Miles O'Brien

Approval Rate: 70%

70%Approval ratio

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    Sun Jun 29 2008

    Miles was at his best when he was fodder for Soledad O'Brien's (and sometimes Carol Costello's) jabs when they hosted CNN's "American Morning".

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    Sat Jun 30 2007

    Miles O'Brien was extremely well-informed; during his years anchoring on CNN he demonstrated solid breadth and depth of understanding of issues of political and scientific importance. He is, or was, without any doubt, one of the very best TV newscasters of my 48-year lifetime. I suspect he "knew too much" and was forced off-air by wealthy special interest entities.

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    Fri Apr 07 2006

    I have no idea why he's even on the show! There is no chemistry between him and Soledad and he doesn't offer anything on his own. In all fairness I have to add that the new set they isit at makes me feel uncomfortable just looking at them all squashed together.

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    Thu Mar 30 2006

    Miles O'Brien seems terribly self-involved, ill-prepared and generally more interested to get himself some face time rather than actually getting the news across competently. I have no idea why CNN replaced Bill Hemmer with this guy, who IMHO is second-rate at best. I miss Bill and have actually quit watching CNN in the mornings because I cannot stand O'Brien's babble.

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    Mon Mar 13 2006

    Second only to Scotty as a chief engneer

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    Sat Feb 18 2006

    I have to admit, his jokes are bad. But, he's real and the chemistry on the program is fabulous. I start my day with CNN.

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    Mon Feb 06 2006

    I have recently turned off FOX because of him. Don't understand why people have to say he's hot or not. Just like his work. Hope someone from CNN reads this, personally I think Soledad is a little to touchy feely with him.

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    Mon Jan 30 2006

    worst anchor i have ever seen i do not watch CNN in the morning anymore just because of him. Horrible jokes, sounds like an idiot. Doestn seem to understand the news and adds his opinion too much

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    Wed Dec 07 2005

    Miles,Keep up the good work..We look forward to seeing you and Soledad each morning....!!!!!!! you 2 make our day ! Great personalities and you seem to really enjoy your job...!!!!!

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    Thu Oct 27 2005

    I gave this guy ONE star because MINUS ONE was not available. I stopped watching CNN in the morning and switched back to the painfully sweet and lolly-poped Today Show shortly after O'Brien replaced Bill What's-His-Name. Someone PLEASE stop this guy from making "jokes" that only crack himself up!! I desperately want to watch some hard core news (translation: NO Martha Stewart unless she's making financial or legal headlines, no cup-cake recipes, no "why men over 50 only date women in their 20s" crap) but, so long as Miles O'Brien is attempting to provide that type of news, I'd rather submit to oral surgery on a daily basis. HELP!!

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    Miles O'Brien is one of the most annoying personalities on TV. He can be quite belligerent towards guests that he disagrees with and he is self-consumed that it's hard to watch him for very long without my stomach turning. Also, except for having the same last names, there is absolutely NO chemistry between Miles and Soledad. CNN must not have realized how much they were losing when they let Bill Hemmer walk out the door. He fit the bill much better and worked very well with Soledad. My suggestion is to get rid of Miles and try to find an adequate replacement for Mr. Hemmer. CNN -- what are you doing over there?

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    Mon Oct 10 2005

    Miles is so out of his league. I can't stand to watch CNN when he is on. He seems to exude a love of self and can't ask an intelligent question. I think he reflects a political bias. How unfortunate to pair him with Soledad. She offends no one!

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    Fri Sep 30 2005

    Miles Rocks!!! If he is serving up the news, well then I am licking the plate clean...Mmmmm

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    I love CNN and cannot watch the morning show any more because of him!

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    Tue Sep 13 2005

    He's okay. I'd like to see them ditch Soledad and put Miles with Rudi Bakhtiar - man is she ever hot! What happened to her? Anyway, Miles is okay. I'm not sure what the women see in him.

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    Smart, Funny, YUMMY!

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    Wed Jul 27 2005

    Mr. O'Brien is out of his league here (hosting CNN morning show). He seems to think that he is whitty and quick, but he has chaised me away from CNN with this behavior. I really can't stand the guy!

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    On CNN in morning now. Should be better than Bill H

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    Mon Mar 21 2005

    This poor sad sack has the horrendous job of reporting on air disasters. But he reports on crashes with such zeal that they don't dare give it to anyone else.

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    Id give him a zero if it was allowed...Jeeez He aint hot people

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    Wed Feb 23 2005

    From what I've seen, he seems pretty witty and smart, I don't really watch CNN though...and jaguarnut1, are you dense?

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    Fri Feb 11 2005

    He's a dude!! What is he doing up here with all of the hot newsbabes??? Maybe he should be classed with male TV personalities, but not here.

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    Mon Dec 27 2004

    annoying. stupid. boner for NASA.

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    Sat Nov 27 2004

    What horrible interviewer. Doesn't have his facts straight before he proceeds with the interview. Bleah!!!

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    Thu Oct 21 2004

    One of the more refreshing TV personalities out there. Kyra dn Miles complement each other and when he is on - which is not a lot - things are interesting

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    Fri Sep 24 2004

    Miles is good on CNN. Probably the only one on TV that doesn't wear a suit. Maybe he doesn't like wearing suits on TV. I don't know of anyone named Miles. Looks like an everyday person instead of the typical anchorman, just got out of bed and came onto the set. I like the realness and rawness of some anchormen on TV.

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    Thu Sep 23 2004


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    Mon Sep 13 2004

    I enjoy him, I especially like his space reports, they are always informative and he can talk in a language that most can understand rather than in technical terms.

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    Wed Sep 08 2004

    Needs to be shipped off into space and off my TV screen.

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    Wed Aug 11 2004

    He's smart, He's HOT, He's funny ... what more could you ask for?!

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    Wed Jul 14 2004

    biased hack. period.

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    Mon Jun 21 2004

    Don't you mean Miles O'Communist?

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    Fri Apr 23 2004

    jury is out, the positive I like his interviews. Negative- leave those puns alone buddy. Busy chasing a joke that is not always there(I can relate). How come he does not have to wear a jacket? lol

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    Wed Mar 10 2004

    Rightwing partisan hack. I like him for science, can't stand him on politics. Certainly NO Walter Cronkhite. Obrien lacks impartiality.

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    Fri Jan 23 2004

    He's a good anchor, he's smart, seems like a nice person and has a good sense of humor

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    Wed Jan 14 2004

    Like Walter Cronkite in the 60s, he is the man to go to for space coverage.

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    Wed Dec 10 2003

    He and Kyra do a great job together and the laughter in their program is something that others could sure learn from.

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    Sat Aug 16 2003

    Very smart, loves planes, does he really need anything else??

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    Thu Jul 17 2003

    He is good, believable, seems trustworthy, did a long stretch with no sleep during the last shuttle disaster. Good, pleasant delivery.