Michael Bloomberg
Approval Rate: 76%
Reviews 0
by abichara
Sat Nov 05 2011Bloomberg's greatest triumph as a politician has been the way he's been able to win over a wide array of voters within New York, and yet remain true to his limousine liberal tendencies. He's a billionaire creature of Wall Street with an extreme deregulatory bent who has quietly advanced some highly regressive police tactics, most notably the "stop and frisk" practice, yet he's managed to win over upper-middle class voters with his stances on abortion, gay rights, and other social issues that elitist "boutique" activists love to toil away on. His main attraction has always been to stick closely to a couple of points: bang the drum heavily on black crime, embrace social issues near and dear to white progressives, and give the financial community Carte Blanche. He understands that as long as you keep the muggers and the pimps out of the prime shopping and tourist areas within the city, and if you sound the right notes on stem-cell research, abortion, global warming, and other similar... Read more
by chalky
Fri Oct 24 2008I would probably give Bloomberg 3 or possibly 4 stars because I think he is fairly solid. However, I am giving him 1 star because he is trying to screw w/term limits and extend his run as mayor. I think term limits are the best thing for all politicians. For example, I think it would be good if the President only had one 5 or 6 yr term. My reasoning is because the final year of the first term is spent campainging and the last year of the last term is spent on the European Farewell Tour. Again, just think if there were term limits...Hillary would be out, and we wouldn't have had to look at Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond for 93 yrs.
by obtusegoose
Sun Oct 12 2008Epitome of good government and competence. Should have run for President
by hellokitty09
Tue Apr 01 2008What's next? Is Mr Moneybag going to charge a user fee to go into Central Park?
by magellan
Thu Jun 21 2007I wish this guy would run for president.
by kissmeback
Sat Mar 31 2007doing a good job.
by genghisthehun
Sat Mar 10 2007He has done an adequate job. Anyone who keeps his head above water in NYC gets a three. The job is getting tougher and tougher.
by conservatism
Fri Mar 09 2007One Republican I will not support.
by williamb
Fri May 12 2006He does a very good job in what has to be one of the most difficult jobs in the country. As a self made millionaire in the private sector, he does at times seem stunned by the stupidity of the government workers he now has to deal with.
by gopmember76
Sat Jul 23 2005Got elected on Rudy's coattails, but hasn't done a bad job.
by weatherdude
Sat Feb 12 2005If you've got the money, you've got the power. If you have the $$$ Power, you've pretty much guaranteed yourself a spot in office somewhere in the continental 48 as a politician.
by southparker9
Tue Aug 24 2004Richie Rich bought an office. Congrats.