Miami, FL
Approval Rate: 70%
Reviews 0
by minkey
Sun Aug 16 2009I thought Miami was pretty sweet. The water was beautiful, very blue and warm. There is a lot of foot traffic around South Beach and Miami Beach. The temperature is quite humid but on the beach it feels nice and there's a breeze. I got around to other parts and downtown was not entirely impressive; nice enough, clean and there is an elevated rail system. Aside from condos and office space there isn't much going on and it was rather quiet on a Friday night.
by lma3113
Wed Jun 24 2009Miami is a city with its own special intensity and heat. I love the people, the energy, and the beaches. Miami is a lot of fun if you are a person in your 20s looking to have a fun and cheap vacation!
by uncnc08
Tue Feb 10 2009I have had the pleasure of visiting Miami in the summer and it was interesting for the 2 weeks I spent there. I loved the beach and the restuarants. I would not want to live there simply because the traffic is a nightmare like most other big cities. It was a good vacation spot though.
by cyqing
Sat Feb 16 2008It was ok...Miami Beach was awesome. Swimming in the Atlantic is always fun, but sometimes dangerous...there's plenty of jellyfish in the waters. Little Havana was a let down though, but the Cuban restaurant we went to was absolutely amazing. Great weather, but Miami did not blow my mind. If you ever visit, make sure you go to the Everglades!
by vudija
Thu Feb 08 2007I dislike Miami. It's either the crime or trying to find someone who speaks English. Regardless of that, I'd hate it anyway. There are WAY too many people, and Florida doesn't understand population growth enough to keep up with traffic demands.
by excelsior30
Wed Oct 04 2006Nice, but not too nice. Sure Miami is a heaven for vacation and beaches, but staying there in the long run, not my thing. Many negatives occur in that city-the humidity is choking when you are at the suburb areas and the constant bites of mosquitoes when you have to walk on the street. It rains too often and the public train is just one line, and there are unruly drivers too. Once you do everything in Miami, you would want to leave.
by maakaa
Sun Dec 25 2005Miami? You might as well move to Havana. I wouldn't live here if my life depended on it! It was nice in the 50s before the Cubam immigration hordes came upon us.
by razwell
Wed Dec 14 2005Miami is NOT the tropics. Miami in it's natural state would have entirely temperate zone vegetation, no more than, Swampgrasses, Red Maple, Bald Cyprus, Slash Pines, and Cabbage Palms (temperate zone species hardy to 7 degrees All of Miami's tropical vegetation was IMPORTED (only the hardiest tropical species) from Cuba and Central Amercia. Miami can't even grow the delicate tropical vegetation like breadfruit, jackfruit, durian, mangosteen, rambutan, longan and chemedak. Miami is in the 30-40 degree USDA growing zone with a record low of 30 degrees. Miami regulalrly gets 40-45 degrees every winter for 15-20 days. Miami offcially reaches 32 every 7 years. Miami was 37 degrees the last three winters. Miami hasd snow in Jan 1977 Miami is NOT freeze free area. Miami's ocean water temp in January is 69. Varadero, Cuba's ocean water temp in January is 75-77 Huge difference. Miami DOES NOT have tropical calibe... Read more
by sahjrtg
Fri Oct 14 2005I grew up in Miami-Dade county. All I can say that it is the scariest place on the face of the planet.Nothing but a very high crime rate,a bunch of dumb illegal immigrants that cant speak english,terrible drivers,and a bunch of rich republican Bush loving-fake wannabee yuppies.Thats all I have to say.
by sillywilly2
Wed Sep 21 2005Eh, no thanks.
by lontu42
Wed Sep 07 2005Great place if you like fake, plastic phony morons. Lots of crime as well, i'd rather live in a dump than here.
by paleo99
Mon Aug 15 2005I would say Miami is the closest thing to a bordertown Florida has. You have a plethora of Cubans, Haitians, and other Carribean peoples in this city. However, what makes Miami really bad is how everything is compacted. The traffic sucks, the people can't drive, and there's an uneasy atmosphere everywhere. I also saw an employee punch a customer working at a clothing store for whatever reason. Also, south beach is WAY overrated, and don't bother going to any of the restuarants on the strip, for they will be EXTREMELY overpriced. The two big reasons to go to Miami, however, are its awesome skyline, and Miami Beach, a wonderful beach to swim in all times of the year.
by caphillsea77
Wed Jul 13 2005Miami, like Florida itself is a lot of fun and an amazing vacation destination but not a good place to live (unless your a millionaire and can afford waterfront property). South Beach is a lot of fun and has an atmosphere like no place else and probably has more beautiful people per capita than anywhere else in North America. Shopping in the Miami area is incredibly abundant with anything your heart desires. Most of anything to do or visit here is on the beach or by the water as the city of Miami proper doesn't have much to offer the tourist and is downright scary in a lot of places. One thing I can say is Miami is the most colorful city in the US, even at night the skyline is lit up nicely and with various colors. I'd come back to Miami again. It's fun.
by kc2dcb9f
Wed Apr 13 2005Crazy city, crazy drivers (stay off I-95!!!! You'll get yourself killed!). Interesting, but overrated. Downtown Miami looked like happening place, but traffic was bad. Visited South Beach, and felt out of place there. Everyone there was beautiful (female & male), kinda gives a Midwest boy like me a complex. But everyone seemed to be friendly and open to outsiders.
by mixxin
Mon Feb 28 2005Overrated. Probably the most conservative, right-wing city in the world. Good luck in the job hunt if you're thinking of moving here. The free market is taken seriously here, so there's no unions to protect employees. Many blue collar workers don't even have insurance (their Cuban bosses see that as a form of socialism). In the job hunt, priorities are first given to Cubans, then non-Cuban Latinos (I happen to be Latino myself by the way, so I can say this!) Everyone else is pretty much a second class citizen. On the positive side: Nice beaches, cool clubs, and good for a visit, but I wouldn't live here.
by conus4cf
Sun Feb 06 2005Was that a goat on the road? ... Doggone goats!
by irishgit
Tue Feb 01 2005This was the place they had in mind when they thought up the phrase Great place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. With the possible exception of Honolulu, this looks like a tough town to be broke in.
by samjung23
Thu Jan 06 2005Awesome place, when visiting the right areas. The airport is full of arrogant, snobby Latin American visitors, but once you get into the area of Miami outside the airport, the place gets nicer. Unlike LA or NYC, the people here are pretty nice. Upon a visit to South Beach, I knew the area was rich, but I didn't feel unwelcome. I was invited by several restaurant hosts to patronize their establishments, even though I didn't dress trendy or anything. I had dinner at a pretty atmospheric, trendy place for a good price. All around the city people were very nice and human. I definitely recommend Miami for a visit.
by maersk
Sun Nov 28 2004vapid city full of rich bush loving cubans who foam at the mouth anytime the name castro is uttered. i say let the f**king hurricane level the place and lets not waste our time and money rebuilding it. oh and cuban americans are the worst americans by far.
by lost_in_space
Tue Nov 16 2004Nice place to visit, but unless you could afford to live in a safe area, you wouldn't want to live there. One thing going for it is the Americans of Cuban decent. There're Replubicans, the best GOPers in the US of A!
by opinion585
Fri Oct 22 2004gross, full of crime, and they dont know how to vote, IF THEY SCREW UP AGAIN AND BUSH IS PRESIDENT FOR ANOTHER 4 YERAS, I SAY WE SHUN THEM!
by pwright1
Thu Jul 15 2004One of my absolute favorite cities. Beautiful people, beautiful beaches, international flair, truely tropical. Nightlife at its best. Great restaurants, excellent shopping, so much to see and do. South Beach in Miami Beach is a must see. Tourist from all over the world come here. Could I live here? Absolutely
by dennyo
Wed Jun 16 2004I don't think I would like to live there, but its really exotic and I loved the South Beach district, with its kitchy art deo looks. Beautiful girls too. And, its awe inspiring to see the wealth on display. But, there is also a whole lot of poverty and it isn't so comfortable to go through Little Haiti even on a bus, so plan your intinery. I did like Little Havana though, its much improved from ten years ago, as far as cleanliness and apparent safety goes.
by bugahane
Wed Jun 16 2004As most commenters have said, Miami is a fun place to visit, beautiful weather, hot yes, but I love hot weather, only city in the mainland USA that has a tropical feel. Beaches are mediocre, go to the Gulf Coast of Florida for nice beaches. Agreed, would definately not want to live there, unless I was extremely wealthy and able to live in one of the many beautiful gated suburbs. Otherwise you'll live in some crime-ridden section of the city. There is no way I'd raise my kids here.
by miami2004
Thu Apr 22 2004Miami is the best city in the U.S., even though it may not seem like it is U.S. I have lived in two larger cities, Philadelphia, and New York City. Those cities do not compare what Miami has to offer. Miami is probably one of the most international and cosmopolitan cites in this country. There are people from all over the world here and we all get along. Of course there is crime here, what large city doesn't. Chicago has the honor of being called the most violent city. As for the weather, were else in the continental US can one go to the beach in January besides South Florida? Where can you play a round of golf in late December? Any suggestions? So for those of you that say Miami sucks, you to to visit again and really explore what the city has to offer. You have to open your mind and see how different this great American city is!!!
by 37102002
Sun Apr 11 2004Most exotic city in the U.S. of A.
by mikeholly93
Tue Sep 23 2003An exotic city with pretty girls, wild nightclubs, and beautiful beaches. Unfortunately, the crime rate is too high and so is the drug rate.
by bluestar100
Fri Aug 08 2003I LOVE MIAMI! The BEST NIGHTLIFE, south beach, coconut grove it's off the hook!!! Warm weather year round, plenty of nice places to shop, and lots of nice restaurants. The beaches are nice. The people here are gorgeous and the women dress really nice. But the people can be really fake and shallow. Some of them get too caught up in South Beach scene. I dont know if it's the best place to raise children, but for a young person, or someone unmarried, or for people who's children have grown up and left home I think it's a gerat place.
by beachb493
Fri May 30 2003Miami is a beautiful city, the nightlife is excellent, and there are plenty of things to do every day. Furthermore, there are tons of wonderful restaurants, most notably those on South Beach and in Coral Gables. Miami is great for people who want the benefits of a big city, but would like to escape to the suburbs, and have the beach within 15 minutes of wherever they are. I've lived here for 22 years -- my entire life -- and have never had any kind of crime committed toward me, my family, or anyone else that I've known. As for people's comments that there are snobby people here, I would say that you will find people like that everywhere, but there are also many nice people here who are committed to improving the city for all who would like to enjoy it. You will also tend to find that people here are more cultured than people from most places because there are so many opportunities to experience the arts, meet people from other places, and earn an advanced education. I've travell... Read more
by newyorksucks
by professor
Sat Feb 01 2003Don't visit Miami unless you speak excellent Spanish!
by mmrrmex
Mon Jan 13 2003Miami, turn your head anywhere and you will just find white high rises that look the same. If you have no brain but inherited a lot of money maybe it's the right place. I will never go back.
by golgo_thirteen
Thu Nov 21 2002Somebody needs to tell the citizens of Miami that it is no longer 1985, and get a new airport. Good lord that thing is hideous!!
by abichara
Thu Dec 20 2001As a native of Miami, logically I would give my own home a very high rating. I do think that some of the negative comments on this board about Miami are true, granted, they may be a bit exagerated at times. Yes, there are a lot of shallow people here, but not everyone is part of Versace crowd in South Beach. Sure, you could hang around with them and fall into that kind of life. I personally live in the humdrum suburbs of Miami and I commute everyday to my university, Florida International. It is a fine place to live with great winter weather and great beaches. Great schools too like the University of Miami and Florida International. There's always something to do, whether you're into the club scene or the arts and nature. There are great sports clubs down here (GO DOLPHINS!!!) to keep us entertained. In addition, this city is better than any city up north. The air is cleaner down here and crime is down to boot. I encourage tourists to come down and visit our beautiful city.
by the_waffler
Sun Nov 04 2001Only been there once, but would love to go back. Lots of beautiful weather and great culture to experience.
by castlebee
Sat Mar 17 2001This is a hideous place. It is crowded crime ridden and overrun with bigoted, rude and arrogant people. Males are waited on first in restaurants and gratuities are automatically added giving wait staff free reign to give you any kind of service they feel like providing - which is usually very poor. I'd rather visit a garbage dump.
by c1snoopy
Tue Jan 09 2001Too many thugs.
by magellan
Wed Mar 29 2000As a destination it's great. Beautiful beaches, fun nighlife, and a lot of action. As a place to live it's a soulless wasteland.
by danc2947om
Sat Mar 18 2000If you're looking for a beach city, here is the place!! Great beaches. Amazing golf courses.
by nels2636br
Sat Dec 11 1999It´s the worst place in the US and, even, in the world. The people there is so mediocre !!!
by fish470om
Thu Oct 28 1999Miami is the bomb. South Beach is the funnest place also = cheap spring break whoo hoo...
by mart415om
Tue Oct 26 1999Great place to visit, bad place to live. Live there too long, and you might find that your priorities get all screwed up. Looks, $$$, and clothes mean more there than most other places on the planet. Hot girls though....