Mike Huckabee

Approval Rate: 72%

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    Tue May 17 2011

    To show you what kind of a tailspin our country is experiencing, four years ago I would never have considered Huckabee. This year he was appearing to be a philosopher king and now he has dropped out.

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    Tue May 17 2011

    just another uneducated bible thumper...but better than palin....jesus h christ, can't the republican find anyone decent ??? I see he's dropped out of the election to star on the remake of Hee Haw

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    Tue May 17 2011

    I think Mike Huckabee would be a good possibility for a Republican Presidential candidate. I know he would have some real good ideas to bring to the table.

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    Sun May 15 2011

    Mike Huckabee said in May 2011, he will not be campaigning for President. This came about when Newt Gingrich said he was running for President.

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    Wed Jan 05 2011

    I was a registered Republican from 1994-2002, As a lifelong Independant voter what People hated about George W. Bush and Sarah Palin is thier apparent Incompetace. If Republican's want to be taken Seriously in 2012 by Independant Voters and Conservative/Moderate Democrates,They need to Nominate a Canidate such as Mike Huckabee who is articulate,and appeals to mainstreet. Regardless of Party people have had it with the Wall Street agenda that has destroyed the lives of millions of people for the last 30 years. Huckabee has an advantage because he does not come across to Independant voters as a Racist "Birther",and his experiance as governor is valuebale because 4 of the last 6 Presidents have been Governors. Un-like Sarah Palin, Hucabee has the everyman quality that Regan had and like Regan understands that the electorate is not Ideological.

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    Wed Jan 05 2011

    Mike Huckabee isn't just an unacceptably-progressive (read: leftist) Republican when it comes to fiscal issues (he's worse than Bill Clinton was, in many respects), but he's an anti-Mormon bigot, as well. Mike Huckabee is unfit to serve as President of the United States of America.

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    Mon Jan 03 2011

    Mike Huckabee President ,and Tim Pawlenty VP other VP choices Gov. Jon Casick Ohio name spelled wrong, or Congressman J.C. Whatts.

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    Fri Nov 19 2010

    Religion and State are separate things......can someone tell Huckabee that? Also, he is too soft on crime and spent to much money as Gov.....we need someone that manages the budget.

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    Fri Nov 19 2010

    If only MSNBC would let Obama have his own hour long talk show on their network then maybe he could be taken seriously too like Huckabee on the Fox propaganda network. But seriously though this next comment might not be politically correct but it's true. No overweight president in modern history has been taken seriously as a candidate for president. He'd have to lose like 50 more pounds (like I should talk but I am not running as the major icon of my country). Sarah Palin as much as I hate to admit is an expert at this kind of thing - manipulating her image to appeal to the masses.

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    Thu Nov 18 2010

    To old for todays population. Palin is the the only chance for America. He needs to keep playing hiss bass on tv , thats where I like him best. These liberals have already broke our SS funds and our next preidentiual office could well be in Russia, or worse yet,Chicago

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    Sun Oct 24 2010

    Huckabee has good principles and has stated his views enough to give him a three star. One thing that turned me off with him was how he started or joined in on the bashing after he decided to withdraw from the race in 2008. From such a humble and Christian man, I felt like he should hv taken the high road there. This was disappointing and I cannot overlook it. I think that he would make a decent VP.

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    Thu Sep 09 2010

    When Huckabee understands and can demonstrate his understanding with principle, that the individual is sovereign, then he could court my vote. Not going to happen though, he asked permission from the council on foreign relations to run. He does not respect your sovereign rights.

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    Wed Sep 08 2010

    Huckabee is a good public speaker and appeals to some evangelicals, very engaging and entertaining but I don't see him as a top candidate for President. He's a bit of a clown who lacks substance when pressed for specifics. He occasionally performs well in the polls, but he still can't raise the money needed to mount a national campaign. That might be a negative for the GOP, who will be looking for a candidate to match up against Obama, who can raise money at will due to his support from Wall Street and other interests. As it stands now, I don't see any "heir apparent" within the Republican establishment for the party leadership. The GOP in recent years has almost never been in that situation: there has always been someone waiting in the wings to run. Huckabee seems to be the top choice, but Romney, Palin and a few others will make their case too. Romney comes across as professional, but his record as Gov of Massachusetts isn't very strong and his business history as a lev... Read more

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    Either Huckabee/Palin or Palin/Huckabee will please the DNC and former Dixiecrats who now vote for the Guardians Of Privilege... UPDATE: In 2008, I had HUCKABEE for PRESIDENT sticker on my bumper. Will have to re-think my strategy now that he's no longer a viable God's Own Party candidate. Looks like PALIN won't make it either. Who will the next clown be?

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    Huckabee reminds me of that other pathetic douchebag, Jim Bob Duggar. I seriously think these guys share a brain. Whenever I flip through the channels and see Huckabee playing bass on his tv show, I hope he's either going to walk into some pyrotechnics or at the very least, walk into some dignity.

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    He represented one of the fringe factions that the GWB campaign pulled together in 2004 to win a second term that should have been unwinable.  But it would take a lot of work to make him palatable to the masses for a reasonable bid in 2012.  For starters he should go on the program "What Not To Wear".

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    Sat Sep 04 2010

    Strong man of faith, that is what this country needs, however the liberal left controls the media so its most likely that his best work should be done supporting the next President who will be a strict constitutionalists

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    Fri Aug 27 2010

    Oh sure lets turn this country into a theocracy while he pardons cop killers, http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/201 0385617_webmansought29.html This guy is way to easy of a target to tar and feather, not a chance.

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    Tue Jul 20 2010

    The one person who can go toe to toe with Obama when it comes to talking. Huckabee's values are nice, he's great on camera, and when true political beliefs don't matter as much (in a campaign), he can win.

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    Thu Mar 25 2010

    I like Mike Huckabee, but he just dosen't strike me as a good candidate for the presidency. For some reason he seems way to soft on certain issues and his history of clemency and pardons has tarnished his career a bit. While govenor, Huckabee pardoned twice as many sentences as his three predecessors combined. A total of 1,033 prisoners. His worst case choice being the pardon of Maurice Clemmons who had been arrested on several offenses including child molestation and assult. In November of 2009, he killed 4 police officers in Lakewood, Washington and was later shot and killed by a police officer in Seattle.

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    Tue Mar 23 2010

    I was all for Huckabee in '08 and will be in 2012! He is probably my favorite polititian at the moment.

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    Sat Feb 20 2010

    Huckabee is the only person that ran in 2008 that I would consider for 2012. He is the most believable person, has the right idea to get rid of the antiquated tax system that we have now. He is very respectable and is not one that is going to apologize for the U.S.A., take any crap off of other countries or terrorists and one that will give us a strong military which is what we need in this country once the democrats downsize it even more than Clinton did during his term. Some people are against Huckabee due to his having been a Pastor and being a Christian. What these people don't seem to understand is that this country needs God now more than ever before in the history of our country. The United States has fallen into a cess pool of sin and the only way to get out of it is to ask God to help us. We used to be the most respected country in the world. Now, we are the most despised country in the world. Someone like Huckabee can bring us back to a country of respectibility. I... Read more

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    Mon Feb 15 2010

    He has the Southern Charm and the National Spotlight as much as any other cantidate. Sure, he's put on a few pounds, but he's going to look like the normal guy standing next to a Grey, hulking Obama in the debates...

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    Wed Feb 10 2010

    I love huckabee.

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    Thu Feb 04 2010

    Huckabee all the way! I would like to see a Palin Huckabee ticket or Visa Versa They would be Unstopable! Palin the energy and Huckabee the old vaules

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    Sat Jan 30 2010

    Huckabee will run again, and attempt to spoil the republicans' chances at unifying over the leading conservative but will be eliminated early. Zero chance of winning the nomination in 2012 and he willm have little effect on the process.

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    Sat Jan 30 2010

    Update: If his chances were slim before, they're nil now. Pardoning a guy who clips four cops in a Seattle suburb will have his own party torpedoing any campaign he's foolish enough to launch. Some other people on this list have already fired warning shots over this issue. Original Review: A clown.  The folks who think this guy represents the future of the GOP, must really want the party to stay in the wilderness for a generation.  Or two.

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    Sat Jan 30 2010

    I don't care for populists. Huckabee is a populist.

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    Sat Dec 26 2009

    Mike Huckabee brought hope to Arkansas. He was able to sign tax relief, balanced budgets, healthcare to kids, all the while creating 100,000 jobs. He is an advocate for an American foreign policy based on "peace through strength" and strong alliances, he is a supporter and advocate for the fair tax, and he stands with ordinary people on jobs, healthcare, education, immigration, and every other issue.

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    Mon Nov 30 2009

    I guess Maurice Clemmons coulda been framed..?I'd say he has a good future in a bar band if it weren't fo' the lamest ass excuse omitting any mention of himself with them foo's on various parole boards in Washington and Arkansas.

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    Thu Nov 26 2009

    The GOP better get a few new candidates if they want to beat Obama 2012 (or Hilary, well see). He is a nice guy but very very boring. He isn't exciting enough or conservative enough to get elected. We need an Obama-like candidate from the Right. If Huckabee wins the nomination, I will vote Libertarian. I am not voting from another GOP candidate out of Pity.

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    Wed Nov 11 2009

    I'd like to see a Romney/Huckabee 2012

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    Thu Nov 05 2009

    I don't like him being a former pastor of a right wing evangelical church. I don't like his views on gays and abortion or economics... except I do like his support of the FairTax.

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    Thu Nov 05 2009

    be my guest. i don't want some religious zealous running my life. i thought it was a free country. or maybe it's a free country if only it's run your way.

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    Thu Nov 05 2009

    If I were forced to choose between Obama and Huckabee in 2012 I would seriously think about asking for political asylum in North Korea.

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    Thu Oct 29 2009

    He's just way too liberal on fiscal issues. He'll never be able to overcome his image as a big-government, big-spending, anti-liberty governor from Arkansas. The economy is going to be the biggest issue in 2012, and someone with an atrocious economic record like Huckabee is a no-go.

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    Thu Oct 01 2009

    Huckabee is a true Republican in an era dominated by moderates masquerading as Republicans. He is almost universally liked, even though some don't agree with his views. Romney is not a social conservative, and Palin is not respected by the media. The Republican party needs someone who will stand up for Conservative ideas and can articulate those ideas to the American people and the media in an intelligent, down-to-earth manner. Huckabee is that man.

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    Thu Sep 24 2009

    Nobody wants a preacher in the white house. If we want to be preached to, we'll go to church.

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    Tue Sep 08 2009

    He would be great however I see him as a VP candidate. A Romney Huckabee tickey might be unstoppable. They would cover both the northeast and the Bible belt. The CEO and the Preacher. The fiscal conservative business man AND the religious right winger. I don't see Obama Bidden beating that. And I also think Huckabee would dominate Biden in the VP debate.

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    Fri Sep 04 2009

    Might be the Republicans best option. Might be just a little too honest and rational to win though. Honesty and rationality has not been the Republicans strong points lately. Had McCain picked him as a running mate I feel that we may have been calling McCain Mr. President.

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    Fri Aug 07 2009

    Where did this guy come from?

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    Thu Aug 06 2009

    Mike Huckabee is a perfect normal figure for the GOP and a superstar in the Bible Belt states and the savior and revolutionary of the Republican Party. No doubt he will be the 2nd Ronald Reagan to terminate the 4-years Obama Disaster, Roe v. Wade, and terrorists around Iraq, Afghanistan and other Islamic nations and bring America back to Jesus Christ always. A pastor, a 3-year Lieutenant Governor and 10 and 1/2 years Arkansas Governor, with just one marriage, having 2 male children. Being a pastor governor is not a problem for him to run for the president to provoke moderate wings to whip at the Republicans saying that the Republicans are forcing people to be the evangelical Christians, because of his Reaganite Great Communication by speeches, books, and TV talk show. I need him for 8 years because of his Fair Tax revolution. I want to see his landsliding Republican High Renaissance on 50 States, U.S. Senate and U.S. House. Vote for Mike Huckabee! His Fair Tax is very important.... Read more

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    Wed Jul 15 2009

    Hucklebee's a tv talk show host now - leave him there.

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    Wed May 06 2009

    Not very good. He's horrible on the illegal immigration issue while something needs to seriously be done about that. It is slowly ruining the country.

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    Fri Apr 17 2009

    Mike is a man of convictions. His beliefs define who he is. He speaks of the big picture. Our healthcare system is reactive rather than proactive. We need to make different lifestyle choices to be healthier, just as he did. We also need to re-do our current tax system. His idea of a sales tax is great. Those turning dollars would be taxed. They have more so they would be taxed more. Those making wise decision in spending their hard earned money would be rewarded. He believes marriage to be a sacred institution, that God brings a man and a woman together to further our human race and to produce offspring reared by a father and a mother. The family is of utmost importance in creating values and standards/morals, without it, we are hopeless. Faith is a cornerstone of society. We need to live out our Faith. His views on Fox News are right on! He typically has good news, stories you can be proud of. He doesn't attack others, he reasons and talks issues through. He puts hims... Read more

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    Sun Nov 16 2008

    Huckabee is a wily man. He will no doubt position himself for a '12 run. His exposure will be good too: he's on cable now and he gained considerable notoriety bucking the odds in the '08 primaries by winning some states. He is the candidate to rally the Republican base, but is someone so openly religious electable on a national stage?

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    Sun Nov 16 2008

    Mike Huckabee had my attention until I heard he would change the US Constitution to include God in every line of the document. The founding fathers believed in separation of church and state. The Constitution is a fine document that has served this country well for over 200 years. Leave it alone!

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    Tue Nov 11 2008

    Here's another guy that they'll keep painting as a religious whacko, plus I'm not sure if the Chuck Norris thing helps...