Approval Rate: n/a%
Reviews 5
by drummond
Mon Apr 24 2006She's a little nasty at times, but really sank in my book when she recently published the home telephone numbers of some anti-war activists on her website so that Freepers could call them up and harass them. Definitely a misuse of her power.
by berber
Mon Apr 24 2006Michelle, You're a person who gives conservatives a bad name. I would have agreed with some of the things you say, but you are too politically biased and cruel towards liberals to deserve my agreement. While I'm at it, you're unpleasant, unfriendly, and downright cold as a person. You take yourself too seriously, whereas with people like Bill O'Reilly, one can at least laugh at (or with) him. And look in the mirror some time. You're ugly.
by jerry_reeves
Tue Jan 24 2006Keep on keeping on michelle. Stick it to those whimp ant-american pinko's.
by uzuzuzuz
Tue Nov 01 2005michelle, You are simply one of the neo-conservatives (neo-cons) who are doing nothing but dividing this nation! You lie and see life only through the eyes of a neo-con! I would like to remind you that there are liberals fighting and dying for this nation as well as neo-cons. Our troops in Iraq are made up of all kinds of Americans and all kinds of beliefs. The Republicans and the right wingers are not the only ones who love and will fight for this nation. George W. Bush has gotten us into an imoral war and if you want to go alone with that then that is find for you. But, little sister dont try and take away the rights and beliefs of others because we do not agree with you. YOu show all the signs of being too far to the right as those you describe being on the left. You are small mined and narrow spirited. You are yourself a negative factor to this nation with your lies and misleading opinions. Sincerely, The Mean ... Read more
by magellan
Tue Sep 20 2005I'm not a huge fan of her writing style - she comes across as very over the top, and somewhat excitable. But to her credit, she'll occasionally take viewpoints that differ from her party's line. As there doesn't seem to be much of that in the blogosphere, she deserves some credit for this.