Mike Tyson

Approval Rate: 39%

39%Approval ratio

Reviews 50

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    Thu Jan 13 2011

    This guy encapsulated everything good and bad about boxing, love him or not,,,he was great for the sport, base, crass, insane, but talented, ferocious and compelling to the extreme. He was strong and fast with an explosive style that helped make him an icon...it's a shame what became of him but that's all part of the game, the backstories and the drama, human interest. I like the way he's always remained philosophical about his journey too.

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    Wed Apr 16 2008

    has the potential to be the ugliest person in the world and his personality is already there.has no brains , they,ve been beated out of himj if he had any to begin with.be a sad story if there was only him and 1 lady and they had to create the world...i think sh woyuld say bugger that new world please.........enough said.....ohh if he is hungry he likes to feed on ears as well......nearly forgot that!

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    Tue Feb 19 2008

    His ugliness is quite scary when he went through lots of beatings, but he looks nicer w/o tatoos really. It is not just his looks are ugly, his personality is too when he had infractions with women. Remember Holyfield? Imagine now with his gold teeth....

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    Mon Sep 03 2007

    Physically I wouldnt call him ugly, but with him it's a package thing. He could have possibly been passable at most, but his actions make him out to be a blithering idiot. Biting ears, getting that rediculous tattoo on his face, they way he speaks, etc. That in my opinion contirbutes to the "ugly".

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    Wed Aug 15 2007

    Not ugly in a classic sense, but the facial tat ain't helping...

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    Thu Jul 26 2007

    Since he's only athlete on this list, I'll give him a "5" for all the other ugly athletes in the world, who are legion: Randy Johnson, Scottie Pippen, Peyton Manning (never take off your helmet, man!), etc.

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    Thu Jul 27 2006

    At first glance Mike Tyson wouldn't be so hard on the eyes, but once he smiles wide (showing gold capped teeth) or talks (spewing nonsensical high-pitched rantings), he becomes a bitter feast for the eyes and ears. The prior facial beatings and tattoo additions certainly don't help Tyson's appearance either. Michael Gerard Tyson was born June 30, 1966 in New York City.

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    Tue Dec 27 2005

    tyson should retire because he's an embarassment to boxing

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    Fri Oct 14 2005


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    Thu Sep 01 2005

    Pathetic outside the ring..now pathetic inside as well..

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    Mon Jun 13 2005

    UPDATE: Somebody pass the salt please (chomp, chomp). This hat is tough! Who wudda thunk? But it does lend credibilty to everything I've ever said about Tyson. I just never thought McBride had it in him to do it. It's not the first time I've been wrong. As for his statement that he doesn't want to disgrace boxing. Well, do I even need to comment? UPDATE: What does it say about how far Tyson has descended when his next fight is with Kevin McBride on Saturday 06/11/2005 (believe it or not, this is a PPV event). The powers that be know better the to put Mike with anybody that might actually fight back. If by some chance McBride wins this fight, I'll eat my hat. ORIGINAL COMMENT: Mike Tyson was always an overrated fighter who avoided any real competition. He will always be a far second to the man who fought everyone Tyson should have fought, Evander Holyfield. No coward ever stepped onto the ring, but when faced with someone who wouldn't crumble, Tyson always did just that, crumble. He alw... Read more

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    Sat Jun 11 2005

    After quitting in his most recent fight against Kevin McBride, Tyson proclaimed he was retiring. Why? Because he didn't want to disgrace the sport........Gee Mike, thanks for the heads up!

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    Sun Mar 06 2005

    This man never beat a decent fighter who wasn't scared. Ever.

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    Wed Oct 20 2004

    Tyson rocks.

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    Wed Sep 15 2004

    the greatest. nuff said.

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    Wed Aug 25 2004

    Great champion and one of the greatest fighters of all time

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    Sat Aug 07 2004

    coulda been the best if had kept his head straight. but still the hardest hitter in boxing

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    Wed Jul 28 2004

    saddest story in boxing tyson was unstopable then didnt train for fight aginst douglas went down rape happened and was never the same fighter but is he would've stayed on the right track he would be known as the greatest fighter of all time yes even better than ali

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    Fri Jun 25 2004

    He was the best. When his trainer died and Don King came he went down hill. Before that he was unstoppable.

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    Thu Jun 03 2004

    So sad, here is a guy who had lots of talent and threw it away. He should never be allowed to box again he is out of control and Lennox Lewis proved who the best fighter was and is.

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    Tue Jun 01 2004

    mike depended on his skill of intimidation so much that it became his only weapon he had left. but the pre-Tokyo tyson wus a rabid madman. in his prime he had the rare combination of speed, explosive power, glass-slick technique, and the one thing he lacks now: THE HUNGER TO BE GREAT. with the exception of ali, marciano, louis, dempsey, and holyfield, i believe that tyson could beat ANY heavyweight in history. in his prime, tyson wus the perfect fighter. after winning the title, he had nothing left to accomplish, so he decided to party and blow off training. that habit cost him his title, his reputation, and his aura of invincibility. after he lost to douglas, tyson lost his hunger and lost his talent. today, all he has now is a shadow of his former power and a criminal mentality. as for the lewis fight, if tyson wus in his prime, lewis would be beaten up to the point where he'll curl up into a ball and beg for the ref to save his cowardly ass. tyson's days are gone and he should just ... Read more

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    Sat Sep 20 2003

    I don't care how great his boxing is, no cannibal should be allowed in any sport. It is just ridiculous how he gets away with things. Oh yeah, he is a rapist, too !

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    Sun Aug 17 2003

    This man is a terrific fighter who had been torn apart by the media. He came from a broken home and more or less couldn't help who he is. He obviosly has mental problems and shouldn't be labeled as a criminal.

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    Wed Jul 30 2003

    Tyson is the man just because the only way people can beat him is by waitin till he old and past his prime because if he fought Douglas or Holyfield right now he would take them out in the 1st round and he would kill Lewis in a rematch if Lewis would grow the balls to give him a rematch

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    Sat Jun 21 2003

    i do not support rapists and cannibals.

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    Fri May 30 2003

    Bitten any ears lately? Raped any women lately? Just thought I'd ask since its all you seem to know how to do. The Baddest Man on the Planet? Yeah right. Loser.

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    Thu May 29 2003

    Rapists and cannibals shouldn't be aloud to box for a living, making millions of dollars. Somebody please lock this animal up.

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    Wed May 28 2003

    I used to think that Mike Tyson was on his way to becoming the best heavyweight ever in the history of boxing. Years later, notwithstanding his total catastrophic turnaround, I still believe he would have. What when wrong? His fighting skills, concentration and everything else seemed to take a turn for the worse around the time he met Don King. I don't think he was a fluke. When he had his original trainers, he was focused, he was extremely confident, had the 'eye of the tiger' and was awesome. Not because he fought pushovers, his power was that good. If he had kept his composure, in my opinion no one would have ever heard of boxers such as Lennox Lewis or Holyfield; Tyson would've killed them, easily. Hell, Tyson would've flattened Ali in my opinion. At least he's a fun "freak show" to watch now-a-days. I love his antics in and out of the ring. Keep it up. Keep things interesting...

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    Fri Mar 07 2003

    Absolutley terribly. He has no right being in the ring with top guys, he is liable to get hurt.

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    Sat Mar 01 2003


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    Sat Mar 01 2003

    Why must America have famous fools instead of famous eggheads or nice guys? This guy bites peoples ears, gets a tattoo like Commander Chakotay's from Star Trek Voyager (don't get me wrong, I have nothing against non-profane tattoos, its this particular one I don't like), beats his wives and cheats on them and also uses lots of profanity. Even more, he really needs a lesson in anger management. Put him back in jail where he belongs.

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    Fri Feb 28 2003

    How can anyone hate this cat? He is a license to print money and the biggest draw in boxing- his 'fight' against Ettiene was one of the highest PPV audiences in showtimes history, and this for a fighter largely inactive over the last 5 years! He is the man that set boxing on the map during it's dullest days and he is still the most important name around as shown by Lewis' choice to fight him instead of THE Klitschko's or Byrd.... Only people clouded by hate would deny he is the MAN. People finding this comment unhelpful? how can that be? It is OBVIOUS no one(!!!!) whom voted on my comment knows "jack" about boxing, oh well... If he trains hard and rediscovers his love for the sport then he can beat Lewis in the rematch and become champion of the world again. But this also depends on whether Lewis trains properely, if he comes in in the same way he did against Rahman then Tyson CAN win.

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    Sun Feb 23 2003

    I always liked watching him fight and would love to see him get a rematch with Lewis and beat him.

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    Fri Feb 21 2003

    A complete idiot ,a joke the the great sport of pugilism .Mocks poeple dumb enough to buy tickets to his and Don Kings antics.Not worthy of shinning Marciano's shoes .

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    Thu Feb 13 2003

    As an athelete, he dominated a weak heavyweight division. Every boxer that stood up to him beat him (Douglas, Holyfield) Tyson was more of a bully than a boxer. He often reacted like a coward in the ring when challenged. To think that people once compared him to the great heavyweights is laughable. Ali or Frazier would have killed this punk. As a person, Tyson is a pathetic figure in need of serious help. I feel bad because people have used him.

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    Thu Feb 13 2003

    Once a great boxer, now a convicted rapist and a bad tempered boxer who bit off an opponent's ear.

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    Thu Feb 13 2003

    A mere shadow of his former greatness, Tyson is no longer the force to be reckoned with that he was in the '80s and early '90s. He was most definitely a prime time fighter back then, but he just lost his edge after the long stretches he has endured from boxing while incarcerated. He is a monster of a physical specimen, too. If you've ever seen his jump-rope exhibition or him using the punching bag, you agree. Just about every big fighter (Lewis, Holyfield) can and has beaten him. He has 5 stars for when he was in his prime, but now he is but a mere average boxer.

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    Mon Dec 16 2002

    Man, I love Mike Tyson. The guy makes me laugh, and I look at him like he is a cartoon or some fictional slapstick character. Too bad he is real, his negative press and sanctions are duly reserved, and he is a rapist. Other than that i think he's the most unique boxer there ever was. The guy loves to give the press a reason to keep him in the limelight, and the only reasons he can possibly feed them are insane and horrid personality traits. He wishes he can eat Lewis's kids, noble indeed! By the way, if Tyson is allowed to somehow keep fighting then there is no reason that Pete Rose should be left out of the hall of fame due to circumstantial evidence.

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    Wed Nov 13 2002

    Let it go mike,let it go.

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    Mon Nov 04 2002

    I think there is little question Tyson has *all* his screws loose. With that said though, man do I love to watch him fight. I was really dissapointed when he lost recently. It's to bad the Tyson era is over.

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    Thu Jun 27 2002

    Mike is a great fighter. He hasn't faught much before Lennox, but he could make a comeback.

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    Fri Jun 07 2002

    When that baseball player 'Rocker' said things that was construed to be offensive, the entire sports community publicly put him down and chastised him; but, when Tyson called a reporter a 'little honkey bitch' nobody really even challenged him. What do you think is behind this double standard? Are Whites forbidden to even resemble being a racist, while Blacks can get away, even, encouraged, to be blatantly racist? Do you agree with liberal scumbags that think we should expect less from Blacks while holding Whites to a higher standard? I just want to know. Your little honkey bitch, AryanDan--- To answer sperryc's question---Although, Tyson does receive negative press, he did not get the same treatment as Rocker. I don't watch sports television, so NO, I haven't heard all the flak you say Mike's gotten for the racial comments, but I could not even avoid all the flak 'Rocker' got for saying less. And, I never even heard of 'Rocker' until the media bombarded us all with their self righteou... Read more

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    Fri Jun 07 2002

    Can he do it this wknd? Who knows. Has he done done it in the past? Hell yes. A better question would be what hasn't he done in the past (in the ring, I mean)? For anyone who doubts his skill, watch the HBO documentary on him--I think it's called 'Tyson's greatest knockouts' or something like that. You'll be shocked. And AryanDan, do you really think that he hasn't taken flak for the racial slurs he aimed at that journalist? Do you own a TV?

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    Wed Jun 05 2002

    mike tyson is a F*CKING RAPIST LOSER!!!

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    Mon Feb 11 2002

    Mike Tyson belongs in the Bronx Zoo. This animal a convicted rapist and serial biter.

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    Thu Oct 11 2001

    I would rate him higher but he's a freaking nutjob. I would rate him lower, but he's still too damned good. Make up your own mind on him, I can't.

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    Fri Jul 06 2001

    I bet he could knock Lewis on his ass. Will Medina

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    Thu Jul 05 2001

    Mike Tyson is a great boxer and I have been admiring him every since I was around 9 years of age he is a exciting person and should continue to box and also go for the belt.

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    Mon Jun 25 2001

    Mike Tyson is one of the greatest boxers ever! It is very sad that Mike Tyson gets cheated and that everyone so SCARED to fight him and when someone does all they can do is hold him. MIKE TYSON IS THE GREATEST!

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    Mon Jun 18 2001

    Mike Tyson has great punching power. Poor stamina after 5 rounds, fights dirty, and is probably pound for pound the most OVERRATED fighter of all time. He never fought anybody!!! Only guys who were over the hill, ready to retire, or dive artists. His fights have all been handpicked. One of the biggest moneymakers of all time in any sport, Tyson has shown himself to be a dirty fighter, who cries to the refs for help when opponents like over the hill Holyfield was kicking his ass. He is a spoiled rich kid, who as a youngster used to snatch old ladies purses. That's what Don King calls bravery. Who has he fought to deserve such a high ranking in boxing circles? Loser Saverese? Bruce "take a dive" Seldon? This guy is like Prince Nassem, exposed for what he is...a nobody with a famous name. Maybe he should go into womens boxing, he'd probably even beat Christie Martin.