewpoint. The rest of the state has few redeeming qualities- with the rural areas as redneck and backwards as the south.
by opinion585
Sun Oct 31 2004Tom Sawyer made missouri sound interesting, never been there, dont have any plans too, but if it ever comes up, i guess i could check it out.
by midwesterner19
Sun Sep 12 2004Missouri is a backwards state with two ugly, ugly cities Kansas City and Saint Louis. Saint Louis is nothing more than a disaster area with an ugly arch. In my personal opinion despite a size difference Omaha, Kansas City and Saint Louis are the triplet cities
by terry4amanda
Sun Mar 14 2004Anyone thinking of relocating here...don't! I am a 29 yr old married mother of two small kids and we are moving to the deep south...to escape the unpredictable weather(freezing winters that are 6 mo. long), the rude people, and the lack of cultural diversity and attractions...and I was born and raised here!
by rebelyell1861
Wed May 07 2003Nothing real special or interesting about Missouri, but there's really nothing to hate about it either.
by andyjay
Wed Jan 01 2003Nice people there. Springfield is a pleasant little burg.
by hp_girl
Sat Jul 13 2002I was born and raised in Missouri so I'll give you the scoop. If you're looking for big city fun and great weather...go elsewhere! Missouri has beautiful rolling hills, tons of rivers and lakes, and good hospitality. The hotspots are Branson, St. Louis, KC, and the lake of the Ozarks for you tourists out there. St. Louis has the arch, Six-Flags, Rams football, toasted ravioli, and 'the hill'(an italian area that is fun). As a country girl, I spend some days four-wheeling along my grandparents huge farm of hills. The lake of the ozarks is fun to go boating, fishing, and jet skiing during the summer. They have nice resorts along the lake. The Downside to Missouri is that the fun is far-and-few inbetween and the Humidity is unbearable in the summer. (100% humidity and a 70* dewpoint and you sweat when you hit the door.) The cost of living is pretty low, we don't have low water supplies, and our electricity is always running. I give Missouri a 3-star state.
by afterglow70
Thu Jun 21 2001Missouri has a lot of rolling green hills in the spring and in the winter time, it is really kind of ugly. Avoid this time of year. The state is pretty much shut down. Branson is alright. I would venture to say that it is over rated. If you go, you have to go see Dixie Stampede. Its a hoot! If you want a little southern hospitality deep in the Ozarks, go to Eureka Springs, Ark. (located just south of Branson) and rent a cabin. They have a lot to do there also.
by dinkime
Fri Nov 17 2000beautiful, history, anything & evrything can be found in the "show me state"! :)
by vadc5266et
Wed Mar 15 2000Southern Missouri is beautiful with hills covered with trees and much history. We love Branson especially! There is so much to do & see.