Michael Savage
Michael Savage is host of the "Michael Savage Show."
Approval Rate: 57%
Reviews 47
by ridgewalker
Wed Aug 24 2011Sometimes *1* Star, sometimes *5* Stars. Like I explained to the host on our local radio show yesterday, he was like an uncle who insisted on coming over every day. But, he actually changed the course of my life when I walked into a room one day and heard him rattling off a list of side effects associated with a statin drug called Lipitor...side effects that I had been experiencing for over a month after a heart attack. Doctors routinely prescribe statins after an event like that. Hell, they'll prescribe that crap for a stubbed toe. Well, I stopped taking it and was back to normal in a few days. I'll forever be grateful for that. But, most of his show was immersed in a self-promoting pity party that seemed to go on forever. Once tasteful, his show took on the flavor of dry, bitter, burnt toast. Well, Uncle Mikie, you fucked yourself. I turned on the radio...hoping to catch the Mariners in the midst of another miracle run...and someone else was in his time slot---Lars Larson. So I cal... Read more
by clifftron
Mon May 23 2011Worst radio host, most self-centered, most impolite to callers. He seems to have the educational credentials, but lacks the wisdom to use his knowledge to benefit others. I tune by his program once in awhile to check to see if I have misjudged him and leave reaffirmed in my view. Clifftron
by alby24ee
Wed Sep 22 2010My Hero > Americas True Savior! Have No Fear Savage is Here! An Absolute Genius in Analyzing Politics. Offers a truly Independent 'No-B/S' View that the Media Totally Avoids. Opens Americas Eyes While Stabbing the Truth Deep into Us _ of things We are in Denial of _ & we all Know the Truth Always Hurts. A bit Harsh at times but in a Lovingly Despicable way. His Intellect & Wisdom Surpasses that of Rush or Hannity. He is God's Gift to Us Americans & we should All Open Our Media-Brainswashed Brains & Listen Closely as he shares his Deep Love for America in Every Show. Savage for President. . Que Viva Savage!!
by thinktank
Thu Jul 01 2010I actually worked with mike in san fran on his radio show, this guy is a joke! Im one that tends to be on the right but this guy says things 100% for ratings!!! He would be going off on something bashing democrats and when he'd cut to break he would say "I just made that last part up... they'll believe anything I say." He was always turning things around that people on the left would say to get better ratings! Even when he would lie about something, callers would call in and agree with him, he got a real kick out of doing that. He always called his listeners idiots! This guys a loner and doesnt care about anyone or his country. If you go to his website he has an area were people can donate money,he calls it a legal fund-- what people think there donating money to I have no idea but it goes straight to his fat fingers If your that guy who hangs on every word mike says you are a sucker!!
by ezbrew
Sat May 08 2010Michael Savage isn't afraid to call a spade a spade. He tells it like it is and most liberals can't stand it. Well, most liberals can't understand common sense. Savage is 100% correct about liberalism being a mental disorder. Libs want everything provided for them because they know they are sick and weak. Keep kicking them while they're down Michael.
by algebra
Sat May 08 2010Savage is fantastic. We need people like him on network TV news too
by irishgit
Wed Jan 27 2010The nasty buffoon act gets old real quick. Not entertaining, not interesting, and appeals to the folks who think talk radio hosts are actually journalists, as opposed to the shock shillmeisters they really are, be they from the left or the right. In reality, none of these talk show whores have any politics except ratings and money. Their supposed conservative or liberal credentials are farcical.
by boruchwolf
Wed Jan 27 2010He doesn't suck up to any party or establishment. He thinks through every issue independently, and is a GENUINE conservative. Not a political animal.
by rickytickytapp_y
Sat Dec 12 2009Savage is very entertaining and, while many believe he will never admit defeat in an argument, it's simply not true. I've heard his mind changed various times if a caller presents a good argument. Savage is very old-fashioned and set in his ways. Seems to sway the way the wind goes sometimes instead of being rigid. I love the fact that Savage goes off into a story about his dog or his childhood or food, whatever. It's not all politics with Savage. When it DOES come down to politics, Savage attacks all sides equally. He hated Bush as much as, if not more than, he hates Obama.
by falconumbra
Thu Dec 03 2009I should credit this obvious sociopath with original flare, occasional wit, above college graduate level of language articulation, and at times interesting insights into human psychology. And I will be honest with you -- as much as I "love to hate" the guy -- I actually miss him on the radio. Now (that he is gone) the day-time radio is like a desert... -- the same old sand dunes of "neocon" and right-wing brainwashing -- far from entertaining and lacking originality and sophistication to be attractive to intelligent audience. I can see that he was too efficient in antagonizing groups of mostly illiterate and distressed masses against a new "Enemy of the States" -- the Islam. He may have known or sensed that that was the order of the day but in his psychopathic fervor he took the task too effectively to the levels that presented managerial problem for "the powers behind the media" -- you want your ignorant masses to line up behind you with nods and words of support and not running in f... Read more
by aleksok
Fri Oct 16 2009We all die and face God, including Savage. Ego means nothing, human knowledge means less. Only how we know Jesus Christ is all that counts. The sunglasses will come off.
by 3ee43bff
Mon Jul 27 2009Gag...retch...vomit...belch.
by dbrown5
Tue Apr 14 2009Smart, Interesting, a little bit off, perhaps... Sometimes he's fun to listen to, and entertaining, although I disagree with most of what he says. He seems to think we need to live in a more authoritarian state. I must admit that I listen somewhat frequently, sometimes he looses me with his boring stories of childhood and talking about food for entire segments. Also, I can't figure out when he's being sincere, or just trying to be provocative, that is, I'm not sure what's just part of his shtick. Worth a listen.
by goddess4110
Fri Mar 06 2009Hateful LOSER! I think he's still in the closet. Often talks about cooking alone and his best friend is his dog what that tell all of us? You can't possibly believe all the bullshit you spit everyday is true. Why does Michael, Rush,Hannity,Laura all sound so full of shit and hate?
by sirdiesalot
Wed Feb 18 2009Savage can be harsh, but who cares? I like his content.
by kjw1st
Wed Feb 11 2009Intelligent, Passionate, Truthful
by kitty77
Sat Jan 24 2009He's well educated, articulate and very funny. He used to be on the radio when I was driving home after work and I listened to him every day, often laughing uncontrollably. I don't always agree with him, but I do most of the time. He was probably the first one to sound the cry for borders, language, culture. He speaks his mind and isn't afraid of anybody. Very un-PC and I love that about him.
by carrollcountyk_id
Sat Dec 27 2008I listen to him once in a while on my pickup radio, when it works. I like his take no prisoners style. He didn't like Obama and that is fine with me. I never thought much of Obama after his campaign caravan ran over that little old lady's dog during the New Hampshire Primary.
by jpthermos
Sat Dec 27 2008The most intelligent and compelling talk show host I have ever heard. He is very different than all the rest.
by doctor_of_madness
Fri Dec 05 2008He isn't usually wrong, but he is almost always unpleasant.
by pocky6de
Mon Nov 17 2008Michael, you ARE the BEST !!
by grammiec
Fri Oct 31 2008Micheal Savage... Brilliant! Truthful! Passionate! Thank You for so much input! KUTGW!
by desertlarose
Mon Oct 27 2008WOW!!! He doesn't candy-coat anything. Says it like it is! Sometimes frighteningly frank.
by realman1
Mon Oct 27 2008I am new immigrant to America. Some times his point of view seem correct but it is misleading and it is not driven with love what soever. I sometimes suspect that this gay might have some psychoogical problem. He is also clever in a sense that he do not want to loose a point. For example in the intrdoduction of his show, there is aword sarcasm. It misleads many and wht ever he said might be taken as sarcasm. As an immigrant some times I get terrorized and tell my self is this real America Is this really democracy? why is he so angry. By being angry yiu cannot make point. Why hate others opinion they can be wrong but why cut off, slam them with bad words, like idiot etc no one is idiot but has a different opinion. Any how I stopped listening and that is why I am here to make my comments.
by thegreatwhamin_i
Mon Sep 29 2008Usually right, but just over-the-top in passion. Coining new words subtracts from his credibility.
by agrownupdemocr_at
by aconcernedamer_ican
Tue Sep 16 2008Michael Savage IS a savage. He is a bigot, a racist, an insensitive blow-hard. Hi is full of himself, hates Democrats, and is an extremist in every sense of the word. What is he doing on the radio? He is a tough one to listen to. God forbid someone calls him to offer an opinion! He crucifies them if they don't agree with his viewpoint. He should not be on the air. He would probably take this review as a compliment thats who is is.
by fitman
Sat Sep 13 2008Savage, hateful, vicious spokesman for the right. I suspect he embarrasses the more intelligent of his target audience.
by hellokitty09
Sat Jul 26 2008Wow, attacking autistic children. How low can these shock jocks go?
by phiftiesmass
Thu Jul 24 2008Spews nothing but hate and bigotry!
by minjambe
Mon Jul 14 2008Some good information but a real wise ass. He is off the mark sometimes and on a lot. When I get him, no one else is on but I would probably watch the Simpson before this guy.
by mzhadfc7
Wed May 28 2008He's great! Tells it like it is. We need more DJ's like him
by jfrits
Thu Apr 24 2008isn't afraid to speak freely on controversial subjects, is very anti-pc, but hurts his cause sometimes with a douse of arrogance. also wastes listeners' time with off-topic digressions, e.g, pet or dog discussions not of interest to most of target audience.
by jolou1
Fri Apr 04 2008Savage is "tell it like it is." Political correctness takes a backseat, in the Savage Nation! Great radio....if you can stand the reality!
by larrybird
Thu Mar 27 2008Racist.
by brentc
by tomasm
Fri Feb 08 2008One of the irritating personalities ever. Too negative!
by melchat
Tue Feb 05 2008Although from a very dour individual, new and interesting information is a frequent subject on Michael'sprogram. I do wish he would look into his medical past, and take an organic "upper."
by sergeyf
Wed Nov 14 2007GREAT WORK
by rayradio
Sun Oct 14 2007Honest Comentator
by skinneydip
Mon Oct 01 2007Strong opinion - but RIGHT!
by havok904
Tue Sep 18 2007He's a Prophet in village full of idiots...My God, if this guy was born during the age of the Spartans, he would have been tossed off the cliff with boulders kick over on top of him for good measure....Turn on this show if you accidently ingest poison.....
by kungfuimmortal
Thu Sep 13 2007If you don't love his style, you just aren't listening. Some of the crazy claims in the preceding posts show exactly that.
by jaywilton
Wed Aug 29 2007I tend to be a little more moderate than he is,but I tend to agree with most of what he says(in my mostly liberal Jewish family,I could get shot for saying that).I like his PHD(I think in epidemiology-without double checking)/street guy style which hasn't put me to sleep yet.Also-his station(1400AM in Detroit) has an interesting lineup of at least 4 ex-liberal Democrats(3 Jews-Savage,Michael Medved and Dennis Prager-and Dennis Miller from Saturday Night Live).
by scam674a
Wed Aug 29 2007He doesn't Lie
by mlk8773
Mon Jul 30 2007I feel sorry for him. So full of hate.
by fattyfatty
Sat Jul 28 2007Quite possibly the best living example of freudian psychosexual anxiety as personified by his individual fear of the sex lives of other, his rage about the personal relationship concerns of The Clintons and his self concious attitude regarding his given name "Weiner" Portrays himself as an outsider conservative, unlike Sean Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter ect. Ex-Herbologist who recommends Vitamin C for curing AIDS and Coffee Enemas as a way of kicking the cocaine habit. Spends a few hours a week recording far-right hyperbole and the rest laughing all the way to the bank. By the way, I do not wish to be associated with the two neo-fascists whose comments have preceded me.