Mission: Impossible 2

Approval Rate: 80%

80%Approval ratio

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    Mon Sep 10 2007

    an improvement over the first. john woo direction was good.

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    Wed May 23 2007

    The question I have about this movie, and the first one, for that matter is what is with the personnel department at IMF?  This is two movies in a row with a rogue employee.  Great screening process guys.

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    Fri Jan 07 2005

    John Woo did better work when he made low budget flicks with unknown actors and actresses. The worst performance in this movie goes to the bad guy, he just isn't evil enough and just isn't any good at being evil. Tom Cruise isn't much better as a hero, nowhere near as good as the first one. Best Scene: I can't think of any.

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    Wed Jul 09 2003

    I think the best one it's not as boring as the first

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    Fri May 31 2002

    This is perhaps one of the worst action movies of all time. First of all, it is so removed from the premise of the original Mission: Impossible series that people wouldn't even recognize it as a sequel were it not for the title. Second, the plot is as predictable as they come: a bad man wants to threaten the world with a virus and the hero has to stop him, plus the girl is in danger; give me a break. Third, there is a truckload of slow-mo action scenes that might look good in the first minutes, but then they become tiresome since the amount of them has to be seen to be believed. Fourth, the action scenes are so over-the-top as to be ridiculous: Hunt (Cruise) can avoid bullets and perform stunts so exhaggerated as to be utterly laughable. Fifth, the movie has so many plot holes and absurdities as to be completely irritating: whenever Hunt has to infiltrate the bad guys' team, he wears a mask and can impersonate anyone, even people who were never seen before, or who are taller or fatter,... Read more

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    Tue Jan 15 2002

    This movie had two redeeming qualities: awesome visuals(action & scenery)and Richard Roxburgh(Hugh Stamp). The action scenes and shots of landscapes were wonderful to see and R.R. is just pure eye-candy. I looked at this man right in the first scene where he is in the cockpit and thought, "This man is pure gold." About the plot; there are enough negative comments here about that, so I don't think you need mine. Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable mindless movie.

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    Tue Nov 27 2001

    Ok, if you want cheap rip-offs of other movies added with poor acting and even less plot this is a must see. If you want a good movie than forget this. Cheap thrills abound, if you can call them thrills at all. Definitely not recomended.

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    Sat Jun 16 2001

    This movie is not for the slow, romantic movie watching person. The movie was fast paced and FULL of action. I thought this was better then the 1st one.

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    Sun Mar 11 2001

    This movie is worth watching for its extreme cheesiness and hilarious action moves alone. The show is one unbelievable scene after the next, with lots of really bad dialogue, terrible acting, and ridiculous action moves. Tom Cruise is constantly rolling over and over on the ground in an attempt to escape the bad guys and, so it appears, just for fun. There is only one woman in the entire movie, and she looks to be around 15 years old and so top heavy I'm surprised she didn't topple over on several occasions. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie because it made me laugh the whole way through. If you're in the mood for something totally mindless, silly and easy to ridicule, rent MI2.

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    Wed Mar 07 2001

    Now this is such an adreline-pumping movie! It has some wonderful action sequences, great fights, and the motorcycle chase scene is incredible! Yes, the dialouge isn't that good, but that's not what this movie is about. Its about the intense energy and excitement, and it really delivers! John WOo did a very great job directing this film! I reccommend that you see it.

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    Thu Feb 01 2001

    I saw this at the cinema with my partner and his family for his b'day during the summer. We were not impressed. There was only one piece of camerawork that I particularly like and that was with the cars. It seems to me that this film doesn't even adhere to the original series and therefore should not have the title. Appalling.

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    Thu Feb 01 2001

    This moving was good, but the reason that I liked the first one was because the Ethan Hunt character didn't seem like 007. In this movie, he was an American 007. I didn't really like that. I like John Woo's directing, but I like Brian DePalma's directing better....even if he is a Nazi sympathizer.

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    Mon Nov 27 2000

    The movie was great. The action was awesome and the story was interesting. There were many surprises and I enjoyed the ride.

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    Thu Nov 16 2000

    This movie blew. It was completely unrealistic, completely against the Mission Impossible tradition. Nothing in this movie was plausible.

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    Wed Nov 15 2000

    The movie was really action packed. Tom Cruise was a good actor. The special effects were cool. The plot was good. The ending was great.

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    Mon Nov 13 2000

    This was better than the orginal Mission Impossible. The plot and theme was more action and clever and the leading female looked hella good.

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    Tue Nov 07 2000

    MI:2 was a very action packed movie and I love action movies. I also liked the storyline. Although it was good, a lot of scenes were too unbelievable.

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    Wed Nov 01 2000

    Great action movie. It was exciting and it kept me interested all the way through. Tom Cruise is a good character and there were tight motorcycles.

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    Wed Nov 01 2000

    I had been waiting for MI2 for awhile, cause I loved the 1st one. And I was impressed with the movie. I loved the direction John Woo has taken the series. Great action.

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    Tue Oct 31 2000

    Lots of action. Nice points on the masks. The storyline was not that good.

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    Tue Oct 31 2000

    I liked the girl. Lots of action. Good graphics and stunts. I liked the cars.

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    Tue Oct 31 2000

    The movie was alright. Some of the action scenes were nice but too many slow motion scenes which made it corny. The likeliness of the two main characters getting hooked up like they did is fake.

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    Mon Oct 30 2000

    I thought the movie would be a lot better because of Jon Woo. It was interesting but they murdered the action scenes.

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    Sat Oct 14 2000

    The peeling face routine gets old, and the story stops making sense. The wild action of John Woo just doesn't seem to fit. A horrible sequel, and a waste of Woo's talent.

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    Wed Oct 11 2000

    This movie didn't live up to the hype. The stunts and action sequences were done well, but there is little else in the movie to look forward too. The story was really cliche.

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    Tue Oct 10 2000

    Amazing action slow motion shots.

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    Fri Oct 06 2000

    As always, action adventur films are great, but this one misses the mark. Identical stunts and a lame plot make for a real loser here. Example: Cruise detonates a bomb near a doorway and walks by it while a door flies through the burning doorframe. Talk about cheesy... Jon Woo embarassed himself.

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    Fri Oct 06 2000

    Jumpy story editing and uneven pace detract from this movie. The action sequences are classic John Woo, but I felt like I was spenging the whole movie waiting for them- love scenes were more of a prelude than a driving force. Cheesy South African "gay" villian was also an unfortunate cliche.

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    Wed Oct 04 2000

    IM2 is poorly made and seems to mirror Bond films in its need for action and excitement. This film is a mockery of the idea behind IM. There are no mind games or intrigue, rather a very thin tranparent plot with a HUGE budget, big stars and JOHN WOO's infamous and trite directing abilities.

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    Wed Oct 04 2000

    There was so much hype building up this movie that I don't think it lived up to my expectations. The action sequences were awesome but they were too few and far between. It didn't establish its own identity as a movie; I thought I was watching a Bond movie.

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    Tue Oct 03 2000

    A lot of hype but not very good. Good action but Tom Cruise seemed too invincible. Not very realistic.

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    Tue Oct 03 2000

    Good movie with lots of cool action scenes. The plot was pretty complicated, but I really enjoyed it.

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    Thu Sep 14 2000

    Just like part one, all special effects and all Tom's nose. Nothing more & nothing less..

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    Sun Aug 13 2000

    I did not enjoy this movie at all. It was terrible compared to the first, and also very predictable. The only redeeming factor was Tom Cruise and his ability to capture women's attention.

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    Fri Aug 11 2000

    Great, another movie where Tom Cruise is flexing his muscles. Nevermind about acting, all we need is action and loud noises, bright lights, and sex appeal. From a climber's viewpoint, Cruises' solo off the cliff is both dumb and unconvincing. The man cannot climb, and the public should be reminded that all climbers are not reckless, nor climb without ropes.

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    Fri Aug 11 2000

    I went into the movie expecting a fast paced action thriller with a complicated, well thought out plot. I was disappointed to be confronted with a boring movie with a corny love story. It was one of the worst movies I've seen this year.

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    Wed Aug 09 2000

    A great advertisement with Tom Cruise and John Wu, but a horrible movie as a whole. A bad plot and lack of fluidity of the story, but great fighting scenes.

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    Wed Aug 09 2000

    A sequel that beat the original. I normally hate Tom Cruise, and this was typical Tom Cruise, but he was great. Your standard James Bond plot, but this one was done well. Could it be the supporting actors, or the special effects that carried this tired old theme into something worth $7.00.

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    Wed Aug 09 2000

    You have to go in expecting a ridiculous action movie. "Names Hunt...James Hunt." But great action and special effects.

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    Fri Aug 04 2000

    The action was really great. I liked the martial arts. The storyline was somewhat lacking.

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    Fri Aug 04 2000

    This movie is visually entertaining. It is the perfect action movie. Beautiful, fast, and it will keep you on the edge of your seat. Tom Cruise and Thandie Newton have a great relationship. It is great when your in the mood to watch beautiful people riding motorcycles.

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    Fri Jul 28 2000

    Great special effects. The story was a little too complicated and boring. Great looking Tom Cruise and his partner were beautiful together. The run on the motorcycle was great.

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    Fri Jul 28 2000

    The coolest movie this summer. Tom Cruise was very cool. The beginning of the movie was awesome. The motorbike chase was again very cool. I'd like to see it again because it is worth another watch.

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    Fri Jul 28 2000

    This was an action packed movie. I enjoyed it much better than the first Mission Impossible. I enjoyed how they had a love story involved in the movie.

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    Mon Jul 24 2000

    I loved it! The action was impressive, though the plot was simple. Much more entertaining than the first one.

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    Mon Jul 24 2000

    Aside from some of the artsy fight scenes, I did not find MI2 to be entertaining at all. Tom Cruise did not pull off the fighting scenes very well and I thought the story line to be rather trite. There were too many differences between the character of Ethan between MI1 and MI2. I thought that the story line could have been better.

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    Fri Jul 21 2000

    It wasn't as good as MI1. There wasn't any real plot. The special effects are very good. It wasn't worth it to see in the movie theatre.

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    Fri Jul 21 2000

    Great action sequences, and strong supporting cast. This is classic John Woo. The action is intense. Stunts are eye-catching and it's better than the first.

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    Thu Jul 20 2000

    I loved the plot. I was surprised by the entire sequence of events. Pretty girl helps the movie a lot. I can't say I didn't think the car romantic sequence wasn't corny. It was overall a good movie. I saw it twice.