Michael Savage Show

Approval Rate: 45%

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    Tue Jun 08 2010

    He's a hater. I don't like how he judges everyone and their mommas.

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    Wed Jul 08 2009

    He is aweful and a hateful man on the radio. Its terrible.

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    Wed Jul 08 2009

    I have mixed feelings about Savage. He is well-educated, well-travelled and a creative thinker. He guards his West Village, Allen Ginsberg-ass-sniffing past and, like quite a few paranoid, New York Jews, has changed his name to guard that past (ie: Weiner-to-Savage , Cohen-to-Coen, etc). There's no doubt that he has something to say and the way he superimposes his indepth knowledge of history over current affairs is interesting and even impressive. He captains his boat directly into the storm to create controversy around his persona, because his formidable listenership doesn't quite "do it" for him. Here's my problem with Savage. Like most anything else in life, including bowling, it's all in the 'delivery and release'. He is over-whelmed with his vast body of knowledge. He is an emotional basket case. He might be right about a lot of issues...some issues that I find myself guardedly agreeing with, (in the least, he does make me think), but, like an Alex Jones (who also may or may not... Read more

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    Wed Jul 08 2009

    Michael Savage is loud, abrasive, and combative. But his audience seems to respond to his brash style of talk radio. Maybe rambles on a bit too much at times, but Savage sticks too his conservative guns steadfastly, and people ought to at least respect that if not everything he has to say.

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    Fri Jun 05 2009

    I recently was listening to Savage on the radio again. I stopped when he was ranting about how the girl that was accusing Kobe Bryant of raping her was not right. I have not really forgiven him for that. I usually take everything he says with a grain of salt, in other words not really listening to him. Sometimes you can learn something from him. On other occasions he is just talking to hear himself or about one of his outings. It can be amusing. I started listening to these talk show hosts after 9/11 to get news. On something like the attack on Mumbai he is good with his talk. Another thing he was on about was the officers shot in San Francisco. He gets very mad and I think he means well. I am not always on his side. He does have the nerve to say what he means that many people don't. I don't go in for the people calling him doctor. I don't think his education is that great and sometimes he really puts his foot in his mouth.

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    Mon Mar 02 2009

    Michael says it like it is. Sometimes self-emulating, but I like that he says it like it is!

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    Sun Aug 31 2008

    As somebody who is a little liberal in the classic sense,  I think he's great.  I do not always agree with him but he knows what he is talking about.  He's highly educated.    He does not go with the status quo and toe the party line.    I love it when he calls Sean Hannity, Vanit and Rush, Hush.

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    Mon Mar 24 2008

    some times he is just off the wall

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    Tue Mar 11 2008

    Savage is the voice of the contentious majority of America. If you don't like the show, that's not you.

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    Sun Feb 24 2008

    I've heard he's the  King of Hate Talk Radio.

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    Sun Feb 24 2008

    His ideas could make America great again!!! Smart and almost always on the money; not afraid to be truly independent.

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    Fri Jan 25 2008

    Great American!!!!

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    Sat Nov 17 2007

    Great show and a great American ! I have my 7 year old listen every night with me.

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    Tue Oct 02 2007

    I really appreciate Michael's ability to take on the political incorrect subjects in ways that include facts and satirical humor.

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    Tue Oct 02 2007

    We got rid of him here in Utah. We got rid of his ugly face on the billboard coming into the city from the freeway, too. Talk about freeway clean up.

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    Fri Sep 21 2007

    Straight to the point. No holding back. Honest Abe's cousin.

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    Thu Aug 23 2007

    Having the courage to NOT be "liked" is what we need more of , not less. When did the bedwetting sect truly take over in America? I sometimes grow tired of his "I was the first one.." meanderings... But, overall, he is the ONLY radio show host who calls EVERYONE out. I'm not listening to radio to find Superman. There is no such person. What I appreciate is someone who has the talent to haul the dirt out to the open air. NO hesitation or reservation. Drag it out, lay it out, and let's discuss it. Somehow, this notion of "if I disagree with you on ANY point, you need to be silenced" mentality has become FAR too prevalent. I suspect that MOST people who really dislike the Savage program reach that conclusion because they aren't really smart enough to keep up. I was listening the other day when a caller said "...you are too hard on your callers". Savage replied "Please, explain to me when I'm too hard on my callers." The caller stammered and hum-hawed for a bit, then offered up THIS... Read more

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    Sat Jun 23 2007

    This man rants against homeless, mentally ill people. How warped do you have to be to stomp on someone who is already on the ground?

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    Tue May 29 2007

    people need to wake up! thanks for everything you are doing.

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    Sun May 13 2007

    He is scary!He hates(or wants to kill):all Arabs(muslims),all Immigrants,all women,all gays and lesbians,all Europeans,all Democrats,etc....The guy is sick!We have to put him in hospital before it is too late.In Rewanda this kind of radio hosts(or Hannity,or Rush)actually called for massacres(and led them),or pre-war Germany.C'mmon,this kind hatred against all human beings.More scary is that he has 8+ mil.listeners!

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    Tue Apr 17 2007

    Michael Savage is the only voice that I have heard speak openly about all the important topics circulating around the media today. He has a higher education and is confident in answering questions and debating issues even with high ranking politians. Many of these so-called politians elected to represent our best interests do not have an original thought in their brain. These puppets read from lawyer filtered scripts written by speech-writers and skirt answering the questions that they have not been scripted to answer. Michael Savage does not. More often than not he is opposite of soft-spoken, though, many will agree that out of all the potential presidential candidates ( Hillary, Obama, etc.), he is the figure that our country would feel most secure as Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces. Do your homework, research the candidates and what they stand for utilizing various media resources, remember to not believe everything you hear, use your educated mind to pose que... Read more

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    Mon Apr 16 2007

    *I regret giving him two stars after the last comment I heard from him (or will ever hear) make. He actually tried to make a connection between the mass murderer at Virginia Tech and Iran President Ahmadinejad. Clearly he is without class, dignity and shame and can't wait for this sort of thing to happen so he can peddle his filthy fear-mongering.I give him two stars because he cracks me up with his New Yorker/Yiddish accent and the unbelievability of most of his claims and opinions. I had to rate him today because I heard him defaming Clint Eastwood and "Letters From Iwo Jima." Savage was criticizing him for making a "propaganda film" that did not bother to use a post-script to note all of Japan's atrocities in WWII (which were considerable and are often somewhat overlooked because of the enormity and horror of the Holocaust). However, the movie was dealing with one battle in particular not the war in general. Calling it a propaganda film is ridiculous when Eastwood first made "Flags ... Read more

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    Wed Apr 11 2007

    Despicable, mean spirited, fascist fool

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    Thu Mar 29 2007

    I'm a big fan of his(along with Larry Elder,Dennis Prager and Michael Medved,which are on 1400am in Detroit);even when I don't entirely agree with him,he's a pleasure to listen to.I think he's gone after Al Gore and his quack Academy Award 'Global Warming'(bs)more than any other talk show host.For that alone-he deserves the talk show host Nobel Prize.

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    Thu Feb 08 2007

    He likes to read Plato - ironic because in Plato's world, idiots like Savage would have been silenced (along with many poets) because Mikey is nowhere near the Platonic philosopher king he believes himself to be. . .

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    Thu Feb 08 2007

    I am glad to know that at least a few people still know the difference between true conservatism (represented by Buckley, for one) and the mind-numbed Bush bots or neoncons. Buckley once commented on true conservatism, stating that "the government that governs least governs best"... Certainly not what we have now. Savage's show can be entertaining, but overall he is both arrogant and annoying.

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    Thu Feb 01 2007

    I cannot believe this show is still on the air -- and for more hours than ever. The good news is: I found a different radio station for afternoons. Sorry Clear Channel

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    Fri Jan 12 2007

    He does have a good show but he makes statements that he is the originator of the statement and that is simply not true becasue they have said it on earlier talk shows, ie: rush Limbaugh. He is good about the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION problem. I have listened to him off and on for for about 6 years.

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    Fri Jan 12 2007

    Savage makes some point sometimes that other commentators's fail to see but I don't like Savage's attitude, he's very angry,impatient and intolerant of people who do not agree with him. People who call Savage on the radio have to say nice things to him and butter him up to keep from being snubbed or talked down to or cutoff on the phone.Savage has an arrogance about him and it shows in all he says ,he brags about how smart he is much of the time.When Savage brags about himself he is dead serious, when Limbaugh brags about himself it's to make fun of himself and make other people laugh.Savage is frequently in a depressed dark cloud negative mood, whatever he believes does not make him happy but a captive to gloom.

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    Tue Jan 09 2007

    The bottom line is that he's funny and people feel compelled to listen. Whether you agree or disagree with him politically he still has a way of presenting his opinion in a very funny way. He sometimes reminds me of Lewis Black (delivery style only). I think his appeal is that he says what most people think and are afraid to say. While most liberals dismiss him as angry idiot, he has many opinions worth listening to. Get past the "shtick" and focus on the message. History may judge him as a man ahead of his time.

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    Sun Oct 29 2006

    I believe michael is by far the greatest talker in history. Rush and Sean do not come close. Rush is great, Sean is good but Michael Savage is in a league of his own.

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    Thu Oct 12 2006

    Michael Savage is the best---he tells it like it is, and for that, liberals will never forgive him. Thier stupid loss.

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    Sun Sep 17 2006

    No one says it better. He's in your face, but he tells it like it is every day.

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    Sun Jul 23 2006

    A no-fluff look at politics, current events and the worldwide human condition. Savage takes a serious stand for justice and good common sense! Enraged at times, but with just the right balance of good humor, Savage spoon-feeds us the naked truth, and still manages to make it palatable.

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    Sat Jun 10 2006

    Savage is the man!

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    Wed May 24 2006

    I like him alot. He has his faults as most people that have their own show do tend to have ego's and a feeling of self importance but he cracks me up and I agree with him most of the time. He tells it like it is and even Dems like him once they listen to him. Best to catch him when he's in a fired up mood because he's funny and just tears people up when they make fools of themselves on the air with him.

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    Sun Apr 09 2006

    I like this show sometimes. I don't need to be reminded of his academic credentials. Many of us have post graduate degrees and don't constantly brag about it. I also wince at his inaccuracies that pop up from time to time. All in all, however, it is usally worth a listen.

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    Wed Feb 01 2006

    A true American! Our Borders, Our Language, Our Culture.

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    Fri Jan 27 2006

    I don't care much for Savage's style. The screaming, the ranting, the his horrible sense of humor. I do agree with him his one main issue. This country will self-destruct without Borders, Language, and Culture. Overall the show has a great message wrapped in a crass, mediocre package.

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    Wed Jan 11 2006

    This is a hilarious show. His talk leans very very far to the right, and is rude and obnoxious. He does speak some truth, and makes some outlandish comments I don't agree with, but the fact of the matter is, even when he's being totally wrong, he is very funny. People who would follow all his teachings and preachings should probably get their heads checked, but he's entertaining in the rudest way at worst, and sometimes right at best.

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    Thu Jan 05 2006

    A couple of years back he was interviewing Pat Buchanan. I was listening in my car, and I had to pull over and write his quote down. It went: "In the year 2050 the white man will be a second class citizen in his own country, but he won't care until he's shot in the back of the head." Is there a white man's country out there? Do we own the country?

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    Mon Nov 21 2005

    Due to his inaccurate statements and vile use of the English language (please see his recod) he is not a reliable enough source to have the right to have his opinion heard.

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    Thu Nov 17 2005

    While I tend to agree with a lot of his view points and would choose him over any other political oriented talk show, his ranting can sometimes be annoying and degrades his apparent intelligence (which he constantly reminds us of). He often comes across as paranoid and racist and should spend less time trying to coin the next catch phrase and more time spreading the truth about liberalism and the back stabbing, defeatist Dems (and Republicans)in Congress.

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    Mon Oct 24 2005

    He has some valid points but does he have to be such an ass? I cant stand people who try to argue wilt you and all the agrument does is degenerate into name calling and insults. I've never heard so many fallacies commited in any forum before.

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    Sat Oct 22 2005

    He brags too much. Also, he can be very repetitive!!!!!!!! There are many more intelligent, intetesting conservative radio hosts. Rush is the best. We also enJoy O'Reilly, Hannity, Ingraham and Jeff Katz.

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    ONE STAR Dr. Michael Savage Ph. D. definitely qualifies for Ripley's Believe It Or Not in the newly created The Most Savage Of Them All talk shows. He says what he thinks, and thinks what he says in a very unsophisticated way. Last time I listened he called a non-patriot a dirty rat and hung up on him. He is still resentful for being denied a teaching position at a major university, he blames it on quotas and calls it reversed discrimination. In hindsight the University used good judgement. He has taken kick in the door talk radio to a higher level. He kicks in the door and burns down the house to get his message out, he is brash, rude, offensive, even obnoxious. He is fully aware of the limits imposed by the FCC and exploits it to the fullest. Do not be fooled he loves and intends to shock and takes pride in it. His style {if you can call it that} has become his trademark. If the saying is true that loose lips sink ships, why not escort him to Iraq and air his show over a megaphone th... Read more

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    Thu Aug 11 2005

    This is the hard cold truth. Its not easy to listen to sometimes, but if we dont, we will pay for it in the long run. He is abrasive at times, but this is almost always directed toward callers who immediately attack him personally from the moment they are on the air. Why should he be restrained when they are not? Of course many may think that Savage should take the high road and simply roll over to these personal attacks, I dont. Thats what got this country in the mess that it is in now. Simply rolling over and giving in to every crazy leftist agenda out there is killing us. Political correctness and the inability to give up any civil liberties in the face of war can only lead to our demise. I would say that he shares my view that if the terrorist do not get us we will self implode. Every day I wake up and turn the news on almost expecting for another bomb to have gone off killing another 100 or so innocents. Make no doubt about it this is war. Everything he says is done with a ... Read more

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    Sun Jul 10 2005

    You ppl better listen to Michael or this political correctness will be our undoing!!! Long live King Savage!!!

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    Tue Jun 21 2005

    Such an effective show that Air America tried to counter it with a pale, weak, lame, frail rip off with the utterly pathetic Mike Molloy show.