Microsoft Network

Approval Rate: 50%

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    Thu Jan 31 2008

    Perhaps my expectations and needs are minimal compared to those of others, but I'm pretty happy with MSN.  I have experienced few problems, and find that overall I get what I need from MSN.  It's somewhat more user-friendly (at least to this user) than my alternate ISP (dejazzd, my DSL provider).  I see no reason to go elsewhere.

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    Mon Jul 26 2004

    Too costly, no support for Linux, dumb tech support peeps. Run far away.

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    Wed May 26 2004

    MSN explorer = crap MSN messenger = crap MSN kicking me off every 10 minutes, priceless... oh wait, crap.

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    Sun Mar 21 2004

    I wish Microsoft would stop leaving their Links folder in my Favorites menu. Objectively, it's not big deal. But it leaves me without a sense of control over my own PC. Overall, I like their software. But I hope they lose all their anti-trust issues. Clearly, they don't care about going over the line.

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    Thu Sep 18 2003

    Not reliable and crashes alot, the MSN Exlorer prgram is full of bugs and uses way to much RAM just to run on overly simpel client! I've been disconnected whenever I get into Outlook Express. Use netscape or at lest IE to browse the web.

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    Wed Aug 27 2003

    I had webtv when I was using MSN...They were not standing behind their product. Forced upgrades slowing down users boxes. Taking away features. When I moved on to computers, I ruled them out as an isp for the reasons listed eariler.

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    Wed Jun 25 2003

    Few problems. As of this week, great email filtering. Have used for 3 years, both dial-up and with satellite connection. Am very happy. Like the online chat available for any problems.

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    Thu May 08 2003

    hardees sucks service is always bad hardees is crap hardees is terrible

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    Thu Apr 10 2003

    All ISP's have there individual problems, let's face it dial up is well dial up. MSN was fine by me for the year and a half I used them, allways got connected never got thrown off (unlike AOL) never had any "real" problems with MSN. They were OK until I made the switch to high speed and I just got a better deal with Earthlink, if not for that I will in all likely still be with MSN.

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    Wed Mar 12 2003

    My biggest problem with MSN was that for $21.95 you're getting if anything even more advertising than something like Juno. Everything tried to route you back to the MSN home page or register you for .Net Passport or flashed quick links to websites MicroSoft either owned or had arrangements with. I got so fed up with the MSN hack of Internet Explorer I just started using Explorer by itself. But I can sum up the crux of my frustration in two words: MICROSOFT MESSENGER You are not encouraged but REQUIRED to have it on, and you can't disable it without whacking all kinds of "critical" components. Funny that those same components aren't affected if you *don't* have MSN and delete Messenger. Thanks to the Messenger I was getting weird popup ads addressed to MSN user #4455645, constant little reminders it was logging in, and for the first time ever on a dial-up I was hacked and got a trojan virus--the only way I can think how is from the little Messenger blinking it's presence to the... Read more

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    Wed Feb 19 2003

    I never right so long for a comment, but for msn i will!I bought my pc at Best But i was told if i get msn for 3 years i would get a $400 rebate. Well in the beg. it was great than problems came this last year. Right now i logon to MSN through a network connection because MSn Explorer won't let me in. Customer Care has no I dea what is goinmg on i just got tired one day and established a network connection. that works better than explorer. Msn does not have a fast connection max. 53k. At&t can go up to 56k.My contract is over this year MSN will be completly gone and DSL or Optimum oNLINE IS FOR ME.I would recommend DSL. MSN SUCKS!!!!!

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    Thu Oct 03 2002

    OK connections, no newsgroup support. I have heaard really bad things about customer support, but I haven't personally had any problems.

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    Thu May 09 2002

    Yukk! Tried it and found it to be lacking in every way imaginable. Not to mention the fact that when I uninstalled it it left an installation icon that could not be deleted. I called Microsoft and they said "it can't be removed." So, every time I accidently clicked on it, I was reinstalling their crappy service! Nice trick. Should be illegal. I finally figured out a way to get rid of it for good (had to go to an I Hate Microsoft Website...sad, huh?) and I warn everyone about this (should be illegal) practice. Not to mention the fact that I deeply resent microsoft selling software with added internet features that can ONLY be utilized if you're on Microsoft's service. Can you say unfair monopoly?!

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    Tue Feb 26 2002

    What a bunch of hoo-ha. The screen that pops up on MSN Explorer looks like a life savers wrapper. Goo-Goo, Ga-Ga. And unless you bust your tail, you can't get to the more sensible and adult Internet Explorer. What a joke.

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    Wed Jul 11 2001

    Can you say horrible customer service? My parents got roped into 3 years of MSN access with one of those $400 rebate deals, and it seems they made a fairly poor decision. I tried to help them out with their technical problems. They changed their password, and now their MSN email doesn't work. I couldn't figure out the problem, so I told them to call the customer service line. My mom keeps getting put off and transferred, and she's been wrestling with them for weeks now to try and get the problem resolved. What a mess! Ah yes, and the interface used to dial up to the service is so buggy and crashes everytime they use it. The only positive point is that it holds a fast connection pretty well.

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    Fri Apr 06 2001

    Not bad at all. Puts AOL to SHAME!

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    Mon Jan 22 2001

    You'd think paying a premium price ($21.95/mo) would get you more reliable dialups and better customer service than the little fly-by-night ISP's charging only $9.95/mo. At least that's what I assumed when I switched from a little ISP to MSN two months ago. At first, MSN seemed great. Very friendly setup/dialup software and the slick-looking MSN Explorer. I had 2 local dialup numbers to choose from and connections were fast. Then 2 weeks ago, trouble signs appeared. My local numbers were abruptly deactivated (I think they were doing server maintenance--starting at 5pm on a Friday!) and I was left with only toll numbers to connect to. I decided to call MSN to see what was up. MSN's call center greeting rivals any horrible government agency! You're first hear a lengthy message telling you to access support online (nevermind if you're having connection problems!). Once you finally navigate thru the voice prompts and think you're ready to go into the queue of callers waiting for a cu... Read more

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    Sun Dec 10 2000

    tried it and 9 out of ten attempts to connect were busy signals

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    Wed Oct 04 2000

    Poor customer service. VERY slow at peak hours.

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    Tue Sep 19 2000

    We got a rebate at Best Buy in exchange for a yearlong contract with MSN. Bad idea! The service was horrible. We gave back our rebate and got out of our contract.

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    Mon Sep 04 2000

    You know you connect pretty easily and I hardly ever get kicked off but I had a ton of problems with my mail not getting sent. All day if would give me server errors when I tried to send, receiving was no problem but sending? Forget about it. Then don't even bother trying to get in touch with them. Everytime I would try and contact them through their own MSN button on my desktop it would take me to ???..??? ah, nowhere. It wouldn't even open a page, nothing, nada. I went to there website manually and searched and search and finally found someplace to send feedback and wrote this huge scathing letter and of course when I hit send it did???..???let's see.. ah nothing again! Yippee!! at least one thing is consistent. This happened several times on several different occasions until finally it went through. My reply of course told me do all these things on my side to fix it which didn't work. I enclosed the error message in my next E-mail and low and behold they fixed it. It was t... Read more

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    Fri Aug 11 2000

    Good customer service. Few adds. Repairs makes sense. A good homepage. Fast and responsive.

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    Tue Jul 11 2000

    I use MSN all the time. I usually can find anything I want using that site. However, I do not pay for their internet service. They have plenty of information.

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    Sat Jul 08 2000

    Comes on with news, weather, sports, etc. It stores all types of internet names, so you don't have to keep retyping.

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    Wed Jun 21 2000

    Way too much money ($25\month) for very little service provided. The things that MSN access provides can be gotten for cheaper or even for free.

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    Mon Jun 19 2000

    I like the fact that you can have\connect to your email account. It provides a variety of links to quality websites when you use the search engine. You can easily customize the service to meet your needs. Because of its free access, there can net congestion.

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    Mon Jun 12 2000

    This is a reliable provider however, it isn't free. It never freezes and it isn't covered in ads. They don't bombard you with questionaires either.

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    Wed May 03 2000

    I do get kicked off periodically but still nowhere as bad as AOL. Occasionally hook up at 50kps but more often 46kps. Of course I hate to put anymore money into Microsoft but I signed up through a computer purchase deal so what are you gonna do.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    Consistant and available from everywhere. A little slow but nothing compared to the endless busy signals from aol.

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    Thu Jan 20 2000

    They are a fair well priced service. and They are not AOL(which I tried first).

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    Thu Nov 11 1999

    It's been two years since I tried MSN. Perhaps it's gotten better, but back then it was a complete dog.

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    Wed Nov 10 1999

    Down with the monopoly!