Michael Schumacher

German former racing driver who competed in Formula One for Jordan, Benetton, Ferrari, and Mercedes Website

Approval Rate: 78%

78%Approval ratio

Reviews 30

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    Fri Jul 16 2010

    I've followed Formula 1 for 10 years. I wouldn't say he's undeniably the most talented, he's good but so should all Formula 1 drivers. You put 1/2 of this years 24 drivers in his position with Benetton and Ferrari (both top teams for the respective time that Michael was with them) and the results would be more or less the same and you'd be saying the exact same thing about them - "Best fromula 1 driver of all time!". What i find rediculous is this year, critics and commentators are all surprised about how his results have come out both in qualifying and race. The fact that he even came back to Formula 1 as i'm sure hes realising now was the worst move of his alleged finished career. Nico Rosberg has out qualified Michael 8 - 2. Nico has almost 3 times the amount of points as Michael and people are looking for excuses! "This is very unlike michael! We've never seen this from Michael! The Mercedes GP car doesn't suit Michael" MICHAEL isn't in a FERARRI or BENETTON in which he won his ... Read more

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    Wed Jul 08 2009

    Michael might be the greatest F1 driver ever in terms of achievements. He broke most if not all records to be broken. Not sure if anyone can even get close to his 7 WDC. He's retired for 3 years now but most prolly earning more than the half of the current F1 drivers.

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    Thu Sep 29 2005

    Simply the best in that history. Those who don;t like him is fool...

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    Thu Mar 31 2005

    To all who condemn Schumaucher as a cheat and then praise Senna are fools. You ignore the fact that Senna crashed into Prost in last race of the 1990 season to win one of his titles. A year previously when needing to pass Prost to win, he cheeted by driving over the grass at a corner because he was unable to overtake him fairly. In 94 prior to his tragic death, Schumacher was beating him in an inferior car.

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    He is the best. Maybe ever!

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    Wed Dec 01 2004

    For those who have been watching him for more than 10 years of racing as compared to others, he has no sportmanship to me. Please read the history before making your support please!!!

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    Thu Nov 18 2004

    I'd like to start by saying that the greatest and fastest driver of them all is the late great Ayrton Senna then Michael Schumacher comes second.To be continued........

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    Fri Oct 15 2004

    I don't care what anyone says about Micheal cheating or Micheal winning because always having the best car. Michael Schumacher is one of the top five best drivers in the history of the sport. Look back on his days with Benneton. In 1994, he was keeping right on top of Ayrton Senna, who had the best car in the field every day. Had Senna not died, Micheal would've given him a definite run for his money with a decidedly inferior car. Also, look at his stint with Ferrari in the late nineties. To be frank, Ferrari sucked when Jean Todt and Luca di Montemezolo signed him. Jean and Luca essentially gave Micheal control of the Scuderia (picking designers, team bosses, and even teammates) and he turned them into what they are today.

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    Sun Sep 05 2004

    yo...how the heck would anyone know if michael is cheating or not??? I mean seriously, how can you cheat in formula 1...this isn't nascar with weight cheating and crap, this is the cream of the crop

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    Thu May 27 2004

    Old Michael (or Schuey to his gay pals) is admitedly a great driver, but why oh why does he insist in talking in that irritating German accent?? I think I may be a better driver than Schumacher - I mean who else could park (like a glove) a Honda Prelude travelling at approx the speed of sound, backwards in a hedge after a 540degree spin??? I thank you.

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    Mon May 24 2004

    What's to argue? Results prove it: there is no match. Simply the best.

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    Tue May 18 2004

    Anyone who doesn't consider Michael Schumacher to be the greatest driver of his generation and amongst the Top 5 of all-time is bordering on the insane. The man is a genius, and no matter what you may think of his attitude or his personality, he is without a doubt the fastest racing driver on the face of planet Earth at this time. Period.

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    Mon Apr 26 2004

    The best ever. period!

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    Tue Mar 23 2004

    he's a nob

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    Fri Nov 28 2003

    Statistic wise, he is OK. However, the man is an arrogant jerk. I don't hate him, but he cheats and everyone knows it.

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    Sun Aug 17 2003

    Always has a good ride. Like to see him in a racing series that relies less on the car and more on the driver.

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    Thu Aug 07 2003

    undoubted skills and proven talent. shame about his attitude though!

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    Thu Jul 24 2003

    Great Driver at the moment(best F1 Team). However, the competition is kinda poor, considering the time frame back when Prost,Piquet, Mansell, Lauda and of course Ayrton were trying to kill eachother. It could be very interesting to see Montoya on team McLaren in order to get somehow closer to team Ferrari.

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    Sat Jun 21 2003

    Greatest racer ever!

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    Thu Jan 23 2003

    Hmmm, I suspect the majority of raters on this topic must be followers of CART or some other American series - it's the only way I can make sense of the fact that Schumacher isn't ranked head and shoulders above the rest of this group. Don't get me wrong, I believe Schumacher has his faults (e.g. Hill and Villeneuve incidents in '94 and '97 respectively). But the telling point to me is that if Schumacher left Ferrari today and offer his services to any other team principal, to replace their top driver for the same price they're currently paying, there isn't a single one who wouldn't take him on. Frank Williams, Ron Dennis, Eddie Jordan, they'd all chew off their right arm to get him on their team, and these guys know a lot more about F1 than anyone likely to visit this website. To my mind, that makes him currently the best driver.

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    Sat May 25 2002

    Hes one of the best out there. w00t w00t!

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    Tue Apr 16 2002

    Very Good driver, but a cheater

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    Fri Mar 22 2002

    There can be no denying his talent on the track and his great communication skills. However, the world championship he won after crashing into Damon Hill to prevent Hill from winning it has earned him a reputation as a cheat. If you haven't seen the film of this disgraceful episode, try to do so - it will always stand against Schumacher - it was diabolical. I always regard Schumacher as (only) a twice-world champion as a result. Having said that, he's great to watch, particularly when he's behind, and his cheerful, infectious enthusiasm does him great credit.

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    Mon Jul 09 2001

    Come on 3 titles and 50 wins and counting will still years left! A master at getting the best out of any car and definetly better than anybody out there now.

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    Tue Jul 03 2001

    I don't like his attitude, but don't question his skills. He may be the best ever, up there with Prost and Fangio.

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    Fri Jun 15 2001

    To rate Michael Schumacher anything less than great is an obvious case of envy and being a one eyed schumacher hater. The man is undoubtably the best driver on the race track. You only need listen to the comentators and anybody else who knows anything about racing to see that he is the best driver. The man has won 3 world titles when there were other cars he was racing against that were superior to his. He has proven himself time and again as a champion through winning races from unthinkable positions. If anybody is going to win a race against the odds it is Michael. He is the ultimate drivers driver and is amongst the best there has ever been.

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    Mon Jan 15 2001

    is there a better driver than him?

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    Sat Jan 13 2001

    I think Mallrat, whatever that means, may find that Schumacher has never cheated, moreover has never confessed to it. He is the greatest driver of this century along with the other greats such as Stirling Moss, Ayrton Senna and Juan-Manuel Fangio. He is consistently quick and works extremely hard on the development of the car, which is more than the superficial drivers like David Coulthard do.

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    Fri Jan 12 2001

    Although not a Schumacher fan, I have to accept that he is regularly 1/2 second a lap faster than any of his team mates in the same car. 5 stars for being the fastest.

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    Tue Jan 02 2001

    No doubt about his ability to drive a car, but he is an admitted cheater and should leave the sport to those who drive honestly and without bullying in spite of a superior vehicle at their disposal.