Midland ER102 Emergency Radio

Approval Rate: 100%

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    Sun Oct 18 2009

    If you're looking for a radio with good volume and high sound quality, look elsewhere. If you're looking for an emergency radio that performs as advertised? Look no further. Very happy with this radio, only problem I've had with it is the times I have it on "Weather Alert" and forgot it's on that setting. Just about gave me a heart attack, but that's my fault, not the radio's Good looks, good function, and a bargin at $36. Very happy with this purchase!!

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    Wed Sep 09 2009

    First of all, I should mention, for those who don't know this, that there are TWO versions of this radio. One version (I believe it's the older version) comes with a set of different cell phone plugs so that you can charge your cell phone from the internal crank generator. It did not have the correct adapter for my Motorola Razor cell phone. The newer version has a USB connector on the back cover, and the radio does not come with any extra adapter plugs for cell phones. So, you need an adapter cord that charges your cell phone from the USB port on your computer. Then you can charge your cell phone with the crank generator. I was able to charge my cell phone through the USB connector with a standard USB adapter cord Okay, now the things that I like about the ER 102. It has three bands: AM, FM, and WX (weather). The WX selection has 7 selectable frequencies. You should be able to find at least one of them that has a transmitting station in your local area. The digital display is very ... Read more

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    Wed Jun 24 2009

    I own several weather radios of various brands. Both desktop models and portables. I feel the Midland ER102 is the very finest made of all of them. As well as being one of the best performing. The weather reception is as loud and clear as the come. (It has a very long, solid antennae. All Midland radios do.) And the quality of the FM reception is excellent. (The speaker on this unit is of an exceptional clarity in my opinion.) As for this units quality in manufacturing, I cannot disagree more with the reviewer here that referred to its as shabby and cheap. We can't possibly own the same radio. Either that, or he doesn't own as many different ones as I do. For trust me, this unit is as rugged as they come. Its heavy, solid, and could easily survive a sharp hit or fall to the floor. The buttons and selectors are tight and solid as well. ( I happen to own the camouflage version of this radio. Which is really cool by the way. Underneath they are the same). One other thing def... Read more

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    Fri May 29 2009

    multiple weather channels ensure that one or more of them can pick up the forecast wherever you are. all the features work great. excellent "packaging". totally love it. and nothing else competes in this price range.

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    Tue Apr 14 2009

    I got the radio (new) for the weather alert, alarm clock and flashlight. I didn't expect excellent radio performance. I did, however, expect it to actually work. First off, the quality of the parts are horrible. The switches don't work, you have to jiggle them and then, the radio periodically shuts off. It feels like a short. Great for the "emergency alert" because it may be in "wig out mode" when the weather service sends out the alert, you'll never get it. At least you won't be disturbed by those pesky weather alerts! You can really tell they used the cheapest parts available to build this thing. The thin plastic volume knob really demonstrates this. I'm surprised Midland put their brand name on it in such a pronounced font, if I were them, I'd be kind of ashamed of this product. As far as the radio itself, I'm a bit of a radio geek, I own a panasonic RF-2200, radio shack DX-392, several antique radios, etc.. I didn't expect this one to even come close to the RF-2200, but th... Read more