
Approval Rate: 20%

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Reviews 39

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    Thu Mar 18 2010

    The most dangerous animal to most in the city at least is another man or woman. I don't mean just for war. I mean just to watch out for in general. Some people are evil. Sometimes I am afraid that many really are or that all men are really so. Some are predisposed to crime. They can hide that idea from many as an animal mainly cannot. It could be a random crime or you could be stalked on purpose.

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    Mon Nov 30 2009

    How philosophical. So under "Most Helpful Animal to Man" should men not be #1 as well?

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    Mon Mar 31 2008

    I don't know if anyone has said this yet...but if you made a list of most dangerous creatures to a lot of animals, their own species would be at the top. Take a Hippo, they kill eachother a lot more than any other animal kills them. I mean granted i'm sure there isn't a lot of cow on cow crime going on nowadays, so i'm talking about animals besides the really docile ones. Hippos kill other females off spring if there is overpopulation, I don't think any human ever killed a neighbors kid because the local grocery was running out of easy mac, ya get my drift?

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    Wed Nov 28 2007

    Honestly, the human animal is much more a danger to himself or herself more than all other animals combined. We are killing each other at a rate exceeding all of the animal attack statistics out there.

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    Mon Nov 26 2007

    this one definitely takes the cake not only for humans, but for any other animal. we are the only species that hunts when we really don't need to.

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    Thu Sep 06 2007

    all animals kill for territory food control and power (of territory) its the fact that there are men who kill for fun/pleasure that is truly scary!!!

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    Thu Apr 12 2007

    That is what civilization is all about.  It is to keep everyone from killing everyone else.

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    Fri Mar 30 2007

    Bingo!!! At least animals hurt you out of self-defense or means to survive, people hurt people over control, power, and territory...what a shame!

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    Wed Mar 28 2007

    It's the natural order of things, once you get to the top of the food chain and are the master of your environment you have no predators or natural balances to keep the growth of your species in check.  As a result you end up consuming and depleting the resources that sustain you.  It happened to species before man walked on earth and it will happen after we are gone.  In man's case what is so different is that we got to the top and started doing ourselves in so quickly.

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    Wed Mar 28 2007

    it is too bad that Man has to be at the top of the list. Yet it is true we are the most dangerous to each other.We use the weapons, create bombs, have wars, etc. When a human is killed by another being it us usually another human who does it.Getting killed by other animals is a lot more rare.  you have a lot higher chance of another human turning on you than some kind of animal.

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    Wed Mar 28 2007

    we have guns, mooses have....there racks i would choose a gun over a rack

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    Tue Mar 27 2007

    Bunch of douches, mooses could kill us all!!

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    Fri Mar 10 2006

    Portecrayon, that may work in the Disney movies, but if see a giant lion, I'm going to run like hell! Some animals like lions and certain types of dogs are breed to attack. However, man is the most dangerous mammal. If a man is stoned or drinks too many beers, his mind becomes corrupt and he thinks he's some evil dictator. That's not the way I roll dudes, that's not the way I roll.

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    Tue Mar 07 2006

    The only dangerous animal to man is man. If you are having a problem with another animal then you the human are making some kind of mistake. Animals do not seek you out to harm you!

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    Mon Mar 06 2006

    men would have to be the most dangerous animals to mankind...we kill each other more than anything else kills us...

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    Mon Oct 31 2005

    We are our own worst enemy.

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    Mon Jul 25 2005

    Of course. No living thing kills humans more than humans. I would say almot all dealths in the world of one person, are at the fault of another person. Directly or indirectly.

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    Mon Jul 25 2005

    We are the only animals to have the propensity to hate. Other species kill to survive or kill for natural hunting instinct. Unfortunately, we have the capacity to value our ideals (however misguided they may be) over the blood of our fellow man. Now that is scary.

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    Sun Jul 24 2005

    Mankind is capable of doing great things, but also horrible horrendous things too.

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    Sat Apr 30 2005

    Yup. The #1 most dangerous animal to man is. . .(pull the curtain) man.

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    Sat Apr 30 2005

    Man's inhumanity to man pretty much says it all. History is loaded with examples of man's cruelty. We can and have been our own worst enemy.

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    Sat Apr 30 2005

    Aspiring to be God in an animal's body.. Humans hold the most awkward place in the Universe.

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    Tue Feb 22 2005

    Nothing kills man like other men.Not only do we kill one another,we wipe out whole species in our self-centered and depraved attempts to play god and re-create the planet for our supposed convenience.If ANY other life form were destroying the eco-system at the rate we are-we'd wipe it out.

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    Sun Feb 20 2005

    Of course, we're our own worst enemy

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    Fri Dec 10 2004

    Yes. Duh.

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    Tue Aug 10 2004

    Duh! We kill everything, including each other! Why wouldn't we be more dangerous to ourselves than any other animal?

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    Sun May 16 2004

    The furred, feathered, leathered and scaled animals come here with nothing and leave nothing. The human animal is the only animal with the intelligence to go to the moon, manipulate microscopic particles, survey and map every corner of the earth, and yet, has not the intelligence to keep from destroying it.

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    Mon May 10 2004

    men are of course the most dangerous animals to men, they kill billions of people each year, I mean hitler, saddam, and many other people have caused many thousands and millions of deaths and injuries, that is something no other animal can hope to achieve.

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    Mon Feb 02 2004

    very dangaroues indeed.

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    Sun Feb 01 2004

    There is no animal more dangerous to man than men. No other animal comes close to the amount of human lives lost at the hands of men.

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    Sun Feb 01 2004

    I've never known humans to be classified as animals, but...well... maybe some guys, and girls at that. We account for more deaths each year, then sharks do. Like think Iraq, Iran, New York, and all that crap.

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    Sat Jan 31 2004

    Man has something that the other subjects on this list don't. Man has the ability to use technology to his benefit even if that includes the devastation of entire cities. Man doesn't even need to be in the same country to destroy their target.

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    Thu Jan 29 2004

    Lets not forget the 30 million Russians who died in the Bolshevik Revolution and the 1 million Iraqis Saddam killed. We could list countless examples of mass genocide but let's not forget that man has also saved millions of lives.

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    Wed Jan 28 2004

    Very well Magellan, if we're not weighing up the positives against the negatives here, I will renege my three stars and create a new list to provide a Ying to this lists yang as per your suggestion. I'll put all my positive comments on my new list Allies of Man. Anyway, if we are not taking positives into account then indeed man is by far the worst predator on this list.

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    Wed Jan 28 2004

    Far and away the most dangerous animal. Has not changed much from the killer ape of genetic history, and there is still too much of the ancient reptile brain that cares for nothing except killing, eating and fornicating.

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    Wed Jan 28 2004

    Pretty obviously, this would have to rank at the top of this list. What other animal devises weapons to destroy their own kind? And kills their kind and numerous other creatures simply for revenge or sport, knowing the consequences of the aftermath? At least real 'animals' act out of survival and instinct.

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    Wed Jan 28 2004

    Great list! In terms of total killed and total suffering inflicted, these unpredictable primates are by far the most dangerous.

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    Wed Jan 28 2004

    Depends on the individual of course, but humans have the most potential to inflict harm upon other humans. It's sad that the ingenuity of man tends to come out especially when trying to think up ways to kill one another.

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    Wed Jan 28 2004

    Jon, maybe you should go make a list of Greatest Healers of Man and include things like Men and Leeches. In the context of this list however, there is no more dangerous creature to our species than other members of our same species. It's not even close.